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21. Max Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was born on 23 April in Kiel Germany. He was thesixth child in a family devoted to the church and state. http://www.crystalinks.com/planck.html | |
22. Max Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, Germany. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1918, inrecognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his http://www.macroknow.com/books/quotes/q-planck.htm | |
23. PLANCK Max Karl Ernst Ludwig planck max karl ernst ludwig. Last updated 26.05.2001 014851. Obrazovágalerie . Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck byl nemecký fyzik, ijící v letech 1858 http://www.volny.cz/michal_bachman/plan.htm | |
24. SJSU Virtual Museum Max planck max karl ernst ludwig Planck was born in Germany on April 23, 1858.He received his Ph.D. from the University of Munich, Germany in 1870. http://www2.sjsu.edu/depts/Museum/pla.html | |
25. Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Max Planck came from an academic family, hisfather being professor of law at Kiel and both his grandfather and http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/Planck.htm | |
26. Encyclopedia: Max Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (April 23, 1858 â October 4, 1947) was one of themost important German physicists of the late 19th and early 20th century; http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Max-Planck | |
27. Cosmic Baseball Association-Max Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck born, raised, and educated in Germany, is one ofthe founders of modern science. His important work, during the early 20th http://www.cosmicbaseball.com/planck6.html | |
28. Kosmologika - Vetenskapsmännen - Max Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck föddes i Tyskland den 23 april år 1858. Han löstemysteriet med emissionen av strålning ifrån en kropp år 1900 genom en http://www.kosmologika.net/Scientists/Planck.html | |
29. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck - Wikipédia Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck. nemecký teoretickýfyzik. Narodenie, 23. apríl, 1858 Kiel, Nemecko. Úmrtie, 4. október, 1947 http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Karl_Ernst_Ludwig_Planck | |
30. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck 23 April 1858... Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (; 23. April 1858 in Kiel; 4.Oktober 1947 in Göttingen) von Max Planck Klaus Sander. mehr zu Max Planck http://www.melifon.de/Max Planck | |
31. Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Max Planck initiated the study of quantummechanics when he announced in 1900 his theoretical research into radiation and http://indykfi.atomki.hu/indyKFI/MT/planck.htm | |
32. Physics 1918 Awarded to max karl ernst ludwig planck in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta. Includes a short biography and a transcript of the award speech. http://nobelprize.org/physics/laureates/1918/ | |
33. Planck Biography of max planck (18581947) max karl ernst ludwig planck. Born 23April 1858 in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Died 4 Oct 1947 in Göttingen http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Planck.html | |
34. Max Planck - Biography max karl ernst ludwig planck was born in Kiel, Germany, on April 23, 1858, theson of Julius Wilhelm and Emma (née Patzig) planck. His father was Professor http://nobelprize.org/physics/laureates/1918/planck-bio.html | |
35. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Winner Of The 1918 Nobel Prize In Physics max karl ernst ludwig planck, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the NobelPrize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/1918a.html | |
36. Max Planck - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia max karl ernst ludwig planck (April 23, 1858 October 4, 1947) was one of the most During the First World War planck s oldest son, karl, was killed in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Planck | |
37. Max Planck - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia max karl ernst ludwig planck (April 23, 1858 October 4, 1947) was one of the most In March 1911 max planck married his second wife, Marga von Hoesslin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck | |
38. Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig planck, max karl ernst ludwig. German physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prizefor Physics in 1918 for his formulation of the quantum theory in 1900. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0002496.html | |
39. Max Planck: Definition And Much More From Answers.com planck ( plängk ) , max karl ernst ludwig 18581947. German physicist. The noun max karl ernst ludwig planck has one meaning http://www.answers.com/topic/max-planck | |
40. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck [Pictures And Photos Of] max karl ernst ludwig planck pictures, photos, photographs, images, physics history. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Planck_Ludwig.html | |
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