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         Superconductivity:     more books (100)
  1. Introduction to Superconductivity: Second Edition (Dover Books on Physics) (Vol i) by Michael Tinkham, 2004-06-14
  2. Superconductivity: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Stephen J. Blundell, 2009-07-15
  3. Quantum Theory of Conducting Matter: Superconductivity by Shigeji Fujita, Kei Ito, et all 2009-03-06
  4. Superconductivity, Superfluids, and Condensates (Oxford Master Series in Condensed Matter Physics) by James F. Annett, 2004-06-03
  5. Superfluidity and Superconductivity (Graduate Student Series in Physics) by D.R. Tilley, J Tilley, 1990-01-01
  6. The Theory of Superconductivity in the High-Tc Cuprate Superconductors by P. W. Anderson, 1997-08-04
  7. Superconductivity Of Metals And Alloys (Advanced Books Classics) by P. G. De Gennes, 1999-03-31
  8. Theory Of Superconductivity (Advanced Books Classics) by J. Robert Schrieffer, 1999-01-01
  9. Superconductivity and Superfluidity by T. Tsuneto, 2005-10-06
  10. High-Temperature Superconductivity
  11. Engineering Superconductivity
  12. Superconductivity, Second Edition by Charles P. Poole Jr., Horacio A. Farach, et all 2007-08-09
  13. Handbook of High -Temperature Superconductivity: Theory and Experiment by J. Brooks, 2007-05-23
  14. Superconductivity by V. L. Ginzburg, E. A. Andryushin, 2004-10-28

1. Superconductivity Technology Center
Los Alamos National Laboratory research center tells about superconductivity, its research, and current and future applications.



Research Highlights

Org Chart

Power Applications

Electronic Devices

HTS Research
Wire Development ... HTS Databases SUPERCONDUCTIVITY IN THE PARK Working with STC FUTURE APPLICATIONS Biomedical Developments Magnetic Levitation Train MHD Ship LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated by the University of California for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the US Department of Energy August 9, 2005

2. DOE Superconductivity - Electric Power, Energy, And High-Tc Superconductivity
Library of online technical documents for electric power applications of superconductor technology, high Tcconductors and related subjects.
The Superconductivity (SUP) subject portal is no longer available. Other Subject Portals

3. Superconductivity Basics
A very interesting set of pages on theory and practice.
Superconductivity Basics
Superconductivity Conductor Phenomena Magnet Phenomena Characteristics of Superconducting Magnets ... E-Mail AMI

4. Emerging Biomedical Imaging Technologies - Magnetocardiography & Cryogenic MRI P
Superconducting technology in magnetocardiography (MCG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Forces browser to fullscreen.
SUPERCONDUCTING TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS IN MEDICINE Homepages Website Map Programs Tutorials Forums ... Photogallery UH Mail Access UH Mail Search TCSUH Directory TCSUH.NET Newsletter About Us Privacy Statement Website News ... Contact Webmaster Featured Survey

Welcome to TCSUH.NET TCSUH.NET has been built by researchers of Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston (TCSUH) as a part of our Biomedical Research Initiative. Website features biomedical research projects related to adult and fetal Magnetocardiography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The TCSUH.NET brings together scientists, engineers and physicians from University of Houston and throughout the Houston Area with a mutual interest in the development of novel biomedical sensors and instruments utilizing superconductor technology. The goal of TCSUH.NET is to encourage and facilitate invention, patenting and early stage development of medical devices, and medical software development.
The TCSUH.NET is a web-based information portal acting as a hub for the collection, storage and timely dissemination of information for the interests and pursuits of the entrepreneurial players, including faculty, students, and practitioners.
Magnetocardiography research is a part of TCSUH biomedical research initiative, intended to demonstrate viability and benefits of superconducting technology in medicine through the use of of Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID)-based sensors for non-invasive detection of minute biomagnetic signals originating from human body.

5. The Superconductivity Information Center And High-Tc Update
Recent superconductivityrelated research papers, coming events, job openings.
Our Sponsors: The High-Tc Superconductivity Information Center and High-Tc Update newsletter were started in April 1987 as a short-term solution for a crisis situation: the need to communicate frequentalmost dailybreakthroughs in high-Tc superconductivity. Over the years, it became a successful model for how research results can be very effectively communicated.
NOTE : Our final Nota Bene calls attention to 99 papers (including two review articles) in the December preprint list. Also included are links to stories about (a) the 2003 Nobel Prizes related to superconductivity, (b) the costs of the cancellation of the SSC ten years ago, (c) two recent publications reporting Bose-Einstein condensation of molecules consisting of pairs of fermions, (d) two disconnected superconducting domes in the pressure-temperature phase diagram of partially germanium-substituted CeCu Si , and (e) 9.6 K superconductivity in KOs

6. Power Applications Of Superconductivity In Japan And Germany
Web book. Table of contents links to parts of chapters, writer information.
WTEC Panel Report on
Power Applications of Superconductivity in Japan and Germany
David Larbalestier , Panel Chair
Richard D. Blaugher

Robert E. Schwall

Robert S. Sokolowski

Masaki Suenaga
Jeffrey O. Willis
September 1997
Download: Complete report in PDF format

List of Figures

List of Tables
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
David Larbalestier
2. Power Systems, Generation, and Storage
Richard D. Blaugher
Robert S. Sokolowski
4. Power Systems Other Applications
Robert Schwall
5. HTS Conductor Technology
Jeffrey O. Willis

7. Superconductors
superconductivity. Energy Science News. Superlative invaluable endlessly informative. - Netsurfer Science. The greatest Superconductor site on
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What is a Superconductor ?
The History of Superconductors

Uses for Superconductors

Type 1 Superconductors
Visitor Stats and Kudos

"A great place to start learning about superconductors. Start here!" - Arizona State University One of "the top Internet education sites..." - Innovative Teaching "The best information online about superconductivity." - Energy Science News "Superlative...invaluable...endlessly informative." - Netsurfer Science "The greatest Superconductor site on earth." - Michigan State University Over 817,714 Super people have found this Index page since July 2, 1999. SUPERCONDUCTORS.ORG is a non-profit, non-affiliated website intended to introduce beginners and non-technical people to the world of superconductors.

8. Superconductors
The best information online about superconductivity." Energy Science News

9. Superconductor History
Not only have the limits of superconductivity not yet been reached, In 1911 superconductivity was first observed in mercury by Dutch physicist Heike
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T h e H i s t o r y o f
S u p e r c o n d u c t o r s
Superconductors , materials that have no resistance to the flow of electricity, are one of the last great frontiers of scientific discovery. Not only have the limits of superconductivity not yet been reached, but the theories that explain superconductor behavior seem to be constantly under review. In 1911 superconductivity was first observed in mercury by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes of Leiden University (shown above). When he cooled it to the temperature of liquid helium, 4 degrees Kelvin (-452F, -269C), its resistance suddenly disappeared. The Kelvin scale represents an "absolute" scale of temperature. Thus, it was necessary for Onnes to come within 4 degrees of the coldest temperature that is theoretically attainable to witness the phenomenon of superconductivity. Later, in 1913, he won a Nobel Prize in physics for his research in this area.
Walter Meissner The next great milestone in understanding how matter behaves at extreme cold temperatures occurred in 1933. German researchers Walter Meissner (above) and Robert Ochsenfeld discovered that a superconducting material will repel a magnetic field (below graphic). A magnet moving by a conductor induces currents in the conductor. This is the principle upon which the electric generator operates. But, in a superconductor the induced currents exactly mirror the field that would have otherwise penetrated the superconducting material - causing the magnet to be repulsed. This phenomenon is known as strong diamagnetism and is today often referred to as the "Meissner effect" (an eponym). The Meissner effect is so strong that a magnet can actually be

10. Applied Superconductivity Center: UW-Madison
Applied superconductivity Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Research papers, superconductor images, links to other labs.
Research Spotlight


Resources Publications


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ASC Only Main Menu
Applied Superconductivity Center
W e advance the science and technology of superconductivity and particularly superconductivity applications. W e do this by investigating low temperature and high temperature materials through our research grants, our collaborations with other universities, national laboratories and industry. W e continually educate post-graduate, graduate and undergraduates by our research and by our public service. Research Spotlight For more information contact us Home Search Contact Us Modified August 11, 2005

11. Howstuffworks "What Is Superconductivity?"
What is superconductivity?

12. A Teacher's Guide To Superconductivity For High School Students
Solutions for superconductivity Chemistry Problems superconductivity Physics Problems Solutions for superconductivity Physics Problems Appendixes
A Teacher's Guide to Superconductivity for High School Students
Robert W. Dull
Largo High School
Largo, Florida
H. Richard Kerchner
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
September 1994


Historical Background
... [ORNL HOME PAGE] The information owner and the server administrators are listed below if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. An e-mail form is provided with the appropriate links for your convenience. Please include title, URL, or other document descriptor in your message. Also provided are links to the Information Index and to the Harvest search database. H. Richard Kerchner, (information owner) (server administrators) Information Index Search Date posted 04/01/96 (ktb)

13. Virtual Journal Of Applications Of Superconductivity
Virtual Journal of Applications of superconductivity, a multijournal compilation, presents articles within the scope of applications of

14. High-Temperature Superconductivity R&D At ORNL
dream of hightemperature (from 20 K up to 135 K) superconductivity a reality. Since 1988, our High-Temperature superconductivity Technology Center has
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is helping to make the dream of high-temperature (from 20 K up to 135 K) superconductivity a reality. Since 1988, our High-Temperature Superconductivity Technology Center has blended materials research and wire development through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) with industry. In the coming decade, high-temperature superconductors will revolutionize much of industry and technology. ORNL researchers are partnering with U.S. industry to hasten the revolution. ORNL Home ETD Search Comments Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:47 AM

15. American Superconductor
Develops commercial applications of superconductor technology and products for the global power industry. Information about superconductivity;

16. ScienceDirect - Physica C: Superconductivity - List Of Issues Welcome to the Center for superconductivity ResearchThe center conducts interdisciplinary research in the fields of superconductivity, magnetism, ferroelectricity, quantum computation, the synthesis of
Register or Login: Password: Athens/Institution Login Quick Search: within This Journal All Journals All Full-text Sources
Physica C: Superconductivity Bookmark this page as:
Formerly part of Physica B+C
Articles in Press
Volumes 421 - 425 Volume 425, Issues 3-4 , Pages 69-176 (15 September 2005) Volume 425, Issues 1-2 , Pages 1-68 (1 September 2005) Volume 424, Issues 3-4 , Pages 93-174 (15 August 2005) Volume 424, Issues 1-2 , Pages 1-92 (1 August 2005) Volume 423, Issues 3-4 , Pages 75-203 (15 July 2005) Volume 423, Issues 1-2 , Pages 1-73 (15 June 2005) Volume 422, Issues 3-4 , Pages 71-136 (1 June 2005) Volume 422, Issues 1-2 , Pages 1-69 (15 May 2005) Volume 421, Issues 1-4 , Pages 1-75 (1 May 2005) Volumes 411 - 420 Volumes 401 - 410 Volumes 391 - 400 Volumes 382 - 390 ... Volumes 152 - 160 Alert me when new Journal Issues are available Add this journal to My Favorite Journals Sample Issue Online More Publication Info Information for Authors
Contact Us
... Elsevier B.V.

17. SCENET - European Network For Superconductivity
SCENETTHE EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR superconductivity. Funded by the goals and single out those applications of superconductivity which should

18. IEEE Xplore Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions On
Published by The IEEE Council on superconductivity Visit the Website IEEE Transactions on Applied superconductivity. Aims and Scope

19. SpringerLink - Publication
Covers all aspects of the science and technology of superconductivity, including new materials, new mechanisms, basic and technological properties, new phenomena, and small and large-scale applications.
Articles Publications Publishers

Publication Journal of Superconductivity Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. ISSN: 0896-1107 (Paper) 1572-9605 (Online) Subject: Engineering Physics and Astronomy Issues in bold contain content you are entitled to view. Online First Volume 18 Number 2 / April 2005 Number 1 / February 2005 Request a sample Volume 17 Number 6 / December 2004 Number 5 / October 2004 Number 4 / August 2004 Number 3 / June 2004 ... Number 2 / April 2004 Title: Proceeding of the International Conference on Dynamic Inhomogeneities in Complex Oxides (Part 2) Number 1 / February 2004 Volume 16 Number 6 / December 2003 Number 5 / October 2003 Title: Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on High Temperature Superconductors in High Frequency Fields Number 4 / August 2003 Title: Frontiers of Spintronics and Optics in Semiconductors: In Honor of E. I. Rashba Number 3 / June 2003 Number 2 / April 2003 Title: Proceedings of the PASPS Conference held July 2002 in W¼rzburg, Germany, Part II

20. EERE: Power - Superconductivity
Current information on superconducting technologies and the national superconductivity for Electric Systems Program. Contains information and educational

Site Map A-Z Index EERE Information Center Search
The capacity of superconducting materials to handle large amounts of current with no resistance and extremely low energy losses can be applied to electric devices such as motors and generators, and to electricity transmission in power lines. A superconducting power system would meet the growing demand for electricity with fewer power plants and transmission lines than would otherwise be needed.
Low-Temperature Superconductivity
High-Temperature Superconductivity (HTS)
HTS cables can carry three to five times more power than conventional utility cables, which means they can more easily meet increasing power demands in urban areas. Motors
Motors made with superconducting wire will be smaller and more efficient. Generators
HTS generators will use superconducting wire in place of iron magnets, making them smaller and lighter. They may also get more power from less fuel. Transformers
HTS transformers are compact, quiet, and use no cooling oil, so they are much more environmentally acceptable for utility substations located in high-density urban areas. They can even be installed within large commercial buildings. Fault-Current Limiters
HTS fault-current limiters detect abnormally high current in the utility grid (caused by lightning strikes or downed utility poles, for example). They then reduce the fault current so the system equipment can handle it.

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