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41. UNEP Climate Change (GRID-Arendal) Climate change information from GRIDArendal, the united nations Environment Programme information office. http://www.grida.no/climate/ |
42. Home - NGO Committee On Disarmament, Peace And Security Provides services and facilities to the hundreds of citizens' groups concerned with the peace and disarmament activities of the united nations. Events calendar, articles and resources, publications, and internship information. http://www.igc.apc.org/disarm/ | |
43. UN Volunteers Home Page The united nations Volunteers programme, UNV is the UN programme that supportshuman development globally by promoting volunteerism and by mobilizing http://www.unv.org/ | |
44. Untitled Document Adopted by the united nations General Assembly on 20 November 1989, and ratified by all nations except the United States and Somalia. http://www.unicef.org/crc/ |
45. United Nations World Food Programme - WFP; Hunger Relief Against Poverty & Famin We Feed People Poverty, HIV, AIDS, Children, Iraq, Africa, Famine, Afghanistan,India, Emergency. http://www.wfp.org/ |
46. UNU-INRA -- United Nations University Institute For Natural Resources In Africa Established in 1986 to catalyze the formation of human capital in science and technology for the effective conservation, management and utilization of Africa's natural resources. http://www.unu.edu/inra/ | |
47. UNIDO - UNIDO | Economy | Environment | Employment Aims to improve the living conditions of people and promote global prosperitythrough offering tailormade solutions for the sustainable industrial http://www.unido.org/ | |
48. United Nations Centre For Trade Facilitation And Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) united nations Economic Commission for Europe Official Web Site. http://www.unece.org/cefact/ | |
49. United Nations Global Compact A value based platform with nine principles derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It asks companies to act on these principles in their own corporate domains. Contains case studies, current projects, and annual policy dialogue. http://www.unglobalcompact.org/ |
50. Unep_ch.gif Provides links to all the UNEP programms and secretariats located in Geneva. http://www.unep.ch/ | |
51. Cleaner Production Fact Sheet And Resource Guide Fact sheet offering basic information on the adverse environmental impact of textile wet operations, and discussing opportunities for mitigating those impacts, emphasizing cleaner production strategies. From the united nations Environmental Program. http://www.uneptie.org/pc/cp/library/training/howtoCPC/manual_cdrom/CPlinks/pdfs |
52. UNCTAD.ORG >> Home Home page of the united nations Conference on Trade and Development, Palais desNations, 814, Av. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. http://www.unctad.org/ | |
53. UN-HABITAT - United Nations Human Settlements Programme UNHABITAT, Shelter, Water, Human settlements, Habitat Agenda,Urban Development,Urban Management,Urban Poverty, Urban Governance, Urban Environment, http://www.unhabitat.org/ | |
54. International Law - War In Iraq - United Nations - Iraq Indepth look at the role of international law and the united nations in the debate over whether to go to war in Iraq. Includes links for further reading and for analysis of world press. http://www.worldpress.org/specials/iraq/ | |
55. OHCHR Homepage Extensive information on the promotion and protection of human rights, children srights and fundamental freedoms including reports, documents, treaties and http://www.unhchr.ch/ | |
56. United Nations Organization Milestones Onepage timeline of events from the creation of the UN to today. http://www.un.org/Overview/milesto4.htm | |
57. International Human Rights Instruments Charter of the united nations International Bill of Human Rights (Fact Sheet 2, united nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial http://www.unhchr.ch/html/intlinst.htm | |
58. GIWA - Global International Waters Assessment Led by the united nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the aim of GIWA is to produce a comprehensive and integrated global assessment of international waters. Information is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. http://www.giwa.net/ | |
59. Welcome To The United Nations Foundation Created to administer Ted Turner s $1 billion pledge in support of the UnitedNations. Includes information on the Foundation and its activities, http://www.unfoundation.org/ | |
60. United Nations - Children's Rights Report An overview of the child rights violations worldwide. http://www.un.org/rights/dpi1765e.htm | |
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