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         Searle John:     more books (100)
  1. Conversations With John Searle (Spanish Edition) by Gustavo Faigenbaum, 2001-07
  2. Generalized, Linear, and Mixed Models (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) by Charles E. McCulloch, Shayle R. Searle, et all 2008-06-30
  3. Searle and Foucault on Truth by C. G. Prado, 2005-11-07
  4. On Searle on Conversation by John R. Searle, 1991-12
  5. The Future of the Catholic Church in America: Major Papers of the Virgil Michel Symposium : July 11-14, 1988, St. John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnes by Collegeville, Minn.) Virgil Michel Symposium (1988 : St. John's Abbey, 1992-01
  6. The Fiction of Philip Roth and John Updike (Crosscurrents/Modern Critiques) by George J. Searles, 1984-12-01
  7. Views into the Chinese Room: New Essays on Searle and Artificial Intelligence
  8. John Ireland: The Man and His Music by M. Searle, 1983-06
  9. The campus war;: A sympathetic look at the university in agony by John R Searle, 1971
  10. Introduction to Bioethics by Professor John Bryant, Dr. Linda Baggott la Velle, et all 2005-09-23
  11. Cosmopolitan Bedside Quiz Book: Get the Real Deal on the Inner You, the Secret Him, the Truth About Your Friends, and Everything Else You Ever Wanted to Know About Love, Lust, and li
  12. Intentionalität. Eine Abhandlung zur Philosophie des Geistes. by John R. Searle, 2001-01-01
  13. Mind Language and Society Philosophy In Th (MasterMinds) by John R. Searle, 1999-03-11
  14. On the Right Track Contemporary Christians in Sport by John Derek Searle, 2000-06

41. John Searle The Shift From Epistemology To Philosophy Of Mind
CogNews Cognitive Science News including Neuroscience, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Mind, Anthropology, Biology, Linguistics,

42. John Searle On
john searle wants to answer how it is that a speaker can say metaphorically S is P and mean S is R , when P plainly does not mean R (searle 103).

43. John Searle's Theory Of Consciousness - The Chinese Room And Qualia.
john searle s theory of consciousness the Chinese room, the first-person view, qualia, computers and artificial intelligence.
John Searle - the Chinese Room
A message from the room Searle is a kind of Horatius, holding the bridge againt the computationalist advance. He deserves a large share of the credit for halting, or at least checking, the Artificial Intelligence bandwagon which, until his paper 'Minds, Brains and Programs' of 1980 seemed to be sweeping ahead without resistance. Of course, the project of "strong AI" (a label Searle invented), which aims to achieve real consciousness in a machine, was never going to succeed , but there has always been (and still is) a danger that some half-way convincing imitation would be lashed together and then hailed as conscious. The AI fraternity has a habit of redefining difficult words in order to make things easier. Terms for things which, properly understood, imply understanding, and which computers can't, therefore, handle - are redefined as simpler things which computers can cope with. At the time Searle wrote his paper, it looked as if "understanding" might quickly go the same way, with claims that computers running certain script-based programs could properly be said to exhibit at least a limited understanding of the things and events described in their pre-programmed scenarios. If this creeping debasement of the language had been allowed to proceed unchallenged, it would not have been long before 'conscious', 'person' and all of the related moral vocabulary were similarly subverted, with dreadful consequences.

44. Interviews With Robots: In Which John Searle Confronts Virtual Teenager Jacob Wi
In Which john searle Confronts Virtual Teenager Jacob With His Counterargument To Alan Turing s Consciousness Test, With Telling Results
skip to main skip to sidebar Send your interviews with fake humans to . We'll publish them.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
In Which John Searle Confronts Virtual Teenager Jacob With His Counterargument To Alan Turing's Consciousness Test, With Telling Results
John Searle: Suppose that, many years from now, we have constructed a computer that behaves as if it understands Chinese.
Jacob: Right now? I'm not sure that's possible
John Searle: In other words, the computer takes Chinese characters as input and, following a set of rules (as all computers can be described as doing), correlates them with other Chinese characters, which it presents as output.
Jacob: Where is that?
John Searle: Suppose that this computer performs this task so convincingly that it easily passes the Turing test. In other words, it convinces a human Chinese speaker that the program is itself a human Chinese speaker.
Jacob: Whats it like in there?
John Searle: All the questions the human asks are responded to appropriately, such that the Chinese speaker is convinced that he or she is talking to another Chinese-speaking human.
Jacob: All?

45. Cognitive Science: The Effects Of Writing On Language, Mind And Consciousness �
Dr. john searle is Mills Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and The following interview with Dr. john searle was conducted at his office on the campus

Dr. John Searle - Language, Writing, Mind, and Consciousness
Human Language
Written Language

The Enabling Technology of Civilization

Technology Behind The Modern Mind
2004 National Humanities Medal
. "For his efforts to deepen understanding of the human mind. His writings have shaped modern thought, defended reason and objectivity, and defined debate about the nature of artificial intelligence." Dr. John Searle is Mills Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Language at University of California- Berkeley. In 2004 he received the National Humanities Medal for shaping modern thought about the nature of the human mind. He is the author of over a dozen books on language, mind and consciousness and has written hundreds of articles and papers. Additional bio info Professor Searle was a delight to interview and one of the most brilliant human beings we have ever encountered. The following interview with Dr. John Searle was conducted at his office on the campus of U.C Berkeley in California. The following transcript has not been edited for journal or magazine publication

46. Review Of John Searle's Book, The Construction Of Social Reality
A 1998 review of searle s book, by Jerry Shaffer. Concisely summarizes searle s arguments.
Nov. 25, 1998
Jerry Shaffer, Ph. D.
Review of John R. Searle, The Construction of Social Reality , Free Press:
N.Y., 1995 John Searle is a well-known American philosopher, at the Univ. of Calif, Berkeley. He has written a number of books such as "Speech Acts," "Intentionality," "The Rediscovery of the Mind," and "Minds, Brains, and
Science," and a multitude of scholarly articles. Searle is very much a Modernist philosopher. He believes that there exist objective facts which make the world the way it is and that at least some of these facts can be known to a high degree of probability. He is careful to define key terms as precisely as he can and explain them with a multitude of examples. He writes in a plain and unadorned style, avoiding flowery passages and dark sayings. No special expertise is needed to understand this book. Any theses he advances he defends with arguments that he believes to be rigorous and logical. But for all his Modernism, he is Post-Modern in holding that much of our knowledge is concerned with facts which are socially constructed. Most of this ``book consists of an examination of these social facts and an explanation of how they arise. In this book, Searle defends the "Realist" view that there exists a real world comprised of objective facts which fall into two categories. In one category are (1) those facts (he calls them "brute facts") which exist independently of what humans think about them and (2) those facts which depend for their existence on human thought (he calls them "social facts.") Examples of the first sort are the mental fact that I am now in pain and the physical facts that Mount Everest has snow and ice at its summit and that hydrogen atoms have one electron. Examples of the second sort of fact, social facts, are that this piece of paper is a five dollar bill, that he is a citizen of the U. S., that the New York Giants won the 1991 superbowl, and that he owns a piece of property in Berkeley, CA.

47. John Searle (III)
Discuss this name with other users on IMDb message board for john searle (III). Find where john searle is credited alongside another name. john searle
Now Playing Movie/TV News My Movies DVD New Releases ... search All Titles TV Episodes My Movies Names Companies Keywords Characters Quotes Bios Plots more tips SHOP JOHN SEARLE DVD VHS CD Not the ... IMDb John Searle Quicklinks categorized by type by year by ratings by votes by TV series titles for sale by genre by keyword power search credited with biography contact miscellaneous Top Links biography by votes awards news articles ... message board Filmographies categorized by type by year by ratings ... tv schedule Biographical biography other works publicity contact ... message board External Links official sites miscellaneous photographs sound clips ... video clips
John Searle (III)
advertisement photos board add contact details Photos Add photo(s) and resume with IMDb Resume Services
Date of Birth: 31 July Denver, Colorado, USA more
  • The Hard Problem: The Science Behind the Fiction (2004) (V) .... Himself (2004) (V) .... Himself Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine (2003) .... Himself TV series .... Himself Berkeley in the Sixties (1990) .... Himself
    TV episode .... Himself
  • 48. IngentaConnect Mind The Guff. A Response To John Searle
    (I) john searle s conception of consciousness in the ‘Mind the Gap’ issue of the Journal of Consciousness Studies remains short on content, no advance on
    var tcdacmd="dt";

    49. John R. Searle - Authors - Random House
    It has long been one of the most fundamental problems of philosophy, and it is now, john searle writes, the most important problem in the biological

    50. Hating John Searle (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
    I think john searle might be my favorite living philosopher. But when I tell my friends this, they recoil in horror. That bastard? one friend cries.
    Raw Thought : Hating John Searle
    I think John Searle might be my favorite living philosopher. But when I tell my friends this, they recoil in horror. "That bastard?" one friend cries. "He tripled my rent !" "Oh geebus," another cries. "The Chinese Room argument is awful I will not profess to have an opinion on whether the fourteenth amendment requires the City of Berkeley to provide a rational basis for only allowing its landlords to raise rents at forty percent of the increase in the consumer price index, but I must admit I fail to see what the question has to do with Searle as a philosopher. The other complaint seems less ad hominem , but I think is fundamentally similar. Reading Searle's published books, it's striking how little space the Chinese Room Argument takes up. Indeed, his book on the subject of consciousness The Rediscovery of the Mind gives it little more than a paragraph and notes that his more recent argument against functionalism is far more powerful. Nonetheless, I will defend the Chinese Room Argument. The basic idea, for those who aren't familiar with it, is this: imagine yourself being placed in a room and given instructions on how to convert one set of Chinese symbols to another. To outsiders, if the instructions are good enough, it will seem as if you understand Chinese. But you do not consciously understand Chinese you are simply following instructions. Thus, no computer can ever consciously understand Chinese, because no computer does more than what you're doing it's simply following a set of instructions. (Indeed, being unconscious, it's doing far less.)

    51. John Searle's Ideas About Social Reality - Book Information
    The book works to reconstruct the ontology of the social sciences through an analysis of linguistic practices in the context of john searle s celebrated

    52. Harvard University Press: Minds, Brains And Science By John Searle
    Minds, Brains and Science by john searle, published by Harvard University Press.
    Minds, Brains and Science
    John Searle
      Minds, Brains and Science takes up just the problems that perplex people, and it does what good philosophy always does: it dispels the illusion caused by the specious collision of truths. How do we reconcile common sense and science? Searle argues vigorously that the truths of common sense and the truths of science are both right and that the only question is how to fit them together. Searle explains how we can reconcile an intuitive view of ourselves as conscious, free, rational agents with a universe that science tells us consists of mindless physical particles. He briskly and lucidly sets out his arguments against the familiar positions in the philosophy of mind, and details the consequences of his ideas for the mind-body problem, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, questions of action and free will, and the philosophy of the social sciences. Search for this book in libraries near you: Enter title, subject or author

    53. Unexplained Mysteries :: Searle, John
    searle, john. Category Weird Science. Inventor of the searle Disc , a device which is alleged to be capable of Anti Gravity via a rotating metal plate

    54. Book Review Of John Searle
    By reviewing the theory of consciousness of one of our leading philosophers, john searle, one can highlight the target of the debate, the status of the
    John Searle:

    Piero Scaruffi
    Legal restrictions - Termini d'uso
    First review
    Searle's critique of theories of the mind is based on the lack for a good theory of consciousness. There is no mind without consciousness, and there can be no theory of the mind without a theory of consciousness. All paradoxes of functionalist models arise from having neglected consciousness.
    Conscious mental states and processes are fundamentally different from anything else in nature because they are "subjective". They are not equally accessible to all observers. They cannot be reduced to more elementary units. Searle believes that the objective properties of the brain cause the subjective ones, i.e. that consciousness is a biological phenomenon, though consciousness can't be reduced to physical states in the brain.
    This is not "property dualism" because Searle rejects the idea that the universe can be partitioned in physical and mental properties: things such as "ungrammatical sentences, my ability to ski, the government and points scored in football games" cannot be easily categorized as mental or physical. The traditional mental vs physical dichotomy is pointless.
    Brain processes cause consciousness but consciousness is itself a feature of the brain ("non-event causation").

    55. Search For ' John Searle ' In -
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    Neuroscience and Philosophy
    (1 Release)
    Subtitle: Brain, Mind, And Language
    Author: Maxwell Bennett
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    Bioethics for Scientists
    (2 Releases)
    Author: John Bryant
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    Hardcover from (3 Sellers) Minds, Brains and Science (2 Releases) Author: John Searle Rating: Write a Review Book from (8 Sellers) Introduction to Bioethics (2 Releases) Author: John Bryant Rating: Write a Review Hardcover from (5 Sellers) Actos De Habla (1 Release) Author: John Searle Rating: Write a Review Paperback from (2 Sellers) Mentes, Cerebros Y Ciencia (1 Release) Author: John Searle Rating: Write a Review Paperback from (2 Sellers) El Misterio De La Conciencia / The Mystery of Consiousness (1 Release) Author: John Searle Rating: Write a Review Paperback from (4 Sellers) Freedom And Neurobiology (1 Release) Subtitle: Reflections on Free Will, Language, And Political Power

    56. John Searle Wedding Photographer Cambridgeshire - SWPP Member
    john searle Wedding Photographer based in March Cambridgeshire England SWPP member.
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    57. Scholars Council - John W. Kluge Center (Library Of Congress)
    john Rogers searle was born in 1932 in Denver, Colorado, and educated at the University of Wisconsin and Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.
    @import url(/css/loc_standard_ss.css); @import url(/loc/kluge/css/kluge.css); skip navigation The Library of Congress The John W. Kluge Center ... Scholars' Council > John Rogers Searle
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    58. John Searle And The Construction Of Social Reality: Joshua R
    Indigo Books Music is a Canadian bookseller committed to providing a stressfree approach to satisfying the booklover. Getting you the right book at the
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    John Searle and the Construction of Social Reality
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    59. John G. Searle | 20th Century American Leaders Database
    The pharmaceutical company that john searle inherited from his father was moderately successful, with about $1 million in sales in 1936, but under searle s
    View Data Sorted By: Last Name Birthplace Industry Era ... Education
    John G. Searle
    Back Company : Searle (G. D.) and Company Tenure: Industry : Healthcare Birthplace : Iowa Born/Died Gender : Male Ethnicity : White Era Undergraduate Education : University of Michigan Bio:
    The pharmaceutical company that John Searle inherited from his father was moderately successful, with about $1 million in sales in 1936, but under Searle's guidance the company grew rapidly. G. D. Searle's biggest growth is owed to the launch of the first oral contraceptive drug, Enovid, in 1957. A product of John Searle's intensive research program, Enovid was a huge success, allowing the firm's profits to grow from $7.4 million to $24.2 million between 1960 and 1964.

    60. John Searle : Oxford Biography Index Entry
    James Sambrook, ‘searle, john (d. 1746)’, first published Sept 2004, 250 words. http// View complete biography Oxford
    @import url("../../../css/identity.css"); Oxford DNB Home About the Biography Index Previous Next Oxford Biography Index entry
    John Searle
    Searle, John d. gardener Oxford Biography Index Number 101068315 [ what is this? Primary authority: Oxford DNB
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    Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
    Searle, John d. [Oxford DNB subscription required; no subscription? © Oxford University Press 2004–7

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