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         Windaus Adolf Otto Reinhold:     more detail
  1. Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus: Webster's Timeline History, 1876 - 1976 by Icon Group International, 2009-04-16

21. Encyclopedia: Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
Other descriptions of adolf otto reinhold windaus. adolf otto reinholdwindaus (December 25, 1876 – June 9, 1959) was a significant German chemist.

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    Encyclopedia: Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
    Updated 121 days 18 hours 27 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus December 25 June 9 ) was a significant German chemist . He won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in December 25 is the 359th day of the year (360th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 6 days remaining. ... 1876 is a leap year starting on Saturday. ... June 9 is the 160th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (161st in leap years), with 205 days remaining. ... 1959 was a common year starting on Thursday (link will take you to calendar). ... A chemist is a scientist who specializes in chemistry. ...

    22. Encyclopedia: Maria Goeppert-Mayer
    adolf otto reinhold windaus (December 25, 1876 – June 9, 1959) was a significantGerman chemist. 1930 is a common year starting on Wednesday.

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    Encyclopedia: Maria Goeppert-Mayer
    Updated 108 days 5 hours 23 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Maria Goeppert-Mayer Prof. Dr. June 28 February 20 Katowice (then in Germany , now part of Poland ) and became one of the few women to receive a Nobel Prize in Physics (Some entries on this page have been duplicated on August 1. ... 1906 was a common year starting on Monday (see link for calendar). ... February 20 is the 51st day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. ... 1972 was a leap year that started on a Saturday. ... List of Nobel Prize laureates in Physics from 1901 to the present day. ... Her family moved to in Germany in when her father Frederick was appointed Professor of Paediatrics at the town's university. From a young age, Maria was surrounded by the students and lecturers from the University, intellectuals including future Nobel winners

    23. Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
    Translate this page Pagina do Professor Carlos Fernandes resumos de biografias de personalidades dahistoria da humanidade premios nobel, cientistas, engenheiros, escritores,
    Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Adolf Windaus e Margarete Elster Emil Fischer (1852-1919) Kiliani , ao mesmo tempo em que continuava medicina, e obteve o Ph.D com uma tese denominada de Digitalis plant On Cholesterol , tornou-se um lecturer Gustav (1918) e Margarete Otto Wallach (1847-1931) . Esteve nos EUA convidado (1925) pelo fisologista norte-americano Alfred Hess para cooperar em New York com o estudo em vitaminas contra o raquitismo. Foi professor de Adolf Butenandt (1903-1995) , Nobel (1939) e de Hans Brockmann Pasteur Medal (1938), a Goethe Medal (1941), a Groszes Verdienstireuz (1951) e o Groszes Verdienstkreuz mit Stern (1956). Foi honoris causa

    24. Windaus, Adolf
    windaus, adolf otto reinhold (18761959). adolf windaus was born in Berlin onDecember 25, 1876, the son of adolf windaus and Margarete Elster.
    Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold Adolf Windaus was born in Berlin on December 25, 1876, the son of Adolf Windaus and Margarete Elster. His ancestors had for generations mostly been artisans (from his father's side, drapery manufacturers). After attending the renowned "Franzosisches Gymnasium" (French grammar school) in Berlin, where his interests were mainly focussed on literature, he took up medicine in 1895 (in Freiburg i.Br. and in Berlin), passing his preliminary medical examinations ("Physikum") in 1897. He had been particularly fascinated by Emil Fischer's lectures during his stay in Berlin and in consequence he began studying chemistry at Freiburg i.Br. under Kiliani, at the same time continuing his medical studies. In the winter of 1899-1900 he obtained his Dr. phil. degree, the subject of his thesis dealing with the cardiac poisons of the Digitalis plant. Another rich field of investigation from biological viewpoint was that of imidazole derivatives. This work, carried out in collaboration with Knoop, resulted from his attempt to prepare natural amino acids through the action of ammonia on sugar, and thus to establish conversion of sugar into proteins. The production of imidazole derivatives as a result of this reaction induced him to demonstrate the presence of a prototype of the imidazole ring in proteins. This in turn led to his demonstration that histidine, a building-stone of proteins, is an imidazole alanine, and to his discovery of histamine (imidazole-ethylalanine), a hormone of great importance in physiology and pharmacology, which was the reason for the interest shown by German chemical industry in his work.

    25. Nobel Laureates In Chemistry By Alphabetical Order
    Werner, Alfred, 1913. Wieland, Heinrich otto, 1927. Wilkinson, Sir Geoffrey,1973. Willstatter, Richard Martin, 1915. windaus, adolf otto reinhold, 1928
    Themes Science Chemistry About Chemistry Generalities
    Name Year Awarded Alder, Kurt Altman, Sidney Anfinsen, Christian B. Arrhenius, Svante August Aston, Francis William Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Barton, Sir Derek H. R. Berg, Paul Bergius, Friedrich Bosch, Carl Boyer, Paul D. Brown, Herbert C. Buchner, Eduard Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann Calvin, Melvin Cech, Thomas R. Corey, Elias James Cornforth, Sir John Warcup Cram, Donald J. Crutzen, Paul Curie, Marie Curl, Robert F., Jr. Debye, Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus De Hevesy, George Deisenhofer, Johann Diels, Otto Paul Hermann Eigen, Manfred Ernst, Richard R. Euler-chelpin, Hans Karl August Simon Von Fischer, Ernst Otto Fischer, Hans Fischer, Hermann Emil Flory, Paul J. Fukui, Kenichi Giauque, William Francis Gilbert, Walter Grignard, Victor Haber, Fritz Hahn, Otto Harden, Sir Arthur Hassel, Odd Hauptman, Herbert A. Haworth, Sir Walter Norman Heeger, Alan J. Herschbach, Dudley R. Herzberg, Gerhard Heyrovsky, Jaroslav Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't

    26. Nobel Prize Winning Chemists
    adolf otto reinhold. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928. adolf windaus was bornin Berlin on December 25, 1876, the son of adolf windaus and Margarete Elster Winners/a
    Nobel Prize Winning Chemists Adolf Otto Reinhold The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928 Adolf Windaus was born in Berlin on December 25, 1876, the son of Adolf Windaus and Margarete Elster. After attending the renowned "Franzosisches Gymnasium" in Berlin, where his interests were mainly focused on literature, he took up medicine in 1895. In the winter of 1899-1900 he obtained his Dr. phil. degree, the subject of his thesis dealing with the cardiac poisons of the Digitalis plant. He returned to Freiburg i. Br. in 1901 and on Kiliani's suggestion began his work on cholesterol and related sterols. Windaus's decision to study these substances was based on the fact that nothing was known about the structure of cholesterol at the time and he expected that investigations in this field would yield new and unexpected results. From the very start he correctly believed that sterols, which occur in every cell, must be considered as the parent substance of other groups of natural substances. He was awarded the Pasteur Medal (1938), and the Goethe Medal (1941). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928 "for the services rendered through his research into the constitution of the sterols and their connection with the vitamins".

    27. Nobel
    adolf otto reinhold windaus Georg Wittig Robert Burns Woodward Ahmed H.Zewail Karl Ziegler Richard adolf Zsigmondy Winners/n
    Nobel-Winning Chemists Kurt Alder Sidney Altman Christian B. Anfinsen Svante August Arrhenius ... Eduard Buchner Adolf Friedrick Johann Butenandt Melvin Calvin Thomas Robert Cech Hans von Euler-Chelpin John Warcup Cornforth Donald J. Cram Marie Curie Elias James Corey Petrus (Peter) Josephus Wilhelmus Debye Paul J. Crutzen Robert F. Curl, Jr. Johann Deisenhofer Otto Diels ... Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff Roald Hoffman Robert Huber Jean Frederic Joliot Irene Joliot-Curie ... Back To Main Page

    28. Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus - Nobelpreis Für Chemie
    Home Chemie ... Wirtschaft
    Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
    * 25. 12. 1876, Berlin
    "Für seine Verdienste um die Erforschung des Aufbaus der Sterine und ihres Zusammenhanges mit den Vitaminen" diesen Artikel bearbeiten Webmaster Services

    29. Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus - Prix Nobel De Chimie
    la composition des stérols et leur rapport avec les vitamines D
    Le Prix Nobel de de chimie 1928
    Accueil Chimie ... Physique Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
    (Allemagne) "Pour ses recherches sur la composition des stérols et leur rapport avec les vitamines D"

    30. Adolf Windaus
    adolf windaus. adolf windaus AKA adolf otto reinhold windaus. Born 25Dec-1876Birthplace Berlin, Germany Died 9-Jun-1959 Location of death Göttingen,
    This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Adolf Windaus AKA Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Born: 25-Dec-1876
    Birthplace: Berlin, Germany
    Died: 9-Jun-1959
    Location of death:
    Cause of death:
    Gender: Male
    Ethnicity: White
    Sexual orientation: Straight
    Occupation: Chemist Level of fame: Niche
    Executive summary: Investigated cholesterol, Vitamin D Father: Adolf Windaus
    Mother: Margarete Elster Wife: Elisabeth Resau (m. 1915, two sons, one daughter) Son: Son: Gustav (b. 1918) Daughter: Margarete (b. 1921) University: PhD, University of Freiburg (1899) Professor: University of Innsbruck (1906-15) Professor: Nobel Prize for Chemistry Do you know something we don't? Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile

    31. Adolf Windaus
    windaus, adolf otto reinhold (18761959) (The Hutchinson Encyclopedia). windaus,adolf (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition)
    var zflag_nid="350"; var zflag_cid="44/43"; var zflag_sid="11"; var zflag_width="728"; var zflag_height="90"; var zflag_sz="14"; in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
    Daily Almanac for
    Sep 15, 2005

    32. Lexikon Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
    adolf otto reinhold windaus aus derfreien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz.

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    Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
    Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
    Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus 25. Dezember in Berlin 9. Juni in G¶ttingen ), war ein deutscher Chemiker Er studierte zun¤chst Medizin, bevor er sich in Berlin seinem sp¤teren Fach zuwandte. Er war Privatdozent in Freiburg bis 1913, dann in Innsbruck Professor bis 1915. Danach ging er nach G¶ttingen , wo er bis zu seiner Emeritierung den Lehrstuhl f¼r Chemie innehatte. Bereits seine in Freiburg geschriebene Habilitationsarbeit befasste sich mit dem Cholesterin . So war auch seine weitere Forschungst¤tigkeit auf die Steroidchemie ausgerichtet. Es gelang Windaus, die engen Beziehungen zwischen dem Cholesterin und den Gallens¤uren nachzuweisen. AuŸerdem kl¤rte er die chemische Struktur verschiedener Vitamine des B-Komplexes und der D-Gruppe auf und best¤tigte seine Ergebnisse durch deren Synthese. Windaus erhielt den Nobelpreis f¼r Chemie "f¼r seine Verdienste um die Erforschung des Aufbaus der Sterine und ihres Zusammenhanges mit den Vitaminen
    NAME Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold

    33. International: Italiano: Scienze: Chimica: Chimici E Ricercatori: Windaus, Adolf
    Translate this page adolf otto reinhold windaus è stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica,nel 1928, per gli studi sugli steroli e loro relazioni con le vitamine
    Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Chimici_e_Ricercatori/Windaus,_Adolf_Otto_Reinhold Top International Italiano Scienze ... Chimici e Ricercatori : Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold
    Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus ¨ stato insignito del premio Nobel per la chimica, nel 1928, per gli studi sugli steroli e loro relazioni con le vitamine (vitamina D).
    Vedi anche: Questa Categoria ha bisogno di un Editore - Richiedila Open Site Code 0.5.3 robot company.
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    34. International: Italiano: Società: Strutture Sociali: Persone: Biografie: Prem
    1928, Owen Willans Richardson adolf otto reinhold windaus Charles Jules HenriNicolle Sigrid Undset, non assegnatoà/Strutture_Sociali/Persone
    Open Site The Open Encyclopedia Project Pagina principale Aggiungi Contenuti Diventa Editore In tutta la Directory Solo in Biografie/Premio_Nobel Top International Italiano Societ  ... Biografie : Premio Nobel I laureati al Premio Nobel per la Fisica, la Chimica, la Medicina e fisiologia, la Letteratura e la Pace, nel periodo dal 1901 fino al 1968. Italiano>Nobel Overview Name Fisica Chimica Medicina e fisiologia Letteratura Pace anno Wilhelm Conrad R¶ntgen Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff Emil Adolf von Behring Sully Prudhomme ... Henri La Fontaine non assegnato Theodore William Richards Robert B¡r¡ny non assegnato non assegnato Sir William Henry Bragg William Lawrence Bragg Richard Martin Willst¤tter non assegnato Romain Rolland non assegnato non assegnato non assegnato non assegnato Verner von Heidenstam non assegnato Charles Glover Barkla non assegnato non assegnato Karl Adolph Gjellerup Henrik Pontoppidan Comitato Internazionale Croce Rossa Max Karl Planck ... Fritz Haber non assegnato non assegnato non assegnato Johannes Stark non assegnato Jules Bordet Carl Friedrich Spitteler Thomas Woodrow Wilson Charles Edouard Guillaume ... Frederick Soddy non assegnato Anatole France Karl Hjalmar Branting Christian Lous Lange Niels Henrik David Bohr ... William Butler Yeats non assegnato Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn non assegnato Willem Einthoven Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont non assegnato James Franck Gustav Ludwig Hertz Richard Adolf Zsigmondy non assegnato George Bernard Shaw Sir Austen Chamberlain Charles Gates Dawes Jean Baptiste Perrin ... Sigrid Undset non assegnato

    35. Nobel Prizes
    adolf otto reinhold windaus (18761959), 1928, Constitution of sterols and theirrelationship to vitamins. Arthur Harden (1865-1940)
    HOME PAGE General/Physical Chemistry since 1800 Organic/biochemistry since 1800.
    Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1901-2003
    Names Topics
    Choose a year:
    Recipients YEAR Subject Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff
    Laws of chemical dynamics and of osmotic pressure. Emil Hermann Fischer
    Sugar and purine synthesis Svante August Arrhenius
    Theory of electrolytic dissociation William Ramsay
    Discovery of Noble Gases and their placement in the Periodic Table Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer
    Organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds
    Investigation and isolation of the element fluorine and for the electric furnace which bears his name Eduard Buchner
    Biochemical research: cell-free fermentation Ernest Rutherford
    Disintegration of elements; chemistry of radioactive substances Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald
    Catalysis; fundamental principles of chemical equilibria and rates of reaction Otto Wallach
    Alicyclic compounds Marie Sklodowska Curie Discovery of radium and polonium; isolation of radium and study of its compounds

    36. Nobel De Química - Wikipédia
    Hans Karl August Simon von EulerChelpin - 1928 adolf otto reinhold windaus -1927 Heinrich otto Wieland - 1926 Theodor Svedberg - 1925 Richardímica
    Nobel de Qu­mica
    Origem: Wikip©dia, a enciclop©dia livre.
    Esta © uma lista cronol³gica dos premiados com o Pr©mio Nobel de Qu­mica
    Aaron Ciechanover Avram Hershko e Irwin Rose Peter Agre Roderick MacKinnon John B. Fenn ... Robert Curl , Sir Harold Kroto Richard Smalley Paul J. Crutzen Mario J. Molina ... Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer Sir William Ramsay Svante August Arrhenius Hermann Emil Fischer Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff ...
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    37. Science Timeline
    windaus, adolf otto reinhold, 1928. wine, 2000 bce. Winfree, Arthur T., 1983.Wirtz, Carl, 1924. Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1918, 1953. Woese, Carl R., 1977
    use checkboxes to select items you wish to download
    Select Index Letter:
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    Waddington, Conrad Hal, early 1930s, 1942, 1949, 1956 Wagner, Moritz, 1873 Wagoner, Robert V., 1966 Wahl, Arthur, 1941 Waksman, Selman, 1944 Walcott, Charles D., 1909 Waldeyer, Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried, 1888, 1891 Walker, Alan, 1984 Walker, Merle F., 1964 Wallace, Alfred Russel, 335 bce, 1810, 1829, 1855, 1858, 1867, 1876, 1881, 1889 walled communities, 5500 bce, Wallis, John, 1656 Walton, Ernest T. S., 1932 Wang, An, 1953 Wankel, Felix, 1936 Warburg, Otto Heinrich, 1923, 1926, 1934, 1937 Warner, Noel L., 1959 watches, end of the fifteenth century, Waterston, Robert, 1998 Watson, James Dewey, 1953 Watson, John Broadus, 1912 Watson-Watt, Robert Alexander, 1926, 1935

    38. Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Biography .ms
    adolf otto reinhold windaus. Related Links. adolf Hitler quotes adolf Eichmannquotes otto von Bismarck quotes otto Preminger quotes
    Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus
    Related Links Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus ) was a significant German chemist . He won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in
    gd:Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus A B C D ... Home page

    39. Nobelpreistraeger Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Vip Promi Und Vip

    40. Nobel Prize In Chemistry -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
    1928, (Click link for more info and facts about adolf otto reinhold windaus)adolf otto reinhold windaus, for his research into (Any of a group of natural
    Nobel Prize in Chemistry
    [Categories: Nobel Prize, History of science, Chemistry]
    List of (An annual award for outstanding contributions to chemistry or physics or physiology and medicine or literature or economics or peace) Nobel Prize laureates in (The science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions) Chemistry from 1901 to the present day.
    Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1900s Year Name Topics (Click link for more info and facts about Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff) Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff "for his discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and ((physical chemistry) the pressure exerted by a solution necessary to prevent osmosis into that solution when it is separated from the pure solvent by a semipermeable membrane) osmotic pressure in (A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances; frequently (but not necessarily) a liquid solution) solution s" (Click link for more info and facts about Hermann Emil Fischer) Hermann Emil Fischer "for his work on (A white crystalline carbohydrate used as a sweetener and preservative) sugar and (Any of several bases that are derivatives of purine) purine syntheses" Svante August Arrhenius "for his electrolytic theory of dissociation (see (A particle that is electrically charged (positive or negative); an atom or molecule or group that has lost or gained one or more electrons)

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