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         Locke John:     more books (104)
  1. An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding Mdcxc, Based on the 2nd Edition, Books 1 and 2 by John Locke, 2010-09-05
  2. An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding Mdcxc, Based on the 2nd Edition, Books 3 and 4 by John Locke, 2010-09-05
  3. Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke, 2010-05-06
  4. Two Treatises of Government by John Locke, 2010-10-02
  5. Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke, 2003-12-01
  6. Locke: Political Essays (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought) by John Locke, 1997-10-13
  7. The Selected Political Writings of John Locke (Norton Critical Editions) by John Locke, Paul Sigmund, 2005-05-17
  8. Lethal Experiment: A Donovan Creed Novel by John Locke, 2009-12-11
  9. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke) by John Locke, 1979-08-23
  10. The Second Treatise on Civil Government (Great Books in Philosophy) by John Locke, 1986-03
  11. Second Treatise of Government by John Locke, 2010-08-07
  12. Two Treatises of Government (Everyman's Library (Paper)) by John Locke, 1993-12-15
  13. Locke: A Biography by Roger Woolhouse, 2007-01-08
  14. Political Writings by John Locke, David Wootton, 2003-03

1. John Locke - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Locke s father, who was also named John Locke, was a country lawyer and clerk to the Justices of the Peace in Chew Magna, 1 who had served as a captain of
John Locke
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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17th-century philosophy

(Modern Philosophy) John Locke Name John Locke Birth August 29
Somerset England Death October 28
England School/tradition British Empiricism Social contract Natural law Main interests Metaphysics Epistemology Political philosophy philosophy of mind ... Education Notable ideas tabula rasa , "government with the consent of the governed"; state of nature ; rights of life, liberty and property Influenced by Plato Aristotle Avicenna Ibn Tufail ... Polish Brethren Influenced Hume Kant Berkeley Paine ... Smith and many political philosophers after him, especially the American Founding Fathers Arthur Schopenhauer Signature For other persons named John Locke, see John Locke (disambiguation) John Locke, August 29 October 28 ) was an English philosopher . Locke is considered the first of the British Empiricists , but is equally important to social contract theory. His ideas had enormous influence on the development of epistemology and political philosophy , and he is widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers and contributors to liberal theory . His writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau , many Scottish Enlightenment thinkers, as well as the

2. John Locke
John Locke was an Oxford scholar, medical researcher and physician, political operative, economist and idealogue for a revolutionary movement,
John Locke (1632-1704)
"Though the familiar use of the Things about us, takes off our Wonder; yet it cures not our Ignorance."
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (III. vi. 9) "...he that will not give just occasion to think that all government in the world is the product only of force and violence, and that men live together by no other rules but that of beasts, where the strongest carries it...must of necessity find another rise of government, another original of political power..."
-from The Second Treatise of Civil Government John Locke was an Oxford scholar, medical researcher and physician, political operative, economist and idealogue for a revolutionary movement, as well as being one of the great philosophers of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. His monumental Essay Concerning Human Understanding aims to determine the limits of human understanding. Earlier writers such as Chillingworth had argued that human understanding was limited, Locke tries to determine what those limits are. We can, he thinks, know with certainty that God exists. We can also know about morality with the same precision we know about mathematics, because we are the creators of moral and political ideas. In regard to natural substances we can know only the appearances and not the underlying realities which produce those appearances. Still, the atomic hypothesis with its attendant distinction between primary and secondary qualities is the most plausible available hypothesis. Locke's

3. John Locke
John Locke was born in Wrington, Somerset in 1632, the son of a country lawyer who served as a Captain of Horse in the Parliamentary army; both his parents
Philosophers: John Locke (1632-1704 CE) Links When Shaftesbury regained his influence briefly, Locke returned to England, but soon felt obliged to leave again, this time for the Netherlands, where he lived for five years, before finally returning to England on the accession of William and Mary. It was during his stay in the Netherlands that he wrote the Letter on Tolerance, and finished his two most important works, both published in 1690 after his return to England: An Essay on Human Understanding and Two Treatises on Government The new regime in England honoured Locke with various government posts. He settled at Oates in Essex, at the house of Damaris Masham, where he died in 1704 at the age of seventy-two, possibly as the result of a tiring journey made to London at the behest of King William. Locke's philosophical interests divide roughly into three parts: political, epistemological, and scientific. On the scientific side, he was much influenced by his friend, the Irish scientist Robert Boyle, whom he helped with his experiments, and whose corpuscular theory of matter Locke argued for in the Essay . According to this theory, every physical thing is composed of sub-microscopic, indivisible particles, corpuscles, and all of an object's properties are the result of the arrangement of its corpuscles. There are two main kinds of property or quality: primary and secondary. They're both the powers to produce ideas in us, but whereas the ideas produced by primary qualities resemble the objects, the ideas produced by secondary qualities don't.

4. Island Of Freedom - John Locke
John Locke, born on Aug. 29, 1632, in Somerset, England, was an English philosopher and political theorist. Locke was educated at Christ Church, Oxford,
Island of Freedom Plato Aristotle Aurelius Plotinus ... Wittgenstein To make light of philosophy is to be a true philosopher. Blaise Pascal Home Theologians Philosophers Poets ... Siddhartha
John Locke
John Locke

John Locke

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

The Second Treatise of Civil Government

A Letter Concerning Toleration

John Locke, born on Aug. 29, 1632, in Somerset, England, was an English philosopher and political theorist. Locke was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, where he followed the traditional classical curriculum and then turned to the study of medicine and science, receiving a medical degree, but his interest in philosophy was reawakened by the study of Descartes . He then joined the household of Anthony Ashley Cooper, later the earl of Shaftesbury, as a personal physician at first, becoming a close friend and advisor. Shaftesbury secured for Locke a series of minor government appointments. In 1669, in one of his official capacities, Locke wrote a constitution for the proprietors of the Carolina Colony in North America, but it was never put into effect. In 1671 Locke began to write his greatest work, the Essay Concerning Human Understanding , which took nearly twenty years to complete since he was deeply engaged in Shaftesbury's political affairs. In 1675, after the liberal Shaftesbury had fallen from favor, Locke went to France. In 1679 he returned to England, but in view of his opposition to the Roman Catholicism favored by the English monarchy at that time, he soon found it expedient to return to the Continent. From 1683 to 1688 he lived in Holland, and following the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the restoration of Protestantism to favor, Locke returned once more to England. The new king, William III, appointed Locke to the Board of Trade in 1696, a position from which he resigned because of ill health in 1700. He died in Oates on October 28, 1704.

5. John Locke --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on John Locke English philosopher who was an initiator of the Enlightenment in England and France, an inspirer of
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Expand all Collapse all Introduction The life of John Locke Early years Association with Shaftesbury Later life Exile in Holland ... Last years Locke's philosophy Theory of knowledge Empiricism Self-knowledge Language ... Influence Major Works Philosophy, religion, and education Political philosophy and economics Recommended editions Additional Reading Biographies Commentaries Bibliographies Print this Table of Contents Shopping
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John Locke
Page 1 of 23 born August 29, 1632, Wrington, Somerset, England
died October 28, 1704, Oates, Essex English philosopher who was an initiator of the Enlightenment in England and France, an inspirer of the U.S. Constitution, and the author of, among other works

6. John Locke - Wikiquote
John Locke (29 August 1632 –28 October 1704) was an influential English philosopher and social contract theorist. He developed an alternative to the
John Locke
From Wikiquote
Jump to: navigation search To love truth for truth's sake is the principal part of human perfection in this world, and the seed-plot of all other virtues. John Locke 29 August 28 October ) was an influential English philosopher and social contract theorist. He developed an alternative to the Hobbesian state of nature and argued a government could only be legitimate if it received the consent of the governed and protected the natural rights of life, liberty, and estate. If such a consent was not achieved, Locke argued in favor of a right of rebellion.

7. Information On John Locke
John Locke was an enormous influence in western culture, in particular Thomas Jefferson. They argue was he a Deist, Unitarian, or Christian?
Information on John Locke
John Locke was an enormous influence in western culture, in particular Thomas Jefferson. They argue was he a Deist, Unitarian, or Christian? Until the radical French Enlightenment, American Deism and Unitarianism were really much the same, and both belonged in the reach of liberal Protestantism. Locke rejected the Trinity and Original Sin, but held to many Christians beliefs. He knew the Deists, and was influenced by the Polish Unitarians. Keep in mind the Age of Reason is separate from the radical French Enlightenment The following is an extract from At the Origins of English Rationalism Morton White in Philosophy, The Federalist, and the Constitution[28] finds the influence of Locke (1632-1704) and Hume (1711-1776) throughout the political writings of the American immediate post-revolutionary era. Those who follow this interpretation, and also see the two as Enlightenment figures, will tend to consider the Enlightenment influence on the framers to be supreme. (I will simply record my doubts about White's thesis. Those who are only familiar with the canonical philosophical writers of the surveys of the history of philosophy tend to credit them with all the ideas and expressions found in their books, even when they are simply writing as men of their times.) While Hume is generally regarded as an Enlightenment figure, the status of Locke is disputed. For example, he is sometimes regarded (in my experience by his fellow theological liberals) as a Christian with an excessive if naïve enthusiasm for the possibilities of reason and new departures in philosophy.

8. John Locke
John C. Attig s extensive Locke bibliography. • Chinese University of Hong Kong online edition of the Essay with text search
In 1690 Locke published his book, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
This work, begun in 1671, established Locke as the greatest of the Empiricist
philosophers. For three hundred years, to this day, his views have had an immense
influence on epistemology, metaphysics, psychology, and political philosophy,
whether through agreement or disagreement. Locke is therefore rightly regarded
as one of the greatest philosophers of all times. The journal Locke Studies The earliest drafts of Locke's Essay ...

9. John Locke - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Biografía del pensador con enlace a términos relevantes.
John Locke
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
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Para el personaje de ficci³n de la serie Lost , v©ase John Locke (Lost)
Filosof­a de occidente
del siglo XVII Nombre John Locke Nacimiento Wrington Somerset Inglaterra 29 de agosto de Fallecimiento Oates Essex Inglaterra 28 de octubre de Escuela/Tradici³n Contrato Social Derecho natural Empirismo John Locke nacido el 29 de agosto de en Wrington Somerset Inglaterra y fallecido el 28 de octubre de en Oates Essex . Pensador ingl©s considerado como el padre del empirismo y del liberalismo
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editar Bases de su pensamiento
Su epistemolog­a niega la existencia del innatismo y el determinismo considerando el conocimiento de origen sensorial, por lo que rechaza la idea absoluta en favor de la probabil­stica matem¡tica. Para Locke, el conocimiento solamente alcanza a las relaciones entre los hechos, al c³mo, no al por qu©. Por otra parte cree percibir una armon­a global, apoyado en creencias y supuestos evidentes por s­ mismos, por lo que su pensamiento tambi©n contiene elementos propios del racionalismo y el mecanicismo Cree en un Dios creador cercano a la concepci³n calvinista del gran relojero, basando su argumentaci³n en nuestra propia existencia y la imposibilidad de la

10. John Locke - Mahalo
John Locke was a British philosopher best known for challenging the idea of an innate human nature. Fast Facts Directly influenced the Declaration of
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John Locke
Guide Note: John Locke was a British philosopher best known for challenging the idea of an innate human nature. Fast Facts:
  • Directly influenced the Declaration of Independence Invested heavily in the American colonies Developed the idea that humans were born a "blank slate"
      Did you mean John Locke, character on Lost
    The Mahalo Top 7
  • Wikipedia: John Locke Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: John Locke Penn State University Library: John Locke Bibliography Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: John Locke and His Political Philosophy Locke, John University of Idaho: History of Philosophy - John Locke Video: Philosophy Movie featuring Locked and Berkeley
  • John Locke Writings
    John Locke Images
    John Locke Quotes
    John Locke Books and Research

    11. John Locke - Lostpedia
    John Locke was born to Emily Annabeth Locke and Anthony Cooper on May 30, 1956. His mother was 15 years old when she gave birth. This may have contributed
    Lost Season 4 returns in 7 days on
    John Locke
    From Lostpedia
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    "John" redirects here. For other uses of "John", see: John (disambiguation)
    John Locke
    Portrayed by Terry O'Quinn First Island Appearance Pilot, Part 1 Last Island Appearance N/A Centric Episode(s) Walkabout
    Deus Ex Machina

    Exodus, Part 2

    The Brig
    Name Johnathan Locke Age (May 30 1956) Origin Tustin, California Status Alive Profession Former department store assistant manager
    Former owner of Welcome Home Professional Home Inspections Regional collection supervisor for a box company
    In Australia... participate in a walkabout tour out of Melbourne On the flight... return home Family Members... Anthony Cooper - Father
    Emily Locke
    - Mother
    - Foster Sister
    Unnamed Foster Brother
    Unnamed Former Foster Mother
    Bea Jones - Great Aunt Appearances... MP Images Johnathan "John" Locke is one of the middle section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 . His paralysis was immediately healed upon crashing on the Island , which has ultimately led him to believe he has some sort of special connection to the Island . He is sometimes shown in antithesis to Benjamin Linus , sharing several traits including the ability to commune with Jacob . Seen as antithetical to Jack Shephard , he and Jack are philosophical opposites and used to share leadership among the survivors , but now seems to be creating his own agenda for his actions on the Island and has broken off from the survivors.

    12. John Locke -- Overview [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
    Biographical information and an explanation of his major ideas.
    John Locke (1632-1704)
    Table of Contents (Clicking on the links below will take you to that part of this article)
    Life His knowledge of medicine and occasional practice of the art led, in 1666, to an acquaintance with Lord Ashley (afterwards, from 1672, Earl of Shaftesbury). The acquaintance, begun accidentally, had an immediate effect on Locke's career. Without serving his connection with Oxford, he became a member of Shaftesbury's household, and seems soon to have been looked upon as indispensable in all matters domestic and political. He saved the statesman's life by a skillful operation, arranged a suitable marriage for his heir, attended the lady in her confinement, and directed the nursing and education of her son afterwards famous as the author of Characteristics . He assisted Shaftesbury also in public business, commercial and political, and followed him into the government service. When Shaftesbury was made lord chancellor in 1672, Locke became his secretary for presentations to benefices, and, in the following year, was made secretary to the board of trade. In 1675 his official life came to an end for the time with the fall of his chief. Locke's health, always delicate, suffered from the London climate. When released from the cares of office, he left England in search of health. Ten years earlier he had his first experience of foreign travel and of public employment, as secretary to Sir Walter Vane, ambassador to the Elector of Brandenburg during the first Dutch war. On his return to England, early in 1666, he declined an offer of further service in Spain, and settled again in Oxford, but was soon induced by Shaftesbury to spend a great part of his time in London. On his release from office in 1675 he sought milder air in the south of France, made leisurely journeys, and settled down for many months at Montpellier. The journal which he kept at this period is full of minute descriptions of places and customs and institutions. It contains also a record of many of the reflections that afterwards took shape in the

    13. John Locke (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy)
    john locke (b. 1632, d. 1704) was a British philosopher, Oxford academic and medical researcher, whose association with Anthony Ashley Cooper (later the
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    John Locke
    First published Sun Sep 2, 2001; substantive revision Sat May 5, 2007 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding concerns itself with determining the limits of human understanding in respect to God, the self, natural kinds and artifacts, as well as a variety of different kinds of ideas. It thus tells us in some detail what one can legitimately claim to know and what one cannot. Locke also wrote a variety of important political, religious and educational works including the Two Treatises of Government , the Letters Concerning Toleration The Reasonableness of Christianity and Some Thoughts Concerning Education

    14. John Locke Index
    C. Bastide, 1970, john locke, ses théories politiques et leur influence en Angleterre; les libertés politiques, l église et l état la tolerance.
    John Locke
    Works, A New Edition Corrected, (1823)
  • Volume One
  • Volume Two
  • Volume Three
  • Volume Four ...
  • "Locke's Theory of the State" by F. Pollock
  • John Norris, Cursory Reflections upon a Book called An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Vincent Perronet, A Second Vindication of Mr. Locke
  • Thomas Ludlam, Logical Tracts: Comprising Observations and Essays Illustrative of Mr. Locke's Treatise upon the Human Understanding
  • Thomas Morell, Notes and Annotations on Locke on The Human Understanding
  • Peter King, T he Life of John Locke with extracts from his Correspondence, Journals and Common-place books , (New Edition 1830) Volume One Volume Two
  • Thomas Burnet, Remarks Upon an Essay Concerning Humane Understanding
  • John Locke, An Answer to Remarks Upon an Essay Concerning Humane Understanding
  • Thomas Burnet, Second Remarks Upon an Essay Concerning Humane Understanding
  • Thomas Burnet, Third Remarks Upon an Essay Concerning Humane Understanding
  • Dionysius Lardner
  • 15. Locke
    A brief discussion of the life and works of john locke, with links to electronic texts and additional information.
    Philosophy Pages
    Dictionary Study Guide ... Locke

    John Locke
    Life and Works


    Internet Sources
    Although he completed a philosophical education at Oxford, John Locke declined the offer of a permanent academic position in order to avoid committing himself to a religious order. Having also studied medicine, he served for many years as private physician and secretary to Anthony Ashley Cooper, the first Earl of Shaftesbury and one of the Lord Proprietors of the Carolina Colonies. Locke's involvement with this controversial political figure led to a period of self-imposed exile in Holland during the 1680s, but after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 he held several minor governmental offices. A friend of Isaac Newton and Robert Boyle , Locke was also an early member of the Royal Society. He studied and wrote on philosophical, scientific, and political matters throughout his life, in a voluminous correspondence and ample journals , but the public works for which he is best known were published in a single, sudden burst. The fundamental principles of Locke's philosophy are presented in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), the culmination of twenty years of reflection on the origins of human knowledge. According to Locke, what we know is always properly understood as

    16. John Locke Bibliography Home Page
    List of recent publications about the English philosopher.

    17. ILTweb: Study Place: John Locke
    Short biography about the British empiricist. Offers some related links.
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    John Locke
    Locke, John, 1632-1704, English philosopher, founder of British empiricism . Locke's two most important works, Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Two Treatises on Civil Government ( .txt-only version of Second Treatise ), both published in 1690, quickly established him as the leading philosopher of freedom. In the Essay he opposed the rationalist belief in innate ideas, holding that the mind is born a blank upon which all knowledge is inscribed in the form of human experience. He distinguished the primary qualities of things (e.g., extension, solidity, number) from the secondary qualities (e.g., color, smell, sound), which he held to be produced by the direct impact of the world on the sense organs. The primary qualities affect the sense organs mechanically, providing ideas that faithfully reflect reality; thus science is possible. Later empiricists such as Hume and George Berkeley based their systems largely on Locke's theory of knowledge. In political theory he was equally influential. Contradicting Hobbes , Locke maintained that the original state of nature was happy and characterized by reason and tolerance; all human beings were equal and free to pursue "life, health, liberty, and possessions." The state formed by the

    18. John Locke (1632-1704), The Philosopher Of Freedom.
    Extensive biography of john locke. Concentrates on locke s philosophical thesis.

    John Locke
    "The Philosopher of Freedom." "Good and evil, reward and punishment, are the only motives to a rational creature: these are the spur and reins whereby all mankind are set on work, and guided." (Locke.)
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GO TO TABLE OF CONTENTS
  • 2. LOCKE'S LIFE.
  • 3(a). Idealists, Materialists, and Dualists ...

    INTRODUCTION: Our story has its being in the beginning of the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, a time of our intellectual awakening. The Enlightenment began when the Dark Ages ended, a time when the minds of men were cowed by the great mystery of the universe and their minds, through ignorance, were ruled by fears. The Enlightenment was a time when man, stepping out of his shackles, began to use his rational facilities and pulled himself out of the medieval pits of mysticism and in the process shoved aside the state and church authorities of the day. It was a spontaneous and defused movement which fed upon itself and led to the great scientific discoveries from which we all benefit today. Beliefs in natural law and universal order sprung up, which not only promoted scientific findings and advancements of a material nature, but which also gave a scientific approach to political and social issues. Thinkers expressed their thoughts in writing and read the thoughts of others, these brilliant lights of the Enlightenment included the likes of:
  • 19. John Locke Foundation
    Political organization in North Carolina based on Lockean thought.
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    Those are the two elements missing from a cost/benefit analysis of N.C. climate-change proposals
    Local news media and many state policymakers received warmly and uncritically a supposed cost/benefit analysis by the Appalachian State University Energy Center that projected that the economic effects of N.C. climate change policies would be hundreds of thousands of new jobs and a major positive impact. Doing what state policymakers wouldn't, the John Locke Foundation
    The cumulative effects of the play-off between political advantage and economic necessity is the theme of Hayek's [1941] critique of Keynesianism. It has been described as having 'a tiger by the tail.'
    The value of what the Federal Reserve tries to do, and how it carries out its mission, must be judged against the expected long-run consequences of credit expansion and not just a short term easing of interest rates. Learn More
    peer review
    (pdf version) from a Boston-based economic research group.

    20. John Locke
    ohn locke, the great English proponent of what john Stuart Mill would call the analytic philosophy of mind, and the father of English empiricism, was
    John Locke
    David Cody , Associate Professor of English, Hartwick College
    Victorian Web Home Religion Philosophy ohn Locke, the great English proponent of what John Stuart Mill would call "the analytic philosophy of mind," and the "father of English empiricism ," was born in 1632 at Wrinton in Somerset. The son of a Puritan attorney, he was educated by Puritans at Westminster and studied mathematics and medicine at Christ Church College at Oxford, still a bastion of Royalist sympathies. He held various academic posts there, and became physician and confidential adviser to the Whig first earl of Shaftesbury, in whose house he came to live in 1667. He held a number of official positions until he was expelled from England in 1684 for supposed complicity in Shaftesbury's plots. He then travelled in France and took up residence in Holland, where he came to the attention of the then Prince of Orange, who would shortly become William III. After William had assumed the throne of England Locke came back into favor, and became commisioner of appeals, an advisor on coinage, and a member of the council of trade. His two Treatises on Govemment

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