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61. UN Chronicle: 1965: The United Nations Children's Fund: Employing 'weapons Of Pe Full text of the article, 1965 the united nations Children s fund employing weapons of peace The Nobel Prize from UN Chronicle, a publication in the http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1309/is_3_40/ai_111027101 | |
62. Southwest Farm Press: Veneman Appointed To Lead United Nations Children's Fund Veneman appointed to lead united nations Children s fund. Southwest Farm Press, Feb 3, 2005. new. Save a personal copy of this article and quickly find it http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0HEW/is_4_32/ai_n12419115 | |
63. United Nations Children's Fund united nations Children s fund. William O. Brisben, US Representative to the UNICEF Executive Board Meeting Statement on the Report of the Executive http://www.state.gov/p/io/rls/rm/2003/16724.htm | |
64. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) / United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) united nations Population fund (UNFPA) / united nations Children s fund (UNICEF) project in support of the fight against maternal mortality http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/cida_ind.nsf/0/6f6adff37b8f8a198525700e004a5030?OpenD |
65. Ministry Of Planning And International Cooperation - United Nations Children's F united nations Children s fund (UNICEF) UNICEF will collaborate in this program with the UN Population fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO) http://www.mop.gov.jo/page.php?menu_id=353 |
66. UNDP-Vietnam Donor Profiles 1997 -- UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND The united nations Children s Funds (UNICEF) is the only UN organization dedicated exclusively to children. Founded in 1946 to ease the suffering of http://www.undp.org.vn/undp/docs/1997/donor97/unicef.htm | |
67. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: United Nations Children's Fund@ HighBe Author not available, united nations CHILDREN S fund., The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition 2005. NOTE Only Columbia Encyclopedia fulltext articles http://www.highbeam.com/ref/doc0.asp?docid=1E1:UNChildr |
68. United Nations Children\'s Fund - Definition Of United Nations Children\'s Fund Searchword not found in the selected dictionary, but you can try the following http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/United_Nations_Children's_Fund | |
69. United Nations Children S Fund 19 Phra Atit Road, PO Box 2154, Bangkok, 10200, Thailand Tel+662-280-5931, Fax+662-280-3563. What is united nations Children s fund http://www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/japanese/twg/eng/contact/unicef.html | |
70. UNODC - Links united Nation s Children s fund (UNICEF) www.unicef.org. united nations Chronicle www.un.org/Pubs/chronicle/index.html. united nations Conference on Trade http://www.unodc.org/unodc/unlinks.html | |
71. Human Rights And Environment Resources , Part of the united nations system, UNICEF has an enviable......united nations Children s fund (UNICEF). Author, united nations Children s fund. http://shr.aaas.org/hrenv/resources.php?r_id=208 |
72. Unicef Phishing Email - "United Nations Children's Fund" - Fraud Alert - FraudWa united nations Children s fund. Page Content URL. Available to FWI Phishing Database Clients ? Phishing Methods Used What is Phishing ? http://www.fraudwatchinternational.com/alerts/0504/pages/050427_9823_unicef.shtm | |
73. Global Development Network: Partner Institute: United Nations Children's Fund (U As one of GDN s partners, the united nations Children s fund (UNICEF) has supported GDN activities and initiatives. It has sponsored past GDN Annual http://www.gdnet.org/gdn_partners/global_partners/unicef/ | |
74. UNIFEM Gender And HIV/AIDS Web Portal - Current Active Topics united nations Development fund For Women (UNIFEM) was based on the findings of a joint government and UN Children s fund (UNICEF) ninemonth study in http://www.genderandaids.org/ | |
75. Books And Articles On United Nations Children's Fund, Peace Palace Library Catal Black, Maggie / UNICEF International Child Development Centre / 1994. Periodical, 7. UNICEF report united nations Children s fund / UNICEF / 1976 http://www.ppl.nl/catalogue.php?ppn=076258394&keyword=United Nations Children's |
76. MSN Encarta - Archive Article - 1956: United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) 1956 united nations Children s fund (Unicef). Archives consist of articles that originally appeared in Collier s Year Book (for events of 1997 and earlier) http://encarta.msn.com/sidebar_461509780/1956_United_Nations_Children's_Fund_(Un | |
77. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Its name was shortened to the united nations Children s fund, but it retained the acronym UNICEF, by which it is known to this day. http://www.gm-unccd.org/FIELD/Multi/UNICEF/OP_Uni.htm | |
78. Peace Corps Online | August 30, 2004: Headlines: COS - Guatemala: United Nations united nations Children s fund (UNICEF) Executive Director Carol Bellamy is in Tibet to get a first hand look at the situation of youngsters in western http://peacecorpsonline.org/messages/messages/2629/2023597.html | |
79. United Nations Children's Fund - SourceWatch The united nations Children s fund, commonly known as UNICEF, works for children s rights, their survival, development and protection. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=United_Nations_Children's_Fund |
80. UNFPA: About The United Nations Population Fund UNFPA, the united nations Population fund, is an international development agency The lives of surviving children are put at risk. Communities suffer. http://www.unfpa.org/about/ | |
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