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41. Leif Ove Andsnes - Featured Artist But again I would suggest Turkish pianist idil biret (Naxos) as a recommendablealternative. Hers is a complete recording of both works (EtudesTableaux opp http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/5901/andsnes.htm | |
42. Idil Biret - Everything On Idil Biret (bio, Last News, Photo idil biret (born November 21, 1941 in Ankara, Turkey) is a Turkish pianist of idil biret played the complete piano works of Beethoven and Brahms. http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/idil_biret/ |
43. BookLovers Review -- Books For All Time, Contemporary And Classics. This is a recording made by the pianist Donald Isler on his personal label Also exceptional is the idil biret performance; she extends the piece to over http://www.bookloversreview.com/media/satz001.html | |
44. Recordings Of The Chopin 24 Etudes, Op.10 And Op.25 (complete pianist, Original Label, Rec. Date. Aide, William, CBC Musica Viva biret, idil,Naxos, 1990 s. Bonnecaze, Veronique, Arcobaleno AAOC 94362 (Dutch) http://www.albany.edu/~rshaf/etudes.html | |
45. Bilkent News Interactive Today, idil biret is a wellknown pianist both in Turkey and in Europe. For ticketinformation please call ext. 1775. Database for Senior Student CVs http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~Bilnews/issue_11_11/ | |
46. Ozgur Aydin News Piano Concerto in Adana on 11 February, as a substitute for idil biret, who couldnot come On January 27 and 28, the pianist will be playing in Bursa, http://www.ozguraydin.com/news.html | |
47. Title List - M CLASS Jones, Michael, pianist. M22.J664 P53 2000. Helmut Lachenmann, Klaviermusik. Naxos, biret, idil. M24.B57 P53 1993. Harpsichord suites. http://www.lib.ied.edu.hk/mss/music/m/m6to175.html | |
48. Pianist From Ukraine Is Top Finisher At Montreal's International Music Competiti pianist from Ukraine is top finisher at Montreal s International Music renowned pianists and pedagogues idil biret (Turkey), Sergei Dorensky (Russia), http://www.ukrweekly.com/Archive/1996/399619.shtml | |
49. CLASSICAL Archives -- December 2002 (#33) Decca 466708(1999) idil biret .Naxos 8.550366(1991) Shura Cherkassky . Worthy Versions The Canadian pianist Jane Coop provides a warm and http://home.ease.lsoft.com/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0212&L=classical&F=&S=&P=3430 |
50. Dr. Weevil » Is This Supposed To Be Funny? With the promise of idil biret playing the entire Oscar Berringer Daily Supposed Cambodian pianist Hu Flong or Flhong Dong seems to be the same |
51. Minimalist Collection ~ R A CAMPBELL Home Page at a bargain price, features pianist idil biret in full workhorse mode. performed by idil biret More here. Chopin Etudes and their popular names http://www.angelfire.com/biz/musiclassical/chopin101.html | |
52. Al-Ahram Weekly | Culture | The Ramadan Concerts Yet the concert had a new and fabulous highlight Turkish pianist idil biret,who fascinated the audience with a superb rendition of Chopin s Second Piano http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/716/cu1.htm | |
53. Ars-Dom : Annuaire De Web : Interprètes : Piano Translate this page biret, idil CV, avec des photos, agenda de concerts, répertoire, discographie, Fabio Grasso pianist - Composer Activités artistiques, critiques http://www.ars-dom.com/annuaire/musique/interprete/piano.php | |
54. Klassik Tipps Archiv Klavier Nov/Dez 1999 Translate this page Die Chopin-Ausgabe mit idil biret umfasst das komplette Klavierwerk, Da versteht man, warum Rachmaniov als pianist so hohes Ansehen genoß. http://www.klassiktipps.de/archiv/ar 4 99/arklav.htm | |
55. Ä°dil Biret - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia idil biret played the complete piano works of Beethoven and Brahms. idil biretrecorded also the studies (volume 1 and 2) of György Ligeti and the piano http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ä°dil_Biret | |
56. Classic Cat: Cds And Downloads For Idil Biret Links to homepage and downloads for idil biret. Antoni Wit, Polish RadioSymphony Orchestra, idil biret $ 6.98* Buy at Amazon http://www.classiccat.net/performers/biret_idil.htm | |
57. The Franz Liszt Mp3s Overview On Classic Cat 1. Allegro con brio. 16 23, m128, idil biret (Piano). Symphonie No. 4 (Beethoven),S 4644. 4. Allegro ma non troppo. 5 41, m128, idil biret (Piano) http://www.classiccat.net/liszt_f/allmp3.htm | |
58. Chopin, Frédéric (1810 - 1849) idil biret, Piano, 1, $7.99. 8.554528, CHOPINComplete Piano Music Vol.2 Etudes,Op.10/Etudes, Op.25 idil biret, Piano, 1, $7.99 http://www.smusic.com/naxos/chopin/chopin.htm | |
59. Brahms, Johannes (1833 - 1897) idil biret, piano, 1, $7.99. 8.550352, BRAHMS Piano Vol.4 Sonata No. 3/Ballades Op.10 idil biret, piano, 1, $7.99. 8.550958, BRAHMS Piano Vol.7 http://www.smusic.com/naxos/brahms/brahms.htm | |
60. Boulez: Piano Sonatas Nos. 1-3 | Pierre Boulez, Idil Biret | Wonderful Recording Boulez Piano Sonatas Nos. 13 Pierre Boulez, idil biret Wonderful recordingof Boulez s Second Sonata this-is-great.com. http://www.this-is-great.com/info/xbfffffeirxk | |
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