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         Sachs Nelly:     more books (100)
  1. Swedish Dramatists and Playwrights: August Strindberg, Kristina Lugn, Peter Weiss, Nelly Sachs, Hjalmar Söderberg, Per Olov Enquist
  2. O The Chimneys: Selected Poems of Nelly Sachs by Unknown, 1967
  3. Verwandlung und ubersetzung: metamorphosis, translation and the poetry of Nelly Sachs.(Critical Essay): An article from: Journal of Evolutionary Psychology by Arlan Elizabeth Hess, 2002-08-01
  4. Simson Fallt Durch Jahrtausende (und Andere Szenische Dichtungen) by Nelly Sachs, 1967
  5. O The Chimneys: Selected Poems including Eli, a verse play, first English Public by Nelly Sachs, 1967
  6. The Poetry of Survival: Post-War Poets of Central and Eastern Europe by Bertolt Brecht, Vladimir Holan, et all 1991-12-13
  7. O THE CHIMNEYS by Nelly Sachs, 1967
  8. Exode et métamorphose by Nelly Sachs, Mireille Gansel, 2002-09-04
  9. Gedichte (Nobelpreis fur Literatur 1966) by Nelly Sachs, 1973
  10. Eclipse d'étoile by Nelly Sachs, 1999-09-01
  11. Späte Gedichte by Nelly Sachs, 1966
  12. Leiden israels/ Eli/ In Den Wohnungen des Todes/ Sternverdunkelung by Nelly Sachs, 1965
  13. O The Chimneys: Selected Poems, Including Eli, a Verse Play by Nelly Sachs, 1957
  14. O THE CHIMNEYS Selected Poems, Includng Eli, A Verse Play by Nelly Sachs, 1967

81. Goethe-Institut London - Theaterstücke: S
sachs, nelly Eli (Engl.). Tr. by Christopher Holme. in Plays of the sachs, nelly O the Chimneys. Selected poems, incl. the verse play Eli .
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Sachs, Hans
Fool Surgery (Das Narrenschneiden, Engl.).
see: German Theatre before 1750.
Sachs, Hans
see: Sachs, Hans: Merry Tales and Three Shrovetide Plays.
Sachs, Hans
see: Sachs, Hans: Merry Tales and Three Shrovetide Plays.
Sachs, Hans
Merry Tales and Three Shrovetide Plays: The Travelling Scholar. - The Horsethief . - The Hot Iron. Tr. William Leighton. Connecticut: Hyperon Press, 1978. 270 pp.
Library Code:
Sachs, Hans
The Travelling Scholar (Der farendt Schuler mit dem Teuffelbannen, Engl.).
see: Sachs, Hans: Merry Tales and Three Shrovetide Plays.
Sachs, Nelly
Eli (Engl.). Tr. by Christopher Holme. in: Plays of the Holocaust: An International Anthology. - New York: Theatre Communications Group, 1987.
Library Code:
Sachs, Nelly
Eli (Engl.).
see: Sachs, Nelly: O the Chimneys.
see: Sachs, Nelly: Selected poems.
Sachs, Nelly
Library Code:
Sachs, Nelly
Selected poems, incl. the verse play "Eli" (Eli, Engl. u. Dt.). Tr. Michael Hamburger. London: Cape, 1968.
Library Code:
Sattmann, Peter

Popis naslova prema traženom autoru sachs, nelly. za detaljan prikaz kliknite na naslov. nelly sachs Nobelova nagrada za književnost 1966., Zagreb,

83. MSN Encarta - Sachs, Nelly
Translate this page sachs, nelly (Berlino 1891 - Stoccolma 1970), poetessa svedese di origine ebreo-tedesca. Altre risorse di Encarta. Cerca in Encarta sachs, nelly
  • MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Migliora la tua esperienza con Encarta Cerca in Encarta
    Articolo riservato agli iscritti MSN Encarta Premium: Puoi consultare questo e altri 30.000 articoli, un atlante interattivo, un dizionario bilingue e altre risorse, effettuando l'iscrizione a MSN Encarta Premium per €29,95 all'anno. Per saperne di pi¹. L'articolo ¨ disponibile solo per gli utenti iscritti a MSN Encarta Premium. Gi  iscritto? Per accedere fare clic sul pulsante Accedi in alto a destra. Sachs, Nelly Sachs, Nelly (Berlino 1891 - Stoccolma 1970), poetessa svedese di origine ebreo-tedesca. All'et  di 17 anni inizi² a scrivere poesie che apparvero in... Vuoi altri contenuti di Encarta? Iscriviti subito e avrai a tua disposizione:
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    Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Sachs, Nelly Sachs, Nelly (1891-1970), po©tesse su©doise d'origine allemande, dont l'œuvre lyrique, inspir©e par la Bible et la kabbale, d©crit les souffrances du... M©dias Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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85. Biografia De Sachs, Nelly
Translate this page sachs, nelly. (1891-1970) Escritora alemana, n. en Berlín y m. en Estocolmo. Hija de un rico fabricante judío, vivió una agradable juventud y publicó sus
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Sachs, Nelly Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

86. Nelly-Sachs-Oberschule
Translate this page Das ist die Homepage der nelly-sachs-Oberschule (Gymnasium) Berlin. Unsere Hauptansprechpartner sind Schüler, Lehrer, Eltern und Austauschschulen.
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87. „...unbeschreiblich Weiblich!“
Translate this page sachs, nelly Briefe sachs, nelly Fahrt ins Staublose. Gedichte sachs, nelly Suche nach Lebenden. Gedichte. Hrsg. von Margaretha und Bengt Holmqvist
Version 2.6 vom 11.06.2005, 00:53 MEZ

Ein Streifzug durch die Weltliteratur der Frauen
Anthologien Biografien
Diese Veranstaltung vermittelt Ihnen einen Eindruck von der Vielfalt weiblichen literarischen Schaffens und macht Lust, die Literatur der Dichterinnen und Denkerinnen neu zu entdecken!
Werde, die du bist! Texte deutschsprachiger Schriftstellerinnen des 19. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. Gisela Henckmann
Frauen dichten anders. 181 Gedichte mit Interpretationen. Hrsg. von Marcel Reich-Ranicki
Frauenleben. Ein Lesebuch. Hrsg. von Susanne Gretter
Gedichte von Hildegard von Bingen bis Ingeborg Bachmann. Hrsg. von Elisabeth Borchers
Wenn die Worte fliegen. 30 deutschsprachige Autorinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. von Tina Schreck
Allende, Isabel: Das Geisterhaus
Allende, Isabel: Paula
Atwood, Margaret: Der Report der Magd Atwood, Margaret: Katzenauge Bachmann, Ingeborg: Das Buch Franza Bachmann, Ingeborg: Die gestundete Zeit. Gedichte Bachmann, Ingeborg: Malina Beauvoir, Simone de: Das andere Geschlecht. Sitte und Sexus der Frau Beauvoir, Simone de: Memoiren einer Tochter aus gutem Hause

88. Selected Literatures And Authors Pages - East German (Former GDR) Literature
Translate this page nelly Leonie sachs (1891-1970). Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature - 1966. sachs, nelly. nelly sachs 1966 Nobel Laureate in Literature.
Slavic, East European, and Former USSR Resources
Selected Literatures and Authors Page - East German (Former GDR) Literature
East German or Eastern Germany Literature and Authors (The Former German Democratic Republic) [May Include Authors from the Eastern part of Germany both Pre-dating and Post-dating the German Democratic Republic 1949-1991 as well as selected German-Jewish authors]. INDEX BY LITERATURE TYPES East German Literature in General East German Literature in Relationship with Other Literatures Political Aspects of East German Literature INDEX BY AUTHOR A - F G - K L - R S - Z Ahrends, Martin Loest, Erich Sachs, Nelly Anderson, Sascha ... Reimann, Brigitte Literature Web Sites East German Literature in General

89. Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti I Umjetnosti. Knjižnica
757767. clanak / article Kenotaf nelly sachs, str. 768-773. clanak / article Noci, zidu placa, ciklus pjesama (prevela Truda Stamac), str.

90. Excite Deutschland - - Sachs, Nelly > S > Authors > Literature > Arts (Web-Katal
Translate this page 2 Web-Sites sachs, nelly. Autobiography of nelly sachs Nobel Prize in Literature 1966, includes a link to Die Kategorie sachs, nelly in anderen Sprachen,_Nelly
Web-Katalog Excites Katalog ... Computer Freizeit Gesellschaft Gesundheit Kids und Teens Kultur Medien Online-Shops Regional Spiele Sport Wirtschaft Wissen Wissenschaft Zuhause Flirt


... S Sachs, Nelly 2 Web-Sites Sachs, Nelly
  • Autobiography of Nelly Sachs
    Nobel Prize in Literature 1966, includes a link to her acceptance speech.

  • Women and the Holocaust: Nelly Sachs

    Die Kategorie Sachs, Nelly in anderen Sprachen German Open Directory Project
    werden Sie Editor Excite A-Z ... Excite USA Partner: goFeminin
  • 91. Nelly Sachs Das Leiden Israels. Eli. In Den Wohnungen Des Todes. Sternverdunkelu
    Translate this page sachs, nelly Das Leiden Israels. Eli. In den Wohnungen des Todes. Sternverdunkelung. Nachwort von Werner Weber. Suhrkamp Verlag (edition suhrkamp 51),

    92. Creative Quotations From Nelly Sachs (1891-1970)
    nelly sachs in quotations to inspire creative thinking.
    Home Search Indexes E-books ... creative
    Creative Quotations from . . . Nelly Sachs
    1891-1970) born on Dec 10 German "poet, dramatist". "She was transformed by the Nazi experience from dilettante into poignant spokesman for the grief of fellow Jews; won Nobel Prize for Literature, 1966." Search millions of documents for Nelly Sachs
    Fishing For Creativity
    Creative Perfumes Here and there the lantern of compassion
    can be shown to the fish,
    where the fishhook is swallowed
    or suffocation practiced."
    "You, the inexperienced, who learn nothing in the nights.
    Many angels are given you
    But you do not see them." Bewitched is half of everything. "When sleep leaves the body like smoke and man, sated with secrets, drives the overworked nag of quarrel out of its stall, then the fire-breathing union begins anew . . ." O the chimneys
    On the ingeniously devised habitations of death When Israel's body drifted as smoke Through the air. Published Sources for the above Quotations:
    F: ""Here and There the Lantern of Compassion," "O the Chimneys," 1967." R: ""Chorus of Clouds," "The Seeker and Other Poems," 1970."

    93. Sachs, Nelly - Informationen Und Links
    Translate this page sachs, nelly - Informationen und Links bei

    Software Einkaufen Impressum ... S Sachs, Nelly
    Sachs, Nelly
    Anzeigen Nelly-Klingeltöne von Jamba
    Aktuelle Grußkarten, coole Logos, Spiele, SMS, MMS, WAP und vieles mehr. Jamba - Dein Handy-Tuner. Nach Registrierung Logo oder Klingelton gratis. Sachs - Riesenauswahl an Autos und Motorrädern
    Sie suchen Motorräder und Zubehör? Neue und gebrauchte Artikel finden Sie supergünstig bei eBay. Auch zum Sofort-Kaufen. Sachs bei
    Motorräder von Sachs bei online finden.
    Über 100.000 Auto- und Motorrad-Ersatzteile für alle Marken mit Tiefpreisgarantie. Lieferservice innerhalb 24 Stunden. Paul Celans Begegnung mit Nelly Sachs
    Versuch einer Dokumentation anhand ausgewählter Gedichte aus Celans "Die Niemandsrose". Zulassungsarbeit von Matthias Schloßbauer. Nelly Sachs
    Einige Gedichte: Immer dort wo Kinder sterben, Geschirmt sind die Liebenden, Chor der Geretteten, Gebet für den toten Bräutigam, Völker der Erde, Ihr Zuschauenden, Ihr meine Toten. Nelly Sachs: "Simson fällt durch die Jahrtausende"

    94. Nelly Sachs Antiquariat Antiquarische Bücher Antiquariate
    Translate this page Katalog nelly sachs Antiquariate im Rhein Main Gebiet.$session_

    95. UPNE | Paul Celan, Nelly Sachs
    Book Cover Here are the letters between nelly sachs (1891 1970), Even while they lived, nelly sachs and Paul Celan seemed to have receded into the
    Sheep Meadow Press
    Paul Celan, Nelly Sachs
    Celan, Paul, and Nelly Sachs. John Felstiner, introd.; Christopher Clark, tr.; Barbara Wiedemann, ed. Here are the letters between Nelly Sachs (1891 - 1970), recipient of the 1966 Nobel Prize for Literature, and the great German-speaking poet Paul Celan (1920 - 1970). Their correspondence lasted from 1954 until Celan's death by suicide. Sachs died the day Celan was buried.
      "This is a beautiful book, from the dust cover painting of Rembrandt's Jacob Wrestling with the Angel, which held special significance for Sachs, to the sound translation, scrupulous notes, and dual chronology, revealing intriguing parallels . . . The correspondence includes lovely Sachs poems and interesting accounts of their meeting and of contact with other prominent writers of the time. The introduction and afterword are indispensable, as is the entire book." Choice
      "Even while they lived, Nelly Sachs and Paul Celan seemed to have receded into the remoteness of legends. Both poets lived and wrote outside the borders of the two countries that called themselves German, indeed they lived outside of German-speaking Europe. Both were in exile and tormented; they owed their torment to that 'Master from Germany' who condemned people of their kind to 'the dwellings of death' and 'a grave in the air.' And both had been saved, of course, but they experienced their salvation as guilt." The Times (London)
      "Divide yourself night
      both your irradiated wings

    96. Poetry: Nelly Sachs
    The nelly sachs page features biographical information on Nobel nelly sachs (18911970). A poet and playwright born in Berlin of Jewish parents,
    MM_preloadImages('../images/m_research_o.gif'); MM_preloadImages('../images/m_related_o.gif'); MM_preloadImages('../images/m_literary_o.gif'); MM_preloadImages('../images/m_critical_o.gif'); MM_preloadImages('../images/m_essays_o.gif'); MM_preloadImages('../images/m_poetry_o.gif'); MM_preloadImages('../images/m_drama_o.gif'); MM_preloadImages('../images/m_fiction_o.gif');
    Nelly Sachs
    Pegasus Literature Related Resources: Nelly Sachs
    Pegasus is a Finnish Web site that offers links to literature-related resources. The Nelly Sachs page features biographical information on Nobel prize-winner Sachs, a selected bibliography, and links to pages on other women who have received the Nobel prize. The Nobel Prize Internet Archive: Nelly Sachs
    This is the official Web site of the Nobel Foundation. It features Internet links to Sachs' biographical information, her poetry, and other women Nobel Prize Laureates, including Marie Curie, Barbara McClintock, and Toni Morrison. You can check this site for information on any Nobel Prize, including literature, physics, chemistry, and peace. Holocaust Literature Resources

    97. Literaturnobelpreisträger Nelly Sachs
    Translate this page Lesen und Diskutieren von Klassikern der Weltliteratur. Vorstellung von Literaturepochen, Literaturnobelpreisträgern, Literatur und Kunst, Literaturterminen

    98. Éditions Verdier - Nelly Sachs
    Translate this page Éditions Verdier Littérature française (roman, essai) et traductions. Philosophie, pensée juive, islam.

    Littérature française

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    Lettre d'information

    Informations générales
    Sites conseillés Nelly Sachs Partage-toi, nuit Exode et métamorphose Éclipse d’étoile Prix Nobel de littérature, 1966. L’auteur 1891 : Naissance de Nelly Sachs, le 10 décembre, à Berlin, dans une famille juive assimilée de la bourgeoisie berlinoise. 1906 : Découverte du roman de Selma Lagerlöf, La Saga de Gösta Berling 1907 : Nelly Sachs entame une correspondance avec Selma Lagerlöf, à qui elle voue une grande admiration. 1921 : Parution de Légendes et récits (Legenden und Erzählungen). 1929 : Première publication de poèmes dans un périodique berlinois, Die vossische Zeitung. 1930 : Décès du père de Nelly Sachs. Elle lui consacrera un cycle de poèmes, Mélodie silencieuse (Leise Melodie, non publié). 1933-1939 : Ses poèmes paraissent dans le quotidien Berliner Tagesblatt puis, à partir de 1936, exclusivement dans des revues juives. Sont publiés ainsi deux cycles de poèmes, Mélodies de la Bible (Melodien der Bibel) et , ainsi que des pièces pour marionnettes et 1939 : Son amie Gudrun Harlan se rend en Suède et intercède auprès de Selma Lagerlöf et du prince Eugène, frère du roi, pour que Nelly Sachs et sa mère puissent y trouver asile.

    99. Nelly Sachs
    Translate this page Begrifferklärung nelly sachs. nelly sachs wurde als Leonie sachs und Tochter jüdischer Eltern in Berlin-Schöneberg, Maaßenstraße 12, geboren,

    100. Nelly Sachs Biography
    nelly sachs biography, recipient of the 1966 Nobel Prize for Literature, who was born in Berlin, Germany into a middleclass Jewish family.
    Nelly Sachs biography
    Nelly Sachs biography, recipient of the 1966 Nobel Prize for Literature, who was born in Berlin, Germany into a middle-class Jewish family.
    Nelly Sachs, recipient of the 1966 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born in Berlin, Germany into a middle-class Jewish family. Her father, William Sachs, was a wealthy manufacturer, and her mother was Margareta Sachs. She was educated at the Berliner Hohere Tochterschule. Sachs began writing poetry at the age of 17. Her first volume of poetry, 1985, In Den Wohnungen Des Todes (In The Houses Of Death), was published when she was 56. The book Flucht Und Verwandlung, published in 1959, established her reputation as a writer. CHRONOLOGY 1921 Legenden Und Erzahlungen 1930 Her Father Died. 1940 She Moved To Sweden. 1947 In Den Wohnungen Des Todes (In The Houses Of Death) 1949 Sternverdunklung 1950 Her Mother Died. 1951 Eli: Ein Mysterienspiel Wom Leiden Israels (Eli: A Mystery Play Of The Sufferings Of Isael Israelin Karsimys) 1957 Und Niemand Weiss Weiter 1958 She was awarded The Prize Of The Swedish Poets Association.

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