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         Porphyry:     more books (100)
  1. Select works of Plotinus: translated from the Greek with an introduction containing the substance of Porphyry's life of Plotinus by Plotinus Plotinus, Thomas Taylor, et all 2010-08-28
  2. Copper porphyries by Alexander Sutulov, 1975
  3. The Green Schists and Associated Granites and Porphyries of Rhode Island by Benjamin Kendall Emerson, 2010-02-03
  4. The Organon, or Logical Treatises, of Aristotle (Volume 2); With the Introduction of Porphyry. Literally Translated, With Notes, Syllogistic by Aristotle, 2010-07-24
  5. The life of Porphyry, bishop of Gaza by Diaconus Marcus, George Francis Hill, 2010-09-03
  6. Arabic logic: Ibn al-Tayyib's commentary on Porphyry's Eisagoge (Studies in Islamic philosophy and science) by Kwame Gyekye, 1979
  7. Case Histories of Mineral Discoveries Volume 3: Porphyry Copper, Molybdenum, and Gold Deposits (Massive Sulfides), and Deposits in Layered Rock
  8. Porphyry's Place in the Neoplatonic Tradition: A Study in Postplotinian Neoplatonism by A. Smith, 1975-01-31
  9. Plotinos: Complete Works, in Chronological Order, Grouped in Four Periods : With Biography by Porphyry, Eunapius, & Suidas, Commentary by Porphyry, Illustrations ... Influence; Index of Subjects, Thou by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, Plotinus, 2010-04-02
  10. Recovery of rutile from a porphyry copper tailings sample by T. O. Llewellyn, 1980-01-01
  11. Porphyry copper and molybdenum deposits West-Central British Columbia (Bulletin) by Nicholas Charles Carter, 1981
  12. Complete works, in chronological order, grouped in four periods; with biography by Porphyry, Eunapius, & Suidas, commentary by Porphyry, illustrations ... index of subjects, thoughts and wo by Plotinus Plotinus, Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, 2010-08-27
  13. Plotinus: V1 The Ethical Treatises Being the Treatises of the First Ennead with Porphyry's Life of Plotinus and the Preller-Ritter Extracts
  14. Plotinus: V2 The Ethical Treatises Being the Treatises of the First Ennead with Porphyry's Life of Plotinus and the Preller-Ritter Extracts by Stephen Mackenna, 2007-07-25

41. Building Stone Magazine: Porphyry
For thousands of years, porphyry has been renowned as a beautiful and durable paving and facing stone. A type of volcanic rock consisting of largegrained
Spring 2007 Porphyry The Royal Stone
By Kate Parrott
Photo courtesy of Innovative Stone For thousands of years, porphyry has been renowned as a beautiful and durable paving and facing stone. A type of volcanic rock consisting of large-grained crystals such as feldspar or quartz, which is formed by a slow cooling process of igneous materials, the stone is valued for its aesthetically pleasing appearance. The term "porphyry" itself refers to the purplish red hues of the stone; in Latin, porphyry means purple. More Info
Quarry Locations: North America: Mexico South America: Peru, Argentina Europe: Italy, Sweden Africa: Egypt Asia: Iran Australia Applications:
  • Building stone
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Appropriate Finishes:
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Porphyry's chemical and mineral composition determine its high compression breaking point, resistance to chemical agents, and low "wearability." The stone is the most popular paver in Europe, and is favored for its flexibility in design, beauty, durability and low maintenance requirements. The stone is by far one of the most durable pavers in the world. In fact, porphyry has been used internationally to create popular projects, such as the Olympic stadium in Munich, Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles, the underground and market square in Paris, John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York and the military cemetery in Hawaii. While porphyry has become a popular paver today, it was originally used for sarcophaguses, busts, vases and columns. The stone that was extracted in the Egyptian desert in the mountain Jebel Dhokan is known as Imperial Red porphyry or Ancient Red porphyry.

42. Porphyry: Definition, Usage And Pronunciation -
porphyry definition, words related to porphyry, proper usage and pronunciation of the word porphyry from
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porphyry Definition
por·phyry p´r fə rē noun
  • Historical an Egyptian rock with large feldspar crystals contained in a purplish groundmass any igneous rock with large, distinct crystals, esp. of alkali feldspar, embedded in a fine-grained matrix
  • Etymology: ME porfirie porfire porphyreum porphyrites porphyritēs lithos porphyros , purple aj_server = ''; aj_tagver = '1.0'; aj_zone = 'ltk'; aj_adspot = '322771'; aj_page = '0'; aj_dim ='286700'; aj_ch = ''; aj_ct = ''; aj_kw = ''; aj_pv = true; aj_click = ''; Browse dictionary entries near porphyry
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    43. Porphyry Introduction
    porphyry is a type of volcanic, igneous rock which, along with granite and other rock formations, make up approximately 95% of the world s “crust.
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    Porphyry is a type of volcanic, igneous rock which, along with granite and other rock formations, make up approximately 95% of the world's “crust.” One of many large formations occurs in Guanajuato, Mexico and is recognized for its beautiful rusty red and gold-buff colors. These rocks, which differ greatly in their chemical composition and formation, are the result of intense volcanic activity. This began 260 million years ago and carried over for several million more years, alternating between phases of eruption and inactivity. Porphyry is different than granite, which cooled from its molten state into mainly solid formations, in that as it cooled, it fractured in both vertical and horizontal fissures.

    44. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 94.03.02
    Steven K. Strange, porphyry On Aristotle, Categories. Ithaca Cornell University Press, 1992 . Pp. 185. ISBN 08014-2816-5.
    Bryn Mawr Classical Review 94.03.02
    Steven K. Strange, Porphyry: On Aristotle, Categories. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992. Pp. 185. ISBN 0-8014-2816-5.
    Reviewed by John Dillon, Trinity College, Dublin. This is the second in a sequence of translations of surviving Neoplatonic commentaries on the Categories in the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series edited by Richard Sorabji (the first, though later chronologically, being that of Dexippus, by the present reviewer). Indeed Strange, who is an acknowledged expert on the subject of later interpretations of the Categories , was of considerable help to me, who am really not, in the preparation of my edition, so it is a pleasure for me to welcome his excellent edition now. Like that of Dexippus, Porphyry's short question-and-answer, or 'catechism' commentary is incomplete, breaking off in the middle of a discussion of the contents of ch. 9, though we have indications that Porphyry went on to discuss the Postpraedicamenta too. Basically, however, Porphyry covers the whole of Aristotle's account of the categories proper, whereas the surviving part of Dexippus' commentary only goes as far as the middle of discussion of Quantity (4b23). Porphyry's is somewhat more summary than that of Dexippus, but we must remember that Porphyry already had under his belt that monument of erudition, his big commentary To Gedalius , which is lost, but which we can see from Simplicius formed the basis for all later Neoplatonist commentary on the Categories.

    45. Academy Reading Room - On Images - Porphyry
    This collection of fragments is drawn from the lost work of the Neoplatonic philosopher porphyry On Images. Essentially, the work is a theological and
    Evans Experientialism Evans Experientialism SEARCH THE WHOLE SITE? SEARCH CLICK THE SEARCH BUTTON Academy Reading Room On Images Porphyry Malchus
    Born: 233 in Tyre (now Sur, Lebanon) Died: 309 in Rome Translated by Edwin Hamilton Gifford This collection of fragments is drawn from the lost work of the Neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry On Images. Essentially, the work is a theological and philosophical interpretation of the symbolism of the Greek gods and goddesses. Porphyry explains why the gods and goddesses were represented in certain ways, and how their names and symbolism are allegorical references to the powers of nature or cosmic principles. Porphyry's work is a representative sample of the allegorical approach that was followed by many philosophers and writers in antiquity, including the Stoics, Plutarch, Philo of Alexandria, and the Neoplatonists. First a biography by J J O'Connor and E F Robertson:
    Porphyry's father was called Malkhos or Malchus, which means 'king'. Both Porphyry's parents were Syrian and he would only get the nickname Porphyry later in his life as we shall explain below. Porphyry was named after his father so for many years he was known as Malchus.
    As a young man Porphyry tried to gain as broad a knowledge as he possibly could by studying many languages and religions. At that time Athens was the main centre for learning, so it was natural that someone with a thirst for knowledge as Porphyry had should travel there to continue his studies. In Athens Porphyry became a student of Longinus who [8]:-

    46. Porphyry From Milestone, Inc.
    Milestone Stone and Tile Resource carries a variety of stone, tile, and paving needs for your residential or commercial project porphyry, travertine,
    Home Travertine Tiles Wholesale ... Contact Us Contact us at for Distributorship opportunities. Porphyry is a natural volcanic rock that is quarried internationally and has a long tradition of use throughout Europe, going back to the Roman Empire. A favored choice of material for their famous roads, Porphyry can still be seen on roads & plazas in the Alps, Rome, Milan, Paris and many of the worlds oldest cities. Now it is available to you from Italian owned Mexican quarries, worked according to Italian "Old World" tradition. Both functional and decorative, porphyry suits a variety of different environments. It is specified by architects and town-planners for cottages and country houses, modern and refined homes, or for public and hospitality projects. Porphyry's technical advantages remain unequalled, and it has become one of the world's most sought-after materials. Click on the following:
    Porphyry Applications
    Installation Process Available sizes email us at

    47. Porphyry Copper Deposits Of The World: Database, Map, And Grade And Tonnage Mode
    This report is an update of an earlier publication about porphyry copper deposits. In this report we have added 84 new porphyry copper deposits and removed
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Open-File Report 2005-1060
    Version 1.0
    Porphyry Copper Deposits of the World: Database, Map, and Grade and Tonnage Models
    By Donald A. Singer, Vladimir I. Berger, and Barry C. Moring
    This report is an update of an earlier publication about porphyry copper deposits. In this report we have added 84 new porphyry copper deposits and removed 12 deposits. In addition, some errors have been corrected and a number of deposits have had some information, such as grades, tonnages, locations, or ages revised. This publication contains a computer file of information on porphyry copper deposits from around the world. It also presents new grade and tonnage models for porphyry copper deposits and for three subtypes of porphyry copper deposits and a map showing the location of all deposits. The value of this information and any derived analyses depends critically on the consistent manner of data gathering. For this reason, we first discuss the rules used in this compilation. Next, the fields of the data file are considered. Finally, we provide new grade and tonnage models. PorCu_meta.txt (metatdata in FGDC format)

    48. Definitions And The Tree Of Porphyry
    A glance at the Tree of porphyry shows that the complete definition of a species consists of its differentia together with the differentiae of all of the
    Philosophy 433
    Philosophy of Aristotle
    University of Washington
    Definitions and the Tree of Porphyry
    The Form of a Definition by genus and differentia
    Each definition takes the form:
    • Definiendum df differentia + genus
    where the definiendum is a species (or genus), and the definiens is the formula that consists of the differentia + the genus (or super-genus). Thus, just as a species is defined in terms of its genus and a differentia that marks it off from other species of that genus, each genus is defined in terms of its super-genus and a differentia that marks it off from other coordinate genera falling under that super-genus.
    Some of the definitions embodied in the tree above
    • Body = df material substance
    • Living thing = df animate body
    • Animal = df sensitive living thing
    • Human = df rational animal
    Fully explicit definitions
    In a fully explicit definition, each definable term ( definiendum ) is replaced by its definiens . Thus, the fully explicit definition of human will be:
    • Human = df rational sensitive animate material substance
    This is obtained from the compressed definition above by successively replacing each definable term ( definiendum ) in the definition with its definiens df definiens df definiendum df definiens Metaph.

    49. Porphyry - Offers For Porphyry - Exporters, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesale,
    porphyry supplier directory over 3000000 registered importers and exporters. porphyry suppliers from China and around the world, porphyry,
    exporters, suppliers, manufacturers, factories and Distributors related to porphyry Sign In Join Free Help Inquiry Basket Member Area Logout Help Inquiry Basket Home Sell Offers Buy Offers Products ... Member Area 1,392,437 Registered Users Latest Sell Offers Add New Sell Offer My Sell Offers Free Offer Alert ... Post your Products for FREE Search Products Worldwide:
    Products porphyry Products Select and Click or Showing 3 of 4 records found Page 1 of 1 Contact Now Raw Granite We are suppliers of raw granite materials such as igneous rocks, tiles, table, counter, and kitchen tops if you want to ... from Tyloonstone Co., Ltd [China] [Related Categories: Countertop, Vanity Top, Table Top Granite Marble [Related Keywords: raw granite porphyry metamorphic rocks Contact Now ... red porphyry(putian red0 Dear sir, How are you doing? I am writing to search the opportunity for us to cooperate in the field of granite... from Fujian Oriental Stone Co.,Ltd [China] [Related Keywords: granite nice Contact Now PORPHYRY Porphyry Grey Master comes from Argentina and it is esteemed material with the beutiful silvery grey. We can offer this ...

    50. What Is Porphyry?
    Brief and Straightforward Guide What is porphyry?
    What is Porphyry?
    ad_unit_target='mainAdUnit'; X Close this window Porphyry is a Greek term that translates as purple. In the scientific sense it refers to a number of igneous rocks with embedded crystals that give rocks of different types a shiny and glittering appearance. The Romans prized certain types of this rock, especially a brownish feldspar rock with large crystals, made up of plagioclase minerals. Since this color, and anything purple was associated with royalty, you see numerous examples of art and architecture in statue carvings, columns, and various fountains made of brownish feldspar, especially with plagioclase crystals. Not only the Roman Empire, but also the Byzantine Empire made significant use of forms of porphyry in sculpture. You’ll find examples of its use in some very well known places, like the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Turkey, built during the Byzantine Empire’s Golden Age . Smaller pieces of porphyry might be used in jewelry. Tradition of using these beautiful igneous rocks in sculpture continues today, with many of the large and impressive buildings especially before the 19th century in Europe making use of porphyry in a variety of ways. The rich color and sparkle of the various types of this rock are a treat to the eye when they are used in large amounts in carvings, statues or columns.

    51. Porphyry @ The Animal Rights Library
    Writings on animal liberation by porphyry. Texts by porphyry. On Abstinence from Animal Food. External links. Wikipedia entry on porphyry
    Porphyry Born: ca. 234; Tyre, Lebanon / Batanaea, Syria Died: ca. 305; Rome, Italy Texts by Porphyry
    On Abstinence from Animal Food
    External links
    Wikipedia entry on Porphyry
    The Animal Rights Library

    52. Porphyry's Against The Christians - Review Of R.J. Hoffmann's Translation
    The 16book work by the Neoplatonist porphyry Against the Christians is lost. Constantine ordered that all copies should be destroyed1; a century later
    Porphyry, Macarius Magnes, and Hoffmann A Review of R.Joseph Hoffmann, Porphyry's Against the Christians The literary remains , Prometheus Books (1994)
    The 16-book work by the Neoplatonist Porphyry Against the Christians is lost. Constantine ordered that all copies should be destroyed ; a century later Theodosius tacitly acknowledged that this had not occurred by issuing a similar edict in 448 . Although Christians were generally interested in Neoplatonism, and many of Porphyry's major philosophical works still survive , it is hard to see who would have copied a work calculated to offend everyone reading or writing books between 550 and 1450, even without such a edict. Books that insult their readers and copyists have few chances of survival. In 1867, a 15th century manuscript containing an unknown work with the title the Apocriticus of Macarius Magnes was discovered in Epirus and taken to Athens by C. Blondel. The work had been written in 5 books; the Athens MS contained only the portion from the middle of book 2 to the middle of book 4. Blondel made an edition of the text from the MS, which was very corrupt, but died before he was able to publish. The book was published by his friend Foucart in 1876, but without an introduction, and this edition is itself now very rare . This remains the only edition of this work. In 1877 Duchesne examined the manuscript again, and provided a description

    53. Porphyry-Quotes | Animal Rights History
    porphyryQuotes, Online Library of Free eBooks, Timeline of Animal Rights History.
    Animal Rights History Porphyry
    c 245-305 Porphyry On Abstinence from Animal Food: Book the First , in Select Works of Porphyry ( ebook history
    Why should we not, at the same time, liberate ourselves from many inconveniences by abandoning a fleshly diet ? For we should not be liberated from one only, but from myriads of evils, by accustoming ourselves to be satisfied with things of the smallest nature ; viz. we should be freed from a superabundance of riches, from numerous servants, a multitude of utensils, a somnolent condition, from many and vehement diseases, from medical assistance, incentives to venery, more gross exhalations, an abundance of excrements, the crassitude of the corporeal bond, from the strength which excites to [base] actions, and, in short, from an Iliad of evils. But from all these, inanimate and slender food, and which is easily obtained, will liberate us, and will procure for us peace, by imparting salvation to our reasoning power. For, as Diogenes says, thieves and enemies are not found among those that feed on maize, but sycophants and tyrants are produced from those who feed on flesh.
    c 245-305 Porphyry On Abstinence from Animal Food: Book the Second , in Select Works of Porphyry ( ebook history
    c 245-305 Porphyry On Abstinence from Animal Food: Book the Third , in Select Works of Porphyry ( ebook history
    Through these arguments, therefore, and others which we shall afterwards mention, in narrating the opinions of the ancients, it is demonstrated that brutes are rational animals, reason in most of them being indeed imperfect, of which, nevertheless, they are not entirely deprived. Since, however, justice pertains to rational beings, as our opponents say, how is it possible not to admit, that we should also act justly towards brutes ?

    54. Porphyrites, Porphyry King: Precious Stones And Gems
    Those ages have left to us certain works in porphyry, the execution of which remains a mystery perhaps the most wonderful things the Roman sculptor ever
    @import url(; @import url(; Date: 2008-01-25
    Tucson Gem Show
    Porphyrites, Porphyry
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    Page of 453
    Text size: PORPHYRITES. PORPHYRITES: Porphyry. Under the Lower Empire, however, it was largely employed in the most sumptuous edifices then erected, in the form of columns of labra for the baths, and of sarcophagi. Some of these columns, in a single piece 42 ft. long, are still to be seen fulfilling their original destination (having mostly been destroyed for the sake of the material), in the portico to Constantine's Baptistery at Rome, and in the mosque of Sta. Sophia. It was a fashionable material for the lower parts of the later imperial busts, having the head alone in white marble or bronze, its colour aptly reproducing the sovereign purple (a dark crimson dye). Those ages have left to us certain works in Porphyry, the exe­cution of which remains a mystery : perhaps the most wonderful things the Roman sculptor ever produced, considering the elabor- Page of 453 minimize List Of Books Table Of Contents Annotate/ Highlight King. Natural History of Precious Stones.

    55. Porphyry's Against The Christians
    Prominent among the pagan critics was porphyry of Trre (ca. 232305), scholar, philosopher, and student of religion. His Against the Christians (Kata
    Porphyry's Against the Christians
    The Literary Remains
    edited and Translated with an Introduction and Epilogue
    by R. Joseph Hoffmann
    R. Joseph Hoffmann (Oxford. England) is the editor or co-editor of numerous books of religious criticism including The Gospel and the Church, What the Bible Really Says, Jesus in History and Myth , and Biblical v Secular Ethics . He has taught at the University of Michigan, Duke University, and is now on the faculty of Oxford University. 181 pages Publication date 30th March,1995 ISBN 0-87975-889-9 Return to Biblical Criticism List

    56. Copper Ridge Explorations Inc. - New Porphyry Target To Be Drilled At Copper Ace
    The Company believes the Sheridan geophysical and geochemical survey results present a compelling target for a new porphyry coppermolybdenum discovery.

    57. P/PO/PORPHYRY ROCK .htm - LoveToKnow 1911
    P/PO/porphyry ROCK .htm. From LoveToKnow 1911. (There is currently no text in this page)
    From LoveToKnow 1911
    (There is currently no text in this page) Retrieved from " Views Personal tools getToolBox("P/PO/PORPHYRY_ROCK_.htm")

    58. The Enneads Of Plotinus: Porphyry: On The Life Of Plotinus And The Arrangement O
    I myself, porphyry of Tyre, was one of Plotinus very closest friends, and it was to me he entrusted the task of revising his writings.
    Sacred Texts Classics Index Previous ... Next
    Porphyry: On the Life of Plotinus and the Arrangement of his Work
    from Plotinus: The Enneads translated by Stephen MacKenna Typed by Owlsmirror/crows January 2004 1. Plotinus, the philosopher our contemporary, seemed ashamed of being in the body. So deeply rooted was this feeling that he could never be induced to tell of his ancestry, his parentage, or his birthplace. He showed, too, an unconquerable reluctance to sit to a painter of a sculptor, and when Amelius persisted in urging him to allow of a portrait being made he asked him, 'Is it not enough to carry about this image in which nature has enclosed us? Do you really think I must also consent to leave, as a desired spectacle to posterity, an image of the image?' In view of this determined refusal Amelius brought his friend Carterius, the best artist of the day, to the Conferences, which were open to every comer, and saw to it that by long observation of the philosopher he caught his most striking personal traits. From the impressions thus stored in mind the artist drew a first sketch; Amelius made various suggestions towards bringing our the resemblance, and in this way, without the knowledge of Plotinus, the genius of Carterius gave us a lifelike portrait. 2. Plotinus was often distressed by an intestinal complaint, but declined clysters, pronouncing the use of such remedies unbecoming in an elderly man: in the same way he refused such medicaments as contain any substance taken from wild beasts or reptiles: all the more, he remarked, since he could not approve of eating the flesh of animals reared for the table.

    59. Porphyry - Definition Of Porphyry By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And E
    Definition of porphyry in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of porphyry. What does porphyry mean? porphyry synonyms, porphyry antonyms.
    Domain='' word='porphyry' Printer Friendly 760,950,965 visitors served. TheFreeDictionary Google Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text subscription: Dictionary/
    thesaurus Medical
    dictionary Legal
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    Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia
    Hutchinson ...
    Also found in: Encyclopedia Wikipedia Hutchinson 0.01 sec. write_ads(AdsNum, 0) por·phy·ry (pôr f -r n. pl. por·phy·ries Rock containing relatively large conspicuous crystals, especially feldspar, in a fine-grained igneous matrix. [Middle English porphiri, porfurie , from Old French porfire , from Italian porfiro , from Medieval Latin porphyrium , from Latin porphyr t s , from Greek porphur t s , from porphur shellfish yielding purple dye, purple (from its color) porphyry (pôr f -r An igneous rock containing the large crystals known as phenocrysts embedded in a fine-grained matrix. porphyritic adjective (pôr f -r t k) Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Noun porphyry - any igneous rock with crystals embedded in a finer groundmass of minerals porphyritic rock groundmass - (geology) the matrix of fine-grained crystalline material in which larger crystals are embedded igneous rock - rock formed by the solidification of molten magma
    write_ads(AdsNum, 0)

    60. Oxford University Press: Porphyry's Introduction : Jonathan Barnes
    The Introduction to philosophy written by porphyry at the end of the second century AD is the most successful work of its kind ever to have been published.
    What are sales promo codes? Keyword ISBN Author Title Corporate
    You are here: OUP USA Home U.S. General Catalog Classical Studies
    Porphyry's Introduction
    Edited by Jonathan Barnes Add to Cart Paperback 448 pages Mar 2006, In Stock due Feb 23 2008
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    See more from the series
    The Introduction to philosophy written by Porphyry at the end of the second century AD is the most successful work of its kind ever to have been published. Porphyry's aim was modest, but he gave highly influential treatments of a number of perennial philosophical questions. Jonathan Barnes presents a complete new English translation, preceded by a substantial introduction and followed by an invaluable commentary, the first to be published in English and the fullest for a century, whose primary aim is to analyze and assess the philosophical theses and arguments which the Introduction puts forward.

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