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Wieman Carl E: more detail | |||||||
61. Nobel Prize: Physics 2001 Laureates (1/3) carl E. wieman He was born on March 26, 1951 in Corvallis, Oregon. Ph.D.in Physics from Stanford University in 1977 and a Doctorate of Science http://library.thinkquest.org/TQ0313040/ph2001.html | |
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62. Research (available at condmat/9904034); Atom cooling, trapping, and quantum manipulation ,carl E. wieman, David E. Pritchard, David J. Wineland, Rev. Mod. Phys. http://www.physics.uq.edu.au/BEC/research.html | |
63. FUTURO-ELPAIS.ES. Entrevista. CARL WEIMAN Golem.de Lexikon - Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel carl E. wieman aus der freien EnzyklopädieWikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation. http://www.elpais.es/suplementos/futuro/20010411/25weiman.html | |
64. La Red De Icarito-Premio Nobel 2001: Fisica Translate this page carl wieman (1951) (Investigador de la Universidad de Colorado y JILA) carl wieman pertenece a la Sociedad Óptica de América, en la Sociedad Física http://icarito.latercera.cl/especiales/nobel_2001/fisica3.htm | |
65. Carl Edwin Wieman Translate this page Eric Cornell, carl wieman e Wolfgang Ketterle utilizaram métodos sofisticados deresfriamento e conseguiram levar átomos alcalinos a baixíssimas http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/CarlWiem.html |
66. Three OSA Members Win The Nobel Prize In Physics and carl E. wieman JILA and University of Colorado, Boulder, Kristan L.Corwin, ZhengTian Lu, Carter F. Hand, Ryan J. Epstein, and carl E. wieman, http://www.osa.org/news/release/10.2001/nobel2001.asp | |
67. Quantum Physics References Cornell, Eric A. and wieman, carl E., BoseEinstein Condensates in a Dilute Gas;the First 70 Years and Some Recent Experiments , Nobel lecture. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/quaref.html | |
68. Carl E. Wieman ivotopis carl E. wieman ivotopis. Narodil jsem se 26. brezna 1951 v mestecku Corvallisv Oregonu. Nekolik let predtím se moji cerstve oddaní rodice, http://www.cscasfyz.fzu.cz/2002/06/wemanziv.html | |
69. Encyclopedia: Carl Wieman carl wieman (left) and Eric Cornell (right) on the University of Colorado with carl E. wieman, was able to synthesize BoseEinstein condensate in 1995. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Carl-Wieman | |
70. SunSITE India : 2001 Nobel Phycics Prize Eric A. Cornell Wolfgang Ketterle carl E. wieman carl E. wieman. AddressDepartment of Physics and JILA, CB 440 University of Colorado Boulder, http://sunsite.iisc.ernet.in/nobel2001/phy2001_bio.html | |
71. Cornell And Wieman Share 2001 Nobel Prize In Physics Eric A. Cornell of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and carl E.wieman of the University of Colorado at Boulder today were awarded the http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/2001/C/200113299.html | |
72. Nobelist, Physicist Wieman To Lecture At CIRTL Forum (Oct 21, 2003) Nobelist carl E. wieman, a University of Colorado physicist, will be thedistinguished lecturer for the first forum of the Center for the Integration of http://www.news.wisc.edu/9069.html | |
73. CIRTL Forum To Feature Lecture By Nobelist Wieman (Oct 27, 2003) Nobelist carl E. wieman, a University of Colorado physicist, will be thedistinguished lecturer for the annual forum of the Center for the Integration of http://www.news.wisc.edu/9102.html | |
74. Lexikon: Carl E. Wieman - Begriff Translate this page Kategorien Mann wieman, carl E. carl Edwin wieman (* 26. März 1951 in Corvallis,Oregon) ist ein USA US-amerikanischer Physiker. http://lexikon.donx.de/?action=details&show=Carl E. Wieman |
75. Toflo.dk Linktjek - Carl E. Wieman - Wikipedia Discusi 243;nCarl E. wieman Wiki TPS RRGTM Drive a Rover at the Mars St TPS RRGTM Drive a Rover at the Mars St http://www.toflo.dk/linkbesk.asp?link_id=6232&mode=bot |
76. Carl_E._Wieman - Lexikon - Carl_E._Wieman - Beschreibung - Physik Translate this page carl E. wieman. aus Physik, der freien Enzyklopädie. carl Edwin wieman (* 26.März 1951 in Corvallis, Oregon) ist ein US-amerikanischer Physiker. http://www.physik-lexikon.de/wiki/index.php?title=Carl_E._Wieman |
77. RedNova News - Science - Cu Nobel Laureate Named Top Prof ; Physicist Wieman Is carl E. wieman * Age 53 * Education BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1973; Ph.D., Stanford University, 1977; honorary doctorate of science, http://www.rednova.com/news/science/104652/cu_nobel_laureate_named_top_prof__phy | |
78. Atomic Physics Quantum Electrodynamics - Physics Division Colloquium 6 Dec 1985, carl E. wieman, U. of Colorado, Highly Precise Measurements of WeakNeutral Currents in Atoms. 14 Mar 1986, Innes MacKenzie, Guelph U., http://www.phy.anl.gov/div/col/classified/atoms.html | |
79. Press Releases McMINNVILLE carl E. wieman, distinguished professor of physics at the Universityof Colorado at Boulder and an Oregon native, will be featured at the http://www.linfield.edu/press/detail.php?id=521 |
80. Active Skim View Of: Appendix D: Workshop Participants Molly Texas Christian University Institute of Math, Science and TechnologyEducation Wesemann, Jode American Chemical Society wieman, carl E http://www.nap.edu/nap-cgi/skimit.cgi?isbn=0309089298&chap=144-147 |
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