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Wiesel Torsten N: more detail |
41. Nobel Prizes (table) Roger W. Sperry David H. Hubel torsten N. wiesel, Elias Canetti Celebratingthe Canadian heritage in nobel Prizes Canada s remarkable heritage in http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sci/A0835783.html | |
42. AAAS - Report On Science And Human Rights torsten N. wiesel, PresidentEmeritus, Rockefeller University torsten wiesel In 1981 Professor wiesel shared the nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine http://shr.aaas.org/report/xxiv/tw_bio.htm | |
43. Nobel Neurobiologist To Give Breinin Basic Science Lecture Neurobiologist torsten N. wiesel, a 1981 winner of the nobel Prize in Physiologyor Medicine, will present the inaugural lecture of the Emory School of http://www.emory.edu/EMORY_REPORT/erarchive/1996/October/ERoct.14/10_14_96nobel. | |
44. "Canadian Nobel Laureates" By Edward Willett just 10 years later, in 1981, David H. Hubel, born in Windsor, Ontario, sharedthe nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with torsten N. wiesel. http://www.edwardwillett.com/Columns/canadiannobels.htm | |
45. Access To Articles : Nature by David H. Hubel and torsten N. wiesel Recognition David Hubel (left)and torsten wiesel won a nobel prize for their work in 1981. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v434/n7037/full/4341069a.html | |
46. Nobel Prize For Medicine nobel Prize for Medicine. HONOR. nobel Prize for Medicine. 1901. Emil von Behring.1902 Roger W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, torsten N. wiesel. 1982 http://www.nndb.com/honors/214/000068010/ | |
47. The Prize For academics and institutions, a nobel Prize is used to attract the best andthe brightest 1981 Roger W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, torsten N. wiesel http://www.hosted-webs.com/prize/ | |
48. HistoryForSale - Nobel Prize Autographs Autographs torsten N. wiesel FIRST DAY COVER SIGNED CIRCA 1971 Here is asample of the autographs you ll find in our nobel Prize category http://www.historyforsale.com/html/display.aspx?page=62&start=49&sort=0&signer=& |
49. Robert F Kennedy Memorial 1995 nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Charles H. Townes 1964 nobel Laureate in Physics.torsten N. wiesel 1981 nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine http://www.rfkmemorial.org/human_rights/1995_Que/Nobel_Laureates_Appeal_for_Que. | |
50. List Of Nobel Prizes - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About List Of Nobel Prize Information about List of nobel Prizes in the Columbia Encyclopedia®. Roger W.Sperry David H. Hubel torsten N. wiesel, Elias Canetti http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/List of Nobel Prizes | |
51. Índice Alfabético De Los Premios Nobel De Fisiología O Medicina (1901-1998) Índice alfabético de los Premios nobel de Fisiología o Medicina (19011998)* WIESCHAUS, Eric F. (1995) wiesel, torsten N. (1981) http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/his/vol_2_99/his12299.htm | |
52. AAMC Reporter: Nobel Laureates Gather At Annual Meeting To Speculate On The Futu The nobel Laureate panel was rounded out by torsten N. wiesel, MD, professoremeritus at Rockefeller University, who was recognized in 1981 for his http://www.aamc.org/newsroom/reporter/dec01/researchroundtable.htm | |
53. Bowdoin To Award Five Honorary Degrees At 199th Commencement May , Campus News ( torsten N. wiesel, president emeritus of The Rockefeller University and In 1981 while at Harvard wiesel received the nobel Prize in medicine for his http://www.bowdoin.edu/news/archives/1bowdoincampus/001413.shtml | |
54. Goldstone, Wiesel Address Issues Of Human Rights At Panel Discuss, Campus News ( Justice Richard J. Goldstone and Dr. torsten N. wiesel, two of Bowdoin s wiesel is president emeritus of The Rockefeller University and a nobel Prize http://www.bowdoin.edu/news/archives/1bowdoincampus/001464.shtml | |
55. Nobel Prize-winning Vision Researcher, Cell Migration Expert To Speak To Syracus Hubel and colleague torsten N. wiesel were awarded the 1981 nobel Prize inPhysiology or Medicine for their discoveries concerning the visual system. http://www.ecs.syr.edu/news_detail.asp?IDin=163&year=2005 |
56. Hobart And William Smith Colleges :: News Releases Geneva, NY torsten N. wiesel received the nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicinein 1981 for his discoveries concerning information processing in the http://www.hws.edu/news/update/showrelease.asp?id=498 |
57. SIMR - Centenary Survey Of Nobel Laureates nobel Prize Winners in Physiology and Medicine (1980 1989) 1981 Roger W.SPERRY, David H. HUBEL and torsten N. wiesel - describe the processing of http://www.simr.org.uk/pages/nobel/time_line_9.html | |
58. Essays On Winners Of The Nobel Prize: The 1991 nobel Prize Winnersfrom Patch Clamps (Neher and Sakmann) to Physiology or Medicine Roger W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, torsten N. wiesel http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/prize/nobelwinners.html | |
59. Nobel Laureates Call For Action On Global Warming At The Kyoto Climate Summit torsten N. wiesel, USA. Physiology/Medicine 1981 * Robert W. Wilson, USA.Physics 1978 Lars Gyllensten, Former Chair, The nobel Foundation http://dieoff.org/page123.htm | |
60. The Heidelberg Appeal Elie wiesel, nobel Prize (Peace), University of Boston LiteratureUSA; * torsten N.wiesel, nobel Prize (Medicine), Professor, Lab of Neurobiology, http://www.sepp.org/heidelberg_appeal.html | |
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