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         Marcel Gabriel:     more books (100)
  1. Metaphysical Journal by Gabriel Marcel,
  2. The Mystery of Being by Marcel Gabriel, 2009-07-10
  3. Two Plays by Gabriel Marcel by K. R. Hanley, 1988-08-04
  4. Thou Shall Not Die by Gabriel Marcel, 2009-11-15
  5. The Mystery of Being 2. Faith and Reason by Gabriel Marcel, 1960
  6. Homo viator;: Introduction to a metaphysic of hope. Translated by Emma Craufurd (Harper Torchbooks; The Cloister Library) by Gabriel Marcel, 1962
  7. Gabriel Marcel (Makers of Contemporary Theology) by Sam Keen, 1967-06
  8. Tragic Wisdon and Beyond: Including Conversations Between Paul Ricoeur and Gabriel Marcel by Gabriel Marcel, 1973-07
  9. Two One Act Plays by Gabriel Marcel: Dot the I and the Double Experience by Gabriel Marcel, 1986-03
  10. La Filosofia De Gabriel Marcel/ The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel: De La Dialectica a La Invocacion (Ensayos) (Spanish Edition) by Feliciano Blazquez, 1992-12-04
  11. Problematic man by Gabriel Marcel, 1967
  12. Gabriel Marcel by Seymour Cain, 1979-01-25
  13. Gabriel Marcel: Filosofo, Dramaturgo y Compositor (Spanish Edition) by Jose Luis Caas, 1998-12
  14. Gabriel Marcel, philosophe et temoin de l'esperance (French Edition) by Simonne Plourde, 1975

21. Danet Thierry Marcel Gabriel - Epinal, France | Company Profile
Danet Thierry marcel gabriel company profile in Epinal, France. Our company profile report for Danet Thierry marcel gabriel includes business information
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Danet Thierry Marcel Gabriel
25 Place Jeanne D Arc, Epinal, France Add Company Info Phone: SIC: Health and Allied Services, NEC Line of Business: Health And Allied Services, Nec, Nsk

22. Gabriel (-Honoré) Marcel (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)
gabriel marcel (18891973) was a philosopher, drama critic, playwright and musician. He converted to Catholicism in 1929 and his philosophy was later
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First published Tue Nov 16, 2004; substantive revision Wed Nov 17, 2004 The Mystery of Being , and the William James Lectures at Harvard in 1961-1962, which were collected and published as The Existential Background of Human Dignity
1. Biographical Sketch
in 1910, he taught philosophy intermittently in Sens, Paris, and Montpellier; however, his main professional occupations were that of drama critic (for Europe nouvelle and later for ) and editor (for the series at Plon). Marcel's philosophical legacy includes lectures, journal entries and dramatic works in addition to more orthodox philosophical expression in essays. Of these various genres, Marcel was perhaps most pleased with his dramatic works. In fact, reading between the lines of his autobiographical remarks, one can discern some puzzlement and no small amount of frustration at the success of his philosophical works and the relative obscurity of his dramatic works. Complicating the diverse expression of his ideas is the fact that Marcel was a consciously unsystematic philosopher, something he realized as early as the publication of his Nevertheless, while the diverse expression of his thought and the related lack of systematicity cause some difficulty for those interested in Marcel's work, the main themes of his thought are present in many of his works. Especially noteworthy are:

23. Gabriel Marcel -- Philosophy Books And Online Resources
gabriel marcel, existentialist, philosophy resources. Resources include annotated links, essays, book reviews, new and used books by and about marcel and

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The Philosophy of Existentialism
by Gabriel Marcel Click here to learn more about this book
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The Gabriel Marcel Society
This site has information about some increasingly rare texts of Marcel, and information on how to join the Marcel Society. (The information is in both French and English) Excerpt: Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973) Paris, France was a Dramatist-Philosopher of international renown. Many of his thirty plays were staged in major theaters of Europe, produced by university theater groups, and broadcast by radio as well. Marcel authored as many philosophic works, and was a lecturer sought after by audiences around the world. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland 1951-1952, and at Harvard University in the United States 1961-62. In 1952 he was elected a member of the Institute of France, to serve in its Academy of Social and Political Sciences. He lived at the heart of the cultural, intellectual, political and social developments of the twentieth century, and, his correspondence reveals the respect shown him by people from all stations and walks of life....

24. EpistemeLinks: Website Results For Philosopher Gabriel Marcel
General website search results for gabriel marcel including brief biographies, link resources, and more. Provided by EpistemeLinks.

25. Existential Primer: Gabriel Marcel
Most noted within existentialism for his disputes with JeanPaul Sartre, gabriel marcel was a gifted essayist and playwright, specializing in matters of
The Existential Primer
Forums About Tameri Existentialism ... Merleau-Ponty Page Link / Page Link / Page Link /
Gabriel Marcel
Introduction Biography Chronology Commentaries ... Bibliography
Introduction Definitions Ethics Divisions ... Suggested Reading Please consider making a donation to The Existential Primer Do not use this site as a study guide. The incomplete nature of this Web site might result in misunderstanding the profiled individuals. The pages are sometimes posted unedited or appear in outline form. These documents contain excerpts from the works of others. Read their books Citations are not in MLA or APA format to prevent “borrowing” from this site. Included passages are in the format Work, Author, Page , with full citations at the end of Web pages.
This page was added December 2004, to indicate my future plans for the Existential Primer. Please know that this page may be delayed while I address the primary pages of the primer. I consider it important to complete pages on Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, and Camus before expanding further.
Most noted within existentialism for his disputes with Jean-Paul Sartre , Gabriel Marcel was a gifted essayist and playwright, specializing in matters of faith and morality. Marcel is generally considered a “Christian existentialist” due to his Catholicism and the influence of

26. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Gabriel Marcel
Translate this page Dossier comprenant une biographie et une présentation de l oeuvre de gabriel marcel.
var menupardefaut = ''; L'encyclopédie Partenariats Index Magazine ...
Colloque "Pratiques soignantes, éthiques et société" (RISES, Université Lyon 3)

Michel Tétu Le défi Internet Jacques Dufresne Google Knol, l'encyclopédie de Google Jacques Dufresne The Death of French Culture Jacques Dufresne Poèmes Guido Gezelle La Saga de Gösta Berling (Extraits) Selma Lagerlöf Elckerlyc (Everyman) Oedipe Roi Voltaire Les deux fils de Brutus (Extrait) Voltaire
Rencontres Lectures Essai sur l'Europe
Dossier Gabriel Marcel Biographie en résumé Philosophe et écrivain français (1889-1973)
On l'associe à l'existentialisme dit chrétien mais, nous rappelle Anne Marcel qui vient de publier une petite anthologie du philosophe, « durant près de vingt ans, l'expérience spirituelle a été au centre de ses préoccupations, sans qu'il se sente pourtant jamais le droit de s'affirmer comme chrétien. Et ce n'est qu'à l'âge de trente-neuf ans qu'il aura la conviction d'être sur la voie du Christ et entrera dans l'Église catholique. Il y trouvera sa vraie famille, à laquelle, en dépit de tout, il restera fidèle jusqu'à son dernier souffle. »
« Gabriel Marcel, tout en constatant d'ouvrage en ouvrage l'impossibilité où il est d'écrire "sa philosophie" en discours suivi, s'en réjouit en définitive. Cette impuissance, pense-t-il, démontre que la pensée est un

27. Gabriel Marcel - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At
Research gabriel marcel at the online library.

28. Gabriel Marcel —
Les points sur les i concrete and philosophical approaches to commitment and waiting in gabriel marcel s work.(Critical Essay) (Renascence Essays on
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    Marcel, Gabriel
    Marcel, Gabriel key or personally involved, because existence and the human person are more significant than any abstraction. Involvement must be with other persons. To counter the impersonality of the mechanistic modern world and to recall man to an awareness of the mystery of being, Marcel spoke of the development of the individual in person-to-person dialogue. Human existence finds its earthly satisfaction in a God-centered communion of persons that is characterized by mutual fidelity and hope. His chief works include Metaphysical Journal Being and Having The Mystery of Being Presence and Immortality (1959), and a collection of essays

29. : : : : : Gabriel Marcel : : : : :
Translate this page Vida y obra del filósofo con enlace a alguno de sus textos.

30. Marcel, Gabriel. Gabriel Marcel's Perspectives On "The Broken World."; Dot The I
marcel, gabriel. gabriel marcels Perspectives on The Broken World. ; Dot the I and The Double Expertise (Two One Act Plays).(Book Review) from Review of
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Marcel, Gabriel. Gabriel Marcel's Perspectives on "The Broken World."; Dot the I and The Double Expertise (Two One Act Plays).(Book Review)
Review of Metaphysics, The December, 2002 by Michaud, Thomas A. Content provided
in partnership with Translation, Preface and Foreword by Katherine Rose Hanley. Introduction by Ralph McInerny. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1998. 242 pp. Paper, $25.00. Dot the I and The Double Expertise (Two One Act Plays). Translated and Introduced by Katherine Rose Hanley. Directed by John Morrison.
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31. Marcel, Gabriel
1952), marcel argued for a concrete philosophy that recognized that one s incarnation in a body and one s historical situation essentially condition who one
Marcel, Gabriel
French Roman Catholic existentialist philosopher, dramatist, and critic, who insisted that individuals can only be understood as embodied and involved in specific situations.
See Also Existentialism.

32. Marcel (Gabriel)
Translate this page gabriel marcel s inscrivit très tôt, et de façon originale, dans le mouvement qui s opposait aux idéalismes et rationalismes régnant dans l Université du
Gabriel Marcel cogito cogito lui toi Les hommes contre l'humain

Translate this page Piú noto come filosofo, ma degno di attenzione anche come musicista, drammaturgo, conferenziere e saggista, gabriel marcel ha saputo offrire,
GABRIEL MARCEL A cura di Diego Fusaro
Il primo dovere del filosofo consiste nel pronunciarsi chiaramente sui limiti delle proprie conoscenze e riconoscere che vi sono dei campi in cui la sua incompetenza è assoluta . " ("Gli uomini contro l'umano")


Nella sua prima opera importante, "Il Giornale metafisico", apparsa nel 1927 (lo stesso anno in cui usciva "Essere e Tempo", di Heidegger) Marcel prende in esame la dimensione dell'esistenza nella forma letteraria di un "diario dell'anima": il costante interesse per il problema ontologico (come fondamento stesso della descrizione esistenziale) non consente, però, di accostare eccessivamente il pensiero dell'esistenzialismo (accostamento da Marcel stesso respinto) mentre alcune interpretazioni novecentesche hanno scorto in esso piuttosto l'espressione di una ramificazione francese e spiritualizzata della fenomenologia tedesca. In ogni caso, la riflessione di Marcel non può essere ricondotta a schemi di scuola e la sola denominazione possibile è quella di filosofia concreta che egli stesso impiegò per definirla. Il tema fondamentale della riflessione di Marcel è l'

34. The Gabriel Marcel Society
The Society aims to use the internet as a medium of communication to increase appreciation of gabriel marcel s work.
Marcel Contents Gabriel Marcel with his grandchildren (photo by J.-M. Marcel. Reproduced with permission) Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973) Paris, France was a Dramatist-Philosopher of international renown. Many of his thirty plays were staged in major theaters of Europe, produced by university theater groups, and broadcast by radio as well. Marcel authored as many philosophic works, and was a lecturer sought after by audiences around the world. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland 1951-1952, and at Harvard University in the United States 1961-62. In 1952 he was elected a member of the Institute of France, to serve in its Academy of Social and Political Sciences. He lived at the heart of the cultural, intellectual, political and social developments of the twentieth century, and, his correspondence reveals the respect shown him by people from all stations and walks of life. After Marcel's death October 8, 1973 his family, colleagues

35. Gabriel Marcel —
marcel, gabriel (gäbr el märsel ) key1889–1973, French philosopher, dramatist, and critic, b. Paris. A leading Christian existentialist,
  • Home U.S. People Word Wise ... Homework Center Fact Monster Favorites Reference Desk Encyclopedia
    Marcel, Gabriel
    Marcel, Gabriel key or personally involved, because existence and the human person are more significant than any abstraction. Involvement must be with other persons. To counter the impersonality of the mechanistic modern world and to recall man to an awareness of the mystery of being, Marcel spoke of the development of the individual in person-to-person dialogue. Human existence finds its earthly satisfaction in a God-centered communion of persons that is characterized by mutual fidelity and hope. His chief works include Metaphysical Journal Being and Having The Mystery of Being Presence and Immortality (1959), and a collection of essays, Philosophy of Existentialism (1961). His best-known plays are Un Homme de Dieu (1925) and Le Chemin de Crete See his Tragic Wisdom and Beyond (tr. 1973); studies by S. Cain (1963, repr. 1979), J. B. O'Malley (1967), and K. T. Gallagher (1975). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia

36. Philosophy Of Gabriel Marcel The Library Of Living Philosophers
Alibris UK has Philosophy of gabriel marcel The Library of Living Philosophers and other books by gabriel marcel, Paul Arthur Schilpp (Editor), of Gabriel M
You'll find it at Alibris! Log in here. Over 60 million secondhand, new, and out-of-print books! YOUR CART items ACCOUNT WISHLIST HELP search all sellers in
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Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel: The Library of Living Philosophers by Gabriel Marcel, Paul Arthur Schilpp (Editor), Lewis Edwin Hahn (Editor) Synopsis not available. Your search: Books Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel: The Library of Living Philosophers (5 available copies) Narrow your results by: Signed First edition Page of 1 sort by Seller Rating Price - Low Price - High Condition Title Author Pub Date The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel (Library of Living Philosophers, Volume 17)

37. La Concepción Del Hombre Según El Pensamiento Filosófico De Gabriel Marcel -
Translate this page El pensamiento filosófico de gabriel marcel es influenciado por su vida. gabriel marcel en su pensamiento filosófico adquiere dimensiones de compromiso
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La Concepción del Hombre según el Pensamiento Filosófico de Gabriel Marcel
  • Introducción Biografía de Gabriel Marcel La visión del mundo según Gabriel Marcel Conceptualización del hombre según Gabriel Marcel ... Conclusión
    En nuestro trabajo presentaremos, aquello que en la actualidad el hombre se cuestiona, la del ser, la del propio existir que nos envuelve en el quisiéramos penetrar, del que quisiéramos trascender, en términos generales el dualismo del hombre (cuerpo y alma ) que a lo largo de la historia de la filosofía , han tratado de definir como Gabriel Marcel, filósofo existencialista cristiano. En consecuencia la pregunta es: ¿Cuál es la concepción del hombre, según el pensamiento filosófico de Gabriel Marcel?. De esta manera nosotros trataremos de estudiar, de entender el pensamiento filosófico de Gabriel Marcel desde su obra " El Misterio del Ser De este modo nuestro objetivo general es: Estudiar la concepción del hombre, según Gabriel Marcel, comprendiéndola el dualismo que hay entre cuerpo y alma, de esa manera extraer el

    38. Marcel, Gabriel - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Marcel, Gabriel
    Hutchinson encyclopedia article about marcel, gabriel. marcel, gabriel. Information about marcel, gabriel in the Hutchinson encyclopedia., Gabriel
    Domain='' word='Marcel, Gabriel' Printer Friendly 760,937,151 visitors served. TheFreeDictionary Google Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text subscription: Dictionary/
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    French dramatist and philosopher. His philosophy, which has been described as a Christian version of existentialism, owes much to Bergson, Nietzsche, and Dostoevski. Among his plays are La Chapelle ardente Un Homme de Dieu Le Fanal Le Dard Rome n'est plus dans Rome Les Coeurs avides (1953), and Croissez et multipliez (1955). His philosophical works include Etre et avoir Le Mystere de L'Etre Presence et Immortalite Marcel differs from Sartre and other atheist existentialists in that despair and anguish at the absurdity of life are no part of his attitude. For him as for other Catholic existentialists, despair is no more than a transient temptation. Hope is the texture of life, and is its essential condition. hut(1)
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    39. Marcel, Gabriel Philosophy Forum Frigate
    Welcome to the marcel, gabriel Clic Forum Frigate. Post yer opinion, a link to some of yer work or a cool web resource, or yer thoughts regarding the best,Gabrielhall/shakespeare1.html
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    If ye would like to moderate the Marcel, Gabriel Forum Frigate, please drop a line.
    PHILOSOPHY, Marcel, Gabriel, Philosopher, and Aristotle all sail aboard The Jolly Roger
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    The new Marcel, Gabriel Forum is at
    Marcel, Gabriel Forum Frigate
    Ahoy mate! Welcome to the Marcel, Gabriel Clic Forum Frigate. Post yer opinion, a link to some of yer work or a cool web resource, or yer thoughts regarding the best books and criticisms concerning Marcel, Gabriel. We'd also like to invite ye to sail on by the Marcel, Gabriel Live Clics Chat please feel free to use the message board below to schedule a chat session. And the brave of heart shall certainly wish to sign their souls aboard The Jolly Roger Oak planks of reason, riveted with rhyme,
    designed to voyage across all of time.

    40. Marcel, Gabriel (1889-1973) - MavicaNET
    Translate this page The theistic existentialism of the French Catholic philosopher gabriel marcel is too little known in the English-speaking parts of the world,
    selCatSelAlt="Deselect category"; selCatDesAlt="Select category"; selSitSelAlt="Deselect site"; selSitDesAlt="Select site";
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