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81. Audio Books Direct White, Patrick - The Aunt S Story Audio Books Direct sells a wide range of audio books at affordable prices, with many remaindered bargains. http://www.audiobooksdirect.com.au/product.asp?ISBN=0732025176 |
82. Audio Books Direct White, Patrick - Flaws In The Glass A Self Audio Books Direct sells a wide range of audio books at affordable prices, with many remaindered bargains. http://www.audiobooksdirect.com.au/product.asp?ISBN=0732024722 |
83. Guardian Unlimited Politics | Special Reports | New Blow To Blair Over Iraq Michael white, patrick Wintour and Kevin Maguire Friday September 10, 2004 The Guardian Tony Blair will be confronted with a fresh challenge over Iraq http://politics.guardian.co.uk/labour/story/0,9061,1301434,00.html | |
84. Why Bother With Patrick White? Exploring the life and work of one of Australia s most prominant author s. Produced with the assistence with the ABCCinemedia Production Accord. http://arts.abc.net.au/white/default.htm | |
85. Why Bother With Patrick White? Exploring the life and work of one of Australia s most prominant author s. Produced with the assistence with the ABCCinemedia Production Accord. http://arts.abc.net.au/white/info.html | |
86. 2005 AAU Boys 16Under/10th Grade Showcase Home Standings Game Individual Player Statistics 15 white, patrick. GP, FGMA, 3PM-A, FTM-A, REB-O, AST, STL, BLK, TO, PF, PTS. Totals, 6, 5-16, 0-4, 14-17, 21-8, 1, 2, 0, 0 http://www.digitalscout.com/aau16/p0001001587.html | |
87. Associateship Directory Of Previous Awardees Name, white, patrick. Award Information. Year of Award, 1977. Start Year, 1978. Program, National Aeronautics and Space Administration http://nrc58.nas.edu/pgasurvey/data/aodir/gen_page.asp?mode=detail&sql=idnumber= |
88. Scott White - Patrick Lowry, MD - Central Texas Scott white patrick Lowry, MD. patrick Lowry, MD. Primary Office Scott white Clinic in Temple 254-724-2592. patrick S. Lowry, MD http://www.sw.org/sw/portal/.cmd/SWActionDispatcher/_pagr/107/_pa.107/116/.swact |
89. Scott White - Patrick Partin, MD - Central Texas Scott white patrick Partin, MD. patrick Partin, MD. Primary Office Scott white in Bellmead 254-799-3690. patrick Partin, MD http://www.sw.org/sw/portal/.cmd/SWActionDispatcher/_pagr/107/_pa.107/116/.swact |
90. Pieces Of A Puzzle - An Australian UK Family History patrick white would have been elegible to vote in that first election and indeed, Henry DOWN (Coddrington farmer and long time friend of patrick white) http://members.ozemail.com.au/~ljpjyoung/familytree/myancestors/PatrickWhite.htm | |
91. Literary Biography patrick white s Fiction. Allen and Unwin 1977 Index, 136pp., card covers in white, patrick. Riders in the Chariot. Penguin Modern Classics 1974 491pp., http://www.grian.demon.co.uk/lit.biog/lb_pw.html | |
92. Kurzanzeige patrick* white* lieferte Gesamttreffer (5) von white, patrick 1994 GB, Kartoniert, sofort lieferbar, 12.40 EUR (inkl. USt. http://www.buchkatalog.de/kod-bin/isuche.exe?AU=Patrick White&caller=niehoers&us |
93. Will Co, IL Oakwood Cemetery white, patrick, unknown, Jun 1, 1956, s/w Pamela Paul. white, patrick F. 1882, 1951. white, Paul, unknown, Jun 1, 1956, s/w Pamela patrick. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilwill/cem2/MtSaintPatrick.htm | |
94. Will Co, IL USGenWeb Cemeteries 1, 1956 sw patrick Paul. white, patrick, b. unknown d. Jun. 1, 1956 s/w Pamela Paul. white, patrick F., b. 1882 d. 1951 white, Paul , b. unknown d. Jun. http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilwill/misccems/mtstptrk.htm | |
95. Patrick White Letterbook patrick white continued in trade as patrick white Co. The patrick white Letterbook contains copies of 235 business letters of the Virginia mercantile http://www.clements.umich.edu/Webguides/UZ/White.html | |
96. White Desert Tom and patrick were the youngest Britons to reach the pole, and Andrew was the first ever African. However, as they had skied for 35 hours nonstop by the http://www.whitedesert.co.uk/ | |
97. White, Patrick - Appunti E Tesine By Studenti.it Translate this page Titolo, white, patrick. (Londra 1912-Sydney 1990) Romanziere australiano. Tra le opere La valle felice (1939) e La storia della zia (1948). http://ricerca.studenti.it/risorse/r/0mk1/32beb163/White, Patrick/ | |
98. Ecca 2 TopicCarolyn Bliss Refers To patrick white s Preoccupation With Fortunate Bliss, Carolyn J. patrick white s fiction The Paradox of Fortunate Failure. http://www.ru.ac.za/publications/engpubs/ecca2/essay.html | |
99. 20050622-1810-1100-D30.JPG ILC2005, day 4 (200506221810-1100-D30.JPG) / medium image / large image. Joe Marshall, Jon L. white, patrick Dussud, James McDonald and Steve Sears http://www.franz.com/~layer/pictures/ILC2005-4/pages/small/20050622-1810-1100-D3 | |
100. WHITE, Patrick., Four Plays. Advance copy., Top edge little spotted. Printed wrappers. Near Fine. http://www.polybiblio.com/reesoneill/200835.html | |
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