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41. Focus On Lasers And Optics - Physics Today May 2005 physics Today can assume no responsibility for their accuracy. Plugin, bandwidth-reduction optics allow continuous scanning at a linewidth of less than http://www.physicstoday.com/vol-58/iss-5/p76.html | |
42. Fiber Optic Group: Our Group Top/Science/physics/optics/Photonic_Crystals http://www.if.pwr.wroc.pl/instytut/labe/labe/labe.html | |
43. Applied Optics, Physics 3190, Dr. Sohl, (c) 1998 Weber State University, physics. Welcome to Dr. Sohl s physics 3190, Applied optics web site. Links. The Labs and Homework. Lab 1, The CCD Camera. http://planet.weber.edu/Optics/default.htm |
44. Thomas M. Crawford - Consulting In Optical Sensors Conducts applied research, development, and consulting services in lasers, optics, and other areas of applied physics. http://www.srv.net/opt | |
45. Technical Optics, Physics, NTNU DEPARTMENT OF physics, NORSK. Technical optics . The main areas of research are video holography, radiometry, and fibre optics interferometry. http://www.phys.ntnu.no/instdef/prosjekter/teknoptikk/index-e.html | |
46. Institute Of Applied Physics Welcome! University instiute with research interests on the areas of fiber lasers and amplifiers, ultrashort pulse lasers, integrated optics and micro structuring (clean room facilities). http://www.iap.uni-jena.de/ | |
47. Physics Projects From The Technion - Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State, Several are implemented in Fortran. http://phycomp.technion.ac.il/~comphy/technion_projects.html | |
48. TFY4195_lab Optics, Physics, NTNU NTNU physics One level up Messages Gruppe DEPARTMENT OF physics, NORSK. TFY4195_lab optics Lecturer Professor Ole Johan Løkberg. Spring 2005 http://www.phys.ntnu.no/instdef/undervisning/tfy4195_lab/index-e.html | |
49. Light And Matter: Educational Materials For Physics And Astronomy Free introductory physics textbooks for the high school or college level, available as large pdf files to download. Topics available are Newtonian physics, conservation laws, vibrations and waves, electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. http://www.lightandmatter.com/ | |
50. Newport Corporation | Photonics, Optics And Mechanics, Vibration Control, Motion As a combined force, Newport and Spectraphysics bring together the technology NewportUnveils SmartTable TM, the Worlds Most Advanced Optical Table http://www.newport.com/ | |
51. First Page ISSP / ÈÔÒÒ Specialized in fundamental and applied research in the field of condensed matter physics, optics, spectroscopy and laser physics. http://www.issp.bas.bg/ | |
52. School Of Optics Cobb Family Chair and Professor of optics, physics ECE William Silfvast. Associate Professor of physics optics Arthur Weeks. http://www.ucf.edu/gradcatalog/grad9900/optics.htm | |
53. [quant-ph/9509002] The Real Symplectic Groups In Quantum Mechanics And Optics A comparison of symplectic geometry with Euclidean or unitary geometries in quantum physics and optics http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9509002 | |
54. School Of Optics George Stegeman, Cobb Family Chair and Professor of optics, physics EECS Alfonse Shulte, Associate Professor of physics optics http://www.ucf.edu/gradcatalog/grad0001/optics.htm | |
55. MAMOA 2001 National Workshop and International Symposium on the Mathematical Aspects of Modern optics and Its Applications (WSMAMOA), physics Department, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia, from 29 January to 9 February, 2001. http://mamoa.hypermart.net/ | |
56. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Physics And Optics good links to physics sites suitable for secondary. http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/sci-tech/sciph.html | |
57. Konstantin Turitsyn Personal page of Konstantin Turitsyn, currently a PhD student in Landau Institute of Theoretical physics. Research interests statistical hydrodynamics, elastic turbulence, nonlinear optics, nanooptics, lefthanded materials. http://tur.itp.ac.ru/ | |
58. Optics, An Online Physics Textbook. optics, an online physics textbook. 5. optics, not yet converted. 6. The Modern Revolution in physics, converted http://www.lightandmatter.com/area1book5.html | |
59. Dept Of Medical Physics & Bioengineering Department has a broad range of interests Biomedical optics Radiation physics Quantitative Medical Imaging Incontinence Lasers and Endoscopy MRI Medical Graphics Implated Devices http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/ | |
60. Light And Optics - Physics Books - Optical Illusions physics Light and optics But to grasp the nature of lightand visionwe must understand optics. These delightful hands-on experiments vividly http://www.eduresources.net/science/physics/bsp20.htm | |
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