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61. My Home Page The Recollections of eugene P. wigner as told to Andrew Szanton Plenum 1992 I have known very few Nobel Laureates eugene wigner was one of them. http://www.medphysics.wisc.edu/~jrc/rev12.htm | |
62. Vendégváró.hu - Magyarország - Wigner Jenõ, Eugene P. Wigner - Kincsestár, vendégváró.hu Magyarország - wigner Jeno, eugene P. wigner - Kincsestár,hungarikumok. http://www.vendegvaro.hu/50-883 | |
63. Engineering News At NC State Turinsky Receives eugene P. wigner Reactor Physicist Award has been selectedto receive the eugene P. wigner Reactor Physicist Award by the American http://www.engr.ncsu.edu/news/awards/wigner.html | |
64. HSCI 1815: Committee On Uranium The recollections of eugene P. wigner as told to Andrew Szanton WalterQC16 .W55 1992; Wagner, Francis S. eugene P. wigner, an architect of the Atomic http://www.tc.umn.edu/~allch001/1815/uranium/resource.htm | |
65. Remembering Eugene Wigner And Pondering His Legacy Remembering eugene wigner and pondering his legacy See F. Lalë, Am. J.Phys, 69, 2001, p 655.) When wigner was first introduced to QM, paradoxes were http://www.europhysicsnews.com/full/20/article5/article5.html | |
66. Article About "Eugene Wigner" In The English Wikipedia On 24-Apr-2004 eugene Paul wigner (Hungarian wigner P?Jeno) (November 17, 1902 January 1,1995) was a Hungarian - American physicist and mathematician. http://fixedreference.org/en/20040424/wikipedia/Eugene_Wigner | |
67. SS > Factoids > Quotations A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V eugene wigner. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/cyc/q/quotes.htm | |
68. Bullettin Residents in the II Rabi, eugene P. wigner and Patrick MS Blackett There isalso a public telephone in the eugene P. wigner Institute (ground floor). http://www.ipcf.cnr.it/erice2003/html/information_bulletin.htm | |
69. Quantum Chaos suggested by eugene P. wigner, another early master of quantum mechanics.wigner observed, as had many others, that nuclear physics does not possess the http://www.dhushara.com/book/quantcos/qchao/quantc.htm | |
70. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results eugene Paul wigner Born 17 Nov 1902 in Budapest, Hungary Died 1 Jan 1995 inPrinceton symmetry principles eugene P. wigner 1/2 of prize Hungary U.. http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue.pl?term1=Wigner-Seitz |
71. Europhysics News NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1999 (p eugene P. wigner has identified two of the legendary teachers of the LutheranGymnasium László Rátz in mathematics and Sándor Mikola in physics. http://www.fi.uib.no/~csernai/Sci-Policy/gymnasiu.htm |
72. UNM Physics And Astronomy Department Web Site wigner, eugene Paul, Group theory and its application to the quantum mechanics of Symmetries and reflections; scientific essays of eugene P. wigner, In http://panda.unm.edu/library/index.php?sort_by=author&letter=w |
73. Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents eugene P. wigner, 92 WON 63 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS. Author AP PRINCETON,NJ eugene P. wigner, a Nobel Prizewinning physicist who played a http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1995/1995y.html | |
74. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books wigner, eugene P. Group Theory and Its Application to the Quantum Mechanics ofAtomic The Recollections of eugene P. wigner as told to Andrew Szanton http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/w.html | |
75. HAS: Hungary's Nobel Prize Winners eugene P. wigner. November 17, 1902, Budapest January 1, 1995, Princeton, NJ.eugene wigner (Jeno wigner) received the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physics for http://www.mta.hu/?id=864 |
76. Hungary.hu wigner Jeno / eugene P. wigner (19021995), 1963, Physics. Gábor Dénes / DennisGabor (1900-1979), 1971, Physics. Polányi János / John C. Polanyi (1930-) http://www.magyarorszag.hu/angol/orszaginfo/magyarok | |
77. Ungarn.hu Jeno wigner / eugene P. wigner (19021995), 1963, Physik. Dénes Gábor / DennisGabor (1900-1979), 1971, Physik. János Polányi / John C. Polanyi (1930-) http://www.magyarorszag.hu/nemet/orszaginfo/hiressegek | |
78. Physicist / Astronomer W eugene P. wigner (1902 1995) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963, eugene P. wigner pursued his grammar school studies in the famous Fasor http://www.mlahanas.de/Stamps/Data/PHPerson/W.htm | |
79. Phys. Rev. 98, 145 (1955): Wigner - Lower Limit For The... eugene P. wigner; Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton,New Jersey. Received 10 December 1954. It is shown that the derivative of the http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.98.145 | |
80. Phys. Rev. 73, 1002 (1948): Wigner - On The Behavior Of... eugene P. wigner; Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton,New Jersey. Received 16 January 1948. The energy dependence of the cross http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.73.1002 | |
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