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81. United Nations Division For Sustainable Development Dedicated to improving the well being of present and future generations through the promotion of sustainable development. http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/ | |
82. United Nations Statistics Division united nations Expert Group Meeting on the 2010 World Programme on Populationand Housing Preliminary Meeting of the united nations Committee on http://unstats.un.org/unsd/default.htm | |
83. UNAS : Welcome Providing information on mission, events and related links. http://www.unas.org.sg/ | |
84. OHCHR Homepage Special rapporteur of united nations on the Human Rights And Fundamental Freedoms of Report of the united nations High Commissioner for Human Rights http://www.ohchr.org/english/ | |
85. British Embassy, Vienna Home British Embassy Vienna, with sections for the UK Mission to the united nations in Vienna and the UK Delegation to the OSCE. Has information on the Embassy, its trade, consular and press services, and an archive of information on Britain. http://www.britishembassy.at/ | |
86. Convention On Biological Diversity Special Messages on the International Day of the World s Indigenous People, 9August 2005 by Mr. Kofi annan, SecretaryGeneral of the united nations http://www.biodiv.org/ | |
87. Economic Commission For Africa Established in 1958, the united nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)is one of five regional commissions. Its member states are 53 African http://www.uneca.org/ |
88. Template by Anastasios Zavales The world community is increasingly educated on crimes against humanity, in particular, about individuals practicing genital mutilation, commonly termed circumcision. Genital mutilation affects more than 2 million girlÂchild victims and more than 13.5 million boyÂchild victims annually throughout the world. http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/fourth/zavales4.html | |
89. Home | UNAUSA.org Dedicated to enhancing US participation in the united nations system with itsagenda of education, public research, and substantive policy analysis. http://www.unausa.org/ | |
90. United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP Website of the regional office for Asia and the Pacific. http://www.unep.org/unep/regoffs/roap/ | |
91. United Nations Integrated Regional Information Networks OCHA IRIN UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 1996 http://www.irinnews.org/ | |
92. Countries Of The World - 16 Years Of CIA World Fact Books Information from the CIA World Fact Book, united nations Statistical Office, Library of Congress Country Studies and other sources. Features calculated country ranks, maps, country and airport codes. http://www.theodora.com/wfb/ | |
93. United Nations - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This article is about the united nations, for other uses of UN or Un , The united nations, or UN, is an international organization established in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations | |
94. UNRISD: Home Multidisciplinary research on the social dimensions of contemporary problemsaffecting development. http://www.unrisd.org/ | |
95. UN Millennium Project © 2005 | Homepage Implementing the united nations Millennium Development Goals reducing poverty,hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/ | |
96. UNITED NATIONS MISSION IN KOSOVO - UNMIK Home This page was prepared by the united nations Interim Administration Mission inKosovo (UNMIK), Division of Public Information. http://www.unmikonline.org/ | |
97. Permanent Mission Of The Czech Republic In Geneva Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the united nations Office and other international organizations at Geneva. Includes information on CzechWTO relations. http://www.czechembassy.org/wwwo/?zu=mission.geneva |
98. United Nations Cartographic Section Web Site General country and special issues maps. http://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/english/htmain.htm | |
99. Welcome To The United States Mission To The United Nations United States Mission to the united nations, containing information on USparticipation in the UN including speeches, factsheets and links to UNrelated web http://www.un.int/usa/ | |
100. United Nations Development Program - Homepage A grantbased multi-sectorial development agency committed to sustainable human development through several projects in the areas of governance, poverty and the environment. http://www.undp-jordan.org/ | |
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