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81. News.NanoApex.com - Richard Smalley Lectures At Trinity University nanoeducation SAN ANTONIO, TX richard E. smalley, winner of the 1996 NobelPrize for chemistry, will present a lecture at 730 pm on April 16 at Trinity http://news.nanoapex.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3278 |
82. News.NanoApex.com - Richard Smalley Lectures At Trinity University SAN ANTONIO, TX richard E. smalley, winner of the 1996 Nobel Prize for chemistry,will present a lecture at 730 pm on April 16 at Trinity University. http://news.nanoapex.com/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=3278 |
83. Scientific American Digital Browse For a moment, I consider humoring richard E. smalley. After all, he and one ofhis graduate students have been fussing with the samples for several minutes http://www.sciamdigital.com/browse.cfm?ITEMIDCHAR=43E35134-29D5-44A9-881B-465D44 |
84. Multi Disciplinair Project: Wondrous World Of Carbon Nano Tubes smalley, richard E. and Yakobson, Boris I. The future of the fullerenes.Solid State Communications 107(11), 597606. 1998. http://students.chem.tue.nl/ifp03/references.html | |
85. Varsity Science & Technology Nobel Prize winner richard E. smalley explained his work on Buckytubes! richard E. smalley offered up a hint of the Jetsonsstyle future universe that http://varsity.utoronto.ca:16080/archives/121/nov30/scitech/build.html | |
86. MRS Fall 98 Meeting 600 pm Plenary Talk richard E. smalley, Rice University Buckytubes The plenary speaker was Nobel laureate Prof richard E. smalley of Rice University. http://www.mrs.org/meetings/fall98/updates/nov30.html | |
87. More On Smalley-Drexler Debate - Nanodot Isn t it curious how Drexler gets all up when richard smalley tries to appease on my blog on the debate between K. Eric Drexler and richard E. smalley. http://nanodot.org/article.pl?sid=03/12/01/0557241 |
88. Smalley On The Future Of Nanotubes - Nanodot Molecular Nanotechnology An Anonymous Coward writes MIT s Technology Reviewprinted an interesting Q A session with richard E. smalley, the founder of the http://nanodot.org/articles/01/02/26/022218.shtml | |
89. Ref.html Robert F. Curl and richard E. smalley, Probing C60, Science, 18 Nov. The AllStar of Buckyball; Profile richard E. smalley, Scientific American, http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/local/projects/Lertpibulpanya/ref.html | |
90. US Senate Committee On Energy And Natural Resources Witness, Dr. richard E. smalley , Director , Carbon Nanotechnology Laboratory,Rice University. Testimony, Testimony of RE smalley to the Senate Committee http://energy.senate.gov/hearings/testimony.cfm?id=1129&wit_id=3343 |
91. Conference Program Technical Program (Tentative) Is Open Nobel Laureate richard E. smalley (pictured) and Intel Science Talent Search Grand richard E. smalley, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, http://www.mein.nagoya-u.ac.jp/IEEE-NANO/IEEE-NANO-2001/program.html | |
92. Applegate Directory Ltd Scott, richard Engineering Director The Electronic Development Co Ltd smalley, David Managing Director Daniels smalley Partnership http://www.applegate.co.uk/indexes/people/all-s.htm | |
93. ChIN?Richard E. Smalley(1996? http://chemport.ipe.ac.cn/cgi-bin/chemport/getfiler.cgi?ID=zdnT0rKo9WCoTad5xVsAm |
94. List Of Publications April 2001 Sander J. Tans, Michel H. Devoret, Hongjie Dai, Andreas Thess, richard E. J.Wildoer, A. Bezryadin, LJ Geerligs, Andreas Thess, and richard E. smalley. http://www.amolf.nl/research/biophysics/publications.html | |
95. Scientific American Annual Index 1991 smalley, richard E., and Robert F. Curl. FULLERENES; October, page 32. FULLERENES, by Robert F. Curl and richard E. smalley; October, page 32. http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/toc/scam91.html | |
96. THIS SEARCH THIS DOCUMENT THIS CR ISSUE GO TO Next Hit Forward ROBERT F. CURL AND richard E. smalley (Senate March 13, 1997) Professor Curl,a native Texan from Alice, and Professor smalley are codiscoverers of http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r105:S13MR7-270: |
97. Special Paper 307: The Cretaceous-Tertiary Event And Other Catastrophes In Earth smalley, richard E. Abstract Print Version. Smit, J. Abstract Print Version.Smit, J. Abstract Print Version http://www.gsajournals.org/gsaonline/?request=get-author-index&isbn=0-8137-2307- |
98. The Smalley Group Website Has Moved This site has moved to http//www.ruf.rice.edu/~smalleyg. Please update your links. http://cnst.rice.edu/smalleygroup/ | |
99. Warren County Ohio Biographies Warren County OH Message Board posted 16 Mar 2000 by Lisa E. Herdahl The StoryOf richard McNemar, An Eloquent Pioneer Preacher article by Dallas http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohwarren/Bios/bios_main.htm | |
100. NANOTECHNOLOGY Prepared Written Statement and Supplemental Material of RE smalley, In 1959Richard Feynman delivered a now famous lecture, There is Plenty of Room at http://www.house.gov/science/smalley_062299.htm | |
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