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61. United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) in Montréal.Visit the united nations Climate Change Conference web section. http://unfccc.int/ | |
62. Untitled Document News about the plight of Afghan refugees. http://www.un.org/News/dh/latest/afghan/afghan2.htm |
63. U N P O - Home Page An international organisation created by unrecognised nations and peoples around the world who are not represented as such in the world's principal international organisations, such as the united nations. http://unpo.org/ | |
64. UN Wire: Email News Covering The United Nations And The World Starting today UN Wire will be produced by the united nations Foundation s newpartner, SmartBrief. UN Wire will continue to bring you the most timely, http://www.unwire.org/ | |
65. E-MINE Information gateway developed to support both the planning and coordination of global mine action efforts. Resources, projects, news awareness and contact information. http://www.mineaction.org/ | |
66. UN VOLUNTEERS MISSION Includes background information on Laos and its provinces, UNV statistics and projects, plus details on how to apply to become a UN Volunteer. http://www.undplao.org/unv.htm | |
67. United Nations Cyberschoolbus Provides resources related to global issues, countries around the world, and the united nations. Includes projects, quizzes, games, puzzles, and lesson plans. http://www.un.org/Pubs/CyberSchoolBus/index.asp | |
68. United Nations Johannesburg Summit 2002 New York, 25 September When the united nations General Assembly authorizedholding the World Summit on Sustainable Development, it was hardly a secret or http://www.johannesburgsummit.org/ |
69. United Nations Moldova Information about this organization activities, agencies, key publications, documents and information about Moldova. http://www.un.md/ | |
70. UNODC - United Nations Office On Drugs And Crime The UN Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention web site provides informationon drug control and crime prevention. Specific topics include drug abuse http://www.unodc.org/unodc/ | |
71. UNTAET The mission was established in 1999 to administer the territory during the transition period to independence, and was replaced in may 2002 by UNMISET. Latest news and public information materials, UN documents on East Timor, background and chronology of the UNTAET mission and photo gallery. In English and French. http://www.un.org/peace/etimor/etimor.htm | |
72. Infoweb.newsbank.com/ united nations Global CompactA global platform which convenes companies together with UN agencies, labour andcivil society to support fundamental principles in the areas of human http://infoweb.newsbank.com/ |
73. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) In Albania Organization that works to reach the Millennium Development Goals, supports EU integration, and responds to other national priorities through the Human Development Approach. Provides information on the organization, activities, projects and goals. Includes news and events, press releases, an online electronic library of downloadable books containing resources, image gallery, forum and contact information. http://www.undp.org.al/ | |
74. United Nations Economic And Social Commission For Asia And The Pacific Economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific. http://www.unescap.org/ | |
75. 5.5 List Of Acronyms English, French, Spanish. UN and UNDPrelated programmes and agencies, multilateral organisations, and administrative concepts. Over 1,500 entries. http://www.jposc.org/content/5_5.asp | |
76. United Nations System Library Indonesia A joint library of united nations Agencies in Indonesia. Serves the information needs of UN permanent Mission staff and Secretariat staff. The library holds and keeps most of publications published by UN agencies in Indonesia. http://www.un.or.id/ |
77. UN Atlas Of The Oceans Welcome to the united nations Atlas of the Oceans The Atlas is an informationsystem designed for use by policy makers who need to become familiar with http://www.oceansatlas.org/index.jsp |
78. Permanent Mission Of Ethiopia To The To The United Nations Office At Geneva And Permanent Mission of Ethiopia to the to the united nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, and also accredited to Switzerland itself and to Portugal. http://www.ethiopianmission.ch/ | |
79. United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees In Bosnia And Herzegovina UNHCR deals with the return of refugees and displaced persons after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. http://www.unhcr.ba/ | |
80. United Nations Scholars' Workstation Home Page Collection of topical texts, data sets, and pointers to print and electronicinformation. http://www.library.yale.edu/un/ | |
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