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21. Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Auditorium At ORNL Renamed To Honor Eugene P. Wi Auditorium at ORNL renamed to honor eugene P. wigner. OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Jan.11, 1996 Oak Ridge National Laboratory s Central Auditorium has been renamed http://www.ornl.gov/info/press_releases/get_press_release.cfm?ReleaseNumber=mr19 |
22. Eugene Wigner - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia eugene P. wigner. Symmetries and Reflections Scientific Essays of eugene P.wigner. Alvin M. Weinberg, eugene P. wigner Physical Theory of Neutron Chain http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Wigner | |
23. Wigner Quasi-probability Distribution - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The wigner quasiprobability distribution was introduced by eugene wigner in 1932 The wigner distribution P(q, p) is defined as. P(x,p)=\frac{1}{\pi\ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wigner_quasi-probability_distribution | |
24. Wigner, Eugene Paul (1902-1995) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Bio Szanton, A. The Recollections of eugene P. wigner as Told to Andrew Szanton wigner, EP Symmetries and Reflections Scientific Essays of eugene P. wigner http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Wigner.html | |
25. The Limits Of Science - Eugene P. Wigner, The Limits Of Science - Eugene P. Wign Author , eugene P. wigner. The present discussion is not put forward with theusual pride of the scientist who feels that he can make an addition, http://www.worldandi.com/specialreport/1986/february/Sa10625.htm | |
26. National Academy Of Sciences - Deceased Member wigner, eugene P. Date of Birth, November 17, 1902. Elected to NAS, 1945.Date of Death, January 1, 1995. Biographical Memoir HTML PDF. http://www4.nationalacademies.org/nas/nasdece.nsf/(urllinks)/NAS-58MVM7?opendocu |
27. Eugene Paul Wigner, November 17, 1902 January 1, 1995 | By Frederick Seitz, E The Recollections of eugene P. wigner. New York Plenum Press, 1992. 4J.von Neumann and EP wigner. Z. Physik 47(1928)203; 49(1928)73; 51(1928)844. http://www.nap.edu/html/biomems/ewigner.html | |
28. Nat' Academies Press, Biographical Memoirs V.74 (1998) The Recollections of eugene P. wigner. New York Plenum Press, 1992. 4. J.von Neumann and EP wigner. Z. Physik 47(1928)203; 49(1928)73; 51 (1928)844. 5. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309060869/html/364.html | |
29. ANS : Honors And Awards : Eugene P. Wigner Reactor Physicist Award The award is named after the late eugene P. wigner, a pioneer who helped nurture the The selection of the eugene P. wigner Reactor Physicist Award is http://www.ans.org/honors/va-wigner | |
30. ANS : Honors And Awards : Recipients : Eugene P. Wigner Reactor Physicist Award Ely M. Gelbard. 1994, Raymond L. Murray. 1993, Jules Horowitz. 1992, Allan F.Henry. 1991, Alvin M. Weinberg. 1990, eugene P. wigner http://www.ans.org/honors/recipients/va-wigner | |
31. Quotation By Eugene P Wigner Quotation by eugene P wigner. eugene P wigner (1902 1995). The enormoususefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Quotations2/101.html | |
32. References For Wigner EP wigner, The recollections of eugene P wigner as told to Andrew Szanton (New GG Emch, The philosophy of eugene P wigner, Classical and quantum systems http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Wigner.html | |
33. Eugene Wigner Autograph Letter Signed eugene P. wigner (19011995). Hungarian-born, American Physicist Nobel Laureatein Physics (1963). Autograph Note Signed, one page, octavo, http://www.ehistorybuff.com/wignerans.html | |
34. Eugene P. Wigner, Mathematical Physicist eugene Paul wigner. I met wigner quite often when I was instructor in physics atPrinceton University, for the academic year 19601961, and again when I was http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/~streater/wigner.html | |
35. AUTOGRAPHS & MANUSCRIPTS: EUGENE P. WIGNER - SIGNATURE(S) 03/30/1970 eugene P. wigner SIGNATURE(S) 03/30/1970 HistoryForSale Autograph Auctions Direct Sales offer an exciting and unique opportunity to purchase historical http://www.galleryofhistory.com/archive/3_2005/science-inventors/33666-EUGENE-P- | |
36. Eugene Paul Wigner wigner, eugene Paul (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition). wigner, eugeneP(aul) (19021995) (The Hutchinson Encyclopedia) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0852228.html | |
37. L. Farkas Memorial Volume / Farkas, Adalbert A. Wigner, Eugene P. (eds.), L. Far Book L. Farkas Memorial Volume / Farkas, Adalbert a. wigner, eugene P. (eds.) http://www.bookgallery.co.il/content/english/static/book10687.asp | |
38. Fizikai Szemle 1999/5 - Eugene P. Wigner: ON THE FUTURE OF PHYSICS eugene P. wigner (19021995). Gravity and Quantum Theory photo eugene P.wigner with Werner Heisenberg eugene P. wigner with Werner Heisenberg http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz9905/wigner.html | |
39. Fizikai Szemle 1999/5 - THE EÖTVÖS PHYSICAL SOCIETY Between the two World Wars eugene P. wigner was the owner of the No. 1 membershipcard. Members of the Society numbered 400 in the early years. http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz9905/ephso.html | |
40. Enrico Fermi Award Web Site eugene P. wigner, 1958. For contributions to nuclear and teoretival physics, tonuclear reactor development, and to practical applications of atomic energy. http://www.pnl.gov/fermi/citations/wigner-cit.html | |
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