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         Ting Samuel C C:     more detail
  1. Biography - Ting, Samuel C. C. (1936-): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  2. Chinese Physicists: Wang Ganchang, Tsung-Dao Lee, Chien-Shiung Wu, Chen Ning Yang, Xiao-Gang Wen, Samuel C. C. Ting, Shu Xingbei, Cao Chong
  3. Taiwanese Physicists: Shen Chun-Shan, Samuel C. C. Ting, Ta-You Wu, Wei-Tou Ni
  4. National Cheng Kung University Alumni: Lung Ying-Tai, Samuel C. C. Ting, Pai Hsien-Yung, Chung Laung Liu, Chu Ching-Wu, Wu Po-Hsiung
  5. Hadron and photon production of J particles and the origin of J particles: A rapporteur's summary at the EPS International Conference on High Energy Physics, Palermo, Sicily, June 1975 by Samuel C. C Ting, 1975
  6. Electromagnetic interactions;: A rapporteur's summary given at the XIVth International Conference on High Energy Physics at Vienna, September 1968 by Samuel C. C Ting, 1968

81. Taipei Times - Archives
Nobel laureate samuel ting, center, and National Cheng Kung University the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) project led by samuel CC ting (?),
Tue, Oct 01, 2002 News Editorials e-Industry e-Service ... e-Education 191952965 visits
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    • Best View in Mozilla Search Advanced Search Most Read Story Most Viewed Photo Login ... Free sign up! Print Mail Wikipedia NCKU joins antimatter search SPACE STUDIES: National Cheng Kung University announced yesterday that it will be joining the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer to help in the project's aim of learning more about the beginning of the universe
      By Chiu Yu-tzu
      Tuesday, Oct 01, 2002,Page 2 Nobel laureate Samuel Ting, center, and National Cheng Kung University President Kao Chiang, right, sign an agreement yesterday allowing the university to join the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer project while National Science Council Chairman Wu Che-ho, left, looks on.
      PHOTO: CNA
      National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) yesterday joined an international scientific research project aimed at looking for antimatter in space. The university announced at a press conference yesterday that it will be joining the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) project led by Samuel C.C. Ting (¤B»F¤¤), connecting itself to academic circles at the international level.

82. TKK International Society
Prof ting samuel CC Prof Lee Yuan Tseh, Prof Tien Chang Lin Prof Wang Gungwu.Honorary Chairman, Prof Lee Yuan Tseh. Chairman, Prof Wang Gungwu
About Us Message by Chairman Management Committee Overviews of Events ... CHINESE VERSION ENGLISH VERSION Directory for Tan Kah Kee International Society (Singapore) Initiator: Prof Yang Chen Ning
Prof Ting Samuel C.C
Prof Lee Yuan Tseh Prof Tien Chang Lin
Prof Wang Gungwu Honorary Chairman: Prof Lee Yuan Tseh Chairman: Prof Wang Gungwu Vice Chairman: Mr Tan Tock San Secretary-General: Prof Phua Kok Khoo Deputy Secretary General: Prof Hew Choy Sin Treasurer: Prof Lim Hock Deputy Treasurer: Dr Low Hwee Boon Members: Dr Cham Tao Soon
Assoc Prof Chen Kang
Mr Chen Wu Po
Mr Chng Heng Tiu
Prof Chong Chi Tat
Assoc Prof Goh Chye Tee
Prof Goh Thong Ngee
Prof Hew Choy Leong Mr He Liangze Prof Hong Wanjin Prof Koh, Tommy Prof Huang Chin Lien Dr Lau Wai Har Prof Lee Fook Hong PBM Prof Leung Ping Chung Tan Sri Dato'Lim Guan Teik Mr Lim Ho Hup Prof Lim Siew Ming, Arthur Prof Lim Yean Leng Prof Ng Yew-Kwang Prof Nyaw Mee Kau Prof Ong Choon Nam Prof Shang Huai Min Mr Susanta Lyman Mr Tan Keong Choon BBM, BBM (L) Mrs Tan Sok Hua, Grace Assoc Prof Tan Wee Liang Prof Teh Hoon Heng Dr Tong Ming Chuan Prof Wong, John

83. News Of Tsinghua University-Samuel Ting
samuel ting. From. http// samuel CC ting.1976 Nobel Laureate in Physics. for their pioneering work in the discovery of

84. Here Are The Names Currently [April 1999] In The Index At Http
Heinrich Franz Friedrich Tihonov, AN Tihonov, AN Timman, Reinier Tinbergen,Jan Tinbergen, Nikolaas ting, Hingfung ting, samuel CC Tippett, LHC Tissir,

85. China Daily Print Edition
NANJING samuel CC ting, a worldrenowned physicist and Gu Guanqun, president ofSoutheast University (SEU) in Nanjing, capital of East China s Jiangsu
home news print edition China Daily HK edition Business Weekly Shanghai Star webedtion news ... from: ... example: 19990130 ... ...word: College logs on 'space station'
NANJING: Samuel C. C. Ting, a world-renowned physicist and Gu Guanqun, president of Southeast University (SEU) in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province, signed a three-year protocol on May 31, the 100th anniversary of the famous university. The protocol concerns SEU's participation in experiments with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 02 (AMS-02) on the International Space Station (ISS) led by Nobel laureate Ting. It is the first time that a Chinese university will take part in one of the ISS's most important and difficult projects. According to Ting, universities have the best academic atmosphere and freedom. "Most Nobel Prize winners come from universities," he said. "I have been to SEU many times," explained Ting, who is also an hounorary professor of SEU. "The teachers here are very much interested in scientific research. They always put their whole heart into the work and never give up. That is the most important reason why I chose this Chinese university to co-operate with." Apart from SEU, many world-famous universities are also participating in the AMS-02 experiments, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, Aachen University in Germany, Rome University in Italy and Zurich University in Switzerland.

Note Presented at the Workshop on Intermittency in High Energy Collisions, SantaFe, NM, 18 21 Mar 1990. 22) Authors ting, samuel CC and others

87. Giving To MIT: Designating Your Gift > Faculty Teaching And Research
In 1974, samuel CC ting, Ulrich Becker, and Min Chen discovered the ‘J’ particle,which pointed to a new ‘building block’ of nature — the charmed quark.
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    Contact us ... Designating your gift charmed quark. For this work, Ting shared the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics.
    Read more about Professor Sam Ting
    Faculty teaching and research
    professorships innovative new ideas and projects : every kind of funding for faculty strengthens the foundations of the Institute, and paves the way for continued innovations that will transform our world. We welcome your questions! Please feel free to contact us
    The $100,000 notion
    Prof. Samuel Ting
    So that their most promising ideas might have a chance to be explored, and so that the worthiest ideas among them might become reality, MIT has traditionally made support for its faculty one of its top funding priorities. The rewards can be huge. Case in point: It seemed a very worthy idea. But he needed $100,000 to get it off the ground. *Today, Samuel Ting is the Thomas Dudley Cabot Professor of Physics at MIT. top Computer rendering of the International Space Station
    in orbit Giving to MIT Room 10-110, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

88. Ting, Samuel Chad Chung
ting, samuel Chad Chung ting ucil na Columbijské universite a stal se vedoucímskupiny Atomic Facility v Hamburgu. V roce 1967 vstupuje na pudu
Ting, Samuel Chad Chung
Americký fyzik, který je spoludržitelem Nobelovy ceny za fyziku pro rok 1976 za objevení èástice J/psí obsahující c kvark.
Syn èínského profesora. Ve dvaceti se pøestìhoval z Èíny do USA, kde studoval na universitì v Michiganu, kde také v roce 1962 získal doktorát. Ting uèil na Columbijské universitì a stal se vedoucím skupiny "Atomic Facility" v Hamburgu. V roce 1967 vstupuje na pùdu Massachusetts Institute of Technology a o dva roky pozdìji se stává profesorem.
V roce 1974 objevil Ting novou èástici J/psí. Bylo to v "Brookhaven National Laboratory" poblíže Uptonu, Long Island, stát New York. Èástice se jmenuje J/psí podle dvou pracoviš, na kterých byla objevena. Je složena z kvarku c a jeho antikvarku a tímto objevem byla podpoøen kvarkový model èástic. Za objev získal spolu s Burtonem Richterem (objevil èástici nezávisle ve Stanfordu) Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 1976. V roce udìlení Nobelovy ceny pracoval S. Ting v komplexu laboratoøí CERN v Ženevì.

89. Samuel CC Ting - Wikipedia
Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin. (Omdirigerad från samuel CC ting) Nobel emuseum, Nobelpriset i fysik 1976 Nobel e-museum, samuel ting -

90. Calendar
Search For Antimatter And Dark Matter In The Universe. samuel CC ting, MIT.Hennings 202 at 230pm. Refreshments at 345pm in Hennings 325. Call 8223853.
A listing of UBC-related or UBC-sponsored events occurring on campus and off campus within the Lower Mainland from Nov. 14 through Nov. 27, 1999. The previous calendar is also available. For events further in the future, see Live@UBC UBC Reports welcomes calendar submissions from members of the UBC community. November
Sunday, Nov. 14
Museum of Anthropology Symposium
The Legacy Of Bill Reid: A Critical Enquiry. International speakers. FNHL from 9am-5pm. Pre-registration required. Call 822-5087.
School of Music Concert
Small String Ensembles. Music Recital Hall at 12:30pm. Call 822-5574.
Green College Performing Arts Group
Piano Performance. Libby Yu. Green College at 8pm. Call 822-1878.
Monday, Nov. 15
Centre For Feminist Legal Studies Lecture Series
Women And Parliamentary Politics In Uganda. Sylvia Tamale. Curtis 157 from 12:30-1:30pm. Call 822-6523.
Centre For India And South Asia Research Seminar
CIDA's Approach To Development Corporation. Nipa Banerjee. CK Choi 120 from 12:30-2pm. Call 822-2629.
Women's Studies Colloquium
Smile Girls And Lonely Surfer Squaws: Performance, Pedagogy And The Public Sphere. Lynne Bell, U of Saskatchewan; Janice Williamson, U of Alberta. Women's Studies lounge from 12:30-1:30pm. Call 822-9173.

91. Yin Zhangqi’s Blog :: March :: 2005
Translate this page As a Chinese physics student, samuel CC ting(?) is one of my most respectivephysicists. Three years ago, I was lucky to have a chance to listen to the
@import url( "" );
  • Yin Zhangqi, a postgraduate student, studying Quantum Information in XJTU, Xian, China. This blog is mostly about physics, especially in the field of quantum physics, partly in English and partly in Chinese. More

92. 1976 Nobel Prize In Physics
and; ting, samuel CC, USA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, The Nobel Prize was shared by Richter and samuel ting (Brookhaven),

1976 Nobel Prize in Physics
The prize was awarded jointly to:
  • Richter, Burton , U.S.A., Stanford Linear Accelerator Center , Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and Ting, Samuel C. C., U.S.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, and CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
"for their pioneering work in the discovery of a heavy elementary particle of a new kind".
Charm: The 4th Quark Burton Richter (SLAC) led the group that designed and built the Stanford Positron Electron Asymmetric Ring ( SPEAR ). Experiments at SPEAR in 1973 - 1974 looked at the rate of occurrence of events in which a colliding electron and positron annihilate, disappearing and producing other particles in the process. At certain energies, the rate seemed inexplicably large.
Gerson Goldhaber, Martin Perl, and Burton Richter view an
event display in the SPEAR (Mark I) counting room. On November 10, 1974, remeasurements in the problematic energy range confirmed a dramatic rate increase. Many further checks found that this peak is due to the production of particles containing a new kind of quark the charm quark.

93. Store Product Details
Title, James Bjorken, Val Logsdon Fitch, James Cronin, samuel ting, LR,James D. Bjorken, Val Logsdon Fitch, James W. Cronin, samuel CC ting,

94. Dieci Nobel Per Il Futuro

Allais, Maurice
Economia, 1988
Altman, Sidney
Chimica, 1989
Arber, Werner
Medicina, 1978
Arrow, Kenneth J.
Economia, 1972
Baltimore, David
Medicina, 1975
Becker, Gary S.
Economia, 1992
Black, James W.
Medicina, 1988
Brown, Lester R.

Buchanan, James M.
Economia, 1986
Charpak, Georges
Fisica, 1992 Dahrendorf, Ralf Dausset, Jean Medicina, 1980 Economia, 1983 de Duve, Christian Medicina, 1974 Dulbecco, Renato Medicina, 1975 Ernst, Richard R. Chimica, 1991 Esaki, Leo Fisica, 1973 Fo, Dario Letteratura, 1997 Gell-Mann, Murray Fisica, 1969 Glashow, Sheldon Lee Fisica, 1979 Guillemin, Roger C.L. Medicina, 1977 Hoffmann, Roald Chimica, 1981 Jacob, François Medicina, 1965 Kindermans, Jean-Marie Pace, 1999 Klein, Lawrence R. Economia, 1980 Kroto, Harold W. Chimica, 1996 Lederman, Leon M. Fisica, 1988 Lehn, Jean-Marie

95. Prof. Samuel CCTing Wind Up Visit To SDU
samuel CCTing Wind Up Visit toSDU Event News 1082346543

96. Le Origini Della Fisica Moderna
Translate this page due gruppi in due esperimenti completamente diversi il primo diretto da SamuelCC ting ed il secondo da Burton Richter , entrambi premi Nobel nel 1976.
La nascita del Modello Standard
Per completare l'argomento quark, occorre tuttavia effettuare almeno un cenno alla scoperta degli altri quattro quark (quelli pesanti). Resta sempre valido il fatto che nessun quark è mai stato osservato come una particella libera, per cui citerò gli esperimenti in cui sono state identificate, per la prima volta, le particelle che contengono i nuovi quark. La prima particella osservata, contenente il quark strano "s", fu addirittura scoperta nel 1947 dai fisici inglesi George Rochester e Clifford Butler . Essi osservarono in una "camera a nebbia " due particelle cariche (π+π-) che provenivano dal decadimento di una particella neutra (un K) e che formavano nel rivelatore una forma come la lettera "V" .L'interpretazione venne dopo un certo numero di anni, grazie al lavoro di molti fisici teorici fra cui occorre ricordare Gell-Mann oppure . La prima particella contenente il quark "c" fu invece scoperta nel 1974 in modo simultaneo da due gruppi in due esperimenti completamente diversi: il primo diretto da Samuel C. C. Ting

97. Untitled1
ting, PH (2000) An analytical review of the theories that study the generic Choi, CC (2000) Da Jiao Xianggang di jieri yu diyu shehui yanjiu (Jiao
Research Profile HUNG-NIN SAMUEL CHEUNG Professor and Division Head (23587764; PhD, University of California, Berkeley (1974)
Professor of Chinese and Chair, Department of East Asian Languages, University of California, Berkeley (1997-98)

Current Research Activities: Chinese linguistics; Cantonese linguistics; Chinese language pedagogy; vernacular Chinese fiction. Active Projects as Principal Investigator: Cantonese of the 19th Century DAG DAG97/98.HSS20 HK$68,284 Jun 1998 China Program on Early Modern Chinese grammar: An historical investigation CP CP98/99.HSS01 HK$100,000 Apr 1999 Linguistic hybridity: Writing commercials in post-colonial Hong Kong DAG DAG98/99.HSS23 HK$50,000 May 1999 Collaboration with Beida (Early modern Chinese grammar) CMI CMI99/00.HSS01 HK$80,000 Apr 2000 Representative Recent Publications: Cheung, H.S. (1998) "Songs and Rhymes: Cantonese Phonology as Reconstructed from Popular Songs", Studia Linguistica Serica, Language Information Sciences Research Center, City University of Hong Kong, 103-127. Cheung, H.S.

98. ?

99. ±³¼öÁø
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ID/ºñ¹Ð¹øÈ£ £±â ´ëÇпø ¹°¸®Çаú ¼³Ä¡. UNKRA ¿øÁ¶¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ½ÇÇè±â±â µµÀÔ.
Nobel ¹°¸®Çлó ¼ö»óÀÚÀÎ H. A. Bethe ±³¼ö Ê»°­¿¬È¸ °³Ö.
G. G. Hudson(ÀÌÀÓ). IBRD Â÷°ü ±âÀÚÀç µµÀÔ(¾à 20¸¸ºÒ), Samuel C. C. Ting ¹Ú»çÀÇ Nobel»ó ¼ö»ó ¾÷Àû¿¡ º» Çаú â½ÅÀÎ ºê·çÅ©
Ö»óµ·, Ç×ÀÎÇå(89³â Vanderbilt ´ëÇÐÀ¸·Î ÀÌÀÓ), ¼Õµ¿¶, °­Èñµ¿). NobelßÛ ¼ö»óÀÚÀÎ Samuel C. C. Ting ±³¼ö Ê»°­¿¬È¸ °³Ö.
ÀÌÀÇ¿Ï, Á¶»ó±Ô, ÀÌÇü¶ô, ±èµ¿Èñ, ÀÌÀϼö, ±è¿ì¿µ, ÖÈñµ¿(96³â ¼­¿ï´ë·Î ÀÌÀÓ), È«¼ºÁ¾(Brain Pool)
¹ÚÀÏÈï(Brain Pool)). NobelßÛ ¼ö»óÀÚÀÎ Samuel C. C. Ting ±³¼ö Ê»°­¿¬È¸ °³Ö. Çѱ¹°úÇÐÀç´Ü ¿ì¼ö¿¬±¸¼¾ÅÍ(SRC)·Î °í¿¡³ÊÁö¹°¸®¿¬±¸¼¾ÅÍ ¼±Á¤.
TEL.(053) 950-5316 FAX.(053) 952-1739

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¸³ ¨Æ ªø : ¼B¥üº~
Chairman: Chao Han Liu
Director: Yuan T. Lee ¸³ ¨Æ: ¨H§g¤s
Director: Chun Shan Shen ¸³ ¨Æ: §d§°µØ
Director: Yan-Hwa Wu Lee
Director: Rosemary W. Ho ¸³ ¨Æ: ­J©wµØ
Director: Ding-Hua Hu
Director: Frank Hsia-San Shu ¸³ ¨Æ: ³¯ºû¬L
Director: Wei Chao Chen
Director: Robert H. C. Tsao
¸³ ¨Æ: ±i«T«Û Director: Chun-Yen Chang ¸³ ¨Æ: ¶dÄYÐÓ¶³ Director: Cecilia Y. Koo ¸³ ¨Æ: ¼B¬³®Ô Director: Chung Laung Liu ¸³ ¨Æ: ¼B¥þ¥Í Director: Chuan-Sheng Liu (¨Ì©m¤óµ§¹º±Æ§Ç) ¸³ ¨Æ ªø : ¼B¥üº~ Chairman: Chao Han Liu ¸³ ¨Æ: ¤B»F¤¤ Director: Samuel C. C. Ting

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