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         Seaborg Glenn Theodore:     more books (54)
  1. Science, man and change: A collection of speeches by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1968-01-01
  2. The creative scientist,: His training & his role by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1964
  3. The transuranium elements (Yale University. Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman memorial lectures) by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1958
  4. Man and atom;: Building a new world through nuclear technology, by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1971
  5. Hochschullehrer (Berkeley, Kalifornien): Paul Feyerabend, Thomas S. Kuhn, Glenn Theodore Seaborg, Richard Dawkins, John Ousterhout (German Edition)
  6. Seaborg, Glenn Theodore: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Chemistry: Foundations and Applications</i> by Todd W. Whitcombe, 2004
  7. Nuclear milestones;: A collection of speeches by Glenn T. Seaborg by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1971
  8. Freedom and the scientific society: the third revolution. An address by Glenn T. Seaborg on the occasion of the celebration of the Prelude to independence, May 26, 1962, at the eighteenth-century capitol, Williamsburg, Virginia. by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1962-01-01
  9. Freedom and the scientific society: the third revolution: An address by Glenn T. Seaborg on the occasion of the celebration of the Prelude to independence, ... capitol, Williamsburg, Virginia by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1962
  10. Journal of Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1961-1971 (Pub-625) by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1992
  11. Nuclear medicine: 100 years in the making, 1896-1996 by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1996
  12. Table of the isotopes (UCRL) by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1948
  13. Education and the atom;: An evaluation of Government's role in science education and information, especially as applied to nuclear energy by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1964
  14. Elements of the universe by Glenn Theodore Seaborg, 1965

81. Glenn Seaborg: Chamberlain Of Science
On his thirtieth birthday, April 19, 1942, glenn theodore seaborg joined EnricoFermi at the Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago,
Home Sci-Tech Medical Features ... Bio Glenn Seaborg: Chamberlain of Science by Douglas Page©1998 The lights in the third floor lab were on late again the night of February 23, 1941. Room 307 in Gilman Hall on the campus of the University of California seemed more cluttered than usual. Perhaps it was the anticipation of what was about to happen. A group of young scientists, lead by a 28-year old chemist named Glenn T. Seaborg, were working late again, trying to understand the synthesis of heavy elements. Word had reached them of the work of Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman in Germany, where the first experiments providing evidence of a nuclear fission reaction had recently been carried out. The Germans had irradiated bits of uranium with neutrons, creating new isotopes. Germany was now positioned to employ atomic fission in a powerful new weapon. Much of this startling news had been relayed to the Americans by the brigade of top scientists vacating fascist-bound Europe, among them Enrico Fermi, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr and Lise Meitner. War fever ran high on both shores. At the University of California physicists Edwin M. McMillan and Philip H. Abelson immediately began an attempt to duplicate the German results in Berkeley's cyclotrons. While calculating the energy of the fission fragments after the nucleus split, McMillan noticed another source of radioactivity, one that didn't spin away from its source. He theorized the substance had been formed when the uranium nucleus captured a neutron but did not split. They had, in fact, discovered a new isotope - element 93, later named neptunium.

82. Lexikon Glenn Theodore Seaborg
glenn theodore seaborg aus der

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Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Glenn Theodore Seaborg
Glenn Theodore Seaborg
Glenn Theodore Seaborg 19. April in Ishpeming Michigan 25. Februar in Lafayette Kalifornien ) war ein US-amerikanischer Chemiker und Atomphysiker . F¼r seine Arbeiten zur Isolierung und Identifizierung von Transuranen wurde er mit dem Nobelpreis ausgezeichnet. Glenn Theodore Seaborg studierte an der Universit¤t von Kalifornien in Los Angeles und in Berkeley wurde er Professor der Chemie . Er entdeckte ¼ber 100 Isotope chemischer Elemente und war an der Entdeckung der Transurane beteiligt. erhielt er zusammen mit dem Physiker Edwin Mattison McMillan den Nobelpreis f¼r Chemie "f¼r ihre Entdeckungen in der Chemie der Transuranelemente".

83. The WIF - Presentation
His name was glenn seaborg. Many of you here today will have never have heard ofhim, Unfortunately glenn theodore seaborg passed away in 1999,
Glenn Seaborg and the formative years of The WIF
The WIF began its advisory work in 1992 on the back of ten-years of ‘independent’ research conducted at several universities around the world, but where this was predominantly in the United Kingdom. This research addressed the future economic problems that Britain would face in the years to come and where in those early days the WIF was known as the Institute of National Economic Enrichment and Development, The INEED. There were initially only eight members and who were scientists, engineers and business managers in the engineering field.
When Glenn Seaborg joined our institution he instinctively knew that what we had set about to do was highly important, not just for Britain, but for the future world as a whole.
Having been the scientific adviser to no less than ten Presidents of the United States from Roosevelt to Clinton, Glenn had witnessed at first hand on many occasions that decisions were being made that as a humanitarian he did not agree with. The dropping of the first Atomic Bombs on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for one, and where he had implored the President and the military to use the ‘bomb’ only as an example and deterrent on unoccupied Japanese territory. His feelings were so strong, even though Glenn had been a major player in the development of the ‘bomb’ as Head of the Plutonium Plant on the ‘Manhattan Project’.
Glenn also created most of the isotopes that are used in the treatment of Cancer through the application of the chemistry of Chemotherapy and which save literally millions of lives each and every year.

Les briques de l Univers (TM) Biographies - Translate this page En 1941, associé au chimiste américain glenn theodore seaborg, En 1945, glenntheodore seaborg propose la disposition actuelle du tableau de
Glenn Theodore Seaborg E.M. McMillan A.C. Wahl e J.W. Kennedy , descobriu o Edwin Mattison Seaborg chancellor da University of California (1958-1961) e um chairman da Atomic Energy Commission (1961-1971). Morreu em Lafayette, California Figura copidada da MSU CHEMISTRY HOME:

85. Chemistry - Links For Chemists - Topics - Biographies
seaborg, glenn theodore seaborg, glenn theodore (Obituary) @ UCLA US; seaborg,glenn @ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) US; seaborg,
Links for Chemists
Chemistry section of the WWW Virtual Library
Virtual Library
Science Chemistry : Biographies of Famous Chemists
Unless otherwise stated, the biographies listed below are provided and listed with the kind permission of the The Nobel Foundation . If you know of any biographies of Chemists or scientists whose work has advanced chemistry, that we do not list, please inform us via our comments form
  • Afzelius, Jan Alder, Kurt Altman, Sidney (1939 - ) Anfinsen, Christian B. Arrhenius, Svante August (1859-1927) Arfwedson, Johan August Astbury, William T. (1898-1961) @ Leeds UK Aston, Francis William Avogadro, Lorenzo Romano AMADEO Carlo, comte de Quaregna et de Ceretto (1776-1856) Baekeland, Leo Hendrik @ Time Magazine US von Baeyer, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Barton, Sir Derek Harold Richard Balmer, Johann Jakob @ St Andrews UK Beckman, Arnold Orville
  • 86. ScienceDaily Books Search
    Stemming the Tide Arms Control in the Johnson Years Stemming the Tide ArmsControl in the Johnson Years by glenn theodore seaborg April 01, 1987

    87. Seaborg Glen
    glenn theodore seaborg (19.4.1912– 25.2.1999) glenn T. seaborg byl svetove Glen theodore seaborg byl narozen z švédském puvodu v Ishpeming, Michigan,

    kliknutím k originálu v angliètinì
    dle Michala Bachmana použit strojový pøeklad eurotran
    Glenn Theodore Seaborg Glenn T. SEABORG byl svìtovì proslulý nukleární chemik, pedagog, vìdecký poradce 10 amerických prezidentù, humanitární, a Nobelùv laureát v chemii. On je pravdìpodobnì nejlépe známý pro jeho vedení týmu to v roce 1941 dosáhl prvního oddìlení chemikálie a pozitivní identifikace plutonia a jeho “revolucionáø” actinide pojetí (1944) ve kterém on umístil prvních 14 elementù t잚í než actinium v periodické tabulce elementù jako série pøechodu pod lanthanide série pøechodu. Pokraèoval objevem 9 prvkù za plutoniem, jeho úsilí vyvrcholilo v roce 1974 pøi výrobì prvku 106, pozdìji pojmenované na jeho poèest seaborgium. Seaborg byl také dobøe známý jako pedagog pro jeho neúnavn0 úsilí zlepšit americkou vìdu a vzdìlání na všech úrovních. On sloužil jako kancléø univerzity Kalifornie u Berkeleya od roku 1958 do roku 1961, když byl povolán President-elect John F. Kennedy pøedsedat USA komise pro atomovou energii, pozice, kterou on držel until 1971. Seaborg vedl jednání konèit omezenou nukleární testovací zákazovou smlouvou zakazovat testování jadrných arzenálù v atmosféøe nebo pod moøem, schválený americkým senátem v roce 1963. On silnì podporoval použití jaderné energie jako zdroj elektøiny a vedené delegace na nìkterých 63 zemí, vèetnì Sovìtského svazu podporovat mírová použití atomové energie.
    1912-1942: Èasný život, vzdìlání a manželství

    88. Objevitelé Jednotlivých Prvkù
    Pu 1940 - glenn theodore seaborg (19. 4. 1912 - 25.2. Edwin M. McMillan (18.9.1907 -7.9.1991) Pu - 1940 - Joe W. Kennedy Pu - 1940 - Arthur C. Wahl

    Objevitelé prvkù
    Po kliknutí na malé foto se objeví podrobnìjší informace o objeviteli Lanthanoidy Aktinoidy U prvkù, kteøí se bìžnì vyskytují ve slouèeninách (zpravidla minerálech) se objevitelem rozumí chemik, který objevil daný prvek v slouèeninì (minerálu - rudì), ne tedy ten, který prvek jako element následnì izoloval (výjimka u prvkù, jejichž slouèeniny byly již známy od starovìku, pak je uveden ten chemik, kdo první prvek izoloval, pø. K, Na, Mg). Odkaz po kliknutí na fotografii vede k zpravidla podrobným informacím o objeviteli. Základní údaje se objevují též po najetí kurzorem na danou fotografii. ANORGANIC[ názvosloví strukturní vzorce rovnice chemie prvkù
    ORGANIC[ názvosloví rovnice reakèní mechanismy pravidla a pojmenované reakce ... polymery
    OBECCHEM[ tabulka programy
    MATCHEM[ výpoèty vzorcù výpoèty z rovnic roztoky
    BIOCHEM[ sacharidy lipidy heterocyklické slouèeniny bílkoviny ... pøírodní látky
    ANALYTIC[ spektra indikátory èinidla dùkazy prvkù ... pH
    GEOCHEM[ minerály krystaly
    HISTORCHEM [ historie slavní chemici humor
    CHEMICKÁ FYZIKA A FYZIKÁLNÍ CHEMIE[ orbitaly atomové jádro pH elektrochemie ... molekulová fyzika

    89. Seaborgium 106
    Translate this page glenn theodore seaborg American nuclear chemist best known for his work onisolating and identifying elements heavier than uranium.
     Atomic No. Order:
    Select an Element 1 - Hydrogen 2 - Helium 3 - Lithium 4 - Beryllium 5 - Boron 6 - Carbon 7 - Nitrogen 8 - Oxygen 9 - Fluorine 10 - Neon 11 - Sodium 12 - Magnesium 13 - Aluminium 14 - Silicon 15 - Phosphorous

    90. Tableau Périodique Des éléments
    glenn theodore seaborg. Geboren 19 april 1912 in Ishpeming (Michigan).Overleden 25 februari 1999. Amerikaans natuur en scheikundige.

    91. Tableau Périodique Des éléments
    Translate this page glenn theodore seaborg. Né le 19 avril 1912 à Ishpeming (Michigan). Décédé le 25février 1999. Physicien et chimiste américain .

    92. 1951 G.T.½Ãº¸±×(Glenn Theodore Seaborg), E.M.¸Æ¹Ð¶õ(E.Mattison Mcmil
    Translate this page 1951 GT? (glenn theodore seaborg 1912~ ,) EM? (E.Mattison Mcmillan 1907~1991, ) - ?.? ?
    G.T.½º¸±× (Glenn Theodore Seaborg : 1912~ ,¹Ì±¹)
    E.M.¸Æ¹Ð¶õ (E.Mattison Mcmillan : 1907~1991, ¹Ì±¹)
    E-mail :
    Helpdesk : Tel. (02)553-0513~5 / Fax. (02)553-6157

    93. Lexikon: Glenn Theodore Seaborg - Begriff
    Translate this page glenn theodore seaborg (* 19. April 1912 in Ishpeming, Michigan, †25. glenn theodore seaborg studierte an der University of California Universität von Theodore Seaborg

    94. Glenn_Theodore_Seaborg - Lexikon - Glenn_Theodore_Seaborg - Beschreibung - Physi
    Translate this page glenn theodore seaborg. aus Physik, der freien Enzyklopädie. glenn theodoreseaborg (* 19. April 1912 in Ishpeming, Michigan, † 25.

    95. Library: Nobel Laureates
    Dr. glenn seaborg and Dr. Edwin McMillan on the day they were notified that they His father, Herman theodore seaborg, was the son of Swedish immigrants;
    Glenn Seaborg and Edwin McMillan
    1951 Nobel Prize for Chemistry Presentation of Award
    Acceptance Speeches

    Biography Submitted by Dr. Seaborg to the Nobel Committee

    Biography Submitted by Dr. McMillan to the Nobel Committee

    Presentation of Award: 1951 Nobel Prize for Chemistry
    Dr. Glenn Seaborg and Dr. Edwin McMillan on the day they were notified that they had won the Nobel Prize, October 1951. Professor Arne Westgren, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry
    Your Majesties! Your Royal Highnesses! Ladies and Gentlemen!
    In his famous treatise on air and fire, published in 1777, Scheele writes that in some quarters at that time it was regarded as futile to make any more research into what elements bodies might consist of. "A depressing prospect," he adds, "for those whose greatest pleasure it is to study the composition of substances found in nature." Scheele's own experience and the subsequent developments up to our day have shown that, at the end of the 18th Century, there certainly still was enough to do for those who wanted to discover new elements. At least as many elements as were then known still remained to be discovered.
    Dr. and Mrs. Edwin McMillan. Nobel Prize notification.

    96. - Lexikon
    Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel glenn theodore seaborg aus der freien glenn theodore seaborg studierte an der Universität von Kalifornien in Los
    News Forum Archiv Markt ... Impressum Lexikon-Suche Lizenz Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel Glenn Theodore Seaborg aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU Lizenz für freie Dokumentation . In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar, dort kann man den Artikel bearbeiten Letzte Meldungen Flash Player 8 erschienen Xenoppix - Knoppix mit Xen ... Originalartikel
    Lexikon: Glenn Theodore Seaborg
    Glenn Theodore Seaborg 19. April in Ishpeming Michigan 25. Februar in Lafayette Kalifornien ) war ein US-amerikanischer Chemiker und Atomphysiker Transuranen wurde er mit dem Nobelpreis ausgezeichnet. Glenn Theodore Seaborg studierte an der in Los Angeles und in Berkeley wurde er Professor der Chemie Isotope chemischer Elemente und war an der Entdeckung der Transurane beteiligt. erhielt er zusammen mit dem Physiker Edwin Mattison McMillan den Nobelpreis
    25. Februar
    Das chemische Element 106 (Unnilhexium) erhielt zu seinen Ehren den Namen Seaborgium (Sg).

    NAME Seaborg, Glenn Theodore ALTERNATIVNAMEN KURZBESCHREIBUNG US-amerikanischer Chemiker und Atomphysiker GEBURTSDATUM 19. April

    97. Storia Della Chimica. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica: Seaborg
    Translate this page Theatrum Chemicum. Personae glenn theodore seaborg. glenn theodore seaborg.1912-1999. Premio Nobel per la chimica 1951. con Edwin Mattison McMillan Chemicum/NobelChimica/Seaborg.htm
    Theatrum Chemicum Personae: Glenn Theodore Seaborg Glenn Theodore Seaborg Premio Nobel per la chimica 1951 con Edwin Mattison McMillan Premio Nobel 1950 Premio Nobel 1952 Monografie, articoli e tesine di storia della chimica! var site="s10minerva"

    98. MSN Encarta - Seaborg, Glenn Theodore
    Translate this page seaborg, glenn theodore (1912-1999), chimiste américain, qui a découvert leplutonium. Plus de résultats pour seaborg, glenn theodore
    • Accueil MSN Ma page Hotmail Recherche ... Tout savoir sur la gamme Encarta Rechercher
      Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif et un guide du Web. En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Seaborg, Glenn Theodore Seaborg, Glenn Theodore (1912-1999), chimiste am©ricain, qui a d©couvert le plutonium. M©dias 2 ©l©ments Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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    100. Glen Theodore Seaborg [Pictures And Photos Of]
    Glen theodore seaborg pictures, photos, photographs, images, physics history.
    A larger image of any photo may be purchased. Click on an image to place an order.
    For more information visit our home page John Morris Blair, Glen Theodore Seaborg, W.G. Shepherd Description suit; standing; laboratory; L-R John Blair, Glen Seaborg, W.G. Shepherd Item ID Blair John C1 D. Allan Bromley, Glen Theodore Seaborg, Robert Jemison Van de Graaff, Denys Haigh Wilkinson Description full-face; suit; standing; equipment; The Dedication of the MP-1 accelerator in the A.W. Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory at Yale. L-R Kingman Brewster, Allan Bromley, Denys Wilkinson, Robert J. Van de Graaff Item ID Bromley David Allan D7 Ernest Orlando Lawrence, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Glen Theodore Seaborg Description L-R: Lawrence, Seaborg, Oppenheimer, at control panel of the 184-inch cyclotron magnet, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Item ID Lawrence F15 Edwin Mattison McMillan, Glen Theodore Seaborg, Emilio Gino Segrè Description L-R: McMillan, Segrè, Seaborg ; standing ; takling ; outdoors ; Nobel Prize press conference Item ID McMillan C4 Glen Theodore Seaborg Description midle age ; full-face ; suit ; sitting ; desk

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