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41. Elsevier.com - Physica B Condensed Matter and experimental, in the realm of condensed matter and solid state physics. Emphasis may also be given to modern techniques of condensed matter physics. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/505712 | |
42. Zettl Research Group Home Page Department of Physics condensed matter Physics Zettl Research Group research into the electronic, magnetic, and structural properties of novel materials, including nanostructures such as telescoping nanotube bearings. (Berkeley) http://www.physics.berkeley.edu/research/zettl/ | |
43. Elsevier.com - Encyclopedia Of Condensed Matter Physics ENCYCLOPEDIA OF condensed matter PHYSICS. Encyclopedia of condensed matter Physics To order this title, and for more information, go to External link http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/704186/description | |
44. General Lorentz Ether Theory An ether theory of gravity. Starting from condensed matter theory (Lagrange formalism, continuity and Euler equation) the Einstein equivalence principle and, in some limit, the Einstein equations are derived. http://ilja-schmelzer.de/GET/ | |
45. Condensed Matter Concepts The 14 Bravais lattices. Index References HyperPhysics Go Back. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/solcon.html | |
46. The Condensed Matter Theory Sector Of SISSA condensed matter Sector of Sissa. The condensed matter Sector purses several projects of clear scientific relevance, CM Sector News Events http://www.sissa.it/cm/ | |
47. Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics in the Department of Physics and Mathematical Physics. Research areas quantum field theory, string theory, statistical mechanics, theoretical condensed matter. physics, general relativity, quantum gravity and cosmology http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/mathphysics/ | |
48. The Condensed Matter Theory Sector Of SISSA condensed matter Sector of Sissa. The condensed matter Sector purses several projects of clear scientific relevance, mainly to understand by http://www.sissa.it/cm/index.php | |
49. Racah Inst. Of Physics, HUJI --- Research Groups Hebrew University, RACAH Institute of Physics. Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, Complex Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, Plasma and Laser Physics, and condensed matter Physics. Jerusalem, Israel. http://www.fiz.huji.ac.il/res_gr.html | |
50. Tel Aviv U. Condensed Matter Physics Home Page DEPARTMENT OF condensed matter PHYSICS This page has been accessed times since The condensed matter Physics Department is located on the 4th floor of http://star.tau.ac.il/condmat.html | |
51. The Soft Condensed Matter Theory Group Research on theoretical models and computer simulations of soft condensed matter systems, focusing on the connections between molecular and macroscopic http://ising.phys.cwru.edu/ | |
52. UKCP Association of research groups collaborating on the firstprinciples computer simulation of condensed matter. Provides the CASTEP code to academics in the UK. Organization, publications, calendar, jobs, and support. http://www.cse.clrc.ac.uk/cmg/NETWORKS/UKCP/ | |
53. SpringerLink - Publication link.springerny.com/link/service/journals/10051/ condensed matter Physics Department University of Baselcondensed matter Group. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00257/ | |
54. High Energy Theory Group Specializes in research in quantum chromodynamics, condensed matter, noncommutative geometry, particle physics and string theory. Includes list of members, event schedules, eprints, and related resources. http://www.physics.utah.edu/research/het/HET.html | |
55. Department For Theoretical Physics Research in classical and quantum field theories and dynamical systems; string theory and cosmology; condensed matter theory and mathematical physics; high energy, condensed matter, and mathematical physics; and quantum mechanics. http://www.teorfys.uu.se/ | |
56. Condensed Matter Sciences Division - ORNL this Website to David Poker dbp@ornl.gov For further information about the condensed matter Sciences Division contact John Cooke - cookejf@ornl.gov. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/cmsd/ | |
57. CUC3 Home Page condensed matter science, surface science and statistical mechanics of complex and disordered systems. http://www-theor.ch.cam.ac.uk/ | |
58. Page D'accueil The Moroccan Journal of condensed matter is a new journal published by the Are coverage theoretical and experimental studies of condensed matter and http://www.fsr.ac.ma/MJCM/ | |
59. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CARBON NANOTUBES By Riichiro Saito, Gene Dresselhaus, Mildred S. Dresselhaus; Imperial College Press, 1998, ISBN 1860940935. Introductory textbook for graduate students, researchers in condensed matter and solid state physics. publisher website http://www.icpress.co.uk/books/nanosci/p080.html | |
60. PhysicsWeb - Best Of PhysicsWeb New developments in condensed matter Physics. http://www.physicsweb.org/bestof/cond-mat | |
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