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         Virtanen Artturi Ilmari:     more detail
  1. Nobel Lectures Including Presentation Speeches and Laureates' Biographies. Chemistry, 1942 - 1962. by George, HAHN, Otto, VIRTANEN, Artturi Ilmari et al. NOBEL. DE HEVESY, 1964
  2. People From Vyborg: Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Lauri Törni, Martti Ahtisaari, Vitaly Petrov, Uno Ullberg, Viatcheslav Ekimov, Johannes Virolainen
  3. Academics of the University of Helsinki: Lars Ahlfors, Rolf Nevanlinna, Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg, Teivo Teivainen
  4. Finnish Chemists: Finnish Pharmacists, Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Edvard Hjelt, Johan Gadolin, Viktor Schauman
  5. Agricultural Education: Agricultural Schools, Agriculture Educators, George Washington Carver, Wilhelm Johannsen, Artturi Ilmari Virtanen
  6. Finnish Inventors: Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Eric Tigerstedt, Spede Pasanen, Lauri Rapala
  7. Hochschullehrer (Helsinki): Lauri Ingman, Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Johan Vilhelm Snellman, Rolf Nevanlinna, Peter A. Kraus (German Edition)
  8. Finnish Nobel Laureates: Frans Eemil Sillanpää, Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Martti Ahtisaari, Ragnar Granit
  9. Biochemiker: Isaac Asimov, Frederic Vester, Hans Adolf Krebs, Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Hans Fischer, James Batcheller Sumner (German Edition)
  10. Some central nutritional problems of the present time (W.O. Atwater Memorial lecture) by Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, 1968
  11. Studies of milk produced by cows fed a synthetic diet of urea and / or ammonium salts and purified carbohydrates, to obtain basic information on the factors ... flavour in milk and milk products by Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, 1969
  12. Fundamental studies of organic compounds in plants, especially vegetables and fodder plants, and their enzymic- and chemical-splitting products which often ... potential for their products: Final report by Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, 1969
  13. Biochemistry of nitrogen: A collection of papers... dedicated to Artturi Ilmari Virtanen on the occasion of his 60th birthday, January 15th, 1955

61. November 11 - Today In Science History
artturi ilmari virtanen. (source), Died 11 Nov 1973 (born 15 Jan 1895) Finnishbiochemist whose investigations directed toward improving the production and
Visit our new gallery of Perpetual Motion Machines through the centuries
NOVEMBER 11 - BIRTHS Henry Whitehead
Born 11 Nov 1904
(John) Henry (Constantine) Whitehead was a British mathematician who greatly influenced the development of homotopy theory (a special kind of mapping of topological spaces). Whitehead's work in differential geometry culminated in the paper "On the Covering of a Complete Space by the Geodesics Through a Point" (1935), containing pioneering contributions to this area of mathematics. He always retained his interest in geometry but soon focused on topology. He made substantial contributions to combinatorial homotopy and Stiefel manifolds and set up a school of topology at Oxford. Thomas Edward Allibone Born 11 Nov 1903; died 9 Sep 2003
English physicist who was a leading authority on high-voltage physics, a member of the Anglo-American team that worked on the atomic bomb, and the last surviving direct collegue of Ernest Rutherford, the father of nuclear physics. Allibone proposed to Rutherford that he could build a powerful generator to provide the huge voltages needed artificially to accelerate electrons in a vacuum tube. By 1927, Allibone had built the Voltage Doubler, a device in which electrons and atoms could be accelerated at high speeds, which was used by Rutherford and his team in their subsequent researches on particle acceleration. In 1944 he joined the British team working on the Manhattan project to build the atomic bomb in Berkeley, Cal., and Oak Ridge, Tenn.

virtanen, artturi ilmari, Finlandia, 1945. von Baeyer, Johann Friedrich WilhelmAdolf, Alemania, 1905. von EulerChelpin, Hans Karl August Simon
APELLIDOS - NOMBRES PAÍS AÑO Agre, Peter EE.UU. Alder, Kurt (Compartido) Alemania Altman, Sidney (Compartido) Cantabria Anfinsen, Christian B. (Compartido) EE.UU. Arrhenius, Svante August Suecia Aston, Francis William Inglaterra Barton, Drek H. R. (Compartido) Inglaterra Berg, Paul (Compartido) EE.UU. Bergius, Friedrich (Compartido) Alemania Bosch, Carl (Compartido) Alemania Boyer, Paul D. (Compartido) EE.UU. Brown, Herbert C. (Compartido) EE.UU. Buchner, Eduard Alemania Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann (Compartido) Alemania Calvin, Melvin EE.UU. Cech, Thomas R. (Compartido) EE.UU. Corey, Elias James EE.UU. Cornforth, John Warcup (Compartido) Cram, Donald J. (Compartido) EE.UU. Crutzen, Paul J. (Compartido) Holanda Curie, Marie Francia Curl Jr., Robert F. (Compartido) EE.UU. de Hevesy, George Debye, Petrus (Peter) Josephus Wilhelmus Holanda Deisenhofer, Johann (Compartido) Alemania Diels, Otto Paul Hermann (Compartido) Alemania du Vigneaud, Vincent EE.UU. Eigen, Manfred (Compartido) Alemania Ernst, Richard R. Suiza Fenn, John B.

63. Persons SFHS Links
artturi ilmari virtanen (1895–1973) professor of Chemistry, Nobel Prize winner, The biochemistry scholar artturi ilmari virtanen invented a method of SFHS links

64. Helsingin Yliopiston Opettaja- Ja Virkamiesluettelo 1918-200.Matemaattis-luonnon
192439 virtanen, artturi ilmari (* 1895 † 1973), kemia 1925-39 Sihvonen, Väinöilmari (* 1889 † 1939), kemia 1927-38 Buch, Kurt Karl Wilhelm (* 1881
Helsingin yliopisto Hallintovirasto HELSINGIN YLIOPISTON OPETTAJA- JA VIRKAMIESLUETTELO 1918 - 2000
MATEMAATTIS-LUONNONTIETEELLINEN TIEDEKUNTA KEMIA Analyyttinen kemia Analyyttisen kemian professori
Virka perustettiin 1972
1987- Riekkola, Marja-Liisa (* 1953)
1976-90 Lumme, Paavo Olavi (* 1923)
Kemian Virka perustettiin apulaisen virkana 1929
1960-66 Lumme, Paavo Olavi (* 1923)
/ 1998- prof. Virka perustettiin 1968 1973- Pajunen, Aarne Veikko (* 1939) Fysikaalinen kemia Fysikaalisen kemian professori Virka perustettiin kemian professuurina 1940, muut. fysikaalisen kemian prof. viraksi 1974
1969-90 Koskikallio, Jouko Uolevi (* 1927), kemian prof. 69-74, fysikaal. kemian 74-90
1992- Halonen, Lauri Olavi (* 1953) Fysikaalisen kemian

65. Historiafi
Suomalainen tiedemies, Suomen biokemian isä, artturi ilmari virtanen artturi ilmari virtanen, AIV, oli kantaaottava hahmo sodanjälkeisessä Suomessa.
Hieman historiaa MAITOA, PIIMÄÄ, JUUSTOA... Maidon käyttö juomana Suomessa ei luultavasti koskaan ole ollut kovinkaan yleistä. Sen sijaan hapatettua maitoa, piimää, on juotu yleisesti kaikkialla maassamme. Myös maitotuotteitten valmistus on Suomessakin tunnettu jo ammoisista ajoista alkaen. Voin ja juuston valmistus on ollut maitotaloutemme tärkein osa. Tiedetään, että voita ja juustoa on menestyksellisesti valmistettu myös meillä kauan. Sveitsissähän juustonvalmistus osattiin jo kivikaudella ja voita on Babyloniassa valmistettu 3000 eKr. Maassamme määrättiin voivero 1250-luvulla ja 1550-luvulla voita riitti vientiin maan rajojen ulkopuolellekin. Suomalainen talonpoikaisjuusto oli myös hyvässä maineessa ja erilaisten maatiaisjuustojen valmistus näyttää olleen tunnettua maassamme 1700- ja 1800-luvuilla. Jäätelö tuli Suomeen 1700-luvulla, vaikka se oli tunnettu Kiinassa jo hyvin kauan sitten ja Euroopassakin jo 1400 eKr. Yleisölle jäätelöä alettiin myydä 1900-luvun alussa, jolloin sitä valmistettiin kotona ja myytiin kaduilla ja toreilla. Jäätelön teollinen valmistus alkoi 1934 Valion Turun meijerissä. Kirnu MIKSI MEIJEREITÄ Meijeriteollisuuden alkuperäinen tarkoitus on maidon jalostaminen. Niin kauan kuin maataloudessa työskentelevä väestö kykeni tuottamaan vain hieman enemmän elintarvikkeita kuin se itse tarvitsi, ei ollut olemassa mainittavaa mahdollisuutta kehittää elinkeinoelämää maatalouden ulkopuolella. Näin Suomessa oli 1800-luvun loppuvuosiin asti.

66. Result Of Desired Function
virtanen, artturi ilmari. for his research and inventions in agricultural andnutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation method
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions" FISCHER, HERMANN EMIL
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses" ARRHENIUS, SVANTE AUGUST
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation" RAMSAY, Sir WILLIAM
"in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system" VON BAEYER, JOHANN FRIEDRICH WILHELM ADOLF
"in recognition of his services in the advancement of organic chemistry and the chemical industry, through his work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds" MOISSAN, HENRI

67. GK- National Network Of Education
virtanen, artturi ilmari, 1945. Northrop, John Howard, 1946. Stanley, WendellMeredith, 1946. Sumner, James Batcheller, 1946. Robinson, Sir Robert, 1947
Associated Agencies Booker Prize Winners International Awards World Nations: Famous Industrial Town ... Nobel Prize Winners Nobel Prize Winners
Literature Medicine Peace ... Economics
Chemistry Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't Fischer, Hermann Emil Arrhenius, Svante August Ramsay, Sir William Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Von Moissan, Henri Buchner, Eduard Rutherford, Lord Ernest Ostwald, Wilhelm Wallach, Otto Curie, Marie Sabatier, Paul Grignard, Victor Werner, Alfred Richards, Theodore William

68. Brockhaus Nobelpreise - Artturi Ilmari Virtanen
Translate this page artturi ilmari virtanen - Chemienobelpreis 1945 Der Finne wurde für seineForschungen und Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet
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Artturi Ilmari Virtanen (Artikelvorschau)
Artturi Ilmari Virtanen Quelle: Brockhaus Nobelpreise. Chronik herausragender Leistung. Leipzig, Mannheim: Brockhaus 2001.
Umfang: 1023 Wörter
Preis: 26 xiPunkte - EUR 0.65
voriger Artikel: Arthur Holly Compton, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson - nächster Artikel: Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard, Eric Kandel
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69. The Nobel Prize In Chemistry
1945, artturi ilmari virtanen, Finland, for his research and inventions inagricultural and nutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation

70. Behind The Name: Nobel Prize Winners By Category
artturi ilmari virtanen, 1945, Chemistry. James Batcheller Sumner, 1946, Chemistry.John Howard Northrop, 1946, Chemistry. Wendell Meredith Stanley, 1946
t h e e t y m o l o g y a n d h i s t o r y o f f i r s t n a m e s Nobel Prize Winners by Category Name Years Type Also Known As Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff Chemistry Hermann Emil Fischer Chemistry Svante August Arrhenius Chemistry Sir William Ramsay Chemistry Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer Chemistry Henri Moissan Chemistry Eduard Buchner Chemistry Ernest Rutherford Chemistry Wilhelm Ostwald Chemistry Otto Wallach Chemistry Marie Curie Chemistry Paul Sabatier Chemistry Victor Grignard Chemistry Alfred Werner Chemistry Theodore William Richards Chemistry Chemistry Fritz Haber Chemistry Walther Hermann Nernst Chemistry Frederick Soddy Chemistry Francis William Aston Chemistry Fritz Pregl Chemistry Richard Adolf Zsigmondy Chemistry The Svedberg Chemistry (Theodor) Heinrich Otto Wieland Chemistry Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Chemistry Arthur Harden Chemistry Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin Chemistry Hans Fischer Chemistry Carl Bosch Chemistry Friedrich Bergius Chemistry Irving Langmuir Chemistry Harold Clayton Urey Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Debye Chemistry (Peter) Paul Karrer Chemistry Walter Norman Haworth Chemistry Richard Kuhn Chemistry Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt Chemistry Leopold Ruzicka Chemistry George de Hevesy Chemistry Otto Hahn Chemistry Artturi Ilmari Virtanen Chemistry James Batcheller Sumner Chemistry John Howard Northrop Chemistry Wendell Meredith Stanley Chemistry Sir Robert Robinson Chemistry Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius Chemistry William Francis Giauque Chemistry Kurt Alder Chemistry Otto Paul Hermann Diels

1945 artturi ilmari virtanen. 1944 Otto Hahn. 1943 George de Hevesy. 1942 Theprize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of


2001 William Knowles, K. Barry Sharpless, Ryoji Noyori
2000 Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa 1999 Ahmed H. Zewail 1998 Walter Kohn, John A. Pople 1997 Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou 1996 Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto, Richard E. Smalley 1995 Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland 1994 George A. Olah 1993 Kary B. Mullis, Michael Smith 1992 Rudolph A. Marcus 1991 Richard R. Ernst 1990 Elias James Corey 1989 Sidney Altman, Thomas R. Cech 1988 Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber, Hartmut Michel 1987 Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn, Charles J. Pedersen 1986 Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, John C. Polanyi 1985 Herbert A. Hauptman, Jerome Karle 1984 Robert Bruce Merrifield 1983 Henry Taube 1982 Aaron Klug 1981 Kenichi Fukui, Roald Hoffmann 1980 Paul Berg, Walter Gilbert, Frederick Sanger 1979 Herbert C. Brown, Georg Wittig 1978 Peter D. Mitchell 1977 Ilya Prigogine 1976 William N. Lipscomb

72. Rahapaja - Coin Info / Collector Coins
1995, artturi ilmari virtanen (1895 1995), Ag, 100, Terho Sakki, 40 + 3. 1995,50 years of peace, Au, 2000, Arto and Marita Lappalainen, 6,9


På svenska
Home Coin info ... Links Collector coins
The first coin offering a valuable depiction of Finnish history was issued for the Helsinki Olympic Games in 1952. Since then, more than 30 different collector coins have been issued in Finland. Each commemorates a significant event or person in Finnish history. YEAR THEME FACE VALUE (MARKS) DESIGNER MAX. MINTAGE
x1000 pcs Olympic games, Ag Matti Visanti, Aarre Aaltonen Olympic games, Ag Matti Visanti, Aarre Aaltonen 100th anniversary of
the Finnish mark, Ag Toivo Jaatinen 50th anniversary of
Finnish independence, Ag Heikki Häiväoja J.K. Paasikivi (1870 - 1970), Ag Heikki Häiväoja European Championships in
Athletics, Ag Heikki Häiväoja President Urho Kekkonen's
75th birthday, Ag Heikki Häiväoja 60th anniversary of Finnish
independence, Ag Heikki Häiväoja World Ski Championships in
Lahti, Ag Antti Neuvonen The city of Turku's 750th anniversary, Ag Heikki Häiväoja 25th year of Kekkonen's presidency, Ag Nina Terno World Ice Hockey Championships, Ag Erja Tielinen First World Championships in Athletics, Helsinki, Ag

73. Nobel Prize: Chemistry Timeline
James Batcheller Sumner, John Howard Northrop, Wendell Meredith Stanley. 1945.artturi ilmari virtanen. 1944. Otto Hahn. 1943. George de Hevesy
Year Chemistry Prize Winner John B. Fenn, Koichi Tanaka, Kurt Wüthrich William S. Knowles, Ryoji Noyori, K. Barry Sharpless Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa Ahmed H. Zewail Walter Kohn, John A. Pople Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto, Richard E. Smalley Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina, F. Sherwood Rowland George A. Olah Kary B. Mullis, Michael Smith Rudolph A. Marcus Richard R. Ernst Elias James Corey Sidney Altman, Thomas R. Cech Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber, Hartmut Michel Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn, Charles J. Pedersen Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, John C. Polanyi Herbert A. Hauptman, Jerome Karle Robert Bruce Merrifield Henry Taube Aaron Klug Kenichi Fukui, Roald Hoffmann Paul Berg, Walter Gilbert, Frederick Sanger Herbert C. Brown, Georg Wittig Peter D. Mitchell Ilya Prigogine William N. Lipscomb John Warcup Cornforth, Vladimir Prelog Paul J. Flory Ernst Otto Fischer, Geoffrey Wilkinson Christian B. Anfinsen, Stanford Moore, William H. Stein

74. - Schrödingers Katt
artturi ilmari virtanen arbeidet i meieribransjen. Hans oppgave var å forbedresmørets kvalitet og salgbarhet i et land der smør er en stor eksportvare.
var nrkPosisjoner = '';
Finsk sisu bak silo
Den finske biokjemikeren Artturi Virtanen revolusjonerte konserveringen av dyrefor, og fikk i 1945 nobelprisen i kjemi. Men for å komme fram til den geniale oppfinnelsen, gikk han veien om smør.
Publisert 13.03.2003 21:29. Artturi Ilmari Virtanen arbeidet i meieribransjen. Hans oppgave var å forbedre smørets kvalitet og salgbarhet i et land der smør er en stor eksportvare. Virtanen oppdaget at dersom man tilsatte natriumfosfat til saltet i smøret, holdt det seg i månedsvis. Det innebar at man kunne lagre smøret, og eksportere når prisene var høye.
Fra smør til gras
Den finske biokjemikeren så paralleller til grøntfor. Jo tidligere graset blir slått, jo høyere er proteininnholdet. Høy som er slått og tørket når det er modent, har mindre protein enn ungt gras som legges i silo.
Virtanen gjorde forsøk med å legge ungt gras i silo uten at det råtnet. Han visste at når silo gjærer, dannes det melkesyre. Når syreinnholdet øker, stanser det gjæringen og danner en lake som konserverer graset. Ved å tilsette en syreblanding til nytt silofor, klarte Virtanen å påskynde og forsterke prosessen.
Virtanens blanding består av en fortynnet blanding av saltsyre og svovelsyre. Etterhvert begynner man å lage lufttette siloer som pakkes full med gras, som deretter tilsettes syre. Ved å presse sammen graset trykkes all luft ut, noe som frigjør saftene, og dermed en gjæringen igang. Etterhvert tok man i bruk maursyre istedetfor svovelsyre.

75. Enemy Territory Fortress Match Statistics
4Suomi Viivi Avellan teamkilled Suomi artturi ilmari virtanen 4 times 1Suomi artturi ilmari virtanen teamkilled Suomi Jonas Stubbb 1 times
Suo mi beat RED with 21 caps to 4 on Stag
Captures Suo mi RED Player Flagtouches Suo mi Isanmaa Pekka Siitoin pin k ... je (Coast to coast) Suo mi Jaakko Parantainen Suo mi Jaakko Parantainen ... mi Viivi Avellan
The Teams BLUE RED DEF Suo mi Viivi Avellan DEF EURO Wienerschnitzel DEF Suo mi Artturi Ilmari Virtanen DEF JM gogo DEF Suo mi Henry Saari DEF d o c DEF Suo mi Jonas Stubbb OFF Cyberi OFF Suo mi Jaakko Parantainen OFF pin k el t ... je OFF Suo mi Mikko Alatalo OFF ONiX OFF Suo mi Janne Ahonen OFF Oa OFF Suo mi Isanmaa Pekka Siitoin Objectives Objectives Endscore: +17 Endscore: -17 Captured 21 flags Captured 4 flags Lost 4 flags Lost 21 flags 63 flagtouches 33 flagtouches 3.00 touches/capture 8.25 touches/capture Their flag was taken from base 8 times
It was saved 4 times and lost 4 times Their flag was taken from base 22 times
It was saved 1 times and lost 21 times Biggest streak of touches saved: 7 Biggest streak of touches saved: 1 Biggest streak of touches lost: 6 Biggest streak of touches lost: 6 Defence squad Defence squad Captured 2 flags Captured flags 158 frags 165 frags 77 deaths 87 deaths 2.05 frag/death ratio

76. Result Of Search
virtanen, artturi ilmari, Finland, Helsinki University, b. 1895, d. 1973. for his research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry,
There are 98 entries that match your criteria:
Chemistry 1901
VAN'T HOFF, JACOBUS HENRICUS, the Netherlands, Berlin University, Germany, b. 1852, d. 1911: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions" More...
Chemistry 1902
FISCHER, HERMANN EMIL, Germany, Berlin University, b. 1852, d. 1919: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses" More...
Chemistry 1903
ARRHENIUS, SVANTE AUGUST, Sweden, Stockholm University, b. 1859, d. 1927: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation" More...
Chemistry 1904
RAMSAY, Sir WILLIAM, Great Britain, London University, b. 1852, d. 1916: "in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system" More...
Chemistry 1905

virtanen, artturi ilmari, 1945. Wallach, Otto, 1910. Werner, Alfred, 1913.Wieland, Heinrich Otto, 1927. Wilkinson, Sir Geoffrey, 1973

ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN CHEMISTRY Name Year Awarded Alder, Kurt Altman, Sidney Anfinsen, Christian B. Arrhenius, Svante August ... Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES IN PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Name Year Awarded Adrian, Lord Edgar Douglas Arber, Werner Axelrod, Julius Baltimore, David ... Zinkernagel, Rolf M. Source: The Nobel Prize Internet Archive

78. BioFinder Linksearch Answer, Details For URL: 2396
anchor, virtanen, artturi ilmari. ID, 2396. url, http// acronym. institute, http//

79. Manuscripts Guide -- G
John Whittemore Gowen; Alexander Hollaender; Joshua Lederberg; HJ Muller;Alois Schindler; Janice B. Stadler; Maghild Umaersus; artturi ilmari virtanen
var directory = "g/" Your browser does not support script
Mole: Collections beginning with "G"
Gabb, William More (1839-1878)
Paleontologist. APS 1869.
On the Indian tribes and languages of Costa Rica, 1875. 114 pp. (incomplete). A paleontologist and expert in Cretaceous and Tertiary invertebrates, William More Gabb was hired by the Costa Rican government to conduct of natural historical and ethnographic survey from 1873-1875. Read before the American Philosophical Society on August 20, 1875, Gabb's essay "On the Indian tribes and languages of Costa Rica" was published in full in the APS Proceedings 14 (1875): 483-602. Dealing with several tribes, including the Bribri, the paper touches on physical description, history, the names of tribes, their political organization, and ethnography. The essay includes a brief grammar of the Bribri language. View the complete finding aid Gadow, Hans Friedrich (1855-1928)
Collection, 1906-1914. 0.25 lin. feet. A prolific and diverse scholar, Hans Friedrich Gadow (1855-1928), wrote on such topics as birds, Mexican peoples and animals, reptiles, and other vertebrates. Born in Germany in 1855, Gadow studied anatomy with Ernst Haeckel in Germany before moving to England, where his research on avian anatomy and systematics had broad influence. He was Curator of the Stricklandian Collections at Cambridge University and a Reader on the morphology of vertebrates. Accessioned, 1979

artturi ilmari virtanen (18951973) tietenkin löytyy teoksesta, olihan hän vuoden1945 kemian nobelisti. Samoin suomalaissyntyinen Ragnar Granit (1900-91),

Suomen anti Euroopan tieteelle - kelvollinen kopioija vai uuden tiedon tuottaja? Jussi Nuorteva
Oxford Dictionary of Scientists science
gadoliniumiksi Bonner Dorchmusterung

Integroituminen Euroopan tieteelliseen kulttuuriin
Tieteen menetetty vallankumous
studium generaleista
Tieteellisen tutkimuksen edellytykset Turun akatemiassa
Valistuksesta aluepolitiikan aikaan
Lokakuussa 2000 ilmestyi Suomen Akatemian laatima selvitys
KIRJALLISUUTTA i (toim.) (2000): . Suomen Akatemian julkaisuja 6/2000. Helsinki. Helsingin yliopisto 1640-1990, I-III. Keuruu. Pentti Laasonen (1977): . Suomen kirkkohistoriallisen seuran toimituksia 103. Loimaa. Jussi Nuorteva (1997 Bibliotheca Historica 27. Helsinki Oxford Dictionary of Scientists . Oxford 1997. Jorma Vallinkoski (1948): The History of the University Library at Turku, I. Publications of the University Library at Helsinki 21. Helsinki

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