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121. UN Country Team Namibia Official coordination site provides information on the activities and progress of the UN agencies working in Namibia. http://www.un.na/ |
122. United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification Provides access to the official documents maintained or received by the UNCCDSecretariat and is a general source of information on the topic of http://www.unccd.int/ |
123. Welcome To The Sudan Information Gateway Official site provides background facts, figures, maps, links to news wire updates, and information on the work of UN agencies and programmes. http://www.unsudanig.org/ | |
124. UNCCD - United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification UNCCD UNCCD united nations. THU 11 Aug 2005, Français Español Home About UNCCD Secretariat Action programmes Regional profiles http://www.unccd.int/main.php | |
125. Quaker United Nations Office Site contains Trade and Development pages which include all QUNO publications on Trade and Intellectual Property, including aspects related to Food, Sui Generis systems, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Traditional Knowledge http://www.geneva.quno.info/ | |
126. UNEP DTIE united nations Environment Programme Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics.About the Division Branches Information Resources http://www.unep.fr/en/ | |
127. United Nations In Botswana - Home Page Official coordination site provides information on the activities and progress of the UN agencies working in Botswana. Includes publications and reports. http://www.unbotswana.org.bw/ | |
128. UNOPS -- United Nations Office For Project Services Provides technical and administrative support to other UN programs on a perprojectbasis. http://www.unops.org/ | |
129. UNIFEM - United Nations Development Fund For Women Promotes women's empowerment and gender equality, working for participation of women in all levels of development planning and practice. http://www.unifem.org/ | |
130. UN Watch Homepage Monitors the performance of the united nations by the yardstick of the UN Charter. http://www.unwatch.org/ | |
131. United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN) Links to publications and conferences. http://www.un.org/popin/ | |
132. United Nations Rwanda Home Page Official coordination site provides information on the activities and progress of the UN agencies working in Rwanda. http://www.unrwanda.org/ | |
133. WHO | World Health Organization The united nations public health arm. Monitors disease outbreaks, assesses theperformance of health systems around the globe, maintains world http://www.who.int/en/ | |
134. IAED International Agency For Economic Development Charitable organization for businesses working with the united nations. http://www.iaed.org/ | |
135. United Nations University Leadership Academy Provides programs and training in leadership development to promote human dignity, equality and equity for a secure world. http://www.unu.edu/la/index.htm |
136. UNV Online Volunteering Worldwide online volunteering opportunities of united nations Volunteers.Volunteers can find online volunteer assignments on this web site. http://www.onlinevolunteering.org/ | |
137. Arizona State University Libraries Principal facilities located in Tempe, Arizona. The ASU Libraries contain over 3.1 million volumes. Areas of specialization include urban planning, environmental design and architecture; government documents (local, state, federal and united nations); East Asia; and Chicano collections. The engineering library houses a map collection that dates from 1619. Some of the material is available on line and through interlibrary loan. Research affiliations Association of Research Libraries, Center for Research Libraries, Research Library Group. http://www.asu.edu/lib/ | |
138. BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | UN Evacuates Afghanistan Staff The united nations moved staff out of Afghanistan, fearing US strikes on the country after terror attacks on America. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/south_asia/newsid_1539000/1539196.stm | |
139. United Nations Online Network In Public Administration And Finance The united nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN)serves as a portal in public administration and finance throughout the world. http://www.unpan.org/ |
140. UNA-Canada : : ACNU UNACanada supports a family of organizations that are international in scopebut relevant to each local community and to each individual. http://www.unac.org/ | |
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