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41. MSN Encarta - Henrik Pontoppidan pontoppidan, henrik (18571943), Danish novelist, born in Fredericia, and educated Other Features from Encarta. Search Encarta for pontoppidan, henrik http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761556187/Henrik_Pontoppidan.html | |
42. Pontoppidan, Henrik pontoppidan, henrik (18571943). My father, Dines pontoppidan, belonged to anold family of clergymen and was himself a minister. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/P/Pontoppidan/Po | |
43. LitteraturNet - Forfatterprofiler henrik pontoppidan (18571943) was an author whose work came to epitomize an And parsons son henrik pontoppidan was indeed both an ironist and a http://www.litteraturnet.dk/danvalg/f_portraet.asp?fid=91 |
44. Alibris: Henrik Pontoppidan Used, new outof-print books by author henrik pontoppidan. Offering over 50million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Henrik Pontoppidan | |
45. Henrik Pontoppidan pontoppidan, henrik , 18571943, Danish novelist. He shared the 1917 Nobel Prizein Literature with More on henrik pontoppidan from Fact Monster http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0839679.html | |
46. Pontoppidan, Henrik (Norwegian Writers' Web) pontoppidan, henrik Denmark 18571943. The Nobel Award 1917 Nobel e-museumpontoppidan, henrik. Links Literaturnet Danmark Biography / bibliography http://www.litteraturnettet.no/p/pontoppidan.henrik.asp?lang=gb&type= |
47. Pontoppidan, Henrik (Litteraturnettet) pontoppidan, henrik Danmark 18571943. Nobels litteraturpris 1917 Nobel e-museumpontoppidan, henrik. Lenker Literaturnet Danmark Biografi / bibliografi http://www.litteraturnettet.no/p/pontoppidan.henrik.asp?lang=&type= |
48. DLB - Enkelte Forfattere Livssynet hos henrik Ibsen og henrik pontoppidan. 1995. 280 s. Rømhild, LarsPeter, Vedel, Ibsen og henrik pontoppidan med 6 breve fra pontoppidan til http://www.dlb.dansklf.dk/forfattere/112.html | |
49. Oplysninger Om Enkelte Forfattere Andersen henrik pontoppidan. Et nydansk forfatterskab 21, side 137164,Elias Bredsdorff Da henrik pontoppidan blev strøget af finansloven http://www.litteraturpriser.dk/aut/ph.htm | |
50. Õåíðèê Ïîíòîïïèäàí (Henrik Pontoppidan) The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.peoples.ru/art/literature/prose/roman/pontoppidan/ | |
51. International: Italiano: Arte: Letteratura: Premi Letterari: Nobel: Pontoppidan, Translate this page International Italiano Arte Letteratura Premi Letterari Nobel pontoppidan,henrik - Open Site. http://open-site.org/International/Italiano/Arte/Letteratura/Premi_Letterari/Nob | |
52. Søgning.dk - Pontoppidan, Henrik Søgeresultater (pontoppidan, henrik). pontoppidan, henrik 934 resultater, 0.03sekunder. Resultater 1 10. Næste ». 100%, Søgning.dk Katalog http://www.soegning.dk/cgi/search?q=Pontoppidan, Henrik |
53. Søgning.dk - World : Dansk : Kultur : Litteratur : Forfattere : P : Pontoppidan LitteraturNet henrik pontoppidan http//www.litteraturnet.dk/danvalg/ Epoke - danske romaner før 1900 henrik pontoppidan. http://www.soegning.dk/dir/World/Dansk/Kultur/Litteratur/Forfattere/P/Pontoppida | |
54. Henrik Pontoppidan Biography Breif biography of henrik pontoppidan, recipient of the 1917 Nobel Prize forLiterature. http://akak.essortment.com/henrikpontoppid_rwhd.htm | |
55. Henrik Pontoppidan - Dictionary Of Writers henrik pontoppidan Article from free online dictionary of writers with over10000 biographies. http://www.dictionaryofeverything.com/explore/248/Henrik_Pontoppidan.html |
56. MIK - Pontoppidan, Henrik henrik pontoppidan Translate this page henrik pontoppidan (Dinamarca, 1857-1943), pontoppidan. Novelista danés, nacidoen Fredericia. Estudió ingeniería en el Instituto Politécnico de Copenhague http://www.mik.dk/Laesesalon/Biografier/Litteratur/Pontoppidan_Henrik.aspx | |
57. AllRefer.com - Henrik Pontoppidan (Scandinavian Literature, Biography) - Encyclo AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon henrik pontoppidan, Scandinavian Literature, Biographies. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/P/Pontoppi.html | |
58. Biografia De Pontoppidan, Henrik Translate this page pontoppidan, henrik. (Fredericia, 1857-Copenhague, 1943) Escritor danés. En susprimeras novelas luchó contra la influencia clerical y describió la vida http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/p/pontoppidan.htm | |
59. Encyclopedia: Henrik Pontoppidan Other descriptions of henrik pontoppidan. henrik pontoppidan (July 24, About henrik pontoppidan Books and Writers article about the author http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Henrik-Pontoppidan | |
60. Pontoppidan, Henrik - Vita Translate this page henrik pontoppidan, Foto www.nobel.se. henrik pontoppidan. *1857, +1943.Stationen ua Dänischer Schriftsteller. Arbeitsgebiete Gedicht, Erzählung, Roman http://www.lyrikwelt.de/autoren/pontoppidan.htm | |
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