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61. UC Davis News Information News Services Children And The UC Davis pianistin-residence, lara downes, can tell the stories behind some ofthe most famous music written for children by composers such as Debussy, Bartok http://www-news.ucdavis.edu:16080/sources/children_arts.lasso |
62. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Clara SCHUMANN CONCERT BY pianist lara downes. Awardwinning pianist and Davisresident lara downes continues her Perspectives Concerts in Context series http://music.ucdavis.edu/events/releases/ld-jan05-release.htm | |
63. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ANNUAL FAMILY CONCERT BY pianist lara downes PETER THE WOLF. Awardwinningpianist and Davis resident lara downes presents her annual family concert on http://music.ucdavis.edu/events/releases/lara_downes_family_concert.htm | |
64. UC Davis News & Information :: News Services : Children And The Arts Sources UC Davis pianistin-residence, lara downes, can tell the stories behind some ofthe most famous music written for children by composers such as Debussy, http://www.news.ucdavis.edu/sources/children_arts.lasso | |
65. Music Department Offers Diverse Talents In Series/UC Davis Dateline/06-07-02 choral director Jeffrey Thomas, pianist lara downes, the Empyrean April 18 lara downes, piano. El Fuego Nuevo Music of Modern Latin America. http://www.dateline.ucdavis.edu/060702/dl_music.html | |
66. Classical CDs For JUL-AUG 01, Pt. 2 - AUDIOPHILE AUDITION AMERICAN BALLADS lara downes, piano - Postcards/Arkadia Entertainment 77 2002-2 pianist downes plays works from eight different 20th century American http://www.audaud.com/audaud/JUL01/CLASSICAL/clcds2JUL01.html | |
67. Music-instruments-list.com downes, lara Offers news, reviews, and music. Also includes availability for bookings.Parker, Jon Kimura - Canadian pianist s web page, includes touring http://www.music-instruments-list.com/Top_Arts_Music_Instruments_Keyboard_Piano_ | |
68. KUIC-FM downes (Musical Performances) pianist lara downes performs at the Studio Theatrein the Mondavi Center for the Arts at UC Davis Friday, January 21st at 8pm. http://kuicfm.com/community/communitycalendar.asp?DATE=1/21/2005 |
69. Invitation To The Dance | Classical Music Online With her debut recording, pianist lara downes beckons you to the dance floor asshe interprets works by 19th and 20th century masters, from Carl Maria Von http://www.onlineclassical.com/B00004U3A2/Invitation_to_the_Dance.html | |
70. CPR: Programs | Classical Music Pedrito y el Lobo with lara downes. pianist lara downes collaborates withWoodland school children to present this bilingual version of a popular classic http://capradio.org/programs/classicalmusic/default.aspx | |
71. American Ballads By - Giant Music Store pianist lara downes takes us on a journey through the heartand soul of the USA with American Ballads, as she interprets 20th century...... Product http://www.giantmusicstore.com/r-29612/m-Classical/b-30978/a-B000059T25/Default. | |
72. Music : American Ballads pianist lara downes takes us on a journey throughthe heart and soul of the USA with American Ballads, as she interprets...... Editorial Review Album http://www.actorinterviews.com/shopping/amazon_products_feed.cgi?Operation=ItemL |
73. CTforMe - American Ballads - Music - $15.99 pianist lara downes takes us on a journey through the heart and soulof the USA with American Ballads, as she interprets 20th century works by...... http://www.ctforme.com/store/details.asp?prod=B000059T25&merchant=ATVPDKIKX0DER |
74. Classical Pianists, Music And Videos: #-D downes, lara Official Site DRURY, STEPHEN Official Site DUO ORATIO MUSICA OfficialSite DUO PERRIAM ABINK (PIANO SAXOPHONE) Official Site http://www.musicportal.com/classical_pianists_a_d.html | |
75. [ MINIMUM SECURITY COMPOSERS COLLECTIVE > ADAM SILVERMAN ] compositions for chamber ensembles Flexible Music and Strata; music with filmfor pianist lara downes (commissioned by the Mondavi Center at University http://www.minimumsecurity.org/adam.html | |
76. WNYC - Soundcheck: Crossing Boundaries (January 17, 2003) Sure, pianist lara downes plays all of that Beethoven, Mozart and Bach music inrecitals, but now shes taking the sounds of young composers like Lowell http://www.wnyc.org/shows/soundcheck/episodes/01172003 | |
77. SacTicket // Music // Fall Preview 2004: Captivating Classics 9 (Studio Theatre). * Music by the Schumanns and Brahms, pianist lara downes, Oct.15 (Studio Theatre). * Electroacoustic music composition, Nov. http://www.sacticket.com/music/story/10689747p-11608284c.html | |
78. DINO - Language: Englisch - Arts - Music - Instruments - Keyboard - Piano - Pian downes, lara http//www.laradownes.com/ Offers news, reviews, and music Doy, Carl -http//www.carldoy.com/ New Zealand-based pianist, known for his Piano By http://worldsbest.de/dino_page_f7b8207baae307bc13f3c1443265212d.html | |
79. Ginastera, Alberto - Web-Helper.net Tchaikovsky, lara downes (Performer), Samuel Barber, lara downes, Alberto Ginastera,Frederic Chopin With her debut recording, pianist lara downes beckons you http://store.web-helper.net/r-19383/m-Music/b-19897/Default.aspx | |
80. >☞ Buy Cheapest One Day, Forever One Day, Forever In » Music Blue Walk and Out of the Past, likewise still swing, and his 10minute classicalpiece, On Gossamer Wings (performed by pianist lara downes) reveals the http://store.professional-pm.com/one-day-forever_B000059T22_i.html | |
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