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Wieman Carl E: more detail | |||||||
81. Society For Advancement Of Chicanos And Native Americans In Science SACNAS H SACNAS is pleased to announce that Dr. carl E. wieman will be the featured speakeron the opening night of the 2005 SACNAS National Conference. http://www.sacnas.org/enouncements1.htm | |
82. Nobelpreistraeger Wolfgang Ketterle Und Carl E. Wieman Vip Promi Und Vip Linklis http://www.multifind.de/vip/Nobelpreistraeger.vip.Wolfgang._.Ketterle._.und._.Ca | |
83. "The Spectrum Of Atomic Hydrogen," Theodor W Gilbert, Sarah L., and carl E. wieman, Optics and Photonics News, 814, July 1993 . wieman, carl et al., Am. J. Phys. 63 (4), 317-330, (1995). http://webphysics.davidson.edu/Alumni/JoCowan/honors/General/FinalBib.htm | |
84. Bose-Einstein Condensation At NIST The 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Eric A. Cornell of NIST /JILA; Wolfgang Ketterle of MIT; and carl E. wieman of CU / JILA. http://www.bec.nist.gov/ | |
85. Nobelpremio Pri Fiziko En 2001 Eric A. CORNELL, Wolfgang KETTERLE, carl E. wieman. Eric A. CORNELL, Wolfgang KETTERLE,carl E. wieman. Artikolo far Lars SöZüER. Jam en la jaro 1924, http://luisguillermo.com/fiziko/nobela/nobel01.htm | |
86. Spektrum Der Wissenschaft Translate this page Folgende Informationen stellt das Archiv über carl E. wieman bereit. Eric A.Cornell und carl E. wieman gehören dem JILA dem früheren Joint Institute for http://www.wissenschaft-online.de/spektrum/index.php?action=autor&autor_id=1783 |
87. MPQ Homepage Aktuelles: Erster Atomlaser Auf Einem Mikrochip Translate this page carl E. wieman JILA und University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA,. ?fürdie Erzeugung der Bose-Einstein-Kondensation (BEC) in verdünnten Gasen aus http://www.mpq.mpg.de/mpq-news/2001-10-09_nobelpreis.html | |
88. NIST: Quantum Physics Division - Division 848 Eric Cornell and carl E. wieman share* the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics Eric Cornell of NIST and carl wieman of the University of Colorado are winners of http://physics.nist.gov/Divisions/Div848/div848.html | |
89. News Release - Bose-Einstein carl E. wieman. Address Department of Physics and JILA Campus Box 440University of Colorado Boulder, CO 803090440 http://physics.nist.gov/News/Releases/bose-einstein.html | |
90. Allegro-Chronik 25 Jahre (2005) wieman, carl E. wieman, carl E. (2001) Wilczek, Frank (2004) Wilson, Kenneth G. (1982) http://www.allegro-c.de/chronik/a28p.htm | |
91. ICPR > ¿¬±¸ÀÚ¿ø > ¹°¸®ÇÐȸÁö Translate this page Authors, carl E. wieman. Abstract, Bose-Einstein condensation in a gas resultedfrom the combination of laser cooling and trapping, and magnetic trapping http://icpr.snu.ac.kr/resource/wop_index.php?mode=article&article=J011998032R030 |
92. Red Escolar / Actividades Permanentes / Conciencia / Premio Nobel 2001 / Fisica Translate this page Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle y carl E. wieman La Real Academia Sueca de las carl E. wieman, de 50 años, nació en 1951 en Corvallis, Oregon. http://redescolar.ilce.edu.mx/redescolar/biblioteca/literatura/special/nobel2001 | |
93. International: Italiano: Scienze: Fisica: Fisici E Ricercatori: Wieman, Carl - O Translate this page Italiano Scienze Fisica Fisici e Ricercatori wieman, carl - Open Site . In tutta la Directory, Solo in Fisici_e_Ricercatori/wieman,_carl http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Scienze/Fisica/Fisici_e_Ricercatori/ | |
94. Selected Press Releases Physicists Eric A. Cornell and carl E. wieman are awarded the Lorentz Medal fromthe Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (10/12/98) http://jilawww.colorado.edu/www/press/ | |
95. Papers and exploding BoseEinstein condensates EA Donley, NR Claussen, SL Cornish,JL Roberts, Eric A. Cornell, carl E. wieman, Nature 412, 295 (2001) http://jilawww.colorado.edu/bec/papers.html | |
96. Nobelova Cena Za Fyziku 2001 - E. Cornell, C. Wieman, W. Ketterle Nobelova cena za fyziku 2001 laureáti E. Cornell, C. wieman, W. Ketterle. Stali se jimi Americané Eric Cornell a carl wieman, a nemecký vedec Wolfgang http://www.converter.cz/zpravy/011009_nobel.htm | |
97. The University Of Nevada, Reno - College Of Science | News & Events April 12, 2005 Dr. carl E. wieman from the University of Colorado at Boulderspeaks. A very prestigious speaker, Dr. carl E. wieman from the University of http://www.unr.edu/cos/news/events.html | |
98. Carl Wieman Physicien Américain, Prix Nobel De Physique 2001, Carl Translate this page Physicien américain, Prix Nobel de physique 2001, carl E. wieman est né en 1951à Corvallis (Oregon). Après des études de physique au Massachusetts http://www.actufiches.ch/content.php?name=Wieman&vorname=Carl |
99. Wieman, Cornell, Ketterie est décerné, Cornell a 39 ans; wieman a 50 ans et Ketterle a 43 ans. http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/physique/hisWiem.htm | |
100. Toflo.dk Linktjek - Discusión:Carl E. Wie Discusi 243;nCarl E. wieman Wikipedia. URL. es.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Discusi%F3nCarl_E._wieman amp;amp;action=edit. Beskrivelse http://www.toflo.dk/linkbesk.asp?link_id=31133&mode=bot |
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