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         Tum Rigoberta Menchu:     more detail
  1. Rigoberta Menchu Tum (Modern Peacemakers) by Heather Lehr Wagner, 2007-02-28
  2. Science, Soul, and the Spirit of Nature: Leading Thinkers on the Restoration of Man and Creation by Irene van Lippe-Biesterfeld, 2005-09-30
  3. Guatemaltekische Literatur: Miguel Ángel Asturias, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Carlos Wyld Ospina, Augusto Monterroso, José Milla Y Vidaurre (German Edition)
  4. Rigoberta Menchu Tum - 2007 publication by HeatherLehrWagner, 2007-01-01
  5. Replantear políticas de seguridad nacional: Anita Menchú/directora ejecutiva de la Fundación Rigoberta Menchú Tum.(Entrevista): An article from: Siempre! by Antonio Cerda Ardura, 2006-07-02
  6. Rigoberta Menchu Tum: Champion of Human Rights (Contemporary Profiles and Policy Series for the Younger Reader) by Julie Schulze, 1997-06
  7. Guatemalteke: Juan José Gerardi Conedera, Jorge Ubico Castañeda, Gregorio Valdez O'connell, Miguel Ángel Asturias, Rigoberta Menchú Tum (German Edition)
  8. Vamos a un suicidio colectivo: Rigoberta Menchú Tum/Premio Nobel del Paz 1992.(Entrevista): An article from: Siempre! by Irma Ortiz, 2002-10-16
  9. Maya-Persönlichkeit: K'inich Janaab' Pakal I., Rigoberta Menchú Tum, K'inich Kan Balam Ii., Casper Ii., K'inich K'an Joy Chitam Ii. (German Edition)
  10. Rigoberta Menchu Tum [Library Binding] 2007 publication. by Hatr Lhr Wagnr, 2007
  11. Our Culture Is Our Resistance: Repression, Refuge, and Healing in Guatemala
  12. Hacia Una Cultura de Paz (Spanish Edition) by Rigoberta Menchu Tum, 2002-09

61. Catherine Nolin - Rigoberta Menchu And The Story Of All Poor
Menchú clearly states in the opening lines of I, rigoberta Menchú (1984, Menchú tum, rigoberta. 1984. I, rigoberta Menchú An Indian Woman in Guatemala.

62. Fundacion Rigoberta Menchu Tum, IAP Conexion Ejecutiva Mexico
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Fundación Rigoberta Menchú Tum, I.A.P.
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63. R. Menchu Tum
Uspeh njene autobigorafije Yo, rigoberta Menchú koja se pojavila 1983. godine,ne samo da je skrenuo pažnju svetske javnosti na svakodnevne povrede
Uzori Kao prva pripadnica naroda Indigo i najmlađa sveštenica Rigoberta Menčú iz Guatemale dobila je 1992. godine Nobelovu nagradu za mir. Dodelivanje nagrade Quiché-Indijanki bilo je sve drugo, do kontroverzno. Njen odnos prema nasilnom otporu u njenoj domovini, koja se ubraja u tešku bilancu koje čine zemlje sa povredama ljudskih prava, za neke kritičare nije bio dovoljan. Uspeh njene autobigorafije "Yo, Rigoberta Menchú" koja se pojavila 1983. godine, ne samo da je skrenuo pažnju svetske javnosti na svakodnevne povrede ljudskih prava u njenoj zemlji, nego je napravio i jedan veoma važan događaj na putu priznavanja prava indigo-narodima širom sveta. Život i delo Citati i govori Pozadina Materijali ... Linsta linkova Citat "Rigoberta Menčú se kako u svojoj sopstvenoj zemlji, tako i na američkom kontinentu, pa i svuda u svetu zalaže za mir i pomirenje, prelazeći etničke, kulturne i socijalne linije razdvajanja." Teme Ljudska prava I Uzori I Demokratija I Partije I Evropa I Globalizacija I Ujedinjene nacije I Održivi razvoj
Metode I Mirovna pedagogija I Metode

64. Rigoberta Menchú Tum. La Diversidad Cultural Es El Espejo De La Diversidad Natu
Translate this page La diversidad cultural es el espejo de la diversidad natural. rigoberta Menchú tum.Ofrecemos a nuestros lectores la intervención de rigoberta Menchú tum,
La diversidad cultural es el espejo de la diversidad natural.
Premio Nobel de la Paz,
No hay, pues, nada nuevo bajo el sol, salvo lo que se ha olvidado.
Sin embargo, observando lo ocurrido en los últimos 10 años, me pregunto si la historia avanza necesariamente hacia delante; me pregunto cuántas desgracias aún tendrán que acontecer, cuántas guerras tan soberbias como innecesarias, cuántos desplantes y denuncias de instrumentos internacionales que garantizan no sólo la paz sino la vida, antes de aceptar que la "civilización" a nombre de la que se han cometido tantos errores e injusticias, no es un camino unívoco para la humanidad.
-El consumo diario de agua por habitante en Kenya es de 4 lts. mientras que en Francia es de 150 a 250 lts. y en Nueva York es de 680 lts.
Se reclama seguridad, pero no se trata de la seguridad que ansían todos los pueblos e individuos, de la estabilidad fundada en la justicia. Se trata de algo más explícitamente mezquino: como sentenció el Sr. Paul O'Neil, Secretario del Tesoro del país más poderoso de la tierra hace 10 días ante el Foro Económico Mundial, culpando a Dios por no haber creado "un mundo de riqueza ilimitada", para justificar las desigualdades como consustanciales a la humanidad y el presidente Bush, en el nuevo presupuesto militar que ha enviado al Congreso la semana pasada, que es superior a la suma de los presupuestos de las otras quince mayores potencias militares del orbe, incluyendo a Rusia y China.

65. EVENE - Rigoberta Menchu Tum
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> jeudi 15 septembre
Femme politique guatémaltèque
Née à Chimel, Guatemala en 1959
Faites découvrir
RIGOBERTA MENCHU TUM à un ami LA BIOGRAPHIE DE RIGOBERTA MENCHU TUM SES ANECDOTES Jeune et Nobel A trente-trois ans, Rigoberta Menchu Tum est devenue la plus jeune lauréate du prix Nobel de la paix. On lui a attribué ce prix en 1992, année marquant les 500 ans de la conquête de l'Amérique par Christophe Colomb. Haute distinction Elle a reçu le Prix UNESCO pour l'Education de la Paix en 1990. Biographie à succès En 1983, elle publie ‘Moi, Rigoberta Menchu, une femme indienne au Guatemala’. Le livre connaît un succès international et est traduit en 11 langues. TOUT RIGOBERTA MENCHU TUM SUR... ET VOUS?... Si vous aviez eu l'occasion de lui parler ou de lui écrire... que lui auriez-vous dit ? Ecrire un message MOI, RIGOBERTA MENCHU

66. LASNET Archive 1995: Rigoberta Menchu Tum Nephew
Translate this page rigoberta menchu tum nephew. Jose A. Sanahuja/Manuela Mesa (, 18 Nov 1995 171059 -0600. Messages sorted by date thread
Rigoberta Menchu Tum nephew
Jose A. Sanahuja/Manuela Mesa
Sat, 18 Nov 1995 17:10:59 -0600
IPS about the kidnapping:
Guatemala: Secuestro de sobrino de Menchu fue extorsi=F3n
Guatemala, 16 nov. (IPS) La Fundaci=F3n Rigoberta Menchu inst=F3 hoy a la=
autoridades de Guatemala a que inicien "una nueva y profunda fase de la
investigaci=F3n" del secuestro simulado de su sobrino nieto, de menos de dos
Cristina Menchu y su esposo, Miguel Vel=E1squez, familiares de Menchu, premi=
Nobel de la Paz 1992, fueron detenidos este mi=E9rcoles por la polic=EDa tra= s confesar que eran autores intelectuales del secuestro de su propio hijo, con el fin de pedir un rescate de 500,000 d=F3lares a la dirigente ind=EDgen= a. La Fundaci=F3n reclam=F3 la investigaci=F3n porque considera que Vel=E1squez= est=E1 encubriendo a otras personas "que tienen grave responsabilidad en la planificaci=F3n y ejecuci=F3n de este hecho criminal".

67. En Riesgo Conferencia Contra Racismo Carta De Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Testimonio de un sobreviviente: Comunidades negras colombianas bajo el fuego paramilitar En riesgo Conferencia contra racismo RETORNO A LAS PLANTAS MEDICINALES IRESINE CELOSIA GASPARINI EL ARGENTINO GASPARINI Y EL CHILENO DE CASTRO, PREMIADOS EN GIJON En riesgo Conferencia contra racismo
"Los pueblos indígenas no estamos dispuestos a que nuestras demandas históricas sean, una vez más, deformadas y subastadas, señala la indígena guatemalteca Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Premio Nobel de la Paz, en una carta enviada este 30 de julio a la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los derechos humanos, Mary Robinson. Refiriéndose a la Conferencia contra el racismo, que se desarrollará en Durban, Sudáfrica, desde el 31 de agosto hasta el 7 de septiembre de este año, la Sra. Menchú Tum advierte que "estamos ante el riesgo de un nuevo fracaso si los responsables de asumir en esta Conferencia un compromiso con la humanización del futuro no son siquiera capaces de llamar a las cosas por su nombre. Esto hace alusión a la negativa de las grandes potencias a reconocer las responsabilidades del colonialismo y sus consecuencias actuales en las formas de "exclusión y desprecio que han sufrido los pueblos indígenas.

68. Carta De Rigoberta Menchu Tum A Los Presidentes De Ecuador Y Peru
Feb 10, 1995
Conferencia: alai.amlatina
Enviar respuesta a:
Arq. Sixto Dur'an Ball'en
Presidente del Ecuador Ing. Alberto Fujimori
Presidente del Per'u Quiero unir mi voz al clamor de la sociedad civil de Ecuador y Per'u en favor del cese inmediato del enfrentamiento fractricida desencadenado en la zona fronteriza de El C'ondor, cuyas primeras y principales v'ictimas est'an siendo los pueblos ind'igenas que viven en ese territorio. Reitero mi esperanza por la Paz y que cualquier diferendo se resuelva en la mesa de negociaciones con apego a la justicia y la raz'on, y no por medio de la fuerza. Hago votos para que al virar esta triste p'agina de la historia que nunca debi'o darse, los dos pueblos retornen al camino de la uni'on y la concordia, promoviendo condiciones dignas de vida. Atentamente, Rigoberta Mench'u Tum
Casilla 17-12-877, Quito, Ecuador

69. La Fondation Rigoberta Menchu Tum - Présidence De La République
ses discours, son agenda, son portrait. Les visites virtuelles du
Accueil :
Le Pr©sident
La Pr©sidence ... Accessibilit©
La Fondation Rigoberta Menchu Tum
La Fondation Rigoberta Menchu Tum
Guatemala city, Antigua (Guatemala) - jeudi 27 mai 2004 La Fondation est n©e   la suite de l’attribution du Prix Nobel de la Paix 1992   Mme Rigoberta MENCHU TUM. Le Prix Nobel et les fonds octroy©s par l’institut Nobel constituent une part essentielle du patrimoine de cette institution qui se consacre   la d©fense des droits de l’homme,   la reconnaissance des peuples indig¨nes et   la pr©servation de la paix. Apparue sur la sc¨ne publique le 31 janvier 1993, la Fondation travaille   la d©finition et   l’ex©cution de projets en faveur des droits de l’homme et des droits des peuples indig¨nes du Guatemala, lesquels constituent environ la moiti© de la population du pays. Elle a particip© activement   la n©gociation et   la signature, en d©cembre 1996, des accords de paix qui ont mis fin   36 ans de guerre civile. Depuis, la Fondation, qui dispose de deux si¨ges, l’un   Ciudad de Guatemala, l’autre   Mexico, s’applique, au travers des projets qu’elle conduit ou supporte,   promouvoir un code d’©thique pour une ¨re de paix. - MAI 2004 -
Informations l©gales et ©ditoriales
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70. Rigoberta Menchú Tum - Biography
rigoberta Menchú tum rigoberta Menchú was born on January 9, 1959 to a poor Indian Introduction by rigoberta Menchú tum. London Catholic Institute for
was born on January 9, 1959 to a poor Indian peasant family and raised in the Quiche branch of the Mayan culture. In her early years she helped with the family farm work, either in the northern highlands where her family lived, or on the Pacific coast, where both adults and children went to pick coffee on the big plantations.
In 1979, Rigoberta, too, joined the CUC. That year her brother was arrested, tortured and killed by the army. The following year, her father was killed when security forces in the capital stormed the Spanish Embassy where he and some other peasants were staying. Shortly afterwards, her mother also died after having been arrested, tortured and raped. Rigoberta became increasingly active in the CUC, and taught herself Spanish as well as other Mayan languages than her native Quiche. In 1980, she figured prominently in a strike the CUC organized for better conditions for farm workers on the Pacific coast, and on May 1, 1981, she was active in large demonstrations in the capital. She joined the radical 31st of January Popular Front, in which her contribution chiefly consisted of educating the Indian peasant population in resistance to massive military oppression.
When the Mountains Tremble
Les Prix Nobel. The Nobel Prizes 1992

71. Peace 1992
rigoberta Menchú tum. rigoberta Menchú tum. Guatemala. b. 1959 Press Release Presentation Speech rigoberta Menchú tum Biography Nobel Lecture
The Nobel Peace Prize 1992
"in recognition of her work for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples" Rigoberta Menchú Tum Guatemala b. 1959 The Nobel Peace Prize 1992
Press Release

Presentation Speech

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72. Fundación Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Contiene documentos, discursos, entrevistas, artículos, noticias y otros recursosinformativos.

73. Fundación Rigoberta Menchú Tum ::
Translate this page Documental canadiense, acreedor del Premio rigoberta Menchú tum en Festival deMontreal (0). Miércoles, Junio 22. ·, Lamentable resolución de los tribunales
@import url("themes/Frmt-II/style/style.css"); Información General ¿Quién es Rigoberta?
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Programas Agenda Indígena...

Justicia Universal...

Participación, Inciden...

Paises Guatemala México España Estados Unidos Apoyo Noticias anteriores Jueves, Julio 07 Carta de solidaridad con el pueblo inglés Miércoles, Julio 06 México no debe firmar acuerdo bilateral con Estados Unidos Martes, Julio 05 Sala Tercera de Apelaciones resolverá sobre apelación de la sentencia condenatoria por discriminación étnica Viernes, Julio 01 Ignorar los resultados de la consulta ciudadana en Sipacapa es pasar por encima de los derechos de las comunidades indígenas Jueves, Junio 30 Un desfile militar que indica retroceso Jueves, Junio 23 Homenaje a Poetas y Escritores Mártires. Documental canadiense, acreedor del Premio Rigoberta Menchú Tum en Festival de Montreal Miércoles, Junio 22 Lamentable resolución de los tribunales venezolanos Otro escalón que ascender en juicio por discriminación Jueves, Junio 09 Urgente, la incorporación de Guatemala a la CPI

74. Profile Of Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Picture of rigoberta Menchú tum rigoberta Menchú tum was born in 1959 in the For rigoberta Menchú tum, this Nobel Peace Prize acknowledges the struggles
Jump to... Profile Index Corazon Aquino (Phillipines) Ruth Nita Barrow (Barbados) Gro Brundtland (Norway) Soong Ching-Ling (China) Ruth Dreifuss (Switzerland) Graca Machel (Mozambique) Carol Moseley-Braun (U.S.A.) Rigoberta Menchu Tum (Guatemala) Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1992) for work with Central American Movement for Indigenous People and Refugees Guatemala The Republic of Guatemala is in Central America and gained independence from Spain on September 15, 1821. It is a Constitutional Democratic Republic and its current president is Alvaro Arzu Irigoyen. From the mid-19th century and through the mid 1980s, the country was ruled by a series of dictatorships, often opposed by various guerilla groups. Guatemala's first democratic elections were held on July 1st, 1984. The majority of the people in Guatemala are descendants of Mayan Indians. The most widely practiced religion is Roman Catholicism, however Protestantism and traditional Mayan religions are practiced as well "by an estimated 30% of the population." Although the majority of the people of Guatemala are indigenous, Spanish is the official language and is not necessarily understood by the indigenous population.

75. - Menchú Tum, Rigoberta (1959-)
rigoberta Menchú tum (1959) received the Nobel Prize in 1992. As a GuatemalianIndian, she had first-hand experience of the cruel fate of this indigenous
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Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Rigoberta Menchú Tum (1959-) received the Nobel Prize in 1992. As a Guatemalian Indian, she had first-hand experience of the cruel fate of this indigenous people. Her father, mother and one of her brothers were tortured and killed by government forces during the civil war in the 1980s and Rigoberta herself had to flee to Mexico.
Rigoberta Menchú Tum was born in a country where the majority of the people were Indians, while the descendants of Europeans had all the power. While growing up, a terrible war was being fought between the Guatemalan government and various guerilla groups. These groups consisted both of Indians who were fighting to prevent landowners from appropriating their land and of racial left-wing groups who were bent on revolution.
In Mexico, she worked with a number of human rights organizations. She was given the opportunity to travel to Europe and gained international prominence when she published a book about her life, "I, Rigoberta" in 1983. In this book she described her dramatic childhood for an international public.
The opposition in Guatemala could not win a military battle against the government, but with Rigoberta Menchú Tum as their front figure it decided instead to exert international pressure on the government to make it agree to reconciliation and to stop persecuting its opponents.

76. FrontPage :: I, Rigoberta Menchu, Liar By David Horowitz
THE STORY OF rigoberta menchu, a Quiche Mayan from Guatemala, Published in1982, I, rigoberta menchu was actually written by a French leftist,

77. Speak Truth To Power Defender
rigoberta Menchú tum is a heroine to Mayan Indians in Guatemala and indigenous In 1992, rigoberta Menchú tum won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work.
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Kerry Kennedy
Struggles for the rights of poor people, for dignity, for human life, seem to be very, very dark tunnels, but one should always try, in that struggle, to find some light and some hope. The most important thing to have is a great quantity of positive feelings and thoughts. Even though one can easily be pessimistic, I always attempt to look for the highest values that human beings could possibly have. We have to invent hope all over again. One day, sadly, I said to myself with great conviction: the death of my parents can never be recuperated. Their lives cannot be brought back. And what can also never, never be recuperated is the violation of their dignity as human beings. Nothing will ever convince me that anything could happen to pay back that debt.

78. Rigoberta Menchú: Definition And Much More From
rigoberta Menchú. rigoberta Menchú tum (born in Chimel, Guatemala, January 9,1959) was the recipient of the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize, given in recognition
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Dictionary Encyclopedia Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Rigoberta Menchº Dictionary Men·chº mĕn-chÅ« Rigoberta Born 1959.
Guatemalan human rights activist who won the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts to end the civil war and improve the political and economic conditions of the indigenous people of Guatemala. Encyclopedia Menchº, Rigoberta rē gōbĕr t¤ mĕnchÅ« ) , 1959–, Guatemalan social reformer. Of Mayan descent, she and her family were caught in Guatemala's bloody civil war. Protesters against human-rights abuses, her father, mother, and younger brother were killed by Guatamalan soldiers, and in 1981 Menchº fled the country and settled in Mexico. At home and abroad, she has worked to secure and protect the rights of indigenous peoples in her country and to promote intercultural peace. For her efforts, Menchº was awarded the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize. In 1998 her autobiographical I, Rigoberta Menchº

79. Rigoberta Menchú Tum
rigoberta Menchú tum Born 9Jan-1959 Birthplace Chimel, Guatemala. GenderFemale Ethnicity American Aborigine Occupation Activist. Level of fame Niche
This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Born: 9-Jan-1959
Birthplace: Chimel, Guatemala
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: American Aborigine
Occupation: Activist Level of fame: Niche
Executive summary: Political activist, Nobel Prize recipient Father: Vicente
Mother: (d.)
Brother: Petrocinio (d., burned alive)

Nobel Peace Prize

Risk Factors: Obesity Is the subject of books: BY: David Stoll, DETAILS: (nonfiction) Author of books: , memoir) Do you know something we don't? Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile

80. Peace Jam - One Person Really Can Make A Difference
with rigoberta Menchú tum. Intro. The PeaceJam Youth Dialogue Series Chapter 4 A Nobel Laureate to Study rigoberta Menchú tum; Chapter 5 A Case
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