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81. NIST Physical Reference Data Database holding information on fundamental physical constants, atomic spectra, molecular spectroscopic data, ionization data, XRay and Gamma-Ray data, radiation dosimetry data, nuclear physics data, and condensed matter physics data. http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/contents.html | |
82. Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics And Polymer Physic condensed matter physics occupies a unique niche in physics. Boston University has undergone rapid growth in condensedmatter physics and has strong http://buphy.bu.edu/bu/ExConMat2.html | |
83. First Page ISSP / ÈÔÒÒ Specialized in fundamental and applied research in the field of condensed matter physics, optics, spectroscopy and laser physics. http://www.issp.bas.bg/ | |
84. Condensed Matter Theory, KTH Physics condensed matter Theory. Head of division professor Anders Rosengren. Research. Research fields of the condensed matter Theory group include modern http://condmat.physics.kth.se/ | |
85. Redirection This five week course is designed for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications). http://www.grenoble.cnrs.fr/hercules/ |
86. Physics The condensed matter physics program covers such diverse areas as strongly correlated In experimental condensed matter physics, electrical transport http://www.physics.rice.edu/surf.cfm |
87. Núcleo Científico Milenio Group of academics from various universities dedicated to research in condensed matter physics. You will find their work and papers published here. http://www.nucleo-milenio.cl |
88. The European Physical Journal B condensed matter Physics. Rapid Notes Solid and Condensed State Physics - Statistical and Nonlinear Physics - Statistical Physics and Biological http://www.edpsciences.org/epjb | |
89. Cond-mat.org Frequently asked questions on condensed matter Physics, with a page where articles can be retrieved from various journals by typing their volume and page number. http://www.cond-mat.org/ | |
90. Condensed Matter Theory ICMM-CSIC condensed matter Theory Group Materials Science Institute of Madrid CSIC. http://www.icmm.csic.es/Teoria/ | |
91. Elliott Lieb Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Princeton University. Mathematical Physics, Functional Analysis, condensed matter Physics. http://www.math.princeton.edu/~lieb | |
92. MSU Condensed Matter Physics - Experimental (condensed matter Physics Experimental). CMP-E Group Activity/Seminar Schedule CMP on the Web Link Page PA Phone Directory http://www.pa.msu.edu/cmp/cmpe.html | |
93. Condensed Matter Theory Research: Dept. Of Physics, Princeton University . The theoretical condensed matter group is involved in research in four main areas......Theoretical condensed matter Physics Group Research http://pupgg.princeton.edu/www/jh/research/cm_theory.htmlx | |
94. Condensed Matter Sciences Division - ORNL Conducts materials characterization and processing research to investigate the properties and interactions of a wide range of materials used in advanced energy technologies. http://www.ssd.ornl.gov/ | |
95. Condensed Matter Expermental Research: Dept. Of Physics, Princeton University . condensed matter physics and biophysics may be described as the search for simple,......Experimental condensed matter Physics Group Research http://pupgg.princeton.edu/www/jh/research/cm_experiment.htmlx | |
96. Untitled Document National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. http://www.icmp.lviv.ua/preprints/ | |
97. Condensed Matter Physics Group condensed matter Physics Group. Department of Physics,. University of Pune,. Pune 411 007. Faculty. PV Panat DG Kanhere; RK Pathak; Anjali Kshirsagar http://physics.unipune.ernet.in/~cmg/ | |
98. Yale Condensed Matter Physics Seminars Research on electronic properties of materials, including seimconductor heterostructures and complex oxides. http://pantheon.yale.edu/~subir/cmt.html | |
99. Condensed Matter @ Penn State Physics Physics Department of Penn State offers undergraduate and graduate degrees with research opportunities in gravitational, condensed matter, high energy, http://www.phys.psu.edu/research/cm/ |
100. Dept. Of Condensed Matter Peter Nordlander's group investigates nonequilibrium processes in mesoscopic systems and on surfaces focus on many-electron effects. Qimiao Si specializes in the theory of strongly correlated electron systems emphasis on non-Fermi liquid behavior. projects quantum dot, Kondo, nanoparticles, high temperature superconductors http://juktan.rice.edu |
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