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The United Nations Peace-keeping Forces: more books (43) |
61. UNFICYP: United Nations Peacekeeping Force In Cyprus UNFICYP. united nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus Peacekeeping. Home Photo Gallery Peace and Security Today s News. Other Regional Missions http://www.un.org/Depts/dpko/missions/unficyp/ | |
62. Peacekeeping: Definition And Much More From Answers.com The united nations Peacekeeping Force was Pearson s creation, and he is consideredthe father of the modern concept of peacekeeping. http://www.answers.com/topic/peacekeeping | |
64. United Nations Peacekeeping Best Practices The united nations Peacekeeping Best Practices Unit, or PBPU, assists in theplanning, conduct, management and The Use of Force in UN Peace Operations http://www.peacekeepingbestpractices.unlb.org/ | |
65. Terrorism: Q & A | Peacekeeping And The U.N. Is the united States playing any role in the peacekeeping force? may encouragethe united nations to push for a larger, tougher peacekeeping force. http://cfrterrorism.org/afghanistan/peacekeeping_print.html | |
66. High School Debate Topic 2004: United Nations Peacekeeping nationalismunited states peacekeeping forcesyugoslavia united nationsarmedforcessomalia united statesforeign relationsphilosophy http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/debate04.html | |
67. The UN Emergency Force As the decision on the UNEF (united nations Emergency Force) was taken underChapter VI (of the Charter) it was obvious from the beginning that the http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/unef.html | |
68. UN Standing Force In response to past failures in UN peacekeeping, such as Rwanda in 1994, The McGovernPorter united nations Rapid Deployment Police and Security Force http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/peacekpg/reform/standby.htm | |
69. US Policy On UN PKO - Global Policy Forum - UN Security Council The US Role in united nations Peace Operations (May 31, 2001) US Looks atOrganizing Global Peacekeeping Force (June 27, 2003) http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/peacekpg/us/ | |
70. AllRefer.com - India - Maldives - United Nations Peacekeeping Forces | Indian In allRefer Reference provides detailed information on this topic. Browse throughthis article and follow related links for complete research. http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/india/india191.html | |
71. United Nations - Using Military Force Through The UN including some Americans, run by NATO to enforce that peace settlement; apeacekeeping force, including some Americans, under the united nations that http://www.americans-world.org/digest/global_issues/un/un4.cfm | |
72. CNN.com - U.N. Accuses Force Of Sex Abuse - Jan 8, 2005 united nations (CNN) UN peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo exchanged UN peacekeeping officials say countries contributing troops must http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/africa/01/08/congo.peacekeepers.sex/ | |
73. Finland - UNITED NATIONS PEACEKEEPING ACTIVITIES Finland has taken an active role in united nations (UN) peacekeeping matters Finland was also committed to contribute to the UN peacekeeping force to be http://www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-4731.html | |
74. PeaceWomen: Gender And Peacekeeping Index Secretary General Kofi Annan regarding sexual exploitation by peace keepingforces united nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) Gender http://www.peacewomen.org/un/pkwatch/pkindex.html | |
75. UNITED NATIONS PEACEKEEPING FORCE IN CYPRUS (UNFIC Personnel Here is our current member listing for united nations PEACEKEEPING FORCE INCYPRUS (UNFIC. This website will help you find out about old colleagues and http://www.comradesandcolleagues.com/engines/GBUnits6011.asp | |
76. UNITED NATIONS PEACEKEEPING FORCE IN CYPRUS (UNFICYP) Personnel Here is our current member listing for united nations PEACEKEEPING FORCE INCYPRUS (UNFICYP). This website will help you find out about old colleagues and http://www.comradesandcolleagues.com/unitlst/GBUnits6026.asp | |
77. United Nations Organization Mission In The Democratic Republic Of Congo (MONUC) Early in 2004, our mission to the united nations in New York pressed the UN Require advance training for anyone involved in UN peacekeeping that makes http://www.state.gov/p/io/rls/rm/42982.htm | |
78. The Air Force Role THE AIR FORCE ROLE IN united nations PEACEKEEPING. Dr Steven Metz JamesMeachem, From Peacekeeping to Peacemaking united nations Faces a Changing Role http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/apj/metzzz.html | |
79. Security Council Extends Mandate Of UN Peacekeeping Force In Cyprus Until 15 Dec united nations Office on Drugs and Crime Web Site. http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/pressrels/2005/sc8412.html | |
80. Security Council Unanimously Adopts Resolution Extending Mandate Of United Natio Mandate of united nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus for Six Months of operations and force level of the united nations Peacekeeping Force in http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/pressrels/2004/sc8223.html | |
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