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41. Flatt, William D. - Hendrick, Phillips, Salzman & Flatt, A Professional Corporat Come to Citysearch to get information, directions, and reviews on Flatt, william D. Hendrick, phillips, Salzman Flatt, A Professional Corporation and http://atlanta.citysearch.com/profile/38414496/ | |
42. Calvin_Kyle_Bobbitt's The Descendants Of William D. Phillips Page! william D. phillips (b Jan 20, 1763, VA, d Jun 30, 1849, Troup Co., GA. Bur. william AUGUSTA JAMES phillips (b Jul 5, 1808, Morgan Co., GA, d Mar 8, http://calvin_kyle_bobbitt.tripod.com/index-4.html | |
43. Nobel Laureate, William D. Phillips To Address The 37th SSST Conference 1997 s Nobel Laureate in Physics, Dr. william D. phillips SSST will feature keynote speaker Dr. william D. phillips of the National Institute of http://www.tuskegee.edu/Global/story.asp?S=3040959 |
44. Physicist William D. Phillips Nobel Prizewinning physicist Willam D. phillips is renowned for cooling and trapping atoms with laser light. On March 20, he will give a lecture, http://www.swarthmore.edu/Home/News/Media/Releases/01/phillips.html | |
45. Distinguished Guests - The Library, The Abdus Salam ICTP http//library.ictp.trieste.it . ictp home library our distinguished guests phillips, william D. phillips, william D. (b.1948, WilkesBarre, PA, USA) http://library.ictp.trieste.it/FP-DB/detail.php?ID=81 |
46. Research Neurologists By Name â Doctor Reports Dr. Christopher D. phillips, MD New Hartford, New York D Philippi , william Philippi , Barbara phillips , Barbara phillips , Catherine phillips http://www.healthgrades.com/directory_search/Physician/Profiles/Neurology/alphas | |
47. JÈMF FVS: Interview With Dr. William D. Phillips Interview with Dr. william D. phillips. During his visit to Princeton, we had the opportunity to make an interview with Dr. william D. phillips, http://www.jcmf.cz/toISO-8859-2.en/fvs/forum/phillips.html | |
48. Notable Alumni When Samuel phillips Jr. founded phillips Academy in 1778, william D. Nordhaus 59 Economist; member of the Council of Economic Advisors, http://www.andover.edu/about_andover/notable_alums.htm | |
49. Athletic Awards Women s Squash Award, Awarded to the winner of the phillips Academy women s squash tournament, 1st Boat Samuel S. Beattie 03, william D. England 03, http://www.andover.edu/athletics/awards2003.htm | |
50. MIT News Office Site Redirect william D. phillips, a 1997 Nobel laureate, spoke on Ultracold Atoms The Lure (and Lore) of Physics Near Absolute Zero. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/tt/2000/nov15/phillips.html |
51. FIU Presedential Lecture Series william D. phillips Nobel Laureate. 1997 Nobel Laureate in Physics william D. phillips received the BS in Physics from Juniata College in 1970 and the http://www.fiu.edu/pls/speakers/phillips.htm | |
52. Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers, 2000 Sudderth, william D. Information and the Existence of Stationary Markovian phillips, Peter CB, Modified Local Whittle Estimation of the Memory http://cowles.econ.yale.edu/P/cd/dy2000.htm | |
53. Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers, 1992 1024, htm pdf tif, phillips, Peter CB, Bayes Models and Forecasts of Sudderth, william D. Construction of Stationary Markov Equilibria in a http://cowles.econ.yale.edu/P/cd/dy1992.htm | |
54. Articles And Editorials phillips, william D. Articles and editorials. Local Scientist Shares Nobel Prize for Physics, H9546 24OC. One of Science s Nice Guys Finishes First, http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?j105:I08566:j105PERRY.html |
55. Bios William D. Phillips, 1846 - Wayne Twp, Greene County william D. phillips, Hoover s Run, Penn., is one of the most successful of the Mrs. phillips died in the year 1871. william D. is the oldest of twelve http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/pa/greene/bios/p4120002.txt |
56. Friends Of The Metropolitan Archives phillips, Samuel L. 8/20/1819, 7331. phillips, william D. 6/21/1879, 25250. phillips, william J. 12/00/1861, 1923. phillips, william K. 2/23/1910, 37240 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/3661/WillsP2.html |
57. LSU Foundation Foundation Members william D. and Lisa Binder william D. Blake Barry O. Blumberg Donald T. Bollinger Rawlston D. and Linda Sue D. phillips Gregory S. and Suzanne D. Price http://appl003.lsu.edu/LSUFoundation.nsf/$Content/Foundation Members?OpenDocumen |
58. Browse By Author: O - Project Gutenberg Oppenheim, E. phillips (Edward phillips) (18661946) The Love Letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir william Temple, 1652-54 (English) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/o | |
59. Software Development>SD Online Dwayne phillips has worked as a software and systems engineer with the william H. Roetzheim is founder and CEO of the Cost Xpert Group in Jamul, Calif. http://www.sdmagazine.com/sdonline/authors.html | |
60. Moore School - Economics Faculty - Dr. William H. Phillips william phillips is an associate professor of economics in the University He received his Ph.D. in Economics from MIT in 1980, specializing in Economic http://mooreschool.sc.edu/moore/economics/profiles/philips.htm | |
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