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41. Emanuel Ax To Give Master Class At Smith College pianist emanuel ax to Give Master Class at Smith College. Worldrenowned, Grammyaward-winning pianist emanuel ax will conduct a master class at Smith http://www.smith.edu/newsoffice/releases/ax.html | |
42. Emanuel Ax pianist emanuel ax enjoys an international career that brings him acclaim inequal measure for his concert, chamber and recital performances. http://www.tunepiano.com/ax.htm | |
43. (Concert Review) BSO, Beethoven, Emanuel Ax, And Kurt Masur - The Rogovoy Report featuring pianist EMAMUEL ax TCHAIKOVSKY Serenade in C for strings, Opus 48 with guest pianist emanuel ax, through two Beethoven favorites. http://rogovoy.com/news1040.html | |
44. Ax/Bronfman -- Harriman Arts Program Of William Jewell College pianist emanuel ax first captured public attention at 25 when he won the first Grammy Awardwinning pianist Yefim Bronfman received the Avery Fisher http://www.harrimanarts.org/eventsinfo/ax_bronfman_info.htm | |
45. Profile Emanuel Ax Next season emanuel ax will be pianist in residence for the Berlin Philharmonicdevising and performing four chamber concerts with members of the BPO and http://www.philharmonia.co.uk/meettheorchestra/players/emanuelax/ |
46. Emanuel Ax Philharmonia Live And Online Event / Philharmonia Live / emanuel ax pianist emanuel ax is one of today s best known and most highly regarded musicians. http://www.philharmonia.co.uk/thesoundexchange/philharmonia_live_and_online_even | |
47. Klassik In Berlin He wrote it with emanuel ax in mind; the pianist premiered and recorded it withthe Cleveland Orchestra and Christoph von Dohnányi. In this performance with http://www.klassik-in-berlin.de/seiten/nachlese/2004-en/bphil-040219-en.html | |
48. Perimeter Institute For Theoretical Physics emanuel ax, piano Acclaimed for his poetic lyricism and brilliant technique,pianist emanuel ax is one of today s most sought after and highly regarded http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/activities/event_horizons2005/classical_world_a | |
49. Beijing Music Festival pianist emanuel ax is one of todayrsquo;s best known and most highly emanuel ax was born in Lvov (Poland) and began to study the piano at the age of http://www.bmf.org.cn/e_content.asp?id=101 |
50. Emanuel Ax And Yo-Yo Ma Play Sergei Rachmaninoff And Sergei Prokofiev and with the virtuosic talent and skill of pianist emanuel ax. That there isso much subtlety in such a grand instrument is almost unbelievable, http://www.greenmanreview.com/cd/cd_rachmaninoff_prokofiev_sonatas.html | |
51. Beethoven Piano Concertos Ax BMG/RCA 82876557032 [AN]: Classical CD Reviews- Mar emanuel ax (pianist) Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/André Previn; *New YorkPhilharmonic Orchestra/Zubin Mehta Rec. *Live/Walthamstow Assembly Hall, http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2004/Mar04/Beethoven_Ax.htm | |
52. Mozart And Strauss: Emanuel Ax, Richard Woodhams, Philadelphia Orchestra, Christ Mozart and Strauss emanuel ax, Richard Woodhams, Philadelphia Orchestra, From his own experience as a pianist, Eschenbach knows the piece from the http://www.musicweb-international.com/SandH/2005/Jan-Jun05/eschenbach2101.htm | |
53. Saint Louis Symphony emanuel ax emanuel ax is renowned not only for his poetic temperament and Mr. ax resides in New York City with his wife, the pianist Yoko Nozaki. http://www.saintlouissymphony.org/notes/09-17-2004.htm | |
54. Untitled emanuel ax was born in Lvov, Poland, and began studying piano in Warsaw ax lives in New York with his wife, pianist Yoko Nozaki, and their two children. http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/programs/20000701/guests.shtml | |
55. Great Performances . All-Star Piano Extravaganza: The Verbier Festival & Academy Leif Ove Andsnes, emanuel ax, Evgeny Kissin, and James Levine Verbier BirthdayFestival Orchestra, and the hands of pianist Mikhail Pletnev. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/shows/verbier/songlist.html | |
56. Great Performances . All-Star Piano Extravaganza: The Verbier Festival & Academy Top banner photos pianists emanuel ax and Leif Ove Andsnes, Verbier BirthdayFestival Orchestra, and the hands of pianist Mikhail Pletnev. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/shows/verbier/ | |
57. Concert Association Of Florida - Miami / Broward Classical Symphony Music Multiple Grammy® Awardwinning pianist emanuel ax is renowned not only for hispoetic temperament and unsurpassed virtuosity, but also for the exceptional http://www.concertfla.org/home.asp?page=EVENTSCALENDAR&serieid=&eventid=126 |
58. Yale Bulletin And Calendar Acclaimed pianist emanuel ax will kick off this year s season of the HorowitzPiano Series on Oct. 2. Jazz luminary, virtuoso pianist to play at Sprague http://www.yale.edu/opa/v32.n4/story12.html |
59. BMG Classics Cellist YoYo Ma and pianist A true artisticpartnership blossomsin this emanuel ax, one of the great partnerships in chamber music today, are paired in http://www.bmgclassics.com/albums/product.jsp?id=82876594152 |
60. CD REVIEW Brahms Handel Emanuel Ax emanuel ax seems as eager as the composer to share the wealth of ideas, suddenturns, This recording reveals a pianist who has all the tools impeccable http://www.jamesweggreview.org/Reviews_Classical/Brahms_Handel.htm | |
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