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21. Adam Mickiewicz, Poet, Patriot And Prophet daughter of Maria Szymañska, the famous pianist and composer whose salon he had visited in adam Mickiewicz, an 1850 portrait by aleksander Kamiñski http://info-poland.buffalo.edu/classroom/mickiewicz/grol.html&e=747 |
22. Pianist And Piano Players aleksander, adam Polish/Canadian Classical pianist, includes brief biography and contact information. Allen s Helen Beautiful, relaxing piano music http://www.onlypiano.com/html/pianists.html&e=747 |
23. Pianist adam aleksander adam Makowicz Ahmad Jamal Al Kirtley Alain Lefevre Alan Pasqua Albert Sassmann Aldo Alessandra Ammara Alexandre Pirojenko http://www.prartmusic.com/html/cool_piano.htm&e=747 |
24. Embassy Of The Republic Of Poland In Washington, DC of Stefan Batory Foundation by Foundations President, aleksander Smolar, Songs for Manhattan. an evening with adam Makowicz. pianist / composer http://www.polandembassy.org/Culture/p6-7a.htm&e=747 |
25. Judaica - Galeria Zdjêæ 6/ Presentation of the book aleksander Hertz by Czes³aw MI£OSZ. 54/ Jazz music concert performed by pianist adam MAKOWICZ (New York) http://www.judaica.pl/english/raport1.htm&e=747 |
26. KZN Philharmonic - News And Reviews Canadian pianist adam aleksander when he played the E minor concerto, Op. 11, Canadian born adam aleksander will play Piano Concerto No 1 by Chopin. http://www.kznpo.co.za/newsarchive/newsnov03.html&e=747 |
27. Alan Walker-archives And Research Collections 4 letters from Walker, 19972001. F.3 aleksander, adam, USA (pianist). F.26 Wodnicki, adam, Poland/USA, (pianist), 4 postcards to Walker, http://library.mcmaster.ca/archives/findaids/findaids/w/walker.02.htm&e=747 |
28. JazzFestBrno 2003 aleksander Mazur piano, adam Cegielski - double bass This intriguing ensemble, which is accompanied by the pianist and the bassist has cut several http://www.jazzfestbrno.cz/jfb03/en/program.html&e=747 |
29. Sell.com Classifieds : Leopold Godowsky Sonata E Minor Class Music For Sale In N The Godowsky Sonata in E Minor, adam aleksander pianist Pro Piano Records Another seldom recorded masterpiece from one of the 20th Century s greatest http://www.sell.com/2GBPT&e=747 | |
30. Jewish Music In Poland Between The World Wars - Pages 237 - 346 306, SZPAK, adam, A pianist, conductor and pedagogue 356, WOLKOWSKI, aleksander, A pianist, composer of ghetto songs, 1932, Wilna, 275 http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/musicians/Mus238.html&e=747 |
31. Without Vodka, By Aleksander Topolski - People Index Godlewski (Lwow pianist, border crosser) 23, 32 Gruca, adam (189319..? Orthopedic Surgeon and professor of medicine at Lwow, then Jagellonian U., http://www.withoutvodka.com/people.htm&e=747 |
32. Pressrel.gif For Immediate Release March 18, 1998 McMahon The semifinalists are Michael Adcock of Baltimore, Md.; adam aleksander of pianist Competition and the Sixth International Tchaikovsky Competition. http://www.cameron.edu/media_pr/pr98/045mcmahon.html&e=747 |
33. Warsaw-university&e=747: Web Search Results From Answers.com Fryderyk Chopin (18101849), pianist and composer; adam Doboszynski 1949), right-wing politician, president of Warsaw; aleksander Kaminski http://www.answers.com/topic/warsaw-university&e=747 | |
34. PolishRoots - PAHA Articles The artists included aleksander Brachocki, pianist; adam Didur, basso; Jan Pawel Wolanek, violinist; and Miss Ellen Dalossy, coloratura soprano. http://www.polishroots.org/paha/passaic_nj.htm&e=747 |
35. Issakhar Fater Jewish Music In Poland Between The World Wars adam. A pianist, conductor and pedagogue. 18851940 Holocaust. Warszawa aleksander. A pianist, conductor and composer. 1897-1986 http://www.zchor.org/fater/lexicon.htm&e=747 |
36. Uniwersytet Jagielloñski Honorary Doctor in philosophy; Composer and pianist, Rector of the Academy of at the adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. 1996. aleksander Gieysztor http://www.uj.edu.pl/dispatch.jsp?item=uniwersytet/wyroznienia/honoris.jsp&lang= |
37. - Nom De Guerre - L - d1967) Bob Laine Lars Robert Laine (SwedishAmerican pianist, b1910 d1997) Cleo Laine b1795 d1870) Litwos Henryk adam aleksander Pius Sienkiewicz http://www.irregardless.net/realname/real_l.htm&e=747 |
38. MINELREL-L Archive (02122002-085945-1350) others the pianist and conductor Neal Stulberg and the jazz pianist adam Thanks to the generosity of the aleksander Hertz Foundation in New York, http://www.minelres.lv/minelres/archive/02122002-08:59:45-1350.html&e=747 |
39. Poljski Jazz adam Makowicz (roj. 1940) skladatelj, pianist; igral s skupinami Jazz Darings (1962), Wlodzimierz Kiniorski (saksofon), aleksander Korecki (saksofon). http://www.poland-embassy.si/slo/kultura/jazz-slo.htm&e=747 |
40. Das Parlament, Nr. 04 2005, 24.01.2005 - Polens pianist ) bot adam Michnik, Darunter der jetzige Präsident aleksander Kwasniewski und Premier Marek http://www.das-parlament.de/2005/04/Ausland/001.html&e=747 |
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