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41. PATRICK WHITE/ELIZABETH FORBES COLLECTION: INDEX INDEX TO patrick white/ELIZABETH FORBES COLLECTION. BUCHANAN, HANDASYDE CORRES. FROM white, patrick 1965 (08/09) 1 1 BURGESS, ANTHONY - REFERENCE BY white http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/index/i187}1.htm | |
42. Literature 1973 Provides an autobiographical statement, bibliography, and the text of the Nobel Prize press release from 1973 when the author won the award for literature. http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1973/index.html | |
43. PATRICK WHITE IN PERIODICALS: INDEX INDEX TO patrick white IN PERIODICALS. AGE AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER - ARTICLES REGARDING patrick white, 1994 1 1 ALIENATION HUMANIZATION, http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/index/i237}1.htm | |
44. Why Bother With Patrick White? Australian Broadcasting Corporation's web site that explores the fundamental question why read patrick white? via excerpts from various writers who have been central in the field of white criticism. Includes also biographical data, as well as short extracts from the writer's novels. http://arts.abc.net.au/white/ | |
45. Creative Quotations From Patrick White (1912-1990) patrick white in quotations to inspire creative thinking. http://www.creativequotations.com/one/2655.htm | |
46. Quick Links Triple Seven General Triple Seven Pyrodex Shotgun patrick white. patrick with his first muzzle loader deer. Dear Mr. Hodgdon,. The above photo is of my first muzzle loader deer. http://www.hodgdon.com/stories/pyrodex/white.php | |
47. SAGE Crossroads - Webcasts - Participant Bios SAGE Crossroads Webcasts - Participant Bios patrick white As Director of Federal Relations with the Association of American Universities, patrick white is http://www.sagecrossroads.net/Default.aspx?tabid=85 |
48. Patrick White white, patrick, 191290, Australian novelist, b. London. Raised in England, he returned to Australia after More on patrick white from Fact Monster http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0852087.html | |
49. Glbtq >> Literature >> White, Patrick The gay Australian Nobel laureate patrick white wrote explicitly about homosexuality only in his novel i The Twyborn Affair /i and his autobiography http://www.glbtq.com/literature/white_p,2.html | |
50. White, Patrick Victor Martindale white, patrick Victor Martindale. Australian writer. He did more than any other to put Australian literature on the international map. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0032630.html | |
51. Literary Encyclopedia: White, Patrick white, patrick (19121990). Novelist. Active 1939-1990 in England, Australia, Australasia, Britain, Europe. We hope to complete this entry soon. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=4694 |
52. White, Patrick. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 white, patrick. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/wh/White-Pa.html | |
53. Alibris: Patrick White Used, new outof-print books by author patrick white. Offering over 50 million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/patrick white | |
54. Alibris: Patrick White Used, new outof-print books by author patrick white. Offering over 50 million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/White, Patrick | |
55. ABCBookWorld Bill white moved to Pender Harbourwhere patrick white was raisedin the Born in 1981, patrick white gained a history degree at the University of http://www.abcbookworld.com/?state=view_author&author_id=7854 |
56. Patrick White - Definition By Dict.die.net patrick white n Australian writer (19121990) syn white, patrick white, patrick Victor Martindale white. die.net http://dict.die.net/patrick white/ | |
57. Patrick Caulfield Red & White Art Print / Poster : Easyart.com Art prints and frames from Easyart. Buy Red white, patrick Caulfield from Easyart. http://en.easyart.com/art-prints/prints/Patrick-Caulfield/Red-White-15653.html | |
58. Patrick White - Patrick White, Down Under, And Other Stories Today in Literature presents patrick white patrick white, Down Under, and other stories about the great books, writers, characters, and events in literary http://www.todayinliterature.com/stories.asp?Event_Date=9/30/1990 |
59. Boomerang Bargain Books - Cheap Discount Online Book Store Australia Buy cheap discount books online from Boomerang Books, specialists in Australian books with over 1.2 million titles online and up to 25% off the retail http://www.boomerangbooks.com/links/patrick_white.htm |
60. MSN Encarta - White, Patrick Victor Martindale white, patrick Victor Martindale (19121990), Australian author and Nobel laureate, born in London on one of his parents periodic visits. white http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761563711/White_Patrick_Victor_Martindale.ht | |
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