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81. Www.ilc.msu.su/ lasphys4_4contThe Proceedings of the Twelfth International laser physics Workshop (LPHYS03), Modern Trends in laser physics. Driven Energy Release of Nuclear Isomers http://www.ilc.msu.su/ |
82. Imperial College Press Books by Subject Physics Lasers and Optical Physics High Energy Physics/Particle Physics laser physics/ Optical Physics Mathematical Physics/ http://www.icpress.co.uk/books/physics/lpop.shtml | |
83. LPHYS'01 The tenth annual International laser physics Workshop (LPHYS 01) will be heldfrom July The fee also covers the Special Issues of laser physics journal http://www.gpi.ru/lphys/lphys-01.html | |
84. Sixth Workshop On Laser Physics Translate this page SN Bagayev (Institute of laser physics, Novosibirsk, Russia) This fee alsocovers the Special Issue of laser physics journal with Workshop Proceedings. http://www.gpi.ru/lphys/lphys97.html | |
85. Annotated Physics Encyclopædia: Physics Of Lasers General laser physics resources Sam s Laser FAQ everything about home-builtlasers; very large and comprehensive. http://web.mit.edu/redingtn/www/netadv/laser.html | |
86. Elsevier.com - High Gain, High Power Free Electron Laser Physics HIGH GAIN, HIGH POWER FREE ELECTRON laser physics AND APPLICATION TO TEV PARTICLE A high brightness electron accelerator and its particle beam physics http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/librarians/501461 | |
87. FOM Rijnhuizen -> Molecule And Laser Physics - content here. http://www.rijnh.nl/n4/f1234.htm | |
88. Laser Physics,International Symposium MPLP'04,Modern Problems Of Laser Physics http://mplp.laser.nsc.ru/ | |
89. Project-Team-IPSO Application Domains laser physics. laser physics considers the propagationover long space (or time) scales of high frequency waves. http://www.inria.fr/rapportsactivite/RA2004/ipso/uid35.html | |
90. Oxford University Press: Oxford Master Series In Atomic, Optical And Laser Physi Oxford Master Series in Atomic, Optical and laser physics. Showing 13 of 3 itemsin Oxford Master Series in Atomic, Optical and laser physics http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/series/OxfordMasterSeriesinAtomicOptica/?v |
91. Laser Physics laser physics and Technology Instructor Jan L. Chaloupka, College of Williamand Mary. Purpose and Audience The purpose of this course is to introduce the http://uspas.fnal.gov/programs/cornell/LaserPhysics.htm | |
92. RCLPh-Russian Center Of Laser Physics JOURNAL OF RUSSIAN CENTER OF laser physics. laser physics and technics. Basic andapplied investigations, close topics of optics, electronics and precise http://home.rclph.spbu.ru/journal/erclph.htm | |
93. Cornell Summer Session : Courses : PHYS 606 Laser Physics And Technology PHYS 606 laser physics and Technology A historical background of thedevelopment of the laser will follow, and concepts such as coherence, http://www.sce.cornell.edu/ss/courses.php?action=course&f=COURSEID&v=2116&f2=&v2 |
94. 8TH International Laser Physics Workshop Lphys'99 Budapest, July 2-6, 1999, Prog The workshop consists of the following seminars and symposium (organized by therespective cochairs) which feature invited plenary talks, contributed oral http://www.stormingmedia.us/64/6409/A640973.html | |
95. Bell Labs: Melvin Lax Receives Laser Physics Award Melvin Lax Receives laser physics Award. MURRAY HILL, NJ (Jan. 21, 1999) Physicist Melvin Lax has been awarded the Willis E. Lamb Medal for laser physics, http://www.bell-labs.com/news/1999/january/21/1.html | |
96. Problems In Laser Physics (Cerullo)-Springer Applied Optics, Optoelectronics, Op This book presents the first comprehensive collection of solved problems in laserphysics covering both fundamental and applied aspects of laser science and http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,4-40344-22-33305488-0,00 | |
97. Physics News Update Number 473 - Story ULTRAVIOLET LASER AT DESY A free electron laser has reached wavelength of 93 nm. From physics News Update. http://www.aip.org/enews/physnews/2000/split/pnu473-1.htm | |
98. NIST: Atomic Physics Div. - Laser Cooling And Trapping Gp This department of the National Institute of Standards and Technology studies the physics of laser cooling, electromagnetic trapping, and other radiative manipulation of neutral atoms and dielectric particles. Home of 1997 Nobel Prize winner William D. Phillips, whose team has cooled atoms to less than a millionth of a degree above absolute zero. http://physics.nist.gov/Divisions/Div842/Gp4/group4.html | |
99. Physics Encyclopedia: Lasers This page is devoted to physics of laser radiation and different types of lasers. http://members.tripod.com/~IgorIvanov/physics/laser.html | |
100. Welcome To The World Of Beams Explores the nature of particle beams, laser beams, and related physics topics. http://bc1.lbl.gov/CBP_pages/educational/WoB/home.htm | |
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