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121. U Of I Computational Optical And Discharge Physics Group Projects on numerical plasma simulation, including HPEM code, Monte Carlo Module, and Feature Profile Model, developed at the computational Optical and Discharge physics Group, University of Illinois. http://uigelz.ece.uiuc.edu/Projects/index.html | |
122. Cookies Required A joint publication of the IEEE Computer Society and the American Institute of physics. It covers computational science and engineering research for a broad range of technical fields. Current and past issues are browsable and searchable. http://ojps.aip.org/cise/ | |
123. (Israel) Weizmann Institute Of Science, Rehovot The Carl F. Gauss Minerva Center for Scientific Computation. New fundamental computational approaches in physics, chemistry, applied mathematics and engineering, introducing, in particular, advanced multiscale (multi-resolution) and parallel-processing methods. http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~achi/gaussctr.html | |
124. Workshop On Computational Complexity And Statistical Physics Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA; 46 September 2001. http://cnls.lanl.gov/~gistrate/conference/cfp.html | |
125. Journal Of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Home Page Papers on fundamental mathematical and computational methods in mathematical physics. Full text, free from vol.5 (1998). http://www.sm.luth.se/~norbert/home_journal/ | |
126. Indextest.html Multidisciplinary research and engineering at the interface of biology, chemistry, physics, and computational biology http://bdiv.lanl.gov/ | |
127. Marius Clore Group / NIH G. Marius Clore; Laboratory of Chemical physics, NIDDK, NIH; Research Macromolecular NMR of protein complexes, development and application of improved NMR and computational methods for NMR structure determination. http://spin.niddk.nih.gov/clore/ |
128. MadMax Optics - FMM Toolbox™ For MATLAB© Provides robust, fast, and highorder accurate solvers for a core set of partial differential equations - including the Laplace, Poisson and modified Helmholtz equations. free These arise throughout classical and modern physics, in areas such as electrostatics, magnetostatics, incompressible flow, astrophsyics, and computational chemistry. http://www.madmaxoptics.com/technology/products/FMMToolbox.asp | |
129. Modern Methods Of Time-Frequency Analysis Special session at the Erwin Schr¶dinger Institute for Mathematical physics (ESI), Vienna, Austria. Topics Group theoretical methods, operator theory, and nonorthogonal expansions; Time-frequency methods for pseudo-differential operators; Non-orthogonal expansions and greedy algorithms; Noncommutative computational harmonic analysis. 4 April - 9 July 2005. http://www.univie.ac.at/NuHAG/ESI05/ | |
130. RANDOM STRUCTURES Two linked workshops within the Computation, Combinatorics and Probability programme at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK. Part I Combinatorial and computational Aspects of Statistical physics; 2630 August 2002. Part II Random Graphs and Structures; 26 September 2002. http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/CMP/cmpw02.html | |
131. Jeffrey C. Lagarias University of Michigan. computational Complexity Theory, Cryptography, Diophantine Approximation, Discrete and computational Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Harmonic Analysis; Mathematical physics, Optimization, Number Theory. Publications, courses. http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~lagarias/ | |
132. Birdsall Charles K. computational plasma physics, object oriented electromagnetic PIC, applications of relativistic ebeam high power microwaves. Plasma Theory and Simulation Group (PTSG), University of California at Berkeley, USA. http://divine.EECS.Berkeley.EDU/~birdsall/ |
133. School Of Computing, Mathematical And Information Sciences computational Mathematics Group. Interests include Acoustics, Bubble dynamics, Diffusion in gels and Plasma physics. http://www.it.bton.ac.uk/Research/cmg/ | |
134. Computational Science Group RuprechtKarls-Universität Heidelberg. computational Science Group Introduction to the Statistical physics of Polymers http://wwwcp.tphys.uni-heidelberg.de/ | |
135. Discrete Random Walks 2003 Theory and Applications in Combinatorics, computational Biology, Computer Science, Probabilities, and Statistical physics. Institut Henri Poincar©, Paris, France; 15 September 2003. http://algo.inria.fr/DRW2003/ | |
136. MainPage Postdoctoral Researcher at Brandeis University. Research interests are computational fluid dynamics, particlesolid and plasma interaction physics, plasma physics, biophysics of membrane proteins. http://people.brandeis.edu/~gennady/ | |
137. Callen, James D. Theoretical and computational plasma physics, controlled thermonuclear fusion, magnetic confinement of plasmas. Center for Plasma Theory and Computation, University of WisconsinMadison. http://www.engr.wisc.edu/ep/faculty/callen_james.html | |
138. Department Of Physics - UCSL Project The Undergraduate computational Science Lab (UCSL) is a joint venture between the departments of physics, Chemistry, and Applied Computer Science. http://www.phy.ilstu.edu/UCSL/UCSL.html | |
139. Computational Plasma Physics computational plasma physics and controlled fusion, stellarator theory. Division of computational Fluid Dynamics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA. http://www.math.nyu.edu/faculty/garabedi/index.html | |
140. COCHEM'03 Nonlinear phenomena in computational chemical physics. Barcelona, Spain; 914 June 2003. http://www.imub.ub.es/cochem/ |
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