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         Anselm Of Canterbury St:     more books (64)
  1. St. Anselm of Canterbury, a chapter in the history of religion; by J M. 1855-1926 Rigg, 2010-09-08
  2. The Life of St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury (Oxford Medieval Texts) by Eadmer, 1972-05-11
  3. The Life and Times of St. Anselm: Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Britains, Volume 1 by Martin Rule, 2010-02-24
  4. Letters of St Anselm of Canterbury
  5. St. Anselm of Canterbury. A chapter in the history of religion by James Macmullen Rigg, 1896-01-01
  6. St. Anselm of Canterbury: A Chapter in the History of Religion [1896 ] by J. M. (James Macmullen) Rigg, 2009-09-22
  7. St. Anselm of Canterbury: A Chapter in the History of Religion by J. M. Rigg, 1896
  8. St. Anselm of Canterbury. A chapter in the history of religion by James Macmullen Rigg, 2010
  9. St. Anselm of Canterbury, a Chapter in the History of Religion by Rigg, 2010-01-01
  10. St. Anselm Of Canterbury: A Chapter In The History Of Religion (1896) by James Macmullen Rigg, 2010-09-10
  11. St. Anselm Of Canterbury: A Chapter In The History Of Religion (1896) by James Macmullen Rigg, 2010-09-10
  12. The Life and Times of St. Anselm. Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the... by Martin Rule, 1883
  13. The Life And Times Of St. Anselm - Archbishop Of Canterbury And Primate Of The Britons - Vol. I. by Martin Rule, 2010-03-09
  14. The Life and Times of St. Anselm. Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Britains. 2 volume set by Martin Rule, 1883

1. Oxford University Press: Anselm Of Canterbury: The Major Works: St. Anselm
Although utterly convinced of the truth of Christianity, anselm of canterbury struggled to make sense of his religion. He considered the doctrines of faith

2. Mr Jones And Me: St Anselm Of Canterbury
St Anselm of Canterbury. Ah, Anselm. Many a scholar of nonviolence has cursed your name Anselm basically articulated the first satisfaction theory of the
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Mr Jones and me
Doesn't really matter if you're all jumbled up inside; as long as you know that love is endless and the world is wide.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
St Anselm of Canterbury
Ah, Anselm. Many a scholar of nonviolence has cursed your name...
Anselm basically articulated the first satisfaction theory of the atonement, which preceded penal substitution, and kind of paved the way for it...personally I have nothing against him, since I think he was trying to contextualise what he saw as "good news" for his time and culture...obviously though, the implications for today are fairly terrifying. Nonetheless: I honour him, particularly for his consistent humility and courage to stand up for what he believed in. A detailed and extensive history of Anselm can be found here : it's actually well worth a read. Posted by mr jones and me at 11:08 AM
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mr jones and me
An ordained Baptist minister working with a small faith community in the inner north of Melbourne. A nonviolence activist and educator, who is passionate about creating cultures of peace, cultivating intentional community, and developing practices that allow us to live deeply and simply in the Christian story.
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3. Great Books And Classics - Anselm Of Canterbury
St. Anselm of Canterbury (c. 10331109) Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) (The Mabinogion) (c. 1050?) Peter Abelard (1079-1142) St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)

4. THE HOBO PHILOSOPHER: St Anselm Of Canterbury
St. Anselm of Canterbury 1033 – 1100 Ontological Argument for God’s Existence by Richard E. Noble Anselm was born at Aosta in Piedmont.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
St Anselm of Canterbury
St. Anselm of Canterbury Ontological Argument for God’s Existence by Richard E. Noble Anselm was born at Aosta in Piedmont. He became a Benedictine Monk. He was a prior, and an abbot of Bec. He succeeded Lanfranc as archbishop of Canterbury in 1093. He liked to argue with the King at that time. He was a Christian and a firm believer. He liked believing better than reasoning, “I believe in order that I may understand,” he said. He carried that even a step further; he felt that if you didn’t believe you couldn’t understand. St. Anselm is most famous as originator of the Ontological Argument for the existence of God. I think that when anyone first hears this argument, they instantly know that it is wrong, but they don’t know why. There certainly had to exit a better and greater and more perfect argument than this argument as imagined by Anselm. Anselm claims that even a fool “... is convinced that something exists in the understanding than which nothing greater can be conceived ... And assuredly that than which nothing greater can be conceived, cannot exist in the understanding alone. For suppose it exists in the understanding alone: then it can be conceived to exist in reality, which is greater.

5. Anselm Of Canterbury: The Major Works: St. Anselm: Books
Although convinced of the truth of Christianity, anselm of canterbury struggled to make sense of his religion. He devoted his life to confronting and
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Anselm of Canterbury: The Major Works
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Format: Trade Paperback Published: September 1, 1998

6. Anselm Of Canterbury - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Saint anselm of canterbury. Archbishop of canterbury. Enthroned, 1093 .. Early British Kingdoms st. anselm, Archbishop of canterbury
Anselm of Canterbury
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search For entities named after Saint Anselm, see Saint Anselm's Saint Anselm of Canterbury Archbishop of Canterbury Enthroned Ended April 21 Predecessor Lanfranc Successor Ralph d'Escures Born
Burgundy Died 21 April
Kent Buried Canterbury Cathedral Canterbury Kent Sainthood Archbishop' Venerated in Roman Catholic Church Anglican Communion Commemorated 21 April Saints Portal Saint Anselm of Canterbury April 21 ) was an Italian medieval philosopher theologian , and church official who held the office of Archbishop of Canterbury from to . Called the founder of scholasticism , he is famous as the originator of the ontological argument for the existence of God and as the archbishop who openly opposed the Crusades.
  • Biography
    edit Biography
    edit Early life
    Anselm was born in the city of Aosta in the Kingdom of Burgundy (currently the capital of Aosta Valley region of northern Italy ). His family was noble, and owned considerable property. Gundulph, his father, was by birth a Lombard , and seems to have been a man of harsh and violent temper. His mother, Ermenberga, was known as a prudent and virtuous woman, and gave the young Anselm careful religious training.

Long biographical article on st. anselm, monk, abbot, philosopher, theologian, Archbishop of canterbury, Doctor of the Church.
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St. Anselm
Archbishop of Canterbury Doctor of the Church ; born at Aosta a Burgundian town on the confines of Lombardy , died 21 April, 1109. His father, Gundulf, was a Lombard who had become a citizen of Aosta , and his mother, Ermenberga, came of an old Burgundian family . Like many other saints , Anselm learnt the first lessons of piety from his mother, and at a very early age he was fired with the love of learning. In after life he still cherished the memories of childhood, and his biographer, Eadmer , has preserved some incidents which he had learnt from the saint's own lips. The child had heard his mother speak of God , Who dwelt on high ruling all things. Living in the mountains, he thought that Heaven must be on their lofty summits. "And while he often revolved these matters in his mind , it chanced that one night he saw in a vision that he must go up to the summit of the mountain and hasten to the court of God , the great King. But before he began to ascend the mountain, he saw in the plain through which he had passed to its foot, women , who were the King's handmaidens, reaping the corn; but they were doing this very negligently and

8. Anselm Of Canterbury [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
For fuller biographies of anselm, see Eadmer’s Vita Sancti anselmi/ The Life of st. anselm Archbishop of canterbury, and Alexander’s Liber ex dictis beati
Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109) St. Anselm was one of the most important Christian thinkers of the eleventh century. He is most famous in philosophy for having discovered and articulated the so-called “ontological argument;” and in theology for his doctrine of the atonement. However, his work extends to many other important philosophical and theological matters, among which are: understanding the aspects and the unity of the divine nature; the extent of our possible knowledge and understanding of the divine nature; the complex nature of the will and its involvement in free choice; the interworkings of human willing and action and divine grace; the natures of truth and justice; the natures and origins of virtues and vices; the nature of evil as negation or privation; and the condition and implications of original sin. In the course of his work and thought, unlike most of his contemporaries, Anselm deployed argumentation that was in most respects only indirectly dependent on Sacred Scripture, Christian doctrine, and tradition. Anselm also developed sophisticated analyses of the language used in discussion and investigation of philosophical and theological issues, highlighting the importance of focusing on the meaning of the terms used rather than allowing oneself to be misled by the verbal forms, and examining the adequacy of the language to the objects of investigation, particularly to the divine nature. In addition, in his work he both discussed and exemplified the resolution of apparent contradictions or paradoxes by making appropriate distinctions. For these reasons, one title traditionally accorded him is the

9. Anselm
A brief discussion of the life and works of st. anselm, with links to electronic texts and additional information. st. anselm as a philosopher.
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Anselm of Canterbury
Life and Works
Ontological Argument


Internet Sources
Although born at Aosta in Alpine Italy and educated in Normandy, Anselm became a Benedictine monk, teacher, and abbot at Bec and continued his ecclesiastical career in England. Having been appointed the second Norman archbishop of Canterbury in 1093, Anselm secured the Westminster Agreement of 1107, guaranteeing the (partial) independence of the church from the civil state. In a series of short works such as De Libertate Arbitrii (On Free Will) De Casu Diaboli (The Fall of the Devil) , and the lengthier dialogue Cur Deus Homo ( Why God became Man ), Anselm propounded a satisfaction theory of the atonement, upon which the incarnation promises relief from the strict demands of divine justice. He defended a notion of the relation between philosophy and theology that, like Augustine 's, emphasized the methodological priority of faith over reason, since truth is to be achieved only through " fides quaerens intellectum " ("faith seeking understanding").

10. Philosophy Of Religion .info - Biographies - Historic Figures - St Anselm Of Can
Born in Aosta in Northern Italy, st anselm was a Benedictine monk and, from 1093, Archbishop of canterbury. His application of philosophy to theology,
You are here: Philosophy of Religion Biographies Historic Figures > St Anselm of Canterbury
  • Philosophy of Religion Biographies
      Historic Figures
      Biographies: Historic Figures: St Anselm of Canterbury (1033/34-1109)
      Born in Aosta in Northern Italy, St Anselm was a Benedictine monk and, from 1093, Archbishop of Canterbury. His application of philosophy to theology, which took religious doctrine as a given but then sought to clarify that doctrine through the use of reason, was typical of the medieval period, and earned him the name “the Father of Scholasticism.” His famous dictum “fides quaerens intellectum” (“faith seeking understanding”) summarises this approach. Anselm is credited with the invention of the ontological argument for God’s existence, which he set out in his Proslogium (“Discourse”). His Monologion (“Soliloquy”) also contains a version of the cosmological argument and a Platonic argument for the existence of a supreme Good that is the source of all other goodness. Anselm is also remembered for his account of the Atonement in terms of satisfaction for wrongs committed against God’s majesty. This theory is set out in his

11. Medieval Sourcebook: Anselm (1033-1109): Introduction To His Writings
anselme de canterbury. Paris, 1854; 2nd ed., 1868. RIGG, J. M. st. anselm of canterbury. London, 1896. RULE M. The Ltfe and Times of st. anselm.
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Medieval Sourcebook:
Anselm (1033-1109):
Introduction to His Writings
From: St. Anselm: Proslogium; Monologium: An Appendix In Behalf Of The Fool By Gaunilo; And Cur Deus Homo , Translated From The Latin By Sidney Norton Deane, B. A. With An Introduction, Bibliography, And Reprints Of The Opinions Of Leading Philosophers And Writers On The Ontological Argument, (Chicago, The Open Court Publishing Company,, 1903, reprinted 1926)
INTRODUCTION THE present volume of St. Anselm's most important philosophical and theological writings contains: (1) The Proslogium (2) the Monologium , (3) the Cur Deus Homo , and (4) by way of historical complement, an Appendix to the Monologium entitled In Behalf of the Fool by Gaunilo, a monk of Marmoutiers. The Proslogium (which, though subsequent in point of time to the Monologium , is here placed first, as containing the famous ontological argument), the Monologium and the Appendix thereto were translated by Mr. Sidney Norton Deane, of New Haven, Conn.; the

12. St. Anselm Of Canterbury - University Of Oklahoma
Serves the Episcopal community of The University of Oklahoma. Includes a service schedule and contact information.
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13. Welcome To St Anselm's Catholic School
st anselm s serves the people of the canterbury Deanery, including the towns of Ashford, Faversham, Whitstable, Herne Bay and canterbury itself.
Headteacher's Welcome
St. Anselm's is a voluntary-aided Catholic school for students of all abilities, designated as a specialist Science College in September 2004.
St Anselm's serves the people of the Canterbury Deanery, including the towns of Ashford, Faversham, Whitstable, Herne Bay and Canterbury itself.
Together, we work hard to create a faith-based community placing greatest value on the quality of the relationships, providing many opportunities for spiritual development. It is because of this faith-based and supportive environment that we can enable students to achieve their academic potential.
We provide a varied and challenging curriculum for 1,080 students aged 11-18 including 150 in the Sixth Form. There are also facilities for up to 14 physically disabled students.
Whether a casual visitor, parent, former student or a current student you are most welcome to browse this site. I hope it will give you an accurate impression of the school. Most of all, you are invited to visit. Please get in touch. Ms FML Quilty BA (Hons) NPQH
Headteacher Contact Headteacher's PA:

14. Idle Speculations: St Anselm In Canterbury
st anselm in canterbury. Visiting canterbury Cathedral recently, I was happy to see the new Chapel of st anselm restored. st anselm was born in Aosta and
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idle speculations
A series of postings on subjects I like: Catholicism; history; art; Italy; and whatever grabs me at the time
Sunday, August 19, 2007
St Anselm in Canterbury
Visiting Canterbury Cathedral recently, I was happy to see the new Chapel of St Anselm restored.
St Anselm was born in Aosta and then buried in Canterbury Cathedral after his death in 1109.
The life of St Anselm is in The Catholic Encyclopedia
On 21st April 1909, St Pope Pius X issued his Encyclical Communium Rerum on the eight hundredth anniversary of the Death of St Anselm.
On 21st April 2006, the Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr Rowan Williams) dedicated the new altar in the chapel.
The green marble altar was gifted to the cathedral's St Anselm chapel by Roman Catholics from Aosta.
It was blessed with holy oil by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, with the Bishop of Aosta the Abbot of Bec and members of both their communities. among those attending the service.
The altar was made by British sculptor Stephen Cox.
The Dean of the Cathedral, the Very Revd Robert Willis said:

15. St. Anselm
anselm OF canterbury. MONK, ARCHBISHOP, THEOLOGIAN (21 APR 1109). st. anselm anselm is the most important Christian theologian in the West between Augustine
PRAYER (traditional language)
Almighty God, who didst raise up thy servant Anselm to teach the Church of his day to understand its faith in thine eternal Being, perfect justice, and saving mercy: Provide thy Church in every age with devout and learned scholars and teachers, that we may be able to give a reason for the hope that is in us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. PRAYER (contemporary language)
Almighty God, who raised up your servant Anselm to teach the Church of his day to understand its faith in your eternal Being, perfect justice, and saving mercy: Provide your Church in every age with devout and learned scholars and teachers, that we may be able to give a reason for the hope that is in us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. R eturn to Lectionary Home Page Webmaster: Charles Wohlers Last updated: 10 April 1999

16. Oratory Of St. Anselm Of Canterbury
Thus, the Oratory of st. anselm has ceased its Services after a ministry of 37 weeks. The Epistle appointed for the Oratory s last Sunday, the 22nd Sunday
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Holy Trinity

Anglican Church

Since the beginning of Lent 2007, Fr. John Shuman. has faithfully celebrated an early morning Eucharist from the American Anglican Missal as a mission work of the Anglican Catholic Church ACC
the 10 AM Service of Holy Trinity Anglican Church
, with 1662 liturgy and Anglican music).
"confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ ". 

17. St. Anselm Of Canterbury | UXL Encyclopedia Of World Biography | Find Articles A
st. anselm of canterbury from UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography in Reference provided free by Find Articles.
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St. Anselm of Canterbury
UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography St. Anselm of Canterbury The Italian prelate St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109) was a theologian, Doctor of the Church, and archbishop of Canterbury. He was one of the great thinkers of the Middle Ages. The 11th century witnessed a dramatic change in European history, the impact of which has been compared to that of the Protestant Reformation or the industrial revolution. Extraordinary economic expansion was accompanied by growth in political institutions and cultural life, especially in Italy and northern France. Anselm spent most of his life in these two countries, and he was involved in many of the cultural changes that took place.

18. St. Anselm Of Canterbury, Bishop : Proslogion, 1
st. anselm of canterbury, bishop Proslogion, 1. Prayer . O God, You inspired st. anselm with an ardent desire to find You in prayer and contemplation
A rousing of the mind to the contemplation of God
" C
ome now, insignificant man, fly for a moment from your affairs, escape for a little while from the tumult of your thoughts. Put aside now your weighty cares and leave your wearisome toils. Abandon yourself for a little to God and rest for a little in him.
Enter into the inner chamber of your soul, shut out everything save God and what can be of help in your quest for him and having locked the door seek him out. Speak now, my whole heart, speak now to God: 'I seek your countenance, O Lord, your countenance I seek.'
Come then, Lord my God, teach my heart where and how to seek you, where and how to find you.
Lord, if you are not present here, where, since you are absent, shall I look for you ? On the other hand, if you are everywhere why then, since you are present, do I not see you ? But surely you dwell in light inaccessible. And where is this inaccessible light, or how can I approach the inaccessible light ? Or who shall lead me and take me into it that I may see you in it ? Again, by what signs, under what aspect, shall I seek you ? Never have I seen you, Lord my God, I do not know your face.
What shall he do, most high Lord, what shall this exile do, far away from you as he is ? What shall your servant do, tormented by love of you and yet cast off far from your face ? He yearns to see you and your countenance is too far away from him. He desires to come close to you, and your dwelling place is inaccessible; he longs to find you and does not know where you are; he is eager to seek you out and he does not know your countenance.

19. Anselm Of Canterbury
Born in 1033, st. anselm was a philosopher of the Middle Ages, a much respected monk who later became the Archbishop of canterbury, England.
ISCID Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy BETA Make Entry Become an Editor Most Popular: ( Help
Anselm of Canterbury Born in 1033, St. Anselm was a philosopher of the Middle Ages, a much respected monk who later became the Archbishop of Canterbury, England. He is generally considered to be the father of scholasticism, employed by the medieval university academics that sought to interweave the tremendous works of the ancient philosophers with the Christian theology of the day. Its fundamental objective was to resolve issues through dialectic reason (stating an argument’s thesis, antithesis and synthesis) and was more an instrument of learning rather than a philosophy in itself.
In his famous work Proslogium, St. Anselm was perhaps the first to theorize a sophisticated ontological argument for the existence of God. Known as an a priori argument, the ontological argument typically applies logical principles to argue for the necessary existence of God. For example, Anselm believed that by trying to conceive of the greatest being, one is led to conclusion that this greatest being exists because it is greater to exist than not exist.
St. Anselm is one of only 33 Doctors of the Catholic Church, an honor bestowed on theologians whose teachings are believed to be of great significance to the Church as a whole.

20. FlatBrain: Epistemology, St. Anselm Of Canterbury
The phrase st. anselm of canterbury (c. 1033 1109) used to describe his own project, namely, faith seeking reason (fides quaerens intellectum),
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Epistemology, St. Anselm of Canterbury
The phrase St. Anselm of Canterbury (c. 1033 - 1109) used to describe his own project, namely, �faith seeking reason� (fides quaerens intellectum), well characterizes medieval philosophy as a whole. All the great medieval philosophers, Christian, Jewish, and Islamic alike, were also theologians. Virtually every object of interest was related to their belief in God, and virtually every posted by FlatBrain at 4:34 PM
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