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61. Ultracold Atomic Physics Group Address Department of Physics The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 Cold Molecule Production, and Ultracold Atomic Collisions http://www.ph.utexas.edu/dept/research/heinzen/ | |
62. UMSL- Atomic Physics Research Lab http://newton.umsl.edu/~atomic/ |
63. Atomic Physics Research: Dept. Of Physics, Princeton University Includes details on findings of spin interactions of atoms and nuclei as well as links to other departments. http://www.physics.princeton.edu/www/jh/research/atomic.htmlx | |
64. Atomic Physics Atomic Spectra Rutherford Scattering Bohr s Model of Hydrogen Atomic Energy Levels Atomic Structure in Quantum Mechanics Complex Atoms http://www.ux1.eiu.edu/~cfadd/1160/Ch29Atm/ToC.html | |
65. Ultrafast Laser/ Atomic Physics Laboratory http://landau1.phys.virginia.edu/research/groups/jones/ |
66. Department Of Atomic Physics Department of atomic physics Atomfizika Tanszék. http://qchem52.fat.bme.hu/ | |
67. Atomic Physics And Surface Science Institute of Experimental Physics, atomic physics and Surface Science group. News, staff, research, teaching, publications. http://www.exphys.uni-linz.ac.at/ |
68. RIKEN Atom Phys Lab TOP RIKEN atomic physics Laboratory. The Laboratory aims at a comprehensive understanding of (i) dynamic atomic physics Laboratory Personnel. Related Links http://www-ap.riken.go.jp/ | |
69. Stroud Wave Packet Home Page quantum information theory, atomic physics, and nonlinear optics. Current projects include the study of Rydberg atomic electron wave packets; http://www.optics.rochester.edu:8080/users/stroud/wavepacket/quantum.html | |
70. Physics 30: Atomic Physics Optional Unit VIII atomic physics Research in modern physics is continuing. Topic E, contemporary physics, allows teachers and students to examine some http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/physics/u830phy.html | |
71. Cal State Fullerton Physics Department Directory atomic physicsExperimental (Dr. Khakoo) SLC-150, SLC-151. atomic physics-Theory (Dr. Feagin) MH-654, MH-656C. Condensed Matter Physics (Dr. Wanser) http://chaos.fullerton.edu/physics_directory.html | |
72. Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár r¡sok a fizika, atomfizika t©mak¶r¶kben. (Physics, atomic physics.) http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/termesz/fizika/ | |
73. Atomic Physics At The TSR atomic physics Group at the Heidelberg HeavyIon Test Storage Ring (TSR). Experimental research in the areas of Atomic and Molecular Physics http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/ato/tsrexp.html | |
74. Atomic Physics atomic physics. We now address the spectral lines and the information contained in the spectral lines. Based on the experiments of Bunsen and Kirchhoff, http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~imamura/208/jan18/atomic.html | |
75. DoAP - Selected Papers Division of atomic physics S. Legowski, Laserinduced photoionization in atoms, Laser - Physics and Applications, Ed. P. Atanasov, World Scientific, http://www.phys.uni.torun.pl/phys/AP/papers.html | |
76. Untitled Document Theoretical atomic physics. Our group is studying coherent population control of electrons in atoms. We are developing analytic methods to understand how to http://www.physics.tulane.edu/jm_r.htm |
77. Sussex Centre For Optical And Atomic Physics (SCOAP) CPES, School of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science, CPES. Sussex Centre for Optical and atomic physics (SCOAP). Research groups in this major new http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/physics/research/optatom.htm | |
78. Welcome - Cyclotron Institute A variety of nuclear research programs on the K500 Superconducting Cyclotron, including nuclear astrophysics, nuclear and atomic physics, exotic beams and radiation effects. Visual tour, brochure, directory, beam schedule, employment, SEE Line, publications, progress reports, virtual library, users home pages, links, and site search. http://cyclotron.tamu.edu/ | |
79. Oxford University Press: Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics Browse all 130 titles in Atomic, Molecular, Optical physics. atomic physics. An Exploration through Problems and Solutions. Dmitry Budker http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Physics/AtomicMolecularOpticalphys |
80. Oxford University Press: Atomic Physics: Christopher J. Foot This text will thoroughly update the existing literature on atomic physics. Intended to accompany an advanced undergraduate course in atomic physics, http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Physics/AtomicMolecularOpticalphys |
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