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121. BMO München M¼nchen, Germany. Current R and D information on femtosecond laser technology, jobs, tour, faculty, and contact details. http://www.bmo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/ | |
122. Science Wordplay Deals with conversion of measuring units from a scientific angle. http://laser.physics.sunysb.edu/~wise/wise187/janfeb2001/weblinks/physics_jokes. | |
123. Research High Intensity physics. a) laser wakefield accelerator structures excited andprobed by femtosecond laser pulses. Since the demise of the SSC, http://www.ph.utexas.edu/~femtosec/research.html | |
124. MTU Physics - Research - Facilities - Materials Physics And Laser Physics Labora Research in the Department of physics at Michigan Tech. http://www.phy.mtu.edu/facilities/materialslaser.html | |
125. GSI Together with the Plasma physics department of GSI, the lasers laser SpectroscopyGroup A major use of this laser is in the field of plasma physics. http://www.gsi.de/~laserweb/ | |
126. Wiley InterScience: Journal Home - Laser Physics Letters More results from www3.interscience.wiley.com Britney Spears guide to Semiconductor physics semiconductor Semiconductor physics with a bias towards semiconductor lasers. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jhome/106571172 | |
127. The Laser Physics Group Redirect Page laserbased research on trace-element detection, microsurgery and cooling and trapping. http://www.phys.umu.se/laser/ |
128. Institute Of Applied Physics Welcome! University instiute with research interests on the areas of fiber lasers and amplifiers, ultrashort pulse lasers, integrated optics and micro structuring (clean room facilities). http://www.iap.uni-jena.de/ | |
129. Dept Of Medical Physics & Bioengineering Department has a broad range of interests Biomedical Optics Radiation physics Quantitative Medical Imaging Incontinence Lasers and Endoscopy MRI Medical Graphics Implated Devices http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/ | |
130. Steven Chu, Former Bell Labs Researcher, Wins Nobel In Physics Using lasers to trap and cool molecules for study. Nobel Prize for Chu, Phillips, and CohenTannoudji. http://www.bell-labs.com/user/feature/archives/chu/ | |
131. Mechanical And Aerospace Engineering | Welcome Offers study and research in combustion and energy conversion, computational engineering, dynamics and control systems, environmental energy technology assessment, flight science and technology, fluid mechanics, lasers and applied physics, and materials and mechanical systems. http://mae.princeton.edu/ | |
132. Lasphys1_5cont physics of Lasers and Microlasers. From Micromasers to Atom Optics and Back. P.Meystre p. 99 abstract. Power Scaling of HighPower Fiber Lasers and http://www.maik.ru/contents/lasphys/lasphys1_5v15cont.htm | |
133. XO(TM) Web Site Hosting www.laserphysics.com Not Available. The domain www.laserphysics.com which youare trying to access is currently unavailable. This may occur for several http://www.laserphysics.com/ | |
134. Main Page http://www.maik.rssi.ru/journals/lasphys/default.htm | |
135. Welcome To The Keller Group http://www.iqe.ethz.ch/ultrafast/ |
136. Welcome To The Keller Group http://www.iqe.ethz.ch/ultrafast/Welcome.html |
137. Laserphysics http://www.laserphysics.kth.se/ | |
138. Institut Fuer Angewandte Physik - AG Meschede http://www.iap.uni-bonn.de/arb_m_e.html |
139. Quantum Optics And Quantum Information try this link for no frame version of the page. Back to PRL main page If stillyou have problem send mail to lasers@prl.ernet.in or to aanil@prl.ernet.in. http://www.prl.ernet.in/~lasers/ | |
140. Department Of Optics And Quantum Electronics A MTA Lézerfizikai Tanszéki Kutatócsoport megjelenítéséhez kérem kattintson ide! http://www.u-szeged.hu/object.31c2011a-da92-4ea8-882c-4dd1b4d5b051.ivy | |
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