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         Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich:     more detail
  1. Andrei Sakharov and Peace
  2. A.D. Sakharov: Collected Scientific Works by Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, 1982-12-07
  3. To Live Like Everyone by Anatoly Marchenko, 1989-06
  4. Progress, Coexistence, and Intellectual Freedom by Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, 1970-06
  5. SAKHAROV, ANDREI DMITRIEVICH: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of Russian History</i> by LISA A. KIRSCHENBAUM, 2004
  6. Alarm and Hope by Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, Efrem Iankelevich, et all 1978-12
  7. Sakharov Speaks by Andre-I Dmitrievich Sakharov, 1974-06
  8. IUrii Davidovich Levin, 22 Iiunia 1988 g. - Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, 21 Iiunia 1989 g. - Iosif Aleksandrovich Brodskii, 19 Iiunia 1991 g: Russkie perevody ... Oksfordskogo Universiteta s 1763 po 1991 g by Godfrey W Bond, 1991
  9. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov: Fragmenty biografii
  10. Andrei Dmitrievich: Vospominaniia o Sakharove (Russian Edition)

andrei dmitrievich sakharov was born in Moscow, on May 21 1921, to Dmitry Ivanovichsakharov, a Physics Professor, and Ekaterina Alexeeva sakharova (nee
Cover from painting by Giorgio Oikonomoy,
Campo di papaveri, 80x80 cm
Superlatives have long since become redundant when referring to Andrei Sakharov, one of the great heroes of the twentieth century and an inspiration to all who have dedicated their life to making this world a better place for the future. His legacy as a world-renowned physicist and human rights activist is unsurpassed. To celebrate his memory and promote the ideals he fought for all his life, the Biopolitics International Organisation (B.I.O.) held the International Sakharov Festival in Athens, July 28-31, 1994, with the theme "Biopolitics - the Bio-Environment - Bio-Culture in the Next Millennium." But more than just a tribute to Andrei Sakharov, the International Sakharov Festival was a celebration of life. With the eminent musician and humanitarian Mstislav Rostropovich presiding and Elena Bonner, Andrei Sakharov's widow as the guest of honour, the Festival brought together leading personalities from around the world in an attempt to strengthen the concept of a global bio-culture for the next millennium. This initiative constituted a conscious effort to take the issue of bio-environmental protection one step further. Outside the confines of conventional approaches to environmental matters, bio-culture represents a global appreciation of bios. The bio-environment has always been the single most important correlation in human society. In this crucial period of transition, the bio-environment can help transcend boundaries and attain international co-operation and understanding, so critical for the future of humanity. Many people believe that humanity lives in an era of decline. A global shadow of environmental threats shows the approaching dangers that jeopardise our very existence on this planet. Bios has evolved for billions of years. As we are standing on the doorstep of a new millennium, we need to awaken our senses and appreciate this precious gift.

82. Reference/Famous Physicists Resources - PhysicsWeb
sakharov, andrei andrei dmitrievich sakharov biography Schrödinger, Erwin Science in Poland - Science in Poland is a directory to Polish science

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83. Sakha.html
Translate this page andrei dmitrievich sakharov nasceu em 21 de maio de 1921, em Moscou. Seu pai,Dmitri Ivanovich sakharov, era um professor de física de considerável
Henrique Fleming Artigo publicado na Revista USP, N.10, 1991
outsider Summa status quo et alii

84. La Biblioteca Planettiana
Translate this page andrei dmitrievich sakharov (Mosca, 1921 - 1989). andrei dmitrievich sakharov,fisico sovietico, nasce a Mosca nel 1921. Tra i massimi esperti sovietici che
Home Premi Nobel per la pace PREMIO NOBEL PER LA PACE 1975
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov
, fisico sovietico, nasce a Mosca nel 1921. Tra i massimi esperti sovietici che coordinano lo sviluppo e la realizzazione della prima bomba all'idrogeno del suo paese (1953), riceve per questo motivo il Premio Stalin e il riconoscimento del titolo di Eroe del lavoro socialista.
Dagli anni Sessanta, oltre che essere conosciuto per il suo lavoro di fisico, diviene il maggiore rappresentante del dissenso nell'Unione Sovietica.
Nel 1968, l'anno della "Primavera di Praga", Andrej scrive un lungo e celebre articolo dal titolo Considerazioni sul progresso, la coesistenza pacifica e la libertà individuale, che chiude con una citazione tratta dal Faust di Goethe: "La libertà, come la vita, si merita soltanto chi ogni giorno la dovrà conquistare"

85. SaSa
sakharov, andrei dmitrievich (1921 ) Russian physicist - Born May 21, 1921 inMoscow, USSR, he led a dissident movement in the USSR and won the 1975 Nobel
SAADI, Muslih ud-Din (1184-1291) Persian poet, author, philosopher, theologian - Iran 2170; B28-30 Russia 2189 SAADUN (1893-1923) Libyan patriot, soldier - Libya 1134 SAARINEN, Eliel Gottlieb (1873-1950) Finnish architect, author, graphic artist - Finland 532 SAARVALA, A. ( - ) Finnish sportsman, gymnast - Finland B70 SAATI, Ali Haidar el- ( - ) - Libya 1158; 1158b SAAVEDRA, Cornelio (1759-1829) Argentinean president, general, mason - Argentina ARG1873.5; 165; 173; 713; C75a; O14; O21 SAAVEDRA, Juan Bautista (1870-1939) Bolivian president, journalist, lawyer, educator, diplomat - Bolivia 154; 572 SAAVEDRA LAMAS, Carlos (1878-1959) Argentinean lawyer, author, educator. Born November 1, 1878 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he won the Nobel Peace Prize, 1936, for espousal of antiwar pact submitted to the League of Nations. He died May 5, 1959 in Buenos Aires. - Argentina 1137 SABAH al-SALIM as SABAH of Kuwait ( - ) Sheik - Iran 1461 Kuwait 302-9; 341-9; 352-3; 378-81; 389-90; 462-73;473A-B; 511-2; 512a; 523-4; 580-2; 620-2; 626-30; 640-5; 648-50; 723-9; 732-3; 756-63; 772-5; 813-5 SABAKATI, Abdon ( - ) Rwandais, one of the first catholic converts in the country - Rwanda 732

86. Physics Today Annual Index 1990
KJ Mysels; G.C. Rota (L) JUL 15; andrei dmitrievich sakharov, S. Drell, L.Okun AUG 26; Precursor of perestroika, V. Ya. Fainberg AUG 40; Scientist,
Physics Today Annual Index 1990
See also Department of Energy; Particle physics; Superconducting Super Collider, Synchrotron radiation
  • SSC design revisions call for thinner beams and fatter magnets (WR) JAN 47
  • HEPAP and its subpanel approve redesign and higher cost of SSC (WR) FEB 67
  • Ozaki made head of Brookhaven's heavy-ion project (PC) FEB 115
  • American Physical Society establishes division of physics of beams (APS) APR 89
  • The physics of beams: Past, present, future, A.-M. Sessler (OP) JUN 69
  • Construction proposals take aim at top and bottom quarks (SD) DEC 20
Acoustical Society of America
See also Awards
  • Acoustical Society picks Ungar to be president-elect (PC) AUG 68
  • Acoustical Society picks Ungar to be president-elect (PC) AUG 68
American Association of Physicists in Medicine
See also Awards
  • Fullerton is president-elect of AAPM (PC) FEB 115
  • Dixon is newly elected president of AAPM (PC) OCT 91
American Association of Physics Teachers
See also Awards
  • Wilson to leave AAPT for new education project (PC) JAN 68
  • APS and AAPT rearrange joint meetings (PC) FEB 113
  • Stith is the new vice president of AAPT for 1990 (PC) FEB 114
  • What went unsaid at physics chairs meeting,R. R. Hake; R. J. Swenson (L) FEB 158

87. IMSA®: Press Release: April 2000: IMSA Students To Present At Research Conferen
The research conference is held annually in May as a tribute to honor the memoryof physicist and Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. andrei dmitrievich sakharov.
IMSA Students to Present at Research Conference in Russia
For Immediate Release, April 2000
For comment, contact Brenda Buschbacher at (630) 907-5033 list below). The research conference is held annually in May as a tribute to honor the memory of physicist and Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov. IMSA students are among 250 young student researchers from throughout the world who were invited by the Russian Academy of Sciences to participate in the conference. IMSA students conducted their research as part of IMSA's Student Inquiry and Research Program (SIR). The SIR Program challenges students to engage in scholarly and scientific investigation, as well as creative and artistic expression. The process culminates in the exhibition of products of ethical research, study and creativity. In addition to recognizing the scientific and scholarly accomplishments of young researchers, Sakharov's Readings is also a public commitment to honor ethical courage and foster international understanding among tomorrow's promising young leaders. The Readings provide an unparalleled opportunity for students to begin the process of cooperation and collaboration. (IMSA) is an internationally-recognized pioneering educational institution created by the State to develop talent and stimulate excellence in teaching and learning in mathematics, science and technology.

88. Alibris: D Ter Haar
Academician andrei dmitrievich sakharov collected scientific works by sakharov,AD, and Haar, Dirk ter, and Chudnovsky, David V., and Chudnovsky,, D ter
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89. MSN Encarta - Andrei Sakharov
Related Items. Brezhnev, Leonid Ilich Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich more Encarta Search. Search Encarta about sakharov, Andrey dmitrievich
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    Sakharov, Andrey Dmitrievich
    Encyclopedia Article Multimedia 2 items Sakharov, Andrey Dmitrievich (1921-1989), nuclear physicist and father of the Soviet Union’s hydrogen bomb, famous Russian human rights advocate from the 1960s to the 1980s, and Nobel laureate. The son of a high school teacher, Sakharov was born in Moscow. He received his degree in physics from Moscow State University in 1942, finishing his studies in Central Asia, where his department was evacuated during World War II. After working for three years in a weapons plant, Sakharov studied theoretical physics under Igor Tamm at the P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, taking a doctorate in 1947. In 1948 Tamm drew him into the top-secret scientific and engineering team that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had assigned to develop thermonuclear weapons for the Soviet Union. From 1950 to 1968 Sakharov lived in Arzamas-16, a closed city devoted to the program. Sakharov’s brilliant mathematical work on gas dynamics, magnetic confinement of charged particles, and other problems was crucial to the creation of the Soviet hydrogen bomb first tested in August 1953. In recognition of his contribution, he was elected a full member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences at the age of 32 and given other honors and privileges.

90. Ìóçåé è îáùåñòâåííûé öåíòð èì. À.Ñàõàðîâà
andrei sakharov Museum and Public Center After andrei dmitrievich sakharov passedaway in 1989, the sakharov Commission (The andrei sakharov
The Moscow Trial of Yuri Samodurov,
Ludmila Vasilovskaya and Anna Mikhalchuk
1. Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public Center

After Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov passed away in 1989, the Sakharov Commission (The Andrei Sakharov Foundation/Russia) was established in Moscow in 1990. It is a nongovernmental organization created to preserve the legacy of Andrei Sakharov and promote the values which he advocated.
The Andrei Sakharov Museum and Public Center for Peace, Progress and Human Rights was founded by the Commission. It was opened on May 21, 1996, Sakharov's 75th birthday. Its primary goals are the preservation of the memory of the victims of the totalitarian regime and continuation of Sakharov's work in the field of human rights. It is one of the few independent, non-governmentally financed museums in Russia. The Museum runs a variety of programs aimed at advancing the development of civil society and human rights in Russia.
2. The exhibition "Caution, Religion", what it was and what had happened to it
The exhibition "Caution, Religion" opened on January 14, 2003. It was held in a secular cultural institution, far from any place of religious worship. Approximately 40 artists participated. They were not only Russian citizenry. There were artists from Japan, Cuba, Georgia and Armenia as well. Some of the artists are well-known. Their works are exhibited in the major Russian museums, such as the Tret'yakov picture-gallery and the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Most of the exhibits were of the contemporary art style. Religious allusions were used to express artists' attitudes towards religiousness, religion, culture, etc. With regard to the Russian Orthodox Church, the artists' viewpoints expressed in their works, ranged from complete acceptance to a highly critical attitude of certain aspects of the Church's activities. The last is concerned with today's attempts of the influential Russian Orthodox Church to be moral arbiter and chief censor in matters spiritual and ideological.

91. Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Sakharov, A
Granta The State of Europe Christmas Eve, 1989 by Isaiah BerlinThe most famous among them, andrei dmitrievich sakharov, would have been perfectlyat home in the world of Turgenev, Herzen, Belinsky, Saltykov,, Andrei Dmitrievich
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The work of Soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov laid the foundation for the development of a Soviet hydrogen bomb in the early 1950s. However, Sakharov, and his wife Yelena Bonner, campaigned for a nuclear test ban in the 1960s and so alienated the Soviet authorities. Soviet physicist. He was an outspoken human-rights campaigner, who with Igor Tamm Sakharov was elected to the Congress of the USSR People's Deputies in 1989, where he emerged as leader of its radical reform grouping before his death later the same year. In the early 1960s, Sakharov was instrumental in breaking biologist Trofim

92. 1975
per la Pace andrei dmitrievich sakharov; per la Letteratura Eugenio
XIX secolo
XX secolo XXI secolo anni 1950 ... anni 1990 Indice 1 Eventi
1.1 Gennaio

1.2 Febbraio

1.3 Marzo
4 Premi Nobel

93. Èçâåñòèÿ Íàóêè - English Version
andrei dmitrievich sakharov sent me a memo verifying my report and its contents.But the State Committee required specifically that handwritten Sakhalin

Klub "Izvestii"
Army sergeant put forth a concept of thermonuclear fusion 30 percent of lawsuits in industrialized countries are over protection of The Angara-Yenisei diamond province is estimated to hold up to 200 million He’s been living and working for more than fifty years in Pyatikhatki, a scientific community of the Kharkov University of Applied Physics. He’s a Candidate of Sciences and a Senior Researcher at the university. Just a handful of his colleagues know that Lavrentiev is a living legend of the 20th century physics. In 1950 he was the first in the world to formulate the objectives of applying the controlled nuclear fusion to the power engineering and develop the design of a first reactor. Back then 24-year-old Lavrentiev came up with an original hydrogen bomb design. Oleg Lavrentiev was born in 1926 in Pskov. He became impassioned with a dream of being a nuclear physicist after reading “An Introduction to Nuclear Physics” in his seventh grade. Then the war broke out, his homeland got seized by the German invaders. Oleg joined the Soviet army when the Germans were kicked out of his town. He was serving in one of the Baltic states when the V-Day came in. But he had to postpone his studies again and continue his army service in Poronaisk, a small town in the Sakhalin.

94. RPS Online
sakharov, andrei Nikolaevich; Nazarov, Vladislav dmitrievich; Bokhanov, AleksandrNikolaevich sakharov, andrei Nikolaevich; Nazarov, Vladislav dmitrievich

95. Andrei Sakharov - Autobiography
andrei sakharov – Autobiography. Translation from the Russian text. andrei sakharovI was born on 21 May 1921. My father was a wellknown teacher of physics
Translation from the Russian text I was born on 21 May 1921. My father was a well-known teacher of physics and the author of textbooks, exercise books and works of popular science. I grew up in a large communal apartment where most of the rooms were occupied by my family and relations and only a few by outsiders. The house was pervaded by a strong traditional family spirit - a vital enthusiasm for work and respect for professional competence. Within the family we provided one another with mutual support, just as we shared a love of literature and science.
My father played the piano remarkably well, in particular Chopin, Grieg, Beethoven and Scriabin. During the civil war he earned a living by playing the accompaniment to silent films at the cinema.
I am especially grateful for the memory of my grandmother, Maria Petrovna, who was the family's good spirit. She died before the war at the age of 79. My grandmother brought up six children and when she was around 50 years old she taught herself English all on her own. Right up to the time of her death she read English works of fiction in the original. From when we were quite small she read aloud to us, her grandchildren. I still have the most vivid memory of her reading to us those evenings. It would be Pushkin, Dickens, Marlowe or Beecher-Stowe, and in Holy Week, the Gospel.
The influence of my home has meant a great deal to me, particularly because I had my first lessons at home and later experienced the greatest difficulty in adapting myself to my classmates. I took my final school examination with distinction in 1938 and at once began to study at the Faculty of Physics in Moscow University. Here too I passed my Finals with distinction, in 1942 when because of the war, we had been evacuated to Ashkhabad.

96. Andrei Sakharov - Biography (re-direction)
Biography of andrei sakharov. andrei sakharov biography is now at a newlocation of The andrei sakharov Foundation http//
Andrei Sakharov - biography is now at a new location of The Andrei Sakharov Foundation:

97. Andrei Sakharov Hero File
A short biography and background notes on andrei sakharov. andrei Dmitrievichsakharov. Country Former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR
@import URL(../css/core_style.css); more or hero file
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov
Country: Former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR - Soviet Union). Cause: Nuclear disarmament, and freedom of speech and thought in the former Soviet Union. Background: The Second World War ends in Europe on 7 May 1945 when Germany surrenders unconditionally. In the Pacific, fighting continues until the United States drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945 respectively, killing about 120,000 people outright and fatally injuring over 100,000 more. Japanese Emperor Hirohito surrenders unconditionally on 14 August 1945. Following the war, Eastern European countries occupied by the Soviets are turned into "satellite states" governed by "puppet" communist regimes. The 'Iron Curtain' falls across Europe and a 'Cold War' develops between the USSR and the West. The Cold War intensifies on 29 August 1949 when the USSR explodes an atomic weapon of its own. An "arms race" then begins between the US and USSR, with both sides developing huge arsenals of thermonuclear (hydrogen) bombs and Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) capable of delivering nuclear warheads across continents. An uneasy and dangerous balance of deterrence is established under the principle of 'Mutually Assured Destruction' (MAD).

98. Sarov
One of the Research Institute s claims to fame is that andrei DmitrievichSakharov (1921–1989), one of Russia s leading nuclear physicists and collaborator

Site Contact

Sarov 2003 Population: Latitude/Longitude: Situated near the 12th century city of Nizhnii Novgorod, at the confluence of the Satis and Sarovka rivers, 12 km south of the town of Arzamas. Supposedly the town dates from pre-Viking times. It was conquered by the Tartars (Bakhmet-Khan of the Golden Horde) who built a stronghold there called Sarakly (which means "yellow sword" in Tartar). The Tartars abandoned Sarakly in 1390, and monasteries began to be established in the area. By 1670, there were three monasteries and two convents. In 1706, a monastery called the Sarovskaia Pustyn' (which means "The Sarovski Desert" in Russian—monasteries for hermit monks were called "deserts") was established in Sarov proper. This monastery gained fame because one of their hermit monks, Serafim, performed miracles (mostly in connection with healing waters) and was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1903. The monastery's and St. Serafim's fame grew even more after tsarina Alexandra (wife of Nicholas II) bathed in one of the miraculous springs while praying to St. Serafim

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The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. heal

Russian art, culture and sightseeing

Prominent Personalities of Russia (PPR)

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov Every country and every nation has its own prominent personalities. Our country has a very rich history and many famous people influenced it. There were such great reformers as Peter the Great, Peter Stolipin and some others. We would like to speak about academician Andrei Sakharov whose name and feat will remain in the history of our country and in the whole world. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was born on the 21st of May 1921. His father was a teacher of Physics, a well-known author of popular-scientific books, textbooks, and books of problems in arithmetic. Many generations of Russian (Soviet) people use them in their studies. In 1938 Andrei finished school with a golden medal and entered Moscow University of Physics. He graduated with honours diploma from the University and evacuated in Ashkhabad in 1942. In the September of 1942 he was sent to work at a military plant on the Volga, where he worked as an engineer till 1945. Working at the plant, he became an inventor in the branch of production checking. In 1944 he wrote several articles on the theory of Physics and sent them to Moscow waiting for a reference. In 1948 Sakharov was included into a Research Group which worked at the problem of thermonuclear weapons. The following 12 years were spent in a special secret Research Center.

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