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101. CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS metals, magnetic materials and macromolecules. The following is a list of current research projects undertaken by the condensed matter physics group. http://www.physics.nus.edu.sg/cmp/ | |
102. Condensed Matter Physics - Caltech Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/California/Private_Colleges_and_Universities/California_Institute_of_Technology/Research/Physics_and_Astronomy http://www.cmp.caltech.edu/ | |
103. ICTP Condensed Matter Group http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~cm/ | |
104. Paul Scherrer Laboratory Department For Condensed Matter Research Large Facilities in Switzerland for the study of solid and liquid condensed matter with Neutron and Muons beams. http://num.web.psi.ch/ |
105. University Of KY, Physics & Astronomy Condensed-matter Group Welcome to the webpage of the condensed matter physics group! condensed matter physics is the study of the properties of materials formed when large http://www.pa.uky.edu/~straley/cndmat/cm.html | |
106. Physics Encyclopedia: Condensed Matter This page provides educational materials on various branches of condensed matter physics. http://members.tripod.com/~IgorIvanov/physics/cond-mat.html | |
107. Dept. Of Condensed Matter Home Page condensed matter Physics Home Page. Research in the Department of condensed matter Physics concentrates on both theoretical and experimental aspects of http://www.weizmann.ac.il/condmat/ | |
108. Rutgers Physics: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Research activities of the condensed matter experimental group. Experimental research on condensed matter physics at Rutgers has a long and distinguished http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/cmx/ | |
109. Rutgers Physics: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Research activities of the condensed matter theory group. The Rutgers faculty in condensed matter theory have interests spanning many areas including http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/cmt/group-cmt.html | |
110. Physics At Queen's University Research opportunities in subjects such as astronomy and astrophysics, engineering and applied physics, condensed matter, medical physics, and subatomic physics. http://www.physics.queensu.ca/ | |
111. NCSA Division: Materials The group develops software for simulations of quantum manybody systems such as superfluids, clusters, liquids and solids. http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/AboutUs/People/Divisions/divisions47.html | |
112. NCSA Condensed Matter Physics Home Page Quantum Simulations of condensed matter Systems. This is the NCSA condensed matter Physics home page. A variety of Quantum Simulation Methods, mostly Monte http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Science/CMP/cmp-homepage.html | |
113. Department Of Chemistry, University Of Durham The Department is characterised by an interdisciplinary approach with strong research activities in polymer and materials chemistry enabled by Multidisciplinary condensed matter Chemistry and Bioactive Chemistry. Offers information on degree programmes, research, admissions, fellowships, and contact details. http://www.dur.ac.uk/chemistry/ | |
114. Condensed Matter Physics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia condensed matter physics is the field of physics that deals with the macroscopic Historically, condensed matter physics grew out of solidstate physics, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condensed_matter_physics | |
115. Syracuse - Condensed Matter And Biological Physics Research Faculty, Research Associates, Graduate Assistants, Visitors condensed matter Biological Physics Seminar Image gallery http://www.phy.syr.edu/research/condensed_matter/ | |
116. Physics Department, Tufts University Offers undergraduate, master's, and PhD programs. Information about current research in high energy physics, condensed matter, general relativity and cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics, and biophysics. http://ase.tufts.edu/physics/ | |
117. Condensed Matter Theory Center Address, condensed matter Theory Center Department of Physics University of Maryland College Park, MD 207424111. Director, Dr. Sankar Das Sarma http://www.physics.umd.edu/cmtc/ | |
118. >> CIFMC << University of Brasilia. Scientific events on frontier topics of condensed matter Physics. http://www.unb.br/cifmc/indexen.html | |
119. Boston University Physics Department Information about the undergraduate and graduate programs, current research projects, and professors. The department has programs in experimental and theoretical particle and condensed matter physics. http://physics.bu.edu/ | |
120. WSU Condensed Matter Physics condensed matter and Materials Physics APSDivision of condensed matter Physics Homepage APS-Division of Materials Physics Homepage http://sun.science.wayne.edu/~ssphys/cmp.html | |
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