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21. Socrates - Wikiquote socrates (c.470 BC 399 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher who is widely credited for laying the foundation for Western philosophy. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Socrates | |
22. The Suicide Of Socrates, 399 BC Eye witness account of the death of the Greek philosopher. http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/socrates.htm | |
23. SOCRATES As a service to the satellite operator community, the Center for Space Standards Innovation (CSSI) now offers socratesSatellite Orbital Conjunction http://celestrak.com/SOCRATES/ | |
24. Who Was Socrates? Brief and Straightforward Guide Who Was socrates? http://www.wisegeek.com/who-was-socrates.htm | |
25. Socrates Sculpture Park History and information on current exhibit, community and education programs. Located in Long Island City, New York. http://www.socratessculpturepark.org/ | |
26. Who Is Socrates? Greek Philosopher This article touches on who one of the most important philosophical figures of Ancient Greece, who layed out the foundation for Western philosophy as we http://greek-history.suite101.com/article.cfm/who_is_socrates | |
27. Socrates Quotes And Biography. Socrates Quotations. Read socrates quotes, biography or a speech. QuoteDB offers a large collection of socrates quotations, ratings and a picture. You can submit a rating for http://www.quotedb.com/authors/socrates | |
28. Socrates - Crystalinks socrates (June 4, ca. 470 BC May 7, 399 BC) was a Greek (Athenian) philosopher. The character of socrates provides an illustration of a historical http://www.crystalinks.com/socrates.html | |
29. Welcome To Socrates As a part of the upgrade, the socrates and Arachne servers will be retired in June 2008. Both socrates and Arachne are aging servers with ongoing security http://socrates.berkeley.edu/ | |
30. SCADPlus: SOCRATES - Phase II The aim of socrates Phase II is to promote a Europe of knowledge and encourage lifelong education through learning foreign languages, encouraging mobility, http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/cha/c11043.htm | |
31. Perseus Lookup Tool socrates Reference article in A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology P. Zanker; The Mask of socrates. The Image of the Intellectual in http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/vor?type=phrase&alts=0&group=typecat&lookup |
32. University Of Chicago Law School > The Socratic Method Among the first things you ll hear about when trying to understand the Law School experience is The Socratic Method. We thought we should try to http://www.law.uchicago.edu/socrates/method.html | |
33. Socrates socrates centrality to the history of Western philosophy has been assured by Plato, who himself is one of the major figures of Western philosophy. http://www.abu.nb.ca/Courses/GrPhil/Socrates.htm | |
34. Socrates (470 - 399 B.C.) socrates . socrates , his life and dialogues ! socrates socrates socrates socrates socratessocrates socrates . Philosophy socrates. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/8740/Socrates.htm | |
35. Calculus&Mathematica At Ohio-State Quote, books. Links Mentor Application Mentors CMS. Comments? website@socrates.math.ohiostate.edu, You are visitor 26223 since August 16, 2004. http://socrates.math.ohio-state.edu/ | |
36. Socrates - The Trial Of Socrates The biography, philosophy, trial, apology, and execution of the great Greek philosopher socrates. http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/socratestrial/Socrates_Trial.htm | |
37. Untitled socrates, 469399 B.C., Greek philosopher of Athens, generally regarded as one of the wisest people of all time. It is not known who his teachers were, http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/publications/projects/digitexts/socrates/bio_socrate | |
38. The Socrates Argument Clinic Argue with the great philosopher in the style of the Monty Python sketch. http://www.mindspring.com/~mfpatton/sclinic.htm | |
39. Life Of Socrates By Sanderson Beck Ten years after the death of Confucius, socrates was born in Athens in the fourth year of the 77th Olympiad on the sixth day of the month of Thargelion, http://san.beck.org/SOCRATES1-Life.html | |
40. SOCRATES: Philosophy's Martyr Excerpts from a new book for the general reader. Also includes a hypertext guide to web resources. http://www.btinternet.com/~socratic/ | |
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