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21. United Nations Children's Fund Winner Of The 1965 Nobel Prize In Peace united nations Children s fund, a Nobel Peace Laureate, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/peace/1965a.html | |
22. United Nations Children's Fund - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The united nations International Children s Emergency fund (UNICEF) was In 1953, its name was shortened to the united nations Children s fund, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNICEF | |
23. Asian Earthquake And Tsunamis Emergency - Support Unicef to build a better future for the children of tsunamidevastated countries, a project of the united nations Children s fund (UNICEF) Visit unicef.org http://www.supportunicef.org/site/pp.asp?c=iuI1LdP0G&b=276341 |
24. Make A Donation - Support Unicef every child s right to survive and thrive. The Support UNICEF Web site is a project of the united nations Children s fund (UNICEF) Visit unicef.org http://www.supportunicef.org/site/pp.asp?c=iuI1LdP0G&b=45523 |
25. United Nations Children's Fund. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-0 united nations Children s fund. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/un/UNChildr.html | |
26. United Nations Children's Fund: Information From Answers.com united nations Children s fund (UNICEF), an affiliated agency of the united nations. It was established in 1946 as the united nations International. http://www.answers.com/topic/united-nations-children-s-fund | |
27. DO Channel - Homepage / {intl-partnerdirectory} / United Nations Children's Fund united nations Children s fund. Founded in 1946, UNICEF advocates and works for the protection of children s rights, to help the young meet their basic http://www.digitalopportunity.org/contact/company/view/1211 | |
28. Yearbook Of International Co-operation On Environment And Development: UNICEF united nations Children s fund (UNICEF). Objectives UNICEF is mandated by the UN General Assembly to advocate the protection of children s rights, http://www.greenyearbook.org/igo/unicef.htm | |
29. ReliefWeb » Contact Listing » United Nations Children's Fund State of the World s Children 2005 Carol Bellamy UN Children s fund, Dec 2004 Progress for Children UN Children s fund, Sep 2004. Save to My ReliefWeb http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwc.nsf/db201ShortName/UNICEF?OpenDocument |
30. United Nations Children's Fund united nations Children s fund (UNICEF), an affiliated agency of the united united nations Children s fund. STEPHANE DUJARRIC SPOKESMAN FOR THE UN http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0850068.html | |
31. U.N. Children's Fund: One Million Mozambique Children Infected Or Affected By AI The united nations children s fund told IOL that more than one million children in Mozambique are infected with AIDS, or are caring for someone who is, http://www.newstarget.com/008818.html | |
32. Page Not Found united nations Children s fund (UNICEF) For these reasons, UNICEF places affected children, their families, and their communities at the centre of mine http://www.mineaction.org/misc/dynamic_overview.cfm?did=14 |
33. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Search HEN Contact us. united nations Children s fund (UNICEF) UNICEF is a fund of the united nations (UN), with the same 191 member states as the UN. http://www.euro.who.int/HEN/Resources/UNICEF/20030730_1 | |
34. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) united nations Children s fund (UNICEF). UNICEF is a fund of the united nations (UN), with the same 191 member states as the UN. The goals of UNICEF are to http://www.euro.who.int/HEN/Resources/UNICEF/20030730_1?PrinterFriendly=1& |
35. AllAfrica.com Other Sources united nations Children s fund (New York). Visit their site http//www.unicef.org/ united nations Development fund for Women (New York) http://allafrica.com/sources.html?passed_name=United Nations Children's Fund&pas |
36. AllAfrica.com Uganda UN Children S Fund Chief Meets With united nations Children s fund (UNICEF) Executive Director Ann Veneman today visited Ugandan youngsters who had been abducted by rebels in a brutal but http://allafrica.com/stories/200507220760.html |
37. UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) - FONDS DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'ENFANCE Ms. Carol Bellamy, Executive Director, united nations Children s fund (UNICEF). I am delighted to have this opportunity to address an issue at the core of http://www.fao.org/docrep/003/x0736m/rep2/unicef.htm | |
38. United Nations Children's Fund united nations Children s fund (UNICEF), an affiliated agency of the united nations. It was established in 1946 as the united nations International http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/history/A0850068.html | |
39. AllRefer.com - United Nations Children's Fund, UN (United Nations) - Encyclopedi AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on united nations Children s fund, united nations. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/U/UNChildr.html | |
40. UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND - UNICEF Coordonnées géographiques et internet, téléphone et télécopie de united nations CHILDREN S fund UNICEF. http://lessites.service-public.fr/cgi-bin/annusite/annusite.fcgi/int4?lang=uk&or |
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