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         Ruska Ernst:     more detail
  1. Hochschullehrer (Technische Universität Berlin): Karl Weierstraß, Ernst Ruska, Heinrich Hunke, Willi Hennig, Kurt Hübner, Barbara Kochan (German Edition)
  2. RUSKA, ERNST (1906-1988): An entry from Gale's <i>World of Microbiology and Immunology</i>
  3. Microscopists: Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, Ernst Ruska, Henry Baker, Jan Swammerdam, Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg, Johan Sebastiaan Ploem
  4. The early development of electron lenses and electron microscopy by Ernst Ruska, 1980
  5. Magnetometer field manual by Walter Ernst Adalbert Ruska, 1957
  6. ELECTRON MICROSCOPE, TRANSMISSION AND SCANNING: An entry from Gale's <i>World of Microbiology and Immunology</i>

1. Ernst Ruska - Autobiography
Ernst Ruska Autobiography. I was born on 25 December 1906 in Heidelberg as the fifth of seven children of Professor Julius Ruska and his wife

2. Physics 1986
Ernst Ruska Gerd Binnig Heinrich Rohrer 1/2 of the prize 1/4 of the prize 1/4 of the prize

3. Ernst Ruska
Ernst Ruska Biography. Ernst Ruska, Nobel Prize Winner.

4. Ernst Ruska
Ernst Ruska (19061988) Ernst Ruska was born on December 25 1906 in Heidelberg to parents Professor Julius Ruska and his wife Elisabeth.

5. Ruska, Ernst Encyclop Dia Britannica
Ruska, Ernst German electrical engineer who invented the electron microscope. He was awarded half of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1986 (the other

6. Ernst Ruska: Definition And Much More From
Rus·ka ( rus k?, r?s kä ) , Ernst 1906–1988. German physicist. He shared a1986 Nobel Prize for the development of the electron microscope.
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German physicist. He shared a 1986 Nobel Prize for the development of the electron microscope. Encyclopedia Ruska, Ernst, 1906–88, German electrical engineer. By applying the discovery that electron waves are 100,000 times shorter than those of light, Ruska built a microscope that used a beam of electrons to produce a greatly magnified image. Although he first invented the microscope in 1933, it was not until 1986 that he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery. Heinrich Rohrer and Gerd Binnig were awarded half of the prize for building the scanning tunneling microscope. Ruska taught for many years at the Technical Univ. of West Berlin. Wikipedia Ernst Ruska Ernst August Friedrich Ruska December 25 May 25 ) was a German physicist Ruska was born in Heidelberg . He was educated at the Technical University of Munich from to and then entered the Technical University of Berlin , where he posited that microscopes using electrons, with waves 100,000 shorter than those of light, could provide a more detailed picture of an object than a mircoscope utilizing light, in which magnification is limited by the size of the wavelengths. In

7. DaimlerChrysler AG Encyclop Dia Britannica
Ruska, Ernst (190688), German physicist. Born in Heidelberg, Germany, Ruska was a corecipient of the 1986 Nobel prize in physics for

8. What Are Electron Microscopes?
It was developed by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska in Germany in 1931. The first Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) debuted in 1942 with the first

9. Microscope History
Oatley, and scanning electron microscopy covering the years 19281965. - James Hillier Electron microscope. - Ernst Ruska - Ernst Ruska

10. Ernst Ruska-Centrum Ernst Ruska-Centre
Das Ernst RuskaCentrum f r Mikroskopie und Spektroskopie mit Elektronen ist eine zu gleichen Teilen vom Forschungszentrum J lich und von der RWTH

at in Berlin/Germany memorial site for the scientist and nobel laureate in physics 1986. This site is managed by the Ruska family

12. Ernst Ruska
Ernst Ruska, Nobel Prize Winner. Dr. Ruska was awarded the nobel prize in 1986for his invention of the electron microscope. The electron microscope, which
Ernst Ruska
Ernst Ruska, Nobel Prize Winner.
Dr. Ruska was awarded the nobel prize in 1986 for his invention of the electron microscope. The electron microscope, which was built in 1931 uses electrons instead of light to veiw a specimen. This new instrument permitted biologists, for the first time, to veiw virusus and other detailed structures inside cells. Many of these new veiws were 1 million times more detailed than what was being seen by light microscopes.
Dr. Ruska was a native of Germany and received his schooling at the Technical University of Berlin. In his life time Dr. Ruska recieved many awards for his development, and improvements on the electron microscope. He died in May of 1988 in West Berlin at the age of 81.
Submitted by Charles Barker Bibliography Other Sources

13. Ernst Ruska
Ernst Ruska. Ernst Ruska AKA Ernst August Friedrich Ruska. Born 25Dec-1906Birthplace Heidelberg, Germany Died 27-May-1988 Location of death Berlin,
This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Ernst Ruska AKA Ernst August Friedrich Ruska Born: 25-Dec-1906
Birthplace: Heidelberg, Germany
Died: 27-May-1988
Location of death: Berlin, Germany
Cause of death: unspecified
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Physicist Level of fame: Niche
Executive summary: Inventor of the electron microscope With the idea that electrons having shorter wavelengths than light could give better microscopic resolution than optical microscopes, in 1931 Ruska created the first electron lens under the tutelage of Dr. Max Knoll at the Technical University in Berlin. In 1933 he refined this development into the electron microscope, with performance a full order of magnitude better than the best optics. He joined the Siemens company in 1937 to market the invention, leaving that position in 1955 for the Institute for Electron Microscopy of the Fritz Haber Institute. He retired in 1972, and shared one-half of the Nobel Prize for physics in 1986 for his invention. Father: Julius Ruska (university professor)
Mother: Elisbeth Merx
University: Technical University, Munich (studied 1925-27)

14. Ernst Ruska - Article And Reference From
Ernst August Friedrich Ruska (December 25, 1906–May 25, 1988) was a German physicist.Ruska w
Ernst Ruska
Ernst August Friedrich Ruska December 25 May 25 ) was a German physicist . Ruska was born in Heidelberg . He was educated at the Technical University of Munich from to and then entered the Technical University of Berlin , where he posited that microscopes using electrons, with waves 100,000 shorter than those of light, could provide a more detailed picture of an object than a mircoscope utilizing light, in which magnification is limited by the size of the wavelengths. In , he built an electron lens and used several of these in a series to build the first electron microscope in . Ruska worked at Siemens-Reiniger-Werke AG as a research engineer from to and then served as director of the Institute for Electron Microscopy of the Fritz Harber Institute from 1955 to . In , he won half of the Nobel Prize in Physics for his many achievements in electron optics; Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer won a quarter each. He died in West Berlin in 1988.
External links
Ruska, Ernst Ruska, Ernst Ruska, Ernst w('ernst-ruska') Word Browser semiramis of babylon
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15. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Ruska Ernst
ruska ernst . Articles MSN EncartaPremium. Obtenez plus de résultats pour ruska ernst
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16. Ernst August Friedrich Ruska 25 Dezember 1906 In...
electron microscopy. von Ernst Ruska. mehr zu Ernst Ruska Ruska
Ernst Ruska
"Ernst August Friedrich Ruska" (
  • 25. Dezember in Heidelberg 27. Mai in Berlin ) war ein deutscher Elektrotechnik er und Erfinder des Elektronenmikroskop s Ruska studierte Elektrotechnik in M¼nchen , ab an der TH Berlin und promovierte im August "œber ein magnetisches Objektiv f¼r das Elektronenmikroskop ". Danach war er in der Entwicklungsabteilung der Berliner Fernseh AG t¤tig. Ab Februar leitete er mit Bodo von Borries die industrielle Entwicklung der Elektronenmikroskopie bei der AG in Berlin . Nach dem Krieg baute er das Laboratorium f¼r Elektronenoptik bei Siemens wieder auf und ¼bernahm die Abteilung f¼r Elektronenmikroskopie beim Fritz-Haber-lnstitut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Berlin-Dahlem, die zu einem eigenen Institut ausgebaut wurde und seitdem seinen Namen tr¤gt. wurde er auŸerdem zum Professor an der FU Berlin ernannt, ab lehrte er auch an der TU Berlin Ruska gilt als einer der Wegbereiter der Elektronenmikroskop ie. Am 7. April gelang es ihm und Max Knoll , mit magnetischen Linse n die erste zweistufige elektronenoptische Vergr¶Ÿerung zu erzielen und damit das technische Grundprinzip des Elektronenmikroskop s umzusetzen. Es beruhte auf der Tatsache, dass Magnetfelder
  • 17. Ernst Ruska - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Ernst Ruska Official Nobel page Homepage of the Ruska family. Retrievedfrom http//
    Ernst Ruska
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Ernst August Friedrich Ruska December 25 May 25 ) was a German physicist Ruska was born in Heidelberg . He was educated at the Technical University of Munich from to and then entered the Technical University of Berlin , where he posited that microscopes using electrons, with waves 100,000 shorter than those of light, could provide a more detailed picture of an object than a mircoscope utilizing light, in which magnification is limited by the size of the wavelengths. In , he built an electron lens and used several of these in a series to build the first electron microscope in Ruska worked at Siemens-Reiniger-Werke AG as a research engineer from to and then served as director of the Institute for Electron Microscopy of the Fritz Harber Institute from 1955 to . Concurrently, Ruska served at the institute and as professor at the Technical University of Berlin , from 1957 until his retirement in 1972. In , he won half of the Nobel Prize in Physics for his many achievements in electron optics; Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer won a quarter each for their design of the scanning tunneling microscope.

    18. Ernst Ruska
    Ernst Ruska was born on December 25 ,1906 in Heidelberg to parents ProfessorJulius Ruska and his wife Elisabeth. And died at the on May 25, 1988.
    Ernst Ruska
    He completed his first scientific work during 1929, which was concerned with the mathematical and experimental proof of Busch’s theory of the effect of the magnetic field of a coil of wire through which an electric current is passed and which is then used as an electron lens. Through this intensive study he recognized that focal length of waves could be shortened by the use of an iron cap, form this discovery the polschuh lens was developed, a lens used in all magnetic high-resolution electron microscopes. In 1931 he and Dr Knoll constructed the first electron microscope, with this instrument two of the most important processes for image reproduction were introduced- the principles of emission and radiation. In 1933, Ruska was able to put into use an electron microscope, that for the first time gave better definition than a light microscope. During his Doctoral thesis of 1934 and for his university teaching thesis (1944) at the Technical College in Berlin, he continued to investigate the properties of electron lenses with short focal lengths. Since further technical development of electron microscopes could not be financially supported by the university, Ruska went to work in the field of electron optics. From 1933-1937 he worked with Fernseh Ltd in Berlin-Zehlendorf and was responsible for the development of television receivers and transmitters, and well as photoelectric cells with secondary amplification. During this time he continued to develop a high-resolution electron microscope because he was convinced that is had great practical importance for applied and pure research.

    19. Ernst August Fridrich Ruska
    Ernst August Fridrich Ruska Ernst Ruska zemrel 27. kvetna 1988. * * *.Použito materiálu http//
    Ernst August Fridrich Ruska
    Ernst Ruska se narodil 25. prosince 1906 v Heidelbergu. Vystudoval elektrotechniku v Mnichovì a v Berlínì. Od roku 1928 se zajímal o problematiku magnetického pole, které je ovlivòováno elektrickým proudem. Snažil se využít vlnového charakteru elektronù a zkoušel ovlivnit svazek elektronù magnetickým polem a takto ho zaostøit. Po mnoha pokusech spolu s nìmeckým fyzikem Maxem Knollem sestrojil v roce 1931 elektronový mikroskop, který dosahoval 400 násobného zvìtšení. Vycházel pøitom pøedevším z prací teoretického fyzika a zakladatele vlnové mechaniky Louise de Broglie. Mnohem vìtší zvìtšení oproti mikroskopùm optickým spoèívá v tom, že vlnová délka elektronù je mnohem menší než vlnová délka viditelného záøení. Elektronové mikroskopy dosahují v souèasnosti zvìtšení více než 2 000 000x. Na konci 30. let 20. století již vznikly v Ústavu elektronové optiky elektronové mikroskopy, které byly plnì použitelné pro vìdeckou práci a byly urèeny k prodeji. Elektronový mikroskop se stal nepostradatelným pomocníkem v biologii, medicínì, fyzice, ke zkoumání struktury materiálù a v mnoha dalších vìdních obrech. Èinnost Ústavu, která byla bìhem války omezena, byla opìt obnovena už v roce 1945. V létech 1937 – 1955 pracoval Ernst Ruska v laboratoøích Siemens, kde se vyrábìl elektronový mikroskop Elmiskop 1 a který byl používán k vìdecké práci po celém svìtì. V roce 1955 byl jmenován øeditelem Institutu pro elektronovou mikroskopii pøi Fritz Haberovì institutu. V létech 1957 – 1972 vyuèoval na berlínské technice. V roce 1986 byla Ernstu Ruskovi spolu s Gerdem Karlem Binningem a Heinrichem Rohrerem udìlena Nobelova cena za fyziku za práce na poli elektronové optiky.

    20. Ernst Ruska - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia
    Ernst August Friedrich Ruska (urodzony 25 grudnia 1906 w Heidelbergu zmarl 25maja 1988 w Berlinie) - niemiecki fizyk. W roku 1931 skonstruowal pierwszy
    Ernst Ruska
    Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii.
    Ernst August Friedrich Ruska (urodzony 25 grudnia w Heidelbergu - zmarł 25 maja w Berlinie ) - niemiecki fizyk, laureat Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie fizyki w roku. W roku skonstruował pierwszy mikroskop elektronowy , a w roku zdobył Nagrodę Nobla z fizyki Źr³dła:
    • Beata Tarnowska (red.), Nagrody Nobla. Leksykon PWN , Warszawa 2001, ISBN 8301133937
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