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61. What's New In INES, No. 17/2003 international peace bureau calls for Immediate Release of Aung San Suu Kyi If the proposal of a permanent seminar on peace is accepted by the http://www.inesglobal.com/whats_new_in_ines/wn17_03.html | |
62. Women, Peace And Security Contacts: Australia international peace bureau, PO Box 172, Annandale 2038 Tel +61 (0)2 96603670 permanent Representative of Australia to the United Nations http://www.peacewomen.org/contacts/asia/australia/aus_index.html | |
63. Contacts: Switzerland/Suisse Translate this page international peace bureau / bureau international de la Paix permanent ObserverMission of Switzerland to the United Nations/Mission permanente, http://www.peacewomen.org/contacts/europe/switzerland/swi_index.html | |
64. Aps.cklist Obstacles and Objections to the Cause of permanent and Universal peace Considered certificates to the bureau international permanent de la Paix, 1897, http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/DG001-025/DG003APS.html | |
65. India, Pakistan Take A Big Stride Forward - By Praful Bidwai of the 740kilometer (460-mile) LoC into a permanent international border . He shared the international peace bureau s Sean MacBride international http://antiwar.com/bidwai/?articleid=5600 |
66. WILPF Publications 18 Swiss Francs; international peace bureau; Chernobyl Environmental, permanent Peoples Tribunal Vienna April 1996 (1997). 18 Swiss Francs. http://www.wilpf.int.ch/publications/pindex.htm | |
67. Ploughshares Monitor, September 1996, Pp. 15-16 Celso Amorim, Brazilian permanent Representative to the UN; and MajBrittTheorin, President of the international peace bureau and former Swedish http://www.ploughshares.ca/content/MONITOR/mons96b.html |
68. E/1995/INF/5: LIST OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS IN CONSULTATIVE STATUS Kids Meeting Kids Can Make A Difference permanent Assembly for Human Rights international peace Academy international peace bureau international Police http://www.un.org/documents/ecosoc/docs/1995/e1995-inf5.htm | |
69. 50th Annual DPI/NGO Conference: Building Partnerships Ahmad Kamal, permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations and Chairman Moderator, Cora Weiss, Vice President, international peace bureau http://www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/schedul.htm | |
70. Churches'joint Letter To The United Nations Security Council international peace bureau, Womens international League for peace and permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/international/palestine/april10churchesletter.ht | |
71. THE CANBERRA COMMISSION ON THE ELIMINATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS He is currently Brazil s permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York . She is President of the international peace bureau and President of http://www.prop1.org/2000/canbrp11.htm | |
72. Program For The International War Crimes Tribunal On US Crimes In Lennox Hinds, US, UN permanent Representative, international Association of international Center for peace and Justice international peace bureau http://www.iacenter.org/ktc_program.htm | |
73. League Of Nations Bibliography - J South Seas bureau. Annual Report to the League of Nations on the Administrationof the South international Tramps from Chaos to permanent World peace . http://www.indiana.edu/~league/bibj.htm | |
74. Museum.com - International Museum Of Peace And Solidarity international peace bureau in Geneva and of the international Network of peaceMuseums. establish a permanent international Children s Art Gallery. http://www.museum.com/ja/museum/id=26810&show=2 | |
75. Enciclopedia :: 100cia.com Translate this page Alfred Hermann Fried 1910 bureau international permanent de la Paix (permanentinternational peace bureau) 1909 Auguste Marie François Beernaert, http://100cia.com/enciclopedia/Premio_Nobel_de_la_Paz | |
76. E01NW-Eskeland Particularly important was the work of the international peace bureau (IPB), Art. 27 which requires 9 of 15 votes, the votes of the five permanent http://www10.plala.or.jp/antiatom/html/e/e01wc/Intl/e01NW-Eskeland.html | |
77. Der Nobelpreis Für Den Frieden: Bureau International Permanent De La Paix http://www.nobelpreis.org/frieden/paix.html | |
78. The International Peace Movement A resolution to establish the permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague and, From left to right WH van der Linden s The international peace movement, http://www.ppl.nl/100years/peacemovement/ | |
79. A Performance-Based Roadmap To A Permanent Two-State Solution To The Israeli-Pal of international efforts to promote a comprehensive peace on all tracks, Phase III permanent Status Agreement and End of the IsraeliPalestinian http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2003/20062.htm | |
80. Peace Organizations international peace bureau (IPB) is the world s oldest and most comprehensiveinternational peace network with 188 member organizations in 53 countries. http://www.spiritual-endeavors.org/peace/peace-orgs.htm | |
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