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Wilkinson Sir Geoffrey: more detail | ||||
21. Archives Hub: WILKINSON, Sir Geoffrey, 1921-1996 Title wilkinson, sir geoffrey, 19211996 Name of Creator wilkinson, sirgeoffrey (1921-1996) Knight chemist Dates of creation 1943-1999 Extent 11 boxes http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/0412wilkinson.html | |
22. Geoffrey Wilkinson - Autobiography an addendum submitted by the Laureate. To cite this document, always statethe source as shown above. sir geoffrey wilkinson died on September 26, 1996. http://nobelprize.org/chemistry/laureates/1973/wilkinson-autobio.html | |
23. Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Lectureship sir geoffrey wilkinson Lectureship (RSC). This new biennial lectureship in honourof the late sir geoffrey wilkinson has been made possible by endowments http://www.rsc.org/ScienceAndTechnology/AwardsAndFunding/SirGeoffreyWilkinson/in | |
24. Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Lectureship Past Winners sir geoffrey wilkinson Lectureship Past Winners. 1999/00 MLH Green; 2001/02 -RR Schrock; 2003/04 - HB Gray. In this section. By Subject AZ List http://www.rsc.org/ScienceAndTechnology/AwardsAndFunding/SirGeoffreyWilkinson/wi | |
25. AIM25: Imperial College Of Science, Technology And Medicine: WILKINSON, Sir Geof Name of creator(s) wilkinson sir geoffrey 19211996 Knight, chemist.CONTEXT. Administrative/Biographical history Born in Springside, Yorkshire on http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=7138&inst_id=3 |
26. AIM25: Imperial College Of Science, Technology And Medicine: WILKINSON, Sir Geof 3.2 CONTEXT AREA 3.2.1 Name of creator(s) wilkinson sir geoffrey 19211996 Knight, chemist 3.2.2 Administrative/Biographical history Born in http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/frames/fulldesc?inst_id=3&coll_id=7138&full=1&tem |
27. RSLP - SIr Geoffrey Wilkinson geoffrey wilkinson was born in Springside, a village close to Todmorden in west of the papers and correspondence of sir geoffrey wilkinson (19211996), http://www.bath.ac.uk/ncuacs/rslp-gw.htm | |
28. Catalogue Of Papers Of G. Wilkinson Title Papers and correspondence of sir geoffrey wilkinson, 19211996. A.2 Polyhedron Symposia-in-print Number 18 sir geoffrey wilkinson as a Research http://www.bath.ac.uk/ncuacs/Wilkinson_rslp.htm | |
29. International House Berkeley REMEMBERING sir geoffrey wilkinson. S ir geoffrey wilkinson chatted with IHousealumni at the London reunion in September. From left wilkinson (IH http://ihouse.berkeley.edu/a/timesS97/timesS97.a5.html | |
30. Geoffrey Wilkinson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia sir geoffrey wilkinson was an English chemist. He was born 14 July 1921 in thevillage of Springside, sir geoffrey wilkinson died on 26 September 1996. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Wilkinson | |
31. Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson (1921-1996), Chemist National Portrait Gallery, list of portraits for sir geoffrey wilkinson includingsir geoffrey wilkinson by Liam Woon, http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?LinkID=mp06027 |
32. IC Reporter, Geoffrey Wilkinson 1921 - 1996 the Department of Chemistry mourn the death of sir geoffrey wilkinson, who.Professor sir geoffrey wilkinson, FRS, Nobel Laureate and emeritus professor http://www.imperial.ac.uk/publications/reporterarchive/0032/feat01.htm | |
33. Imperial College London - Nobel Laureates 1973, wilkinson, sir geoffrey FRS, (Joint award) for pioneering work, performedindependently on the chemistry of the organometallic so called sandwich http://www.imperial.ac.uk/P455.htm | |
34. Chemistry In Action sir geoffrey wilkinson 14/7/192126/9/1996. sir geoffrey wilkinson, Inorganicchemist extraordinaire, has just died at the age of 75. http://www.ul.ie/~childsp/CinA/Issue49/fam_chem.html | |
35. MSU Chemistry - Gallery Of Chemists' Photo-Portraits And Mini-Biographies - Indi sir geoffrey wilkinson. 19211996. Portrait 126 sir geoffrey wilkinson.wilkinson shared the 1973 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with EO Fischer for http://poohbah.cem.msu.edu/Portraits/PortraitsHH_Detail.asp?HH_LName=Wilkinson |
36. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Sixth Edition Geoff (later sir geoffrey) wilkinson, the late 1973 Nobel chemistry laureate andsir Edward Frankland Professor of Chemistry at London s Imperial College of http://chemeducator.org/bibs/0004006/00040345.htm | |
37. Geoffrey Wilkinson And Rick W. K. Wong I joined Professor sir geoffrey wilkinsons group at Imperial College in the Professor sir geoffrey wilkinson in a relaxed mood, one morning near his http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~chem/nobel_rick.htm | |
38. Sir Gawain - Definition Of Sir Gawain By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus A sir Gawain sir geoffrey wilkinson sir George Otto Trevelyan sir George PagetThomson sir Geraint sir Hans Adolf Krebs sir Harold George Nicolson http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Sir Gawain | |
39. FECS Millennium Project - Wilkinson wilkinson, geoffrey (sir) Born Todmorden (England), 1921 Died England, 1998.wilkinson. wilkinson received his Ph.D. from the Imperial College (England) http://www.chemsoc.org/networks/enc/FECS/Wilkinson.htm | |
40. Wilkinson's Catalyst Professor sir geoffrey wilkinson, FRS, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, died onSeptember 26,1996. His work had a wide effect on inorganic chemistry and started http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/mom/wilkinson/default.html | |
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