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181. State Of World Population 2005 Countries are making real progress in carrying out a bold global action plan thatlinks poverty alleviation to womens rights and universal access to http://www.unfpa.org/swp/swpmain.htm | |
182. UNODC - Links UN International Drug Control Organization. Updated info about the fight againstthe illicit use of drugs. Contents include events, technical documents, http://www.unodc.org/unodc/unlinks.html | |
183. ICC Public Web Site A cooperative providing computing and communication services to UN agencies ona cost recovery basis. http://www.unicc.org/ | |
184. The Hunger Site : Give Food For Free To Hungry People In The World Includes facts as well as a form for making donations. http://www.thehungersite.com/ | |
185. World Meteorological Organization - The Official WMO Home Page - Geneva Switzerl Genevabased organization providing scientific voice on the state and behaviourof the Earth s atmosphere and climate. http://www.wmo.ch/ |
186. International Labour Organization - ILO Web Site The UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice andinternationally recognized human and labour rights. http://www.ilo.org/ | |
187. International Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda Prosecuting persons responsible for genocide and other violations of internationalhumanitarian law committed in Rwanda. Established by the Security http://www.ictr.org/ | |
188. Global Data Monitoring Information System The Millennium Development Goals website is managed and maintained by theDevelopment Data Group of the World Bank in association with the agencies and http://www.developmentgoals.org/ | |
189. PBS | About This Site . Retired Site This Web site, provided by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), is home to morethan 350 television show companion sites in addition to Weboriginal sites http://www.pbs.org/tal/un/ | |
190. Best Practices Database Searchable database cataloging over 650 good and best practices from more than90 countries on how people, their communities, the public and private sectors http://www.bestpractices.org/ | |
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