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Sakmann Bert: more detail |
61. Harvey Prize bert sakmann, Germany. In recognition of his breakthrough achievements in developing the patch clamp technique which revolutionized modern electrophysiology http://www.admin.technion.ac.il/harvey/1991-2.html | |
62. Dendrites Program bert sakmann (Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg) Idan Segev (Hebrew University). 0900945 bert sakmann Ca Transients in Individual Layer 2/3 http://www.as.huji.ac.il/schools/ls13/lifeprog04.shtml | |
63. Entrez PubMed E. Neher and B. sakmann were awarded the Nobel Prize for achievements in Physiology or Medicine in 1 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1 |
64. Ion Channels And The Award Of The Nobel Prize To Sakmann Und Neher Only after Erwin Neher and bert sakmann developed the patch clamp method was Dr. bert sakmann. Two years later sakmann was awarded the Nobel Prize of http://www.bio-pro.de/en/region/rhein/magazin/00971/ | |
65. 1st Prize For "NeuRA - Neurone Reconstruction Algorithm" Computer Science and Professor bert sakmann at the Max Planck Institute for Gabriel Wittum and bert sakmann came out top with their NeuRA software, http://www.bio-pro.de/en/life/magazin/01358/ | |
66. M.R. Bauer Foundation At Brandeis bert sakmann, Ph.D. The MR Bauer Distinguished Guest Lecturer Series bert sakmann, Ph.D. Dept. Zellphysiologie MaxPlanck-Institute Für Medizinische http://www.bio.brandeis.edu/bauer/1999/sakmann.html | |
67. J Physiol -- Index By Author (, 521, Number 1) sakmann, B. Abstract Full Text sakmann, bert Abstract Full Text Schirra, Claudia Abstract Full Text Senda, Mariko Abstract Full Text http://jp.physoc.org/content/vol521/issue1/aindex.shtml |
68. J Physiol -- Index By Author (, 525, Number 1) Saito, M. Abstract Full Text sakmann, bert Abstract Full Text Schneider, Martin F. Abstract Full Text Shannon, R. Abstract Full Text http://jp.physoc.org/content/vol525/issue1/aindex.shtml | |
69. Índice Alfabético De Los Premios Nobel De Fisiología O Medicina (1901-1998) sakmann, bert (1991) SAMUELSSON, Bengt Ingemar (1982) SCHALLY, Andrew Victor (1977) SHARP, Phillip A. (1993) SHERRINGTON, Charles Scott (1932) http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/his/vol_2_99/his12299.htm | |
70. The Mehta Lab - Computational & Experimental Investigations Of Learning & Memory Thomas TG Hahn, Carl CH Petersen, Mayank R. Mehta bert sakmann. Fed. Euro. Neurosci. Soc. A190.7 (2004). Combined tetrode recordings and voltage http://mehtalab.brown.edu/publications.html | |
71. News, Publications, Ausländerbehörde, Award, Scholar, Scientist, Fellowships, The lectureship is financed from funds of the bert sakmann Foundation that is administered by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/aktuelles/presse/pn_archiv_2000/2000_02.htm | |
72. Stiftung | Stipendien | Wissenschaft - Alexander Von Humboldt - Nachrichten Und Translate this page Die Vorlesung wird aus Mitteln der bert sakmann-Stiftung, die von der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung verwaltet wird, finanziert. Sie würdigt das Lebenswerk http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/de/aktuelles/presse/pn_archiv_2000/2000_02.htm | |
73. Fr.wikipedia.com/w/index.php?title=Bert_Sakmann&am Program1400 Arnd Roth, Joachim Lübke*, Dirk Feldmeyer and bert sakmann Dept. Cell Physiology, MaxPlanck-Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany. and http://fr.wikipedia.com/w/index.php?title=Bert_Sakmann&action=edit |
74. Universität Leipzig > Pressespiegel Translate this page Nobelpreisträger bert sakmann besucht Leipzig Nobelpreisträger bert sakmann, Nobelpreisträger Bernd Katz, Carl-Ludwig-Institut für Physiologie http://www.uni-leipzig.de/pressespiegel/4625.html | |
75. MPG bert sakmann Prof. Dr. Fax +49 (6221) 486 459. E-mail sakmann@mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de. Website http//www.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de http://www.mpg.de/cgi-bin/mpg.de/person.cgi?nav=kontakt&persId=166907&lang=en&in |
76. Sakmann, Bert. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English sakmann, bert. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition. 2000. http://www.bartleby.com/61/53/S0035350.html |
77. Max Planck Institute For Medical Research Heidelberg - Department Of Cell Physio Dr. bert sakmann, , Interests, Curriculum Vitae, News from the other culture Dep. of Cell Physiology Prof. Dr. bert sakmann Interests http://www.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/mitarbeiter/content.m/index.php3?department=0 |
78. Max-Planck-Institut Für Medizinische Forschung Heidelberg - Abteilung Zellphysi bert sakmann Interessen http://www.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/mitarbeiter/content.m/index.php3?department=0 |
79. MicroBrightField Neurolucida Bibliography Lubke, Joachim, Egger, Veronica, sakmann, bert and Feldmeyer, Dirk (2000) Petersen, Carl CH, Grinvald, Amiram and sakmann, bert (2003) http://www.microbrightfield.com/products/neurolucida/bibliography.html | |
80. HeiDok - Meinrenken, Christoph Johannes: Modeling Physiological Calcium Signalin Fakultät, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie. DNBSachgruppe, Physik, Astronomie. Dokumentart, Dissertation. Hauptberichter, sakmann, bert (Prof. Dr.) http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/volltexte/2001/1596/ | |
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