Home Articles Games Portals ... Contact Us Philosopher of the Month August 2002 - Niccolo Machiavelli Peter Cave Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) was primarily a diplomat and spin-doctor, committed to enhancing the power of his native city republic, Florence. When the Medici family ousted the republicans, Machiavelli was treated with suspicion and eventually accused of plotting against the Medici. In 1513, Machiavelli was tortured, and retired to a farm - an internal exile. There he wrote Il Principe (The Prince) - a gift for the powerful Medici. Machiavelli hoped that his exposition on how rulers should secure power would re-ignite his political career, even if in support of the princely dictators. The Prince failed in that, but brought him posthumous fame - fame as the political philosopher best known for (seemingly) being prepared to justify any means for political preservation. He later wrote the Discourses , justifying republicanism, and The Art of War , arguing for a citizen militia rather than mercenaries. | |